MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 346 【Shenwu】

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  Chapter 346 [Shenwu]

  In a few months, the Fusang army, which was originally overwhelming, has only advanced less than a hundred miles!

Several times during the period, they obviously won big victories and were ready to pursue the victory, but the coalition forces of Damin and Shen Li were defeated under the control of Beimingzhu Kingdom, just like a resilient bamboo forest, crumbling under the impact of the storm. It seems that it will be flattened and crushed at any time, but it just bends and does not break!

   Vaguely, Zhao Yinshun finally understood what [Qi Xu Rulin] was!

  This kind of exquisite martial art attainments, in his opinion, is outrageous!

  Compared to the old and steady Beimingzhu Kingdom, Tang Hongda is like a young boy.

   As the opponent, the Fuso Army dominates, and [Susano], who holds a part of the war power, obviously has the characteristics of an island country.

   To put it nicely, there is more than [overbearing] but not enough [kingly way].

   To put it bluntly, it is ancestral entertainment - betting on the luck of the country!

  Because of limited resources and constant natural disasters, the people of the island country can only perish in silence if they don’t erupt in silence, so they gradually develop a national characteristic of going to extremes!

  However, although the outburst of the sword slanting front is strong, but once it hits the monster of Beimingzhu Kingdom, which is unparalleled in defensive art, it will wither immediately after three strikes.

   According to the information sent back from the front line, although the Fusang army is still advancing, and is still moving from one victory to another, Zhao Yinshun can clearly sense their restlessness.

  Because according to the development of this situation, not to mention the demise of Shen Li in one year like they clamored at the beginning, even if they are given another ten years, they will not be able to take down the entire territory of Shen Li!

   What's more, once the war situation is corrupted, how many years can Fusang's national strength last?

  I don't believe that the [loans] of Shengjinlian can really be endless!

   Sneering and grinning, a thought suddenly flashed in Zhao Yinshun's mind.

  Fortunately, Fusang was not so stupid as to clamor for three months to destroy Damin, otherwise Sanjinlian would not be able to [loan] to them even if they really had a bag in their heads.

  PPT financing also needs to talk about the basic law...

   Smiling and shaking his head, Zhao Yinshun turned his gaze back to himself, suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind.

  Thinking in another place, if you are sitting in the North Mingzhu country, how should you operate?

   After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yinshun had a good number of Bs and chose to put it badly.

   He can't learn the operation of just being defeated!

   In the final analysis, his natal class is still a warrior, let him take the lead in the charge, and it is no problem to be brave and diligent!

  But let him micromanage millions of troops like his arms and fingers...


   All I can say is, this is clearly embarrassing me, Xiao Shun!

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun thought carefully, analyzed carefully, and finally came to a conclusion.

  If he is not given a professional divine general to assist him, and he is really placed in the position of Beimingzhu Kingdom, then the only thing he can do is to say to his subordinates:

   Back off, I'm going to start pretending to beep!

   Then, he will take the lead in charging, achieve an epic victory in a very small area, and then completely defeat the long front that stretches thousands of miles...

  Thinking of that scene, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help shivering, and quickly shook his head.

  Forget it, forget it, I, Xiao Shun Shun, is a martial artist, so I can't do any big picture and micromanagement, just show off.

  Professional matters should be left to professional people. I just want to simply beat you to death, or simply be beaten to death by you!

   Knowing his own position, Zhao Yinshun seemed to have a clearer understanding of the next battle situation in a trance.

  But precisely because of having a clear understanding, Zhao Yinshun is more pessimistic about the overall situation in the future.

   It's not that he has no confidence in Beimingzhu Kingdom or himself, but that he has too much confidence in the group of insects in the court!

   This group of guys can't do anything, they are definitely number one in dragging their feet!

  In the final analysis, war is a continuation of politics, which requires clear goals and strong national support.

  If the front is tight and the rear is tight, the front line is battered and bloody, and the princes of the Manchu Dynasty make a fortune in the back, no matter how strong the general is, he will be in vain.

   And this point can be seen from the Xuanjia Army he had contacted before.

  The soldiers can't even eat enough, the power level is completely crushed, and the equipment is all ancestral tattered. The Beimingzhu Kingdom has stabilized the current situation entirely by suppressing Susanoo's military skills.

   But this stalemate is fragile, because the memorials to impeach Beimingzhu Kingdom in the imperial capital can pile up a hill every day!

  Zhao Yinshun didn't know how many forces were involved and how many conflicts and confrontations there were.

  He only knows that some people have put the interests of individuals or small groups above the interests of the country as a whole, and their greed is outrageous!

  Hmm... It smells like the madness and chaos of the last year of the dynasty!

   "Your Majesty, the Naval Engineering Corps has established a temporary dock, which can accommodate a small number of transport ships and destroyers to dock."

   Just as Zhao Yinshun was in a trance, a heroic female general quietly appeared behind him, calling back his attention.

   "Okay, when is the full landing expected to be completed?"

   "Probably all personnel and equipment can be unloaded before dark tomorrow."

   "Well... it doesn't matter if we land now, but we will definitely not have such ample time when we leave. We will step up the construction of a temporary dock, and we must all board the ship within half a day when we retreat!"

   Frowning slightly, Cen Xing thought carefully and nodded solemnly.

   "Follow the order."

  At the same time, a beam of light crossed the sea and landed beside Zhao Yinshun.

  The tall and burly Tang Hongda was not as light as when Cen Xing appeared on the stage. Just breaking through the aftermath, he pulled out a wide white wave on the sea.

   Landing heavily, Tang Hongda glanced at Cen Xing, always feeling that her nose is not a nose, her eyes are not eyes, anyway, she just doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

  Damn it!

  It’s obviously my army’s enchanted steel, so why use it to repair the navy’s warships?

  Thinking that more than 90% of those precious materials were invested in the navy, Tang Hongda felt his cheeks sore.

  But soon he let go of the bitterness in his heart, and raised his chin imperceptibly.

   No matter how strong your navy is, you won’t be able to go ashore. The army is the foundation of the country!

  Once your lord starts the next reorganization and military expansion, your navy will always be the younger brother!

   "Tang Hongda, how is the reserve?"

"My lord, at present, more than 50,000 excellent reserves have been selected from dragon guards from all over the country. After these two years of training, their foundations are very solid, but due to the tightness of the medicine, many of them are still stuck. At the first-order bottleneck."

   "50,000 is not enough. The limit I can bear now is about 200,000. After removing the original quota occupied by the Cang Jiao Army, you have to choose another 50,000... no, 100,000!"

   Feeling his commanding power carefully, Zhao Yinshun reckoned that he would improve after this battle, and decisively reserved 50,000 quota.

   "It's best for the 150,000 reserve soldiers to be collectively promoted to the second rank before this battle is over. At that time, with the original Cangjiao Army as the backbone, they will soon be able to form combat effectiveness..."

  Hearing this, Tang Hongda was overjoyed, but he didn't dare to promise easily.

   "Your Majesty, I haven't stopped training the reserve force for the past two years. Our reserve of soldiers is sufficient, but the problem is that the main force is growing too fast, and the supply of medicines is always in short supply... and the navy has to allocate half of the quota..."

   Seeing his embarrassment, Zhao Yinshun waved his hands helplessly.

   "I'll figure out a way, you go and call Qi Tong."

   "Follow the order!"

  Watching Tang Hongda go away excitedly, Zhao Yinshun turned his attention to his attribute panel.

  【Zhen Guo】(Myth SSS level)

  Zuo Tianzi manages yin and yang, balances the state, and unifies everything.

  The rank of [Zhen Guogong] not only endowed himself with official authority far superior to that of [Liuyinzhu Kingdom], but also endowed him with a top military authority.

   An exclusive military soul that is stronger than the Four Great Pillars—【Shenwu】.

  According to the personal strength of [Zhen Guogong], the potential of [Shenwujun] is almost endless, theoretically even half a level higher than [Hu Ben], [Long Xiang], [Xuan Jia], [Zhu Yu]!

   Therefore, since he was promoted to the sixth rank, Zhao Yinshun began to prepare for the reorganization of the army.

  No way, the upper limit of the Cangjiao Army is too low, among other things, just a capacity limit of 100,000 people will block the pace of expansion.

  Actually, as the private army of the county king, it is appropriate for the Cangjiao Army to defend the country in peacetime.

  But now that the world is in chaos, this arrangement is obviously not enough.

  Which of the forces that are expected to compete for world hegemony doesn't have a million-scale high-level mythical army soul in their hands?

   One level higher, the Four Great Pillars are the same as my own 【Shenwu】, with the improvement of the user's personality strength, the top military soul with unlimited growth...

   Just as he was thinking, a woman with a medicinal fragrance and a lingering charm floated in.

   "My lord, are you looking for me?"

   "Well, how are you getting ready?"

  “[The way of medicine] is not good at attacking, but Mr. Zhang refined a divine poison bead for me... Well... Do your best.”

  Qi Tong was excited but also tinged with anxiety.

   "Don't be nervous, I'm here, you just need to assist in the dark."

  Patting her stiff shoulder, Zhao Yinshun encouraged with a light smile.

  The supernatural charm eased the uneasiness in Qi Tong's chest. Looking at the calm smile of the boy in white, an inexplicable sense of security surged into his heart.


   "By the way, have you refined your ascension medicine?"

   "Thank you for your blessings, you have already finished the training, only the final transformation of divinity..."

   "Very good, we [Liuyin Fengguo] will soon have a second medical legend."

   The corners of his mouth turned up from the bottom of his heart, and Zhao Yinshun let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

  Zhang Kangsheng has not yet fully returned to his heart. Qi Tong has always been in charge of the refining of military medicine. As long as she is promoted to Shinhwa and has enough alchemy apprentices, the work of expanding the army should not encounter bottlenecks.

   After sorting out his thoughts, Zhao Yinshun raised his eyes and looked towards the inland direction. Over there, the hazy red cloud of **** evil shrouded the horizon, wriggling slowly like a flame.

  The young man in white took a slow and long breath, with an expectant smile on his warm and jade-like face.


   A few days passed in a flash, and hundreds of legendary warriors spread along the predetermined route, like a shadow, swallowing all the Fusang teams along the way.

  The teams dispatched for several days in a row disappeared mysteriously, and the guards of [Hongya City] immediately raised their vigilance.

   But before he could find out the reason, huge pressure appeared within the blood fiend's sensing range.

  When he realized that it was a sneak attack, the terrifying and unknown enemy had almost touched the outside of [Hongya City].


  Severe alarm bells rang throughout the city, and disheveled Fusang warriors hurried up the city wall, facing a dark tide spreading out from the forest.

   An indescribable sense of oppression hits the face, and the substantive **** aura is no longer hidden, and condenses into a whole without any scruples.


  The conflicting blood and evil spirits collided violently, but with just one contact, the morale of the Fusang defenders in [Hongya City] instantly plummeted.

   "How is it possible? Where did Shen Li get such a strong army?"

   Also standing on the city wall, Kitajima Taro murmured in despair.

   It’s okay to be under the nose of 100,000 enemy troops, and relying on the large defensive formation may barely survive for a few days.

   But the question is why the enemy is so strong?

  Just from the contact with the evil spirit of blood, Kitajima Taro felt the gap that made him despair.

   Not to mention the various equipment that is obviously excellent at first glance.

   Before Kitajima Taro had to wait long, a series of thick magic guns were pushed out of the army formation and pointed at the city gate.


  Accompanied by the terrifying volley that shook the earth and the mountains, the moat formation that had not yet been fully repaired collapsed instantly.

  The astonishingly powerful shells pierced through the barrier, blasting gaps several meters in diameter on the city wall, almost destroying a section of the city wall tens of meters in diameter.

   "Counterattack! Quick counterattack!"

  The only few cannons were pushed onto the city wall, and the disgraced Kitajima Taro stood up from the smoke and let out a mournful roar.

  But before their old-fashioned artillery could show its power, the enemy's second salvo came.


  Without the weakening of the large moat formation, the destructive explosive power was released on the city wall, cutting off the thousand-meter-long city wall in front of it, making it "short" forcibly.

   "Shenwu Army, charge!"

   With a wave of his hand, a brilliant diamond star pierced the sky, falling like a meteorite, smashing the crumbling city gate into pieces.

  Looking at the [Hongya City] with the door wide open, Zhao Yinshun pursed his lips in dismay.

   Fusang concentrated the main combat power on the front line against the North Mingzhu Kingdom. The troops in the rear were too empty. A large-scale [Hongya City] was actually only guarded by a sixth-level general leading a team of 10,000 people.

  However, at this point, the army has to be dispersed to the surrounding villages and towns, and the actual army guarding the city will not exceed 5,000 people.

  Suddenly, Zhao Yinshun somewhat understood why the guerrillas had been harassed by the guerrillas in the rear in his previous life.

The maintenance cost of the occupied area is not small. Hundreds of thousands of troops can only control transportation nodes and important cities. Once they leave the city and go to the countryside, it will be the territory of guerrillas. Small groups of troops are easy to be eaten. After a long period of time, the army dare not disperse at all, so naturally it is impossible to talk about rule...

  The current Fusang is similar to the little day in the previous life. The large area of ​​Shenli's territory will become a swamp of flesh and blood, sinking them little by little.

   There are two solutions, the three-light policy or the soft rule!

  Little days in the previous life chose the former, I wonder if they will change in this world.

  With an evil smile, Zhao Yinshun followed the pace of the army into the city, his eyes gradually darkened.

   There will be another chapter later.



  (end of this chapter)