MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 341 pattern

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  Chapter 341 Pattern

  Linbo County, Hongshi County, Taiping Bay, Bailu Town

"Next is Lot No. 901. One ton of standard Poseidon's flesh and blood has been processed and refined by a mythical venerable of medicine. It can be directly used as medicine, talisman making, and refining equipment... The starting price is 200 gold coins or the equivalent amount in the redemption book... Each time the price increases No less than 5 large gold circles..."

  On the high platform, the auctioneer was proficient or numb in hosting the process, and didn't even bother to introduce the specific content and advantages of the lot.

  No way, you sell the same thing hundreds or even thousands of times a day, it’s a nuisance for everyone.





  In a hidden private room, Zhao Yinshun looked down at the dark heads downstairs, and shook his head helplessly while listening to the quotations from all over the world.

   "It's a loss..."

  A ton of Poseidon's flesh and blood is only a few hundred gold dollars. Where was such a cheap thing before, you can't buy it hundreds of times!

  But there is no way. Hundreds of thousands of tons of goods flow into the market, which is still a high-end market with relatively little demand, and even precious sacred objects will become cheap.

  So during this period of time, the price of Poseidon's flesh and blood can no longer be described as diving, but bungee jumping!

   And as time goes by, the rate at which prices fall will continue to increase.

  However, it is impossible not to sell them. Unless they are refined into finished products, the divinity in the raw materials will continue to be lost, and in the end there will only be a pile of useless rotten meat...

  Damn it!

  If the space of Xumi mustard seeds in the Xuelong suit can be increased by a thousand times, there is no need to sell this kind of mythical raw material, and keep it for refining medicine and raising an army... What's wrong with it?

   It’s the worst. I cook it myself, feed cats, pigs, dogs, horses, and the master...

  Clenching his fists angrily, Zhao Yinshun felt his heart bleeding as he looked around at the businessmen from various countries with different faces downstairs.

   Seeing you making money is more uncomfortable than seeing me losing money!

   "305! 305 once! Is there any other quotation?"

   "305 twice!"

   "305 three times!"

"make a deal!"

  The final auction price was set at 305 large gold circles. A white businessman dressed in a tuxedo, a gold monocle, and a classic Thai-Western gentleman stood up and happily bought the item.

  The rest of the auctioneers had no emotion on their faces, they were still joking and talking, and waited for the next round of auctions to start.

   "This [Liuyin Fengguo] is developing really well, and business opportunities are everywhere."

   "That's right, I originally planned to leave after buying the flesh and blood of the Sea God, but now I'm afraid I'll stay for a few more days."

   "Me too. Before, I was worried that the tyrant would be unruly, extort, and slaughter us like fat sheep, but after looking at it for a while, he doesn't seem to be as surly and tyrannical as the outside rumors..."

   "But there are too many rules and heavy taxes. What kind of personal income tax is charged, progressive tax, and there is not much profit at all."

   "That's right, where in the world does he collect taxes like this? Just stare at us businessmen, but treat those mud legs leniently. I heard that the agricultural tax here is almost as low as forty one!"

   "The agricultural tax is so low!? Then let's buy land here! The transportation here is very convenient, and the crops grown are sold outside. It feels like a lot of money!"

  The speaker was thinking enthusiastically, and suddenly found that everyone around him was looking at him with strange eyes.

"What's wrong?"

   "Are you not clear about the land structure of [Liuyin Fengguo]?"

   "Uh... my brother is from Cangzhou, tens of thousands of miles away from [Liuyin Fengguo], I really don't know the situation here."

   "Hehe, [Liuyin Fengguo] Before the arrival of Lord Wu'an, the major aristocratic families monopolized more than 90% of the fertile land, and you couldn't buy it if you wanted to, but after he came..."

   Bathed in the eyes of the rookie full of thirst for knowledge, the speaker did his best, took a sip of fragrant tea before speaking leisurely.

   "You can't buy any more!"

"Because the local aristocratic families were almost wiped out, and all the land was taken under the name of King Liuyin, that is to say, the farmers here only have the right to use the land and have no ownership. Even if you bankrupt them, you can't get it. The fields they plowed..."

   Speaking of this, the speaker put down his teacup, and raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile.

   "Want land? Go to Lord Wu An and see if you have the skills to get it out of his mouth..."


  Which of the businessmen who dare to go overseas to do business these days doesn’t have a few wealthy families standing behind them?

  So he can better understand the horror behind this seemingly understatement...and...the brutal blood flowing between every word.

  In order to reclaim the land, how cruel is it to exterminate all the local wealthy families? !

  Worthy of being Wu An Jun who inherits the title of Killing God...

   Forget it, I can't afford to mess with it! Can't afford it!

   Resolutely dispelled the evil idea of ​​annexing the land, and the rookie who came from afar began to plan other business.

  The surrounding businessmen also diverted their attention and began to complain about the "tyranny" of [Liuyin Fengguo].

   "The taxes are heavy, the laws are strict, and you can't make much money after a year of hard work. Looking at the prosperity and wealth here, you don't actually eat much meat at all. It's really tasteless."

   "If it's just a tax issue, I can still find a solution, but Lord Wu An doesn't know where to find so many loyal, professional and careful tax officials... There is no way to escape!!"

   "Escape? Lao Huang, who came to open the factory in the first half of the year, knows? He was found out for tax evasion and deduction of workers' wages, good guy..."

   "What? The whole family was killed?"

   "Not really, but it feels worse than killing his whole family."

"What's wrong?"

   "A fine of 100,000 Dajin Yuan will be imposed, and all arrears will be paid."


   Taking a deep breath, everyone was startled by the sky-high fine.

   "I heard that the King of Fu is supporting Lao Huang, right? Is Wu An so disrespectful?"

   "Fu Wang? The person Wu An wants to kill, the emperor will not be able to save him. By the way... he said this himself..."


"In addition, according to gossip, Mr. Wu An once threatened to crush the [Nothingness Yuehengtian] in front of the emperor and the head teacher of Maoshan and destroy the inheritance of Maoshan. After the critical incident, the sanctuary of Maoshan did not respond. You can say that he How tiger is it?"


   This is not a tiger, this riding a horse is against the sky!

"So, don't use external methods here. Lord Wu'an is not like other princes. He doesn't care who is standing behind you. If he is in charge of [Liuyin Fengguo] for a day, you will have to deal with the dragon when the dragon comes. Now, when the tiger comes, you have to lie down!"

   With a sigh of emotion, the speaker watched the auctioneer return to the stage with sighs, and murmured meaningfully.

   "I've told you so much, why don't you **** this flesh and blood of the Sea God from me?"

  The people who were pondering carefully came back to their senses in an instant, and refused with one voice.

   "That's not okay!"



   In the private room upstairs, Zhao Yinshun rubbed his eyebrows in pain, listening to the quotations one after another below.

  One ton of divine material is only three hundred gold coins, the more you think about it, the worse it gets!

   Grinding his teeth, Zhao Yinshun forcibly put his resentment behind him, and looked at the pretty woman standing beside him.

   "Zhou Rou, what did San Jinlian say?"

   "There is no agreement at all, they even want to use Damin's habit to have a nine-out thirteen-return."

   "They're thinking farts!"

   Secretly rolled his eyes, Zhao Yinshun waved his hands impatiently.

   "Since there is no sincerity, let them go!"

   "Follow the order."

   "Wait, let him come to see me, I want to see what medicine is sold in the gourd of Shengjinlian..."

  Suddenly remembered something, Zhao Yinshun waved his hand to stop Zhou Rou, and decided to try it himself.

   Soon, a well-dressed middle-aged white man stepped into the private room, looked at the unreal handsome profile of the young man in white, adjusted the monocle on his face, and raised a very friendly smile.

   "Grassman Gavin Heywood, see Zhu Guogong."

  With the perfect pronunciation and impeccable etiquette, if you don't look at his appearance, Zhao Yinshun will think that he is a native of Damin standing in front of him.

  Holding his chin with one hand, Zhao Yinshun stared at the lively auction downstairs, uttering a word without looking back.


   "Duke Xie Zhu."

   Not at all angry at being slighted, Gavin Heywood sat down beside Zhao Yinshun respectfully, with a smile still on his face.

   "Mr. Heywood has come so far away, what is the matter?"

   "Only on behalf of [San Jin Lian], I am willing to provide Zhu Guogong with help within my ability."

   "Help? Loan out of nine out of thirteen? Then I'm not interested."

  Maintaining a lazy posture, Zhao Yinshun sneered without looking sideways.

  However, Gavin Heywood didn't seem to notice the sarcasm in his words, and still smiled warmly.

   "Can we discuss the details, what interest rate does Zhu Guogong think is appropriate?"

   "Annualized 2%, no compound interest, period of 10 years, repayment of principal and interest upon maturity."

  Hearing this, the smile on Gavin Heywood's face finally couldn't hold back, and he frowned in dissatisfaction.

   "Mr. Zhu, you have to pay attention to sincerity when doing business..."

   Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yinshun turned his head and stared at Gavin Heywood with his deep and boundless pupils.

   "If you don't plan to pay back the money from the beginning, no matter how high the interest rate you charge, I can agree..."

   "However, I am sitting here patiently bargaining with you, which is already the highest sincerity, don't be ignorant."


   After being absurdly speechless for a few seconds, Gavin Heywood suddenly laughed and shook his head.

   "Master Zhu Guo, I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about Sheng Jinlian."

  While speaking, Gavin Heywood raised his eyes and stared at Zhao Yinshun without fear. The chaotic black light containing all colors surged in his eyes, like an abyss.

  "When money stands up to speak, all gods and Buddhas will lower their eyebrows and bow their heads."

   "There is no existence in this world that can not repay the money owed to [Sanjinlian], not Fusang, not Damin, and you... let alone!"

   Perceiving the terrifying power behind Gavin Heywood's gentle appearance, Zhao Yinshun looked at him with great interest, and it took a long time before he pursed his lips.

   "Really? I don't believe it."

   "You can try it."

   Gavin Heywood smiled, took out a thick and gorgeous gold-encrusted contract out of thin air, and respectfully pushed it in front of Zhao Yinshun.

   "The contract of the king of **** is written in the holy text of heaven, and the authority of the Western emperor is used as the framework..."

   Picking up the paper and examining it carefully, Zhao Yinshun narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

   "So it turns out that what is borrowed is not only money, but also strength, authority, and even theoretically everything you desire..."

  Hearing the boy's raving, Gavin Heywood pursed his lips reservedly and proudly: "Money is power, and money is everything!"

   With a sigh, Zhao Yinshun put down the contract and pushed it back in front of Gavin Heywood.

   "I seem to understand why Fusang suddenly became so much stronger..."

"Even if he breaks away from the tributary system, King Fusang is promoted to the ninth rank [Emperor], and it will take at least decades of hard work to realize his potential into strength. However, with your help, Fusang directly skipped this process, and even withdrew the future in advance. The power of's incredible, you can fully use the potential of such a complex and huge collection of doesn't seem to have any side effects!"

   "Hehe, it's just a [national debt], as long as you can repay a little bit of interest on time, there will never be any side effects!"

   Pinching his fingers to show an undetectable distance, Gavin Heywood smiled meaningfully.

   "[National Debt]...the extraordinary authority with the country as the target of the spell, your [Business Dao] path gave birth to a ninth-level true saint?"

  Listening to the boy's pointed temptation, Gavin Heywood smiled without saying a word. His dark pupils, like the abyss, could not see any emotion, and changed the subject calmly.

   "Actually, we have also proposed a loan to His Majesty Emperor Damin, but unfortunately, His Majesty the stubborn Emperor did not agree."

   Shrugged, Gavin Heywood sighed regretfully.

   "So, He lost his last chance."

   "Last chance? Do you think Dae-min will lose this war?"

  "Of course, one party has endless power, while the other party can only struggle to the death, and the final result is naturally self-evident."

  With a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, Gavin Heywood lowered his voice and murmured faintly.

   "When [Emperor] rejected our kindness, he was not fighting Fusang, but money. From that moment on, the tragic ending was already doomed, so..."

  Amidst the cold whispers, Gavin Heywood suddenly changed the topic, and his tone became sunny and brisk.

   "Is Zhu Guogong really not planning to borrow some [national debt]? I can provide a very good discount!"

  However, Zhao Yinshun was not moved at all, talking to himself as if he had realized something.

"With the [country] as the object of the contract, when the [debt] cannot be repaid, you can deprive this [country] without bloodshed, sovereignty, resources, from intangible concepts to tangible population, everything on this land will become What's in your pocket,'s much more efficient than plundering one by one..."

   "Hehe, Zhu Guogong is worrying too much. We [San Jinlian] are a serious business organization. As long as we can repay the [debt] on time, we will never interfere in any affairs of the debtor country..."

"Of course you don't need to interfere. [National debt] is a conspiracy. When the size difference between the two sides is not big, one side [loans] to you, and the other side must keep up, otherwise the whole country will become [interest] paid to you. .”

   "And once both parties [loans] at the same time, no matter who wins or loses, the biggest winner is only you [Sanjinlian]."

   Smacking his lips, Zhao Yinshun sighed and shook his head.

   "As expected of a sage of business, the pattern has opened up!"

   Mommy, the biological clock seems to be messed up again, I must adjust it! !

   In addition, ask for tickets, brothers send me up! w(Д)w



  (end of this chapter)

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