MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 342 Iron Fist (Physical)

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  Chapter 342 Iron Fist (Physical)

   "Such a saint deserves a better streetlight..."

"what did you say?"

   "It's nothing, you can back down."

  Waving his hands in a waning mood, Zhao Yinshun turned his attention to the auction downstairs again.

   Following his gaze, Gavin Heywood's eyes moved.

   "Buying and selling is not a matter of benevolence and righteousness. Since Zhu Guogong is not interested in [national debt], then we can talk about cooperation in other areas."

   "Oh? Like?"

   "For example, the remains of the Poseidon auctioned below, you can pack them all up and sell them to us, and we will guarantee you a good price."

   With a raised eyebrow, Zhao Yinshun turned his head to look at Gavin Heywood, looking up and down suspiciously.

   "Then what price are you going to offer?"

   "The rest is about 500,000 tons, and the price is 5 million gold dollars!"

   Spreading five fingers, Gavin Heywood opened his mouth with excitement.

   "On average, there are 10 large gold circles per ton, you are thinking about farting!"

  Hearing Zhao Yinshun's merciless ridicule, Gavin Heywood seemed to have anticipated his reaction, and smiled indifferently.

   "Mr. Zhu, don't worry, I'll help you do the math."

   "First of all, you have too many goods in your hand, and you can't keep them for a long time. The pressure of market digestion and inventory pressure in a short period of time will inevitably lead to continuous decline in prices."

   "Secondly, your feudal kingdom is waiting to be revived, and you are about to intervene in the war between Fusang and Damin. You need money everywhere. With the current slow digestion speed, you can't meet your needs at all."

"Finally, due to the expectation of price cuts, buyers will inevitably wait and see, whether to buy up or down, and this will in turn strengthen the downward pressure on prices, a vicious circle. After a period of time, you will find that the money in your hand The goods can't be sold at all, and we can only watch them rot in the ground, worthless."

   Talking eloquently, Gavin Heywood shrugged and sighed with emotion.

   "So don't look at the high auction price now, the package price I gave you must be the best deal in the end!"


   After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yinshun twitched the corners of his mouth sarcastically.

   "Believe it or not, I will raise the price to remove inventory?"

   "Huh? There are such magical skills in the world?"

   "Hehe, get out."

  Waving his hands like chasing flies away, Zhao Yinshun looked away and didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

   Raising prices to remove inventory is of course an insult. Poseidon’s flesh and blood is not a house. If you dare to procrastinate, it will rot for you!

   "Master Zhu Guo, when you change your mind, please contact me at any time."

  Respectfully and respectfully pushed a business card in front of Zhao Yinshun, Gavin Heywood got up and stroked his chest to salute, and retired in a gentle and humble manner.

   After he left, Zhao Yinshun picked up the gorgeous and complicated business card, played with it casually, and raised the corners of his mouth coldly.

   This is a must. I can't store divine materials on a large scale for a long time...

  The business card flew between the fingers, and a faint purple-gold flame quietly lit up, slowly turning the beautiful floral business card into flying ash.

  I still don’t believe it!

   Standing up suddenly, Zhao Yinshun took one last look at the unnerved businessmen downstairs, and pushed the door out without hesitation.

   "Starting tomorrow, daily shipments will be halved."

   Zhou Rou, who was standing at the door, took a step behind, followed closely beside Zhao Yinshun, and nodded earnestly to record.

   "Follow the order."

   "Take me to the warehouse."


   Walking out of the auction venue, the oncoming lively atmosphere washed away the troubles in Zhao Yinshun's mind.

  Looking around at the bustling broad street and at the dense buildings rising from the ground in the distance, the young man in white let out a breath of stale air slowly and long, as if to expel the gloom in his chest.

  Walking on the crowded street, feeling the blazing energy, looking at the light of hope in people's eyes, Zhao Yinshun finally raised the corners of his mouth in relief.

   "Egret Town is developing well."

   "Thanks to Junshang's investment regardless of cost, Bailu Town is prosperous today."

   Zhou Rou, who followed behind him, responded sincerely and introduced carefully.

   "Before, in order to build a deep-water port, Bailu Town had more than 100,000 people reformed through labor at its peak."

"After laying the foundation, the continuous stream of victims happened to activate Taiping Bay. Among them, Bailu Town has absorbed the largest population. At present, the permanent population alone is close to 300,000. In addition to the floating population, Bailu Town has actually surpassed the temporary population. Pau City, become the largest city in the entire [Linbo County]!"

   "So, it is not appropriate to call it a town, we are preparing to officially upgrade it to 【Egret City】."

   "Finally, there is one more important factor..."

   Speaking of this, Zhou Rou subconsciously looked towards the direction of the port. Following her gaze, Zhao Yinshun saw a majestic giant ship like a steel mountain.

  The paradise of truth, the seeding machine of civilization, the mother nest of industry, and the power of the three religions to jointly forge a great weapon of great power - [colonial ship]!

  [Liuyin Fengguo] can have such an exaggerated development speed today, thanks to the three religions consultants from Taixi.

  They brought the most advanced technology from Thailand and the West, allowing Damin people who have been closed to the outside world for hundreds of years to see the power of modernization!

Although they have also absorbed a huge amount of feedback from the drastic social changes, in less than a year, many people have touched the bottleneck of promotion, and many people have even started the transformation of divinity, and began to move towards the mythical world. The threshold is stepped forward.

   But in the final analysis, in this win-win transaction, [Liuyin Fengguo] got more...

  Maybe I should take more time to communicate with them, and strive to completely pull them into my camp!

   Rubbing his chin, while pondering, Zhao Yinshun came to a heavily guarded base, passed through many blockades, and a vast warehouse came into view.

   Before he got close, a huge divinity rushed towards his face, full of aggressive pressure, tyrannical and crazy, as if there was a horrible monster hiding in the warehouse, not a pile of cut and refined raw materials.

   "It's quite fresh... As long as you find a way to lock its divinity, the material changes are actually negligible..."

  Muttering to himself, Zhao Yinshun didn't come any closer, his toes gently left the ground, and slowly suspended as if losing weight, overlooking the entire warehouse from midair.

   "The soul and body of the gods can be equated to the laws of nature to some extent. They are the realization of concepts and the condensation of symbols..."

   "So once it falls, the divinity and authority will return to the original. This process is irreversible. We can only refine them into new [condensed bodies] as soon as possible..."

   "Isolating space cannot prevent the return of divinity, only a special mustard space like [Snow Dragon Clothes] can slow down the loss..."

   "But I don't have the relevant authority and talent, so... I can only find a way from other aspects..."

   Frowning, Zhao Yinshun combed through carefully, and found it more and more difficult.

  In fact, it is not difficult to store divine materials on a small scale. Each sect has its own tricks, but the difficulty lies in large-scale and long-term storage...

  After much deliberation, Zhao Yinshun felt that the problem could only be solved at the most fundamental level—time!

   As long as a piece of still space-time is cut out, the divinity inside will never be lost!

  The eyes are fixed, the huge divinity resonates in the depths of the soul, the world melts and dissipates in Zhao Yinshun's eyes, revealing a deeper essence.

  【Heart is better than things】!

  Intention tampered with reality, and the time and space covering the entire warehouse area began to distort quietly. The silent and violent fluctuations agitated in the deep dimensions, causing indescribable distortions in the material world.

   On the ground, watching a huge piece of time and space squirming like plasticine, Zhou Rou, who was dumbfounded, slowly raised her head and looked up at the god-like young man in the sky.

  If I remember correctly... Your Majesty's rank seems to be 【Warfu】, right?

  Warrior in charge of 【Destroy】【Destroy】【Kill】, why can he have authority over 【Create】【Change】【Time and Space】?

  Before Zhou Rou could figure it out, the boy who lived in the sky crashed down, stamping on the ground a shallow crater several meters in diameter.


  Looking at Zhao Yinshun's angry back, Zhou Rou turned around and looked at the warehouse area that had been restored to its original state, swallowed and hurriedly followed.

   On the other side, summing up the experience of failure, Zhao Yinshun quickly dispelled the negative emotions and sighed helplessly.

   There is no way, the [God] attribute is too weak, neither in quality nor in quantity is enough to support such a large-scale modification of reality, let alone solidify this distorted reality.

   Maybe he can barely complete the tampering after the transformation of his **** attribute is completed, but the problem is that the Shenmen Six Heavens Gate is getting more difficult as it goes to the back, and the [Shenguan] that can be opened has long been appointed by him to the end.

  However, when he finishes transforming, the day lily will be cold!

   Pursing his lips tightly, Zhao Yinshun looked melancholy at the sky.

  Although hundreds of thousands of tons of divine materials are precious, they are not very important to him. If it is impossible, go to the deep sea to pick a lucky one, and have a loving offering...

  The key is not wanting to make it cheap for outsiders!

   Thinking of the merchants at the auction who had a tacit understanding with Le Rongrong to lower the price, and Gavin Heywood, who was sure of him, Zhao Yinshun's fist hardened.

  When did I, Xiao Shun, suffer such grievances? !

  I would rather rot the meat in the ground than vent this bad breath!

   The big deal is that the Sea God will catch the living ones and keep them alive!

   Grinding his teeth viciously, Zhao Yinshun grinned grinningly, Zhou Rou behind him trembled in fright, and shrank herself into a ball subconsciously.

   "Did Marilyn build a university in Pacific Bay?"

  Hearing the sudden inquiry, Zhou Rou quickly cheered up.

   "Yes, it cost 2.3 million gold coins and covers an area of ​​2,700 acres, not far from Bailu Town."

   "Take me to see."


  Walking in the courtyard, the two walked away from the densely populated urban area and walked along a wide cement avenue to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

  Looking from a distance, the brand-new western-style building faces the sea, which is solemn and holy under the sunshine. When stepping into the college, a wonderful feeling suddenly appeared in Zhao Yinshun's mind.

   Glancing at the attribute panel, seeing the clear records on it, Zhao Yinshun finally realized the root of Taixi's strength.

   "You have entered the extraordinary domain [Linbo University] and obtained a temporary bonus."

   Comprehension +10

   root bone +5

  Qualification +5

  All practice, research, and learning efficiency increased by 20%

   (The above bonuses will disappear after leaving the dojo domain)

  Range-based supernatural blessings are not uncommon. Damin's Shi Dao domain has the same power, or even stronger!

  The key to making Taixi proud of the world is actually the number of students!

  The number of disciples of the traditional teacher path is limited, and it is better than the ninth-level [Supreme Sacred Teacher], and there are only 72 true disciples.

This point is the same regardless of the East and the West, until the [Knowledge Council] carried out the reform of the path of teachers and created the [School] in imitation of the Sanctuary. 】The carrying capacity!

   In a sense, the emergence of [School] has made it possible for everyone to become a superhuman!

  The productivity of an extraordinary person is ten times or even a hundred times that of ordinary people, and the higher the energy level, the greater the gap.

  This is also why Taixi's overall national power is overwhelming the world, even pushing Damin, who has been regarded as a **** for two hundred years, to the ground and rubbing against it.

[School] can not only change the fate of those who were originally unqualified, but also make many talented mud legs stand out. Therefore, just like [School of War] started the crushing of individual power by the collective, [School] also has the same effect on traditional The path of the teacher's path has produced a dimensionality reduction blow, and the quality and quantity have been crushed in all directions!

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help shaking his head with emotion.

   Just like he became the master's direct disciple, the [college students] of [Linbo University] can also get a lot of innate attribute bonuses, at least several times the temporary domain bonuses!

   This is enough to raise the upper limit of an originally mediocre person to the legendary realm, so that the original legendary person can have a glimpse of the myth!

   No wonder the former senior sister wanted to carry out educational reforms, but was instantly opposed by overwhelming opposition.

  Monopolizing knowledge and monopolizing the extraordinary path is the foundation of the inheritance of the aristocrats of the family. If the mud legs rise on a large scale, shouldn't they be killed?

   What millennium family?

  If there is not one unicorn in a generation, it will be eliminated by the mud legs that used to be regarded as an ant in a few decades!

  By that time, their proud lineage, family background, and inheritance will all be jokes!

  If you add to it the bloodliness deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in China, "the princes and generals should have kindness", good guy...

  30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the story of Mo bullying the young and poor is estimated to be played out every day. Xiao Yan is everywhere in the land of Shenzhou. That scene can make all the children of the aristocratic family crazy!

  Zhao Yinshun can even guess their dark psychological activities.

  If we can’t ride on the heads of the common people and do our best, then what’s the point of our life?

  My family has been passed down for thousands of years, four generations and three males, nobles, why do you lowly scumbags stand on the same starting line as me?

  You are not qualified to compete with us at all, let alone step on us to a higher place!

  I can't even even think about such a rebellious idea!

  Thinking of the frightened and crazy appearance of those aristocratic children, Zhao Yinshun smiled inexplicably and raised the corners of his mouth.

  What is this fantasy version of the Iron Fist of People's Democracy (Physics)...

  While pacing with a chuckle, a kind old lady who still has a charming charm on the path in front of her came into view. Zhao Yinshun quickly put away her distracting thoughts and greeted her warmly.

   "Maviline, why did you come out?"

   "Duke Zhu is here, of course I have to sweep the couch to welcome you. Unfortunately, your aura is too secretive. I didn't sense it until I stepped into the academy. Otherwise, I would have prepared a welcome ceremony for you in advance."

  Blinking her eyes, Mayveline laughed teasingly.

   It’s hard to turn day and night upside down, please comfort me~(╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)