MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 327 recommend seeing a doctor

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  Chapter 327 recommends seeing a doctor

  You have killed blood in three counties along the way, and the corpses are scattered all over the field. How dare you say that you have a kind heart?

  You have the face of a harmless and handsome young gentleman, but your murderous nature is comparable to that of a fierce **** alive. Seeing how you are gearing up, are you afraid that you won’t see blood?

   It seemed that Zhao Yinshun was eager to try the excitement, and everyone confirmed his bloodthirsty nature in their hearts.

   Afterwards, everyone's eyes focused on the tall and stalwart figure at the front.

   Whether it is life or death, whether it is war or peace, it will all be decided by their [King] in the end!

   After a long silence, Yin Weiping let out a deep sigh.

   "I have worked hard for thousands of years, and after hundreds of calamities, I have just been certified as a god. I am afraid that it is inappropriate for Zhu Guogong to deprive the godhead and demote me to mere mortal things, right?"

   "You can also choose not to accept it."

  After stretching his waist, the boy in white twisted his neck and smiled nonchalantly.


   Seeing Zhao Yinshun's casual and contemptuous appearance, Yin Hanling was so angry that he wanted to rush up and bite him.

   But Yin Weiping didn't realize it, still calm and indifferent.

   "I don't want the country to be ruined because of my life, and I don't want to fall into the altar. Thousands of years of hard work will come to naught. Can Duke Zhu teach me?"


  Seeing Yin Weiping's humble and polite appearance, Zhao Yinshun narrowed his eyes with great interest.

   "How to teach you?"

   "Quiet the resentment and depression in my heart!"

  Nodding his heart, Yin Weiping's indifferent expression finally showed a hint of ferocity and tyranny.

   "Okay! This deity will fulfill you!"

  Feeling the volcanic suppressed and intense emotions of the other party, Zhao Yinshun clenched his fists hard, and the purple gold thread spread deep in the pupils, dyeing his pupils a bewitching purple.

  Zhao Yinshun can understand Yin Weiping's unwillingness and aggrieved.

  If a veteran seventh-level **** wants him to submit to a fifth-level mortal without any resistance, even if a large army forces him to bow his head, he will definitely not accept it in the end.

   What he has to do now is to hit Yin Weiping with "a clear mind" and completely dispel the evil thoughts of rebellion!

  Gently moving his five fingers, Zhao Yinshun stared deeply at Yin Weiping. The two masters on the battlefield stood facing each other several miles away, and they both saw a strong fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

   "I wish you a prosperous martial arts!"

  Looking up at Zhao Yinshun's back, Tang Hongda clasped his fists respectfully and saluted, and then the huge army slowly faded away like a tide, leaving the battlefield to the two kings.

  Behind Yin Weiping, a group of ministers whispered excitedly, and they all felt that things were turning around!

  No matter how powerful Wu Anjun is, he is no more than a mortal. Without the blessing of the generals in the army, he is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out. What can he use to compete with the seventh-level gods?

  [Bing Dao] It is the army that is powerful, not the individual...

  Wait, Mr. Wu An seems to be following [Martial Arts]?

   Frowning, some ministers reacted, but soon laughed and shook their heads.

  Wu Anjun and Champion Hou are so bluffing that people subconsciously forget his natal rank!

   Even so, his army should be the main force in the battle of killing gods, and he himself may only take on the task of restraining the auxiliary...

   It is impossible for him to be the main force of a fifth-level martial artist, slaughtering gods and destroying the country, and the 100,000 army led by the gods will contain the support, shouting 666, right?

   Dispelling the absurd picture in their minds, everyone grinned like self-deprecating, and looked up at the majestic and majestic back with firm eyes.

  My lord, let this ignorant boy see the power of the old gods!

  However, unlike the ministers who were eager to try, Yin Hanling looked at his father worriedly, and his mood became more serious.

  She has personally experienced the power of Zhao Yinshun, the feeling of oppression like a **** should not appear on a mortal at all!

  The fifth-level personality can't reflect his true strength at all. In a sense, he is a mythical creature wearing a fifth-level skin, even more terrifying than ordinary mythical creatures.

  Thinking of this, Yin Hanling's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't figure out why there were such fouls in the world.

  As if sensing the worry in his daughter's heart, Yin Weiping rubbed her head with his backhand, and smiled softly without looking back.

   "If I die in battle, you should serve Lord Wu'an as the master and inherit the position of the mountain **** of Weishan. You must not feel resentment."


   His eyes widened in disbelief, and before Yin Hanling could say anything, the stalwart man waved his hand.

   "Back off."

  The words that came to his lips were pressed back again, Yin Hanling gritted his teeth, and retreated together with the beaming ministers.

   Soon, there were only two figures of Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi left in a radius of more than ten miles. All the birds, beasts, insects and snakes sensed the pressure of their confrontation, and fled in all directions keenly.

  Looking at each other for a long time, suddenly the two of them disappeared in place at the same time, and in the next second, a circle of dazzling incandescent light exploded out of thin air in the center of the battlefield.


  The spherical shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the sky and the earth, flattening all the objects above the ground, and even smashing boulders like hills into dust.

  The terrifying supersonic explosion ripples "slowly" spread, and the turbid air wave advanced like a wall. After a few seconds, it bumped into the aura barrier jointly supported by Yin Hanling and others.

  In an instant, the flying sand and rocks covered the sky and the sun, and the tiny crackling stones slapped on the aura barrier like bullets, creating circles of water ripples.

   Feeling the heavy and terrifying pressure, a group of ministers looked at each other and swallowed involuntarily.

   Are we being too optimistic?

   Xu Bo is so powerful just because he is fighting against each other. Even if Lord Wu An's real power is not as good as that of the Great King, he is probably not far behind...

   At the front of the crowd, Yin Hanling stared worriedly at the center of the battlefield, his vertical pupils gleaming with divine light pierced through the dust and smoke, and saw two figures facing each other.


  The same platinum divine light stirred each other, and the thumb-thick thunder snake lingered and flickered around the two of them, releasing piercing high-frequency oscillations.

  A phantom of a tiger-shaped armor purely manifested by starlight energy shrouded Zhao Yinshun's body, allowing him to fight against the giant giant with a height of more than three meters, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

  “[Rage God Broken Star Strength]…I never thought you could reach such a level at such a young age…”

  Gripping the fist of the boy in white firmly with his broad palm, Yin Weiping narrowed his eyes, like a tiger showing its fangs, and a cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

   "However, [Rage God Broken Star Strength] originally imitated the technique created by the white tiger spirit. You use this technique to deal with me, don't you think it's a trick?"

  Before he finished speaking, Yin Weiping's body was filled with faint and fragmented starlight, and then the diamond-like light converged and contracted along his limbs, and finally condensed into a bright star in the palm of his hand.

  Feeling the biting chill from the front of the fist, Zhao Yinshun pulled back without hesitation, but Yin Weiping was one step faster than him.

   "Star Breaker!"

   As soon as the palm strength was broken, diamonds and stars poured into the front of the fist. In an instant, Zhao Yinshun flew upside down uncontrollably like a shell fired from the chamber, drawing a straight ray in the sky.

  The incomparable divine power pierced through the defense, shattered the bones, and snaked up along the meridians, twisting Zhao Yinshun's entire arm into a twist, twisting it into a strange shape.


   Adjusting his body shape, his feet plowed a deep ditch hundreds of meters long on the ground. The boy in white finally let go of the strength on his body and stopped slowly.

  The severe pain stimulated every nerve, but Zhao Yinshun didn't seem to notice it, and a pair of purple gold vertical pupils with ghostly ghosts observed his deformed arm with great interest.

   "So it's like this... It's interesting..."

  Mumbling to himself, the authority of [Jingguan] was activated, and the twisted arm was like a blown balloon. It rotated and reset little by little from top to bottom, and the five fingers that were finally messed up also spiraled out and completely returned to their original shape.

  Looking at his palm, Zhao Yinshun gently moved his five fingers, blood color quickly appeared on his pale cheeks, and the declining breath swelled again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "This touch is not enough, let's continue..."

  Looking up at the dignified Yin Weiping in the distance, the boy in white raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a heartfelt joyful smile.

  Seeing this scene, the smiles of the excited ministers gradually disappeared, and their scalps felt numb.

   Isn't this guy insane from being infused with divinity?

  Why do you feel mentally abnormal?

  Although all mythical creatures are more or less a little bit crazy, but you are so crazy at the fifth level, I suggest you see a doctor!

   But in the middle of the battlefield, Yin Weiping saw something else in Zhao Yinshun's dark and strange eyes—the joy of seeing the hunter!

   "With a fifth-level body, you pushed through the six-day gate of Shenmen, no wonder you can lead an army to kill gods..."

   "However, isn't it too arrogant for you to use me as a whetstone to hone your skills?!"

  The cold platinum vertical pupils suddenly lifted up, and a thunderous roar of a tiger suddenly came from the distant sky, shaking everything in a radius of a hundred miles into panic.

  However, facing the brutal and fierce coercion, the indifferent young man in white just tugged at the corners of his mouth, and a pair of dark purple-gold vertical pupils pressed back with even more terrifying and confused gaze.

   "It's an honor to be my stepping stone."

  Plain words without any emotion, as if they were just stating a well-known fact.

  At this moment, even Yin Weiping, who couldn't express his emotions and anger, couldn't hold back anymore, and the wrinkle on his forehead squeezed out a word of king.

   "Mr. Zhu really looks down on the common people, and regards everything as a humble dog!"

   Giving a thumbs up, Yin Weiping laughed angrily, and the fierce look in his eyes almost overflowed.

   Seeing Yin Weiping's distorted and furious expression, Zhao Yinshun quickly waved his hands and explained softly.

   "Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you..."

   After finishing speaking, he raised his head, looked past the tall and stalwart Yin Weiping, and cast his eyes on the vast world.

   "I mean, all the gods and Buddhas, all living beings, are my stepping stones..."

   "And you, have the honor to witness my rise with your own eyes. This will be the most glorious moment in your life."


   After a long silence, Yin Weiping's anger dissipated, and he looked at Zhao Yinshun with pity in his eyes.

   "Mr. Zhu, an imbalance between [Madness] and [Rationality] will lead to insanity. If you have a chance, I suggest you find some medical myths to recuperate."


   Looking away from the boundless sky, Zhao Yinshun pursed his lips and frowned in dissatisfaction.

   Do you think you are very humorous?


   The ejection started, and a cloud of milky white sonic boom exploded in front of him. Zhao Yinshun crossed a long distance in an instant, and appeared in front of Yin Weiping without warning.

   Facing the fierce tiger claws formed by the condensed pure energy, Yin Weiping did not dodge or dodge, just raised his hand to slap.

   Facing the claws against the palms, the extremely penetrating claws were crushed by the force of the palm, as if a hammer had hit Zhao Yinshun's fingertips.


  The phalanx, which was as strong as meteorite, snapped instantly, and the remaining strength poured into the back of his hand, bending his wrist into a strange angle.

  But at the same time, Zhao Yinshun's other hand hit Yin Weiping's neck, the sharp platinum claws tore off the protective light, and touched the skin effortlessly.


  However, the touch from the fingertips made Zhao Yinshun's bones numb, as if his fingernails were stuck on the tempered glass, making a teeth-piercing piercing scream.

   Explosive sparks flew all over the sky, accurately grasping the flaws after Zhao Yinshun's attack, and the cruel knee blasted the phantom of the tiger-shaped armor, and then a diamond star was fiercely imprinted on his chest.

   Star Breaker Strike!


  A beam of white light obliquely penetrated into the ground, bombarding a radioactive pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters.


  Slowly propped up, the sunken chest bulged up like a blown balloon, and the broken wrist was reset and corrected at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Dissolving the congestion in the chest, Zhao Yinshun looked at the few insignificant white marks on Yin Weiping's neck, and frowned in distress and happiness.

   "Body test?"

   "More than..."

  Showing a ferocious tiger-like smile, Yin Weiping disappeared from Zhao Yinshun's sight in an instant, appearing beside him as if teleported.

  Under [High-Dimensional Vision], Zhao Yinshun clearly captured his movements, but his body couldn't keep up with the reaction, and he couldn't fight back. He could only use his extraordinary power to dodge dangerously.



   One claw swiped in the air, and the five sharp claws made of diamond stars seemed to cut open the space, leaving a few ferocious gaps in the void, which slowly closed after a few seconds.

   "Besides [Body], have you opened other gates?"

  Hundreds of meters away, Zhao Yinshun paced unhurriedly, observing the stars and claws on Yin Weiping's fingertips from a distance.

   "Otherwise, do you think that I have been sleeping for a thousand years?"

  Holding his hands down, Yin Weiping's voice gradually became deep and deep, resembling the resonance deep in the chest cavity of a giant carnivore, and the stars condensed and surrounded him, forming a lifelike white tiger.

   "The desolate **** came to the world, and the true spirit took form!"


   One pounce and one catch, the simplest movements are like divine punishment under the extreme power, the sharp platinum light seals the space with a radius of 100 meters, Zhao Yinshun sighs helplessly in the face of the brutal tiger like Mount Tai.

   Sure enough... just relying on [Desolate God's Broken Star Power] is indeed a trick...


In the next second, the atmosphere shook, and the terrifying sound of dragons and elephants exploded from Zhao Yinshun's body. Without any tricks, the slender fingers firmly caught Yin Weiping's two claws. Kong and the brutal white tiger phantom stand against each other!

   "[Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill]?!"

  Yin Weiping's tiger eyes suddenly shrank into a gap, and he wanted to withdraw his palm without hesitation, but was locked by an irresistible force.

   Thanks to [Wind Blowing Moon Chilling Heart] and other book friends for their rewards.

   The status seems to be okay, continue to update, ask for tickets╭()



  (end of this chapter)

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