MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 486 Best arrangement

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Seeing Lin Ruozhi's appearance, Lin Ru felt that she had just begun to care about his only remaining concern. This kind of person deserves a little bit of care for him. She did n’t know everything about them. Falling down the rocks, or not killing them, is already the greatest compassion for them!

The faces of Tang Xi and Xiao Hongyi are not very good-looking. This Lin Ruozhi really doesn't know what to do, and even if he has done bad things, he has not reflected a little bit. Until now, even now he dare to ...

"You stand still!" Lin Ru stepped forward, grabbed Lin Ruozhi violently, and yanked, Lin Ruozhi almost didn't stand firmly, and fell, but Lin Ru pulled him steadily without letting him fall to the ground Lin Ruozhi was suddenly jumped by Lin Ru. He looked at Lin Ru in panic, and sighed, "Xiao Ru, don't embarrass me, I won't go against your mother's will. If she doesn't I won't say what I say. "

"Hehe ... will not go against her will?" Lin Ru sneered, loosening Lin Ruozhi, and looked at Lin Ruozhi indifferently. "So you just killed my life like this? For a slut's word, you just grab it like this Was it the life of other girls! "

"Lin Ru! She is your mother!" Lin Ruozhi heard Lin Ru's name Tao Yan slut, and his face sank for a moment.

Lin Ru watched him maintain Tao Yan's appearance and sneered, "She is not my mother, she is a bitch, a ..."

Lin Ruozhi raised his hand to hit Lin Ru, Lin Ru held his face up and looked at Lin Ruozhi, "As long as you dare to take action, I will let the three lives in prison be better than death. Since they stole my life, I will let them three I was there, and bear the life I arranged for them! "Seeing Lin Ruozhi's hands not moving, Lin Ru's face became increasingly embarrassed," I don't believe you, try it! "

"Xiao Ru, I advise you, don't go too far, and push your mother into a hurry. She won't take any vows into consideration. Don't say it is you, I'm afraid ..."

"Oh, are we still afraid that a lunatic will fail?" Tang Xi stepped forward and looked at Lin Ruozhi, her face was slightly cold, she held Lin Ru in one hand, slightly raised her chin and squinted her eyes, "Your family doesn't know Repentance, even I was dropped by you into the mountains, and we will never let you go like this! Putting what you say hastened that woman, then try it, it ’s me Or you are amazing! "

Lin Ru felt Tang Xi ’s support. She looked at Tang Xi with a smile, Tang Xi smiled slightly at her and whispered, "Mom, do n’t make sense with this stinky stone. It ’s weird to hear the truth. In front of the criminals, we only need to talk about the law. Since Tao Yan said Lin Ruozhi is so powerful, let ’s see who will win this war in the end! ”

Lin Ru's eyes were reddish, Xiao Hongyi watched his beloved wife become such a pity. In the past, he held Lin Ru's shoulder and comforted softly, "You and us from now on, we are your dearest. people."

Lin Ru nodded, Xiao Hongyi took Lin Ru to walk inside, Tang Xi was still standing there watching Lin Ruozhi, Xiao Yan looked at Tang Xi before he walked, walked over, "Go."

Tang Xi shook her head. She just heard something from Lin Ruozhi's words. It seems that Tao Yan has some background behind her. It's because she hasn't used her relationship to get out of prison until now, because she promised Oath ... Why does what Lin Ruozhi just said always affect her heart?

Is it a hint? But **** it, she couldn't remember a little.

"Lin Ruozhi, you are optimistic. The last victor of war belongs to good people or evil people like you. God cares for good people."

Tang Xi said this, looked at Xiao Yan, turned around and walked in, Xiao Yan looked at Tang Xi, pouting, "You have changed a lot, from the first time I saw you to now."

Tang Xi raised an eyebrow at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan smiled slightly. "At that time, I was timid and timid to you. I want to say a word to you because I was afraid to scare you, so I just looked at you and left, and then I went on a business trip. Who knew that hearing your news again stole the woman's stuff and rushed out, then encountered a car accident, and saw you again. It was you who came out of the nursing home, grandpa returned from abroad, and you chose the second uncle's family. "

Tang Xi smiled and looked at Xiao Yan, "Don't parents choose Xiao Yanning?"

Although she was ready at that time and was abandoned by the Xiao family, she was chosen by the Xiao Hongli couple ...

So she was grateful to them, and even slightly pleased Xiao Rou, at least, her relatives did not abandon her ...

Xiao Yan thought of everything at that time ~ ~ frowning, he stood still and turned to look at Tang Xi, seriously, "Xiao Rou, I'm sorry, I didn't stand with you at the beginning."

Tang Xi raised an eyebrow in surprise, Xiao Yan said, "I am a very selfish person. If it wasn't for Xiao Yanning's troubles, if it didn't hurt you, if it wasn't for the trouble, I don't think I would stand. Come out, I am afraid of trouble, even afraid of those troubles, so I have never refuted my mother ’s decision, but now I see you like this, I really regret it, why I did n’t take the initiative and why I was so selfish at the beginning. "At this point Xiao Yan smiled with shame," To be honest, I now think of me at the time, and I don't think I have a face to face you. "

Tang Xi pursed his lips and laughed, "You and I weren't familiar at the time, and you couldn't refute your parents for a younger sister who appeared, I understand you."

"Don't you think I am selfish?" Xiao Yan looked at Tang Xi in surprise.

Tang Xi shook his head. "No, who called me who came home first, so weak, if I were earlier ... Of course, if it didn't happen, I wouldn't be what I am now, that kind of thing How can it be predicted? There is no sooner or later in the world, probably at that time. "

If it wasn't for her borrowing Xiao Rou's body to survive, she would have met Qiao Liang's mother in the nursing home and became a good friend with Qiao Liang's mother, probably she would never have met Qiao Liang in her life ...

Therefore, all these arrangements should be the best arrangements.

Xiao Yan looked at Tang Xi deeply and nodded with a smile, "Well, your arrival is the best arrangement Heaven has made for our family."

"Maybe." Tang Xi pulled Xiao Yan inside.

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