MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 340 labor force

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  Chapter 340 Labor

   "These victories are all thanks to the army. Do you really think that a fifth-level martial artist can kill gods? These gold-plated, momentum-making tricks have long been used up!"

   To judge others by themselves, many people thought they had seen through the tricks of the eldest princess, and secretly sneered in their hearts.

   "Did you forget one thing? Zhao Yinshun is an S-rank saint on the list of gods!"

   "Although he is only at the fifth level now, what about him in the future?"

   "As long as the timeline is reversed and the power of the future is used, it is not uncommon to kill gods with a fifth-level body. There have been similar cases overseas."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and suddenly realized.

Yes indeed!

   Conferred God List!

  So... those previous records are true?

  Wu Anjun can really match the myth?

  Then his threat cannot be measured by the fifth level on the surface...

  Secretly exchanging glances, many people noticed the haze in Tongdang's eyes, and gritted their teeth in unison.

  An eldest princess is already difficult to deal with, but with the full assistance and support of Mr. Wu An, it will be like a tiger with wings added!

  In case the artifact changes in the future...Wu Anjun led hundreds of thousands of troops into King Jingqin...

  Thinking of that exciting scene, everyone shuddered.

  With his brutal and bloodthirsty character, wouldn't he kill people so much that their heads would roll and their blood would flow like a river?

   No, he must not be allowed to gain power in front of His Majesty!

  With a clear understanding, one of them gritted his teeth and stepped forward amidst many urging gazes.

   "Your Highness, you have lived in the imperial capital for a long time, and the Shuangma Strait is tens of thousands of miles away, and there is no communication at sea. How did you know the information a few days ago?"

  Slightly stunned, Li Min realized that the [Old Royal Court] ignored the barriers of time and space, but the reason could not be disclosed, so he could only curl his lips in dissatisfaction.

   "I have a secret connection with my younger brother. This news is what Mr. Wu An said himself, can it be false?"

   "Mr. Wu An is young and energetic, maybe he exaggerated his military achievements..."

   "Are you questioning Mr. Wu An? Or are you questioning me?"

  Before he finished speaking, Li Min interrupted mercilessly, his frosty eyes were like a steel knife scraping the skin, making one feel chills all over his body.

   "I... I don't dare to..."

"Ahem, please calm down, Your Highness, this matter is indeed strange. I have the news that the spies have just delivered. The Fusang Navy did encounter a battle some time ago, but in the end they won a small victory and sank several enemy fleets. , its own losses are negligible..."

   "This doesn't match what Mr. Wu An said..."

  At the critical moment, it was Fan Zhengyuan who stood up again, beat him up and down, and pointed the finger at Zhao Yinshun with a smile.

  However, before Li Min could refute, the figure above the jade steps spoke quietly.

   "Okay, I have made my own decision on this matter, and I will withdraw from the court."

  In the faint whisper, the majestic auspicious purple cloud rolled and squirmed, and collapsed and dissipated in an instant, leaving only an empty dragon chair.

   "Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

  Bowed together with Manchu civil and military, a distant whisper sounded quietly in Li Min's mind.

   "Ming, come here."

   Slightly squinting his eyes, Li Min left the hall calmly, and came to the harem quietly.

   Following the induction, I came to an inconspicuous side hall, opened the door, and the whole hall was filled with tumbling and wriggling purple clouds, just like a fairyland.

  In the depths of the auspicious clouds, a majestic figure sat on a high platform, but Li Min keenly noticed that the figure was faintly thin.

   "Father Emperor."

   "Pity, did Lord Wu An really tell you the news of the navy's victory?"

   "Yes, father."

   "Hahahaha, that's rare good news in this period of time, it's really refreshing...coughcoughcough..."

  The hearty laughter was interrupted by a sudden cough, Li Min's complexion changed, and he stared at the figure deep in the auspicious clouds in disbelief.


   "It's okay, I just lost my temper from laughing."

  Waving his hand, the figure in the depths of the auspicious cloud said with a relaxed tone and a nonchalant smile.

   "Your confidence to quickly defeat Fusang is Wuan-jun, right?"

   "Yes, father."

   Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Li Min cheered up and replied seriously.

   "Well, with his growth rate, he may be promoted to Mythology in a year or two, and it can indeed have a decisive effect on the battle situation."

  Long sighed, the figure surrounded by auspicious clouds recalled with emotion.

   "I have seen countless Tianjiao saints in my life, but no one can be as special as Zhao Yinshun..."

"At the second level, a knight is worth a thousand; at the third level, he controls a country; at the fourth level, he dares to yell in front of me to flatten the [Nothingness Yuehengtian]; at the fifth level, he kills the gods and exalts the prestige of our country. I really don't know him at the sixth level, How powerful will it be even after being promoted to Shinhwa?"

  Listening to his father's ravings full of expectations, Li Min felt inexplicably flustered, filled with endless anxiety.

   "Father, you will know soon!"

   "Oh? That little guy is going to be promoted again? It's only been a few years? Why does it feel like his promotion speed is getting faster and faster? It's really counterintuitive..."

   Sighing and shaking his head, the hazy figure sighed with mixed feelings.

   "My talent is mediocre. Back then, I held the holy throne with a mortal body and reached the sky in one step."

   "I thought it would be able to promote the good and eliminate the bad, reform the declining situation, and revitalize Damin, but I didn't expect it to change and become more chaotic..."

"The empire collapsed, and my strength became weaker and weaker. In the end, it became more and more difficult to reconcile yin and yang, and sort out the five elements. Only then did I understand the power of the saint of all saints, the king of kings, and the lord of destiny in the Central Empire." , is not something that a mere mortal can control..."

  Listening to the change of his father's self-title, Li Min became more and more flustered.

"Once upon a time, I also thought about whether it is the best choice for the country to pass on the throne of the Lord of Destiny to a saint like Zhao Yinshun. Only a monster like him can exert the power of the [Emperor] to the fullest." Extreme!"

   "However, I still have selfish intentions. I hope that the surname of this empire will still be Li..."

  Feeling his father's gaze, Li Min bit his lips tightly and said nothing.

   "So... Min, let me ask you again, can you control him?"

   "If not, I can do it myself and help you erase him."

   Gritting his teeth fiercely, Li Min stared firmly into the depths of the auspicious clouds.

   "Father, no one can control Xiao Shun, but I believe that he will always stand by my side and support me unreservedly!"

  The deadly still air permeated the hall, and after an unknown amount of time, a relaxed smile suddenly came from the auspicious clouds.

   "Okay, I'll give him a good fortune to see how high he can go..."

  While speaking, a radiant divine light broke through the auspicious clouds, and the thick and oppressive feeling that hit his face made Li Min's breath stagnate.

"this is…"

  Holding up the unfamiliar majestic divinity with both hands, Li Min's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart beat wildly involuntarily.


   "Drink! Ha!"

  Amidst the majestic sound of training, one after another burly and strong men fought passionately in the sun with their arms bare. Wisps of blood invisible to the naked eye evaporated from them, and gathered in the sky above the camp to form a roaring sea of ​​blood.

   "That's right, the harvest accumulated before has almost been digested. Your talent combined with [Qi Xu Rulin's] mythical power is really like a tiger with wings."

   Listening quietly to Zhao Yinshun's praise, Tang Hongda who followed him step by step showed a calm smile.

   "It's all thanks to Your Majesty. Without your gift, I would not have been able to train them to such an extent in such a short period of time."

   "Don't be humble, I can give them unlimited potential, but it's all your credit to turn potential into strength."

  Patting Tang Hongda on the shoulder, Zhao Yinshun smiled and pursed his lips, and changed the topic.

   "By the way, why are some of them stuck in the second level? Is there any problem?"

  Hearing this, Tang Hongda quickly shook his head to explain.

   "No problem, it's just that the Tier 3 medicine is used up, and I've already sent someone to Linbo City to urge it."

   "Hmm... great medicine..."

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun frowned happily and troubled.

   I didn’t expect that the production speed of the big medicine could not keep up with the speed of the soldiers’ advancement. If this continues, the legendary invincible army per capita does not seem to be far away...

   "In addition, Your Majesty, the number of Cangjiao Army's Legendary Realm has exceeded 7,000. Do we need to equip them all with [Magic Knight Armor]?"


   His eyes lit up, and Zhao Yinshun's mind flashed the image of seven thousand fully-covered mechas, running over the enemy's defense line like a torrent of steel, leaving behind a scarlet flesh swamp.

  【Magic Knight Armor】It is more flexible, more maneuverable, and more capable of attacking tough battles than Mustache tanks. With a superhuman army of Tier 3 per capita, is it possible to play blitzkrieg?

   Covering his lips, Zhao Yinshun pondered for a moment, the more he thought about it, the more reliable he became.

  Although Fusang's army was unexpectedly strong, it still couldn't be compared with the army he raised by himself.

  On the other hand, the Cangjiao army does not have an advantage in numbers, but they are going to the rear to poke chrysanthemums instead of going to fight the front line. Instead, the small elite troops can exert a greater advantage.

  I can completely play a crushing advantage locally, interspersed with lightning and cut, eat the "fat" before the enemy has time to react, and then walk away.

  Under the premise of commanding the sea, the coastline that stretches for thousands of miles is an unimpeded highway for me. I can poke chrysanthemums from wherever I want, and I can poke with any posture I want to poke!

   In a daze, Zhao Yinshun suddenly understood the joy of the Ugly Army.

   It's decided, the deity will land in Incheon!

  The idea of ​​melon skin flashed in his mind, and Zhao Yinshun excitedly waved his fists, as if punching Fusang's fragile Chrysanthemum.

  On the other side, seeing the inexplicably excited expression of the boy in white, Tang Hongda frowned, thought carefully, analyzed carefully, and found that he still couldn't figure out the master's mind.

   "That...your lord, magic knight armor..."

   "Match! In the future, if all the Cangjiao Army is advanced to legend, everyone will have it!"

   With a big wave of his hand, Zhao Yinshun was full of pride.

   Taking a deep breath, Tang Hongda didn't expect Junshang's ambition to be so exaggerated.

   One hundred thousand legendary sergeants, one hundred thousand steel war machines...

   I'm afraid that millions of enemy troops will be crushed by myself, right?

   Trapped in camp?

   Tiger and leopard ride?

  In the future, the title of the strongest iron army in the Central Empire may be replaced by the Cangjiao Army!

  However, an extremely practical problem soon pulled Tang Hongda back.

   "Your Majesty, the army's military expenditures are almost exhausted this year, not to mention the magic knight armor, and even the magic cannon is not enough..."

   "Huh? Didn't I just increase your military spending by 50%? It's gone so soon?"

   "Brothers grow up too fast, blood food, medicine, equipment, training ammunition...everything costs money..."

  Listening to Tang Hongda's detailed counting, Zhao Yinshun realized how huge an elite army of 100,000 is a gold-swallowing beast.

  The resources needed to raise a third-tier sergeant are enough to feed more than a dozen first-tier soldiers, not to mention being promoted to the fourth-tier legendary realm, the resources needed will have to be multiplied several times!

Fortunately, after more than two years of nurturing and nurturing, the industry of [Linbo County] has begun to take shape, and the investment regardless of the cost in the early stage has finally paid off. The largest industrial system in Damin has begun to grow like a snowball, and is heading towards [Wei Mountain] [Smoke Sea] The two counties are overflowing!

  The skyrocketing productivity has kept up with the growth of the army, coupled with the support of a sea god's love weighing hundreds of thousands of tons, this can barely support the development of the navy and army.

  However, when the navy digests the spoils captured this time, and the army begins to be promoted to legend on a large scale, the national strength of [Liuyin Fengguo] may not be able to maintain such a high-standard elite army.

  Damn it!

   Still too few people!

  If I had a population of 500 million, what would [Liuyin Fengguo] look like? !

  Secretly pursed his mouth, Zhao Yinshun saw the whole picture of the feudal state in his mind, and his heart became more and more unwilling.

In fact, the area of ​​[Liuyin Fengguo] is not small, [Linbo County] 1.1 million square kilometers, [Yanhai County] 1.4 million square kilometers, [Weishan County] 600,000 square kilometers, adding up to 3.1 million square kilometers , about one-third the size of the previous Celestial Dynasty.

The natural endowment is even more capable of making the heavens cry in the previous life. There are 900 million mu of land that can be reclaimed and cultivated in one [Linbo County], and they are all fat and oily plains. Although the other two counties are not as exaggerated as Linbo County The proportion of cultivated land is different, but each has its own advantages. Once all of them are developed, Zhao Yinshun is confident that he can hang Fusang up and fight with the power of the three counties!

  However, the premise of everything is that there is a large enough labor force. With the current population size of the three counties less than 50 million, there are only a dozen people per square kilometer, and the unit density is better than that of Maozi’s Siberia in the previous life...

  Thinking of Siberia, Zhao Yinshun suddenly remembered the more than 20,000 Fusang naval captives, and a picture instantly appeared in his mind.

  In the icy and snowy summer camp, the captives, whose faces were flushed from the cold, were enthusiastic, digging mountains, building roads, digging mines, building factories, growing potatoes... There is always an activity suitable for them, and the whole camp is filled with a happy atmosphere...

   "Tang Hongda."

   "The subordinate is here."

   "Have the navy handed over all the prisoners this time to you?"


"Very well, you tell the captives that Comrade Zhu Guogong is very angry with their aggression, they need to go to the Cheka, the KGB... No, go to the comrades of Longwei to sign up for remote areas [Ubisoft server planting summer camp] , I think, when they come out of the summer camp, they will definitely change their minds and become useful people to the world."

  Tang Hongda: "..."

  Ubisoft? server?

  Why is your lord saying some strange words that I don't understand?

   Two shifts, so sleepy, sleep~

   By the way, at the beginning of the month, ask for a guarantee ticket, Qiu Li Gao~ヽ(≧≦)ノ



  (end of this chapter)

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