MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 487 Not biological

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When Tang Xi went in, Xiao Jing started yelling, "Xiao Rouer, come over and drink your pigeon soup!"

Tang Xi looked at Xiao Jing and smiled. She walked around Yang Mukun and sat down to drink a bowl of hot and cold pigeon soup. She raised her eyebrows, "San brother, did you just steal my pigeon Soup? "

When Xiao Jing heard Tang Xi's words, his face suddenly changed. "Who drank! I just changed a bowl of soup for you. Otherwise, how could you drink hot and cold and suitable pigeon soup? I got a bowl of cold perm! "

"You're embarrassed to drink your sister's suckling pigeon soup. You look at you strong like a cow and grab your sister's soup. Are you sorry?" Yang Jingxian, who did not want to continue scolding Xiao Jing, started again Scolded Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing looked at his mother-in-law with an aggrieved look, "Mom, am I born to you!"

"You gave it when I charged the phone bill!" Yang Jingxian said, and handed Tang Xi the ceramic soup he had prepared, and coaxed softly, "Xiao Rou, drink more soup, since you were here last time The school suffered more and more after the injury. His face has become more and more beautiful in the past two days, and he must make up for it at this time. "

Tang Xi smiled and thanked Yang Jingxian, Yang Jingxian said good, and turned around to chat with them. Tang Xi blinked at Xiao Jing while drinking soup, Xiao Jing gave Tang Xi a glance, "Huh!"

Yang Jingxian turned around and saw Xiao Jing staring at Tang Xi, stood up and slapped Xiao Jing's head, "Glancing at your sister again, I dug out your eyes!"

"Mom! Did I really give it to you for free!" Xiao Jing was furious!

Lin Ru both laughed at Xiao Jing's mother and son.

"No doubt!" Yang Jingxian said coldly. "Otherwise, why are your elder brothers and second brothers so obedient, you are so skinny!"

"Mom, I'm very skinny!" In order not to single out with Xiao Jing, Xiao Sha quickly raised his hand and Xiao Jing's united front.

"Stop." Yang Jingxian was laughed at by Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xia rushed into Xiao Jingnu's mouth and Tang Xi laughed. The third brother was scolded every time he played with her. Then he went to the second brother to find balance in the evening. Every time the second brother was beaten by the third brother. Finding teeth ...

Why not find the boss? Ha ha boss's skills, I am afraid Xiao Jing went to find abuse.

If Xiao Jing bullies her, he will probably be ... alas, everyone in their family will besiege, so he can only find his second brother, as for the older brother? Oh, in fact, the brother's skill is still good.

Xiao Yao looked at Xiao Jing and reached out and patted Xiao Jing's shoulder. "You know, as long as Xiaorou is here, the three of us brothers are all free of charge."

Xiao Yao's sentence instantly made Xiao Jing complete, at least it wasn't for him alone.

If others know where Xiao Jing's focus is, it must be very helpless ...

After dinner, another round of gift giving started. Of course, this round of gift giving was led by the Yang family. Yuan Lihua gave Tang Xi a scarf, Yang Jing directly gave Tang Xi a pass, and said, "Small Rou, over the past few months, I see that your health is too bad. When you are better, take this pass to the army to find me, and I will personally customize a set of training for you and practice well. "

Tang Xi was so happy to hear this sentence that she was still thinking, she would definitely not succeed if she trained alone. It would be even more impossible for Qiao Liang to train her. I'm afraid she will stop immediately when she's a little tired. As for the boss ... Well, maybe it's not horrible if it's not Qiaoliang.

Tang Xi thankfully accepted the pass now.

When Yang Jing saw that Tang Xi's like was not so fake, and was a little excited, he felt relieved at the moment, and then looked at his unconvinced fourth son, and simply did not speak to one side.

"Xiao Rou, come here." General Yang Yang beckoned towards Tang Xi.

Tang Xi stepped in front of General Yang and called out to his grandfather.

General Yang Yang nodded with a smile. He took out a piece of white jade. "This is a piece of warm jade. Wearing it on your body is good for your body. Your body is as thin as you say, too thin. Wear it on your body. Right Hello there."

Tang Xi was a little moved, because the moment when General Yang took out this piece of warm jade, oo8 started automatically, and even told her that it was a rare good thing, if she had this piece of warm jade on her body If that's the case, her fitness level can rise quickly.

Tang Xi expressed his gratitude to General Yang. People in the Xiao family saw that General Yang took out such expensive things, and it was also moving, especially Xiao Hongyi, "Old General, you are too valuable, we ..."

"Xiao Rou is my granddaughter. What I send, you are not allowed to intervene." General Yang knew what Xiao Hongyi was going to say behind him, his face was cold, and he said, "Did you know?"

"Thank you so much," Xiao Hongyi said.

General Yang Yang waved his hands, looking like Tang Xi, "Are you satisfied?"

Tang Xi nodded ~ ~ even choked with voice, she said, "This is the most meaningful birthday in my life."

Every year, except for grandpa, she has not received the warmest birthday present that others have given her.

Did Qiao Liang send it?

Tang Xi closed her eyes. She did n’t know that Qiao Liang ’s house was rich before. She only knew that Qiao Liang was wearing a white shirt and jeans. The layer was the same, so she did n’t ask Qiao Liang to send herself every birthday. All the things let him take himself to eat delicious food, every time Qiao Liang can also get her a lot of delicious food ... Later, when she knew that his family was actually very rich, it was even more unscrupulous. After dinner, Qiao Liang thought that her favorite gift was probably eating ...

Although she really likes to eat, Qiao Liang never knew. What she expected was that she didn't say, but he could prepare a surprise birthday gift for her.

Later ... Later, once a few days before her birthday, Qiao Liang broke up.

"What do you want?" Xiao Jing grabbed Tang Xi's neck, took out a key and handed it to Tang Xi, Tang Xi raised an eyebrow, "Wow, car key?"

"Yes, didn't we say it was good before, you won the car I gave you, but now I can do it." Xiao Jing raised his eyebrows and saw Tang Xi's appearance, and took out another The key, said, "However, there is a gambling contract, and there is another birthday gift. This is a birthday gift."

"This is the house key, right?" Tang Xi looked at Xiao Jing. "Brother, send me the house?"

This is not like Xiao Jing's style!

Xiao Jing shaved Tang Xi's nose, took his chin for granted, and said loudly, "Just, is your third brother me so generous?"

Tang Xi laughed at him for granted, "Of course not!"

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