MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 326 excommunication

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  Chapter 326 Removing the country and demoting the noble

   One pot?


  You dragon and tiger fighting... Are you fighting in a pot?

  There was a faint picture in his mind, Yin Hanling felt a chill all over his body, and his hair stood on end instantly.

   Too bad, how can there be such an evil villain in the world? !

As if he had guessed her thoughts, Zhao Yinshun grinned badly, his white teeth gleamed with an inexplicable cold light under the sunlight, Yin Hanling felt a chill rushing down his tail to Tianling Gai, and the place where he passed was snow-white and hairy handstand.

  Looking at the frightened big cat, the boy in white smiled without saying a word, but the little pig beside him raised his ears, caught the key word, and raised his head with a swish.

   "Dragon Ax Fight?"

  As if recalling some important knowledge point, Zhu Xiangxiang's eyes lit up, and she twisted her little **** excitedly to get close to Zhao Yinshun.

   "Xiao Juju has a lot of bad intentions! Pretending to be a house and eating an old axe!"

   "What do you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? I think you want to make sausages!"

   Grabbed the little fragrant pig casually, pinched a couple of them, and threw them aside amidst her grievances. Zhao Yinshun patted Yin Hanling's head, and walked straight to the side to eat elegantly.

  For a while, there were only the chewing sounds of two fellow monster clansmen around. Yin Hanling's fluffy hair slowly calmed down. Looking at the large plate of barbecue in front of him with colorful divine light, his hunger and thirst dominated his body and mind again.

  The incorruptible will not be accepted...Forget it, I am not an incorruptible person!


   One bite, the delicious taste that has never been experienced explodes in the mouth, the rich and thick meat fragrance penetrates the flesh and blood and reaches the soul, the long and full pleasure infiltrates every cell, every trace of soul...

  In a trance, Yin Hanling felt that his soul flew out of his body, and flew up to the sky with the wonderful breeze.

   When she came to her senses, the large plate of barbecue meat in front of her had already filled her stomach. The unprecedented feeling of fullness made her a little uncomfortable, but at the same time brought her unparalleled happiness and satisfaction.

   Laying on the ground with a chubby belly, Yin Hanling lazily licked his paws, his eyes were intoxicated and blurred, and it took a long time to get out of the aftertaste.

  Looking at the white-clothed boy who was still eating gracefully with complicated eyes, Yin Hanling's mind flashed the image of following him all the way during this period of time.

Although there is a [God General] commanding the army, most of the time is crushed and massacred, and the young man who sits in the middle army rarely makes a move, but I have to admit that once he makes a move, his majesty like a **** will definitely not be inferior to hers father king.

  Thinking of this, Yin Hanling couldn't help deeply regretting his previous recklessness.

  It turns out that there are fifth-order mortals who are comparable to gods in the world...

   No, he is even more oppressive than ordinary seventh-level gods. Once he makes a move, he seems to crush the whole world with his hands and feet!

  Damn it, how could there be such a foul in the world?

  It is unreasonable for you to be so strong as a fifth-level martial artist!

   Just as Yin Hanling was secretly observing Zhao Yinshun, the distant sky suddenly turbulent, and a blood-connected throbbing rushed into his heart.

  Father? !

  Standing up, Yin Hanling looked excitedly, but soon realized something, and his expression changed.

  Father came in person? !

  Why did he leave the Kingdom of God?

   Could it be because of myself?

  In an instant, endless regrets gnawed at the heart like a poisonous snake, and Yin Hanling wished he could wipe his neck with a sword, so as not to harm his father.

   Immediately, she turned her head in horror, and saw the strange expression of the boy in white clothes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

   "He actually came in person...with courage..."

  Seeing the young man in white standing up slowly, his graceful movements were like a giant beast showing its ferocious fangs. An inexplicable sense of oppression filled the world, as if the whole world was trampled under his feet for a moment.

  Seeing his eager and excited expression, three large characters suddenly flashed in Yin Hanling's mind—【Dragon Tiger Fight】!

   Is it all planned by him?

  He regarded his father as a prey to eat blood? !

   "Beast! I'm fighting with you! Aww!"

   Looking at the red-eyed big cat flying towards him strangely, Zhao Yinshun frowned in doubt.

  What is this fool going crazy?


   With a thought, Yin Hanling's demonic energy that had been silently soaked in Yin Hanling during this period of time suddenly exploded, and the tiger that jumped into the air froze, like a stone falling straight to the feet of the boy in white.

  Looking down at the twitching big cat under its feet, the flesh and blood under its snow-white fur twisted and bulged, as if there were countless mice swimming back and forth, Zhao Yinshun shook his head helplessly.



   "The majestic [Golden Yinzhu Kingdom], the sacred and majestic lord, actually bullies women and children..."

  Sensing her daughter's painful struggle, a head over a hundred meters long, exuding a tyrannical platinum light all over her body, the gorgeous and ferocious white tiger rushed out of the auspicious clouds and wind, and roared angrily at the army camp that stretched for more than ten miles.

  In an instant, the wind and cloud changed color, the sun and the moon dimmed, the will of the gods interfered with reality, and the chilling wind swept across the earth, tearing up the grass and trees like a sickle, rolling up the land, and smashing everything into dust.

  "Those who don't know the shape of mountains, forests, dangers, and depression can't's as slow as a forest!"

  The calm and deep whispers echoed in the ears of every soldier, and the mysterious blood-fiend connection turned one hundred thousand people into a whole.

  In an instant, a phantom of a majestic forest stretching from nine heavens to nine lands appeared above the barracks. Every tree in it was like an indomitable [building tree], and together they exuded a timeless and immortal majesty.

  The tyrannical and divine gale blowing towards the face seemed to have met its nemesis, and it slammed into the phantom of the blood fiend army without even stirring up a wave, and disappeared in an instant.

  Sensing the divine power that he was urging, it was as if he had hit a steel wall head-on. The white tiger, who was riding on the auspicious clouds and strong wind, froze, his angry and violent pupils slowly contracted, and he resolutely stared at the barracks in front of him.

  Just a moment of contact, Yin Weiping knew that without the blessing and suppression of the kingdom of God, he was by no means an opponent of this terrifying army.

   But for his own daughter, He has no choice!

   Behind, seeing Yin Weiping's divine power being suppressed in an instant, all the ministers thumped in their hearts, and intuitively and deeply felt the strength of the enemy.

  Even if he leaves the Kingdom of God, the Great King is still a genuine old-fashioned seventh-rank god. It's a bit outrageous to make a move with anger, and the opponent will not move at all!

  So, seeing Yin Weiping was about to rush forward, a human minister hurriedly stopped him, and whispered earnestly.

   "Your Majesty, calm down, wait until I go to see Lord Wu An, and save the princess first!"

  Yin Weiping is also concerned about chaos. At this time, he has realized that his impulsive behavior may harm his daughter, so he forced himself to calm down.

But before they could make a move, a gap was slowly opened in the round army in front of them, and a young master Pian Pianjia in white clothes who was better than the snow paced out behind him, followed by a burly man and a dispirited white tiger, and left the blood demon army as if no one else was there. array protection.

   "Han Ling!"

  Seeing that his daughter was safe and sound, Yin Weiping was overjoyed, but then his eyes drifted away, scanning the lazy and playful boy in white, and the low-key strong man who was three steps behind him respectfully, his tiger eyes became more dignified.

  The **** general itself is not very powerful, but the army behind him is too strong. When they are united together, they can easily block and kill the gods. Even the eighth-level sub-sage may have to avoid their edge!

  If you are in the 'domestic', you may be able to deal with it, but now...

  Thinking of this, Yin Weiping felt heavy, but what made him feel even more uneasy was that handsome young man who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

  Jun Wu'an's prestige was earned by fighting all the way through mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

   "Mr. Zhu Guo is face to face, Yin Weiping is polite."

  The huge and majestic mythical form slowly converges, and the bright platinum light collapses and condenses, finally turning into a tall and mighty middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe and with a snow-white beard.

   "I thought you would call yourself my king..."

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun teased with a half-smile.


The mature and prudent Yin Weiping didn't react yet, but Yin Hanling, who was following Zhao Yinshun, stared wide-eyed and opened his mouth to bite him, but in an instant he remembered the previous lesson, and could only stare with indignant resentment stare at him.

  Damn it!

   Stare at you!

   "Mountain spirits and wild monsters dare not be king."

  Yin Weiping clasped his fists and saluted, humble to the point of humbleness.

  Seeing that the majestic and domineering father was so submissive, Yin Hanling knew that it was because he had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and his eyes turned red.

   "As expected of a descendant of the White Tiger True Spirit, I know where I am..."

  Nodding in satisfaction, Zhao Yinshun snapped his fingers with his backhand, and the "collar" around Yin Hanling's neck, which was as thin as a cicada's wings, bounced off instantly, turning into a soft sword light wrapped around the young man's fingers, and slowly retracted into the void.

  Losing the shackles, Yin Hanling seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden, relaxed physically and mentally, wishing to rush back to his camp with a brisk walk.

  But the awe from the heart stopped her subconscious thoughts, she widened her eyes, and stared at Zhao Yinshun with vigilance and fear.

   "What? Still want to cheat on me?"

  Looking sideways at the fierce and cowardly big cat, the boy in white pursed his lips and smiled softly.

   Staring at Zhao Yinshun's eyes, to confirm that he didn't have the idea of ​​playing games like a cat and a mouse, Yin Hanling took a tentative step, and seeing that he didn't stop him, he instantly turned into a white light and flew out.


   "Han Ling!"

  Holding his daughter to the back, Yin Weiping checked carefully, and found that not only was there no scar on her body, but she was full of energy, and there seemed to be some energy source in her body exuding endless vitality.

   "Mr. Wu An didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"


   Subconsciously, he wanted to sue his father, but recalling Zhao Yinshun's unpredictable and terrifying power, Yin Hanling's heart trembled.

   "He...he didn't embarrass me, let's go back, father, don't be an enemy of him!"

   "I only know awe now? It's a's too late..."

   Shaking his head with a wry smile, Yin Weiping turned around to stare at the young man in white at Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, exhaled slowly, bent over and clasped his fists in salute.

   "Mr. Xie Zhu raised his hands high and let the little girl go."

   "You should thank your tutor, she has no **** karma on her body, otherwise she would have died 10,000 times earlier."

   Waving his hands casually, Zhao Yinshun smiled nonchalantly.

   Not far behind Yin Weiping, a group of solemn or deep ministers looked at each other, unable to believe that the rescue operation was so easy.

   "He actually released Her Royal Highness just like that?"

   "Is there some conspiracy?"

  Compared to the suspicion of the courtiers, Yin Weiping clearly knew that there was no conspiracy at all, only arrogance!

  The other party didn't bother to use tricks at all, and didn't even take them seriously!

  Yin Weiping could feel the self-confidence of the young man in white, a self-confidence that he could easily suppress no matter how they struggled and resisted!

  Live and kill, take whatever you want!

  In a trance, eight horrifying characters flashed in his mind, Yin Weiping trembled slightly, and tried his best to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

  A mere fifth-rank martial artist has developed such a terrifying state of mind. What kind of monster is this?

  The last time he felt a similar sense of oppression, he still watched the supernatural power of the 【Emperor】from afar!

  The same look at all living beings, but the difference is that the boy in white has a little more alienation and confusion that does not belong to this world, and at the same time has a bit of joking joy of being superior.

  Somewhere, Yin Weiping knew that no matter what choice they made, the young man in white would gladly accept it.

  Like a **** standing in the clouds, overlooking a group of humble ants, watching them struggle, they resist, they rejoice, they despair...

  All the efforts of the ants are nothing but tributes to please the gods!

  Even if you think you are fighting against fate...

  In a trance, Yin Weiping came to a realization, a surge of turbulent and violent emotions rolled in his chest, and a pair of majestic vertical pupils shone with a stern platinum luster.

  Even if you are a ninth-level saint, don't underestimate me!

   Don't treat me as a plaything!

   Anger and reluctance intertwined into raging flames, Yin Weiping's inner pride and reason stirred each other, urging him to make two diametrically opposed choices!

   Is it war? Yes and?

   Sensing the struggle in Yin Weiping's eyes, Zhao Yinshun said quietly.

   "The white tiger is a benevolent beast. The king is benevolent but not harmful, and the white tiger will see... For the sake of your contribution to protect the people, I don't care about your previous arrogance..."

   "However, capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be escaped. Today, Gong Shun of the Zhu Kingdom, under the order of King Liuyin, removes the title of your country, demotes you to a title, and bestows you with the position of the mountain **** of Weishan. Are you willing to accept the title?"

  Putting away the casual joking smile, the boy in white asked solemnly word by word.

   Hearing his words, everyone behind Yin Weiping was furious, subconsciously wanting to do their best, but they were suppressed by the powerful white-bearded middle-aged man.

   "What if I don't want to?"

  Hearing this, the solemn and majestic young man in white suddenly smiled, his bright smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, but seeing such a smile, Yin Weiping and the others felt chills inexplicably.

   "It's okay, although the subjugation of the country and the extermination of the species is a little troublesome, but the short-term gains are even greater, I like it very much..."

  The relaxed and comfortable words were like the cold wind in the extreme north. The inexplicable, suffocating smell of blood rushed to the face, so sticky that it stuck to the mouth and nose, making Yin Weiping breathless.

   "Actually, I don't really care how you choose..."

   Stretched slowly, the crisp cracking sound of joints exploded like firecrackers, Zhao Yinshun looked at a group of tense faces from afar, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

   "It's just that I'm kind-hearted and don't see blood, so I'm giving you a chance to choose..."

  Everyone: "..."

   My mother is a sheep. Today I am working at home while taking care of her. In addition, I seem to have a fever, and my mind is a little dizzy. I have not finished writing until now.

   If the status is good tomorrow, we will continue to update, if the status is not good, we can only goo...(╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)

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