MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 347 Sacrifice and Lamb

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  Chapter 347 Sacrifice and Lamb

  A faint corpse odor that is difficult to get rid of enveloped the entire city, and dark red blood stains that could not be washed away remained in the cracks in the stone slabs of the streets.

  [High-dimensional horizon], the huge corpse, ghost, and resentment are soaring into the sky. If it is not suppressed by the army, it is estimated that the city will already be full of ghosts and zombies!

   "How many sins has this horse done?!"

  Although he was prepared in his heart, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but swear when he looked around.

   Immediately, the supreme leader's anger was transmitted to every soldier's heart through the military soul, and the already restless killing intent became more violent, and the speed of the mopping up suddenly soared.


  The fierce shouts of killing echoed everywhere in the city. Walking on the desolate and desolate streets, a burly officer suddenly walked quickly to Zhao Yinshun.

   "My lord, we found something."

   "Lead the way."

  Following the officer to the center of the city, before he arrived, the disgusting strong corpse smell came over his face. Turning the corner of the street, Zhao Yinshun's pupils shrank slightly at the scene that caught his eye.

  On the razed ruins, twisted and charred corpses were piled on top of each other, forming a "spectacular" mountain of corpses more than ten meters high.

  A long distance away, Zhao Yinshun found traces of the magic circle around him. It seems that someone deliberately kept the mountain of corpses to form rituals... or some kind of symbol...

   "Fusang's extraordinary system was born out of us, but these magic circles obviously don't look like their handwriting."

   Observing the traces left on the ground, Zhao Yinshun frowned, because even he couldn't see the origin of these formations.

   "Your Majesty, there are still things over there."


  Bypassing the mountain of corpses, and a few hundred meters ahead, a strange and evil pyramid appeared in front of everyone.

  It was a pyramid made entirely of human heads. Unlike the charred corpses that had been burned, these human heads showed no sign of decay under the midsummer temperature, and even retained their appearance before death.

  Some are wide-eyed, some are twisted in pain, some are desperate and fearful...

   "Your Majesty, all the heads of those corpses have been chopped off and piled up here. According to preliminary estimates, there are more than 100,000 dead!"

   Breathing was slightly stagnant, Zhao Yinshun asked a beautiful shadow who came up without turning his head.

   "How many people did [Hongya City] have before?"

   "Less than two hundred thousand..."

   Cui Enxian's voice was calm, but Zhao Yinshun felt a suppressed resentment from her.

  Like a volcano accumulating strength, extreme negative emotions are compressed in her heart, which may explode at any time.

   "Go for revenge!"

   Didn't speak, Cui Enxian just bowed deeply to Zhao Yinshun's back, and left resolutely with his long sword.

   "My lord, do you want to send someone to protect her?"

   "No, the enemy has already been dispersed. In this kind of street fighting, she is not so vulnerable as a legendary martial artist."

   Shaking his head, Zhao Yinshun continued to observe the pyramid of human heads in front of him, his dark eyes penetrated the appearance, and saw the essence directly.

   "I heard that many Tianjiao saints from all over the world came to serve as mercenaries. I thought they were planning something. It turned out that they used Shen Li's ordinary people as materials..."

   Smiling coldly, Zhao Yinshun suddenly understood why the Thai and Western countries were so eager for Damin.

   Not only for wealth, but also for the almost endless "sacrifices" on the land of China.

  Destruction Shen Li may be able to support a group of Tianjiao saints to ascend to the throne, but it is not very attractive to those high-level mythical creatures.

  They need a wider, richer, and more inexhaustible "pasture"!

  Da Min is the place they planned to graze...

  Everything that happened to Shenli today will happen in Daemin at double the scale in the future!

   No, it might already be happening...

  Recalling the tragic night in Hon Hai City, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help squinting his eyes.

  If it wasn’t for Dean Qin’s efforts to turn the tide, I am afraid that after completing the ascension ceremony, he would pat his **** and leave, leaving a city with every family wearing mourning waiting for the next harvest...

  And how many "sacrifices" have been completed in the thirty-six states of Damin?

   Not to mention that there are local demons contributing to the flames!

  In the dark, Zhao Yinshun had a glimmer of enlightenment.

  In the eyes of certain high-level beings, all living beings are no longer considered flesh and blood [people], but clusters of lush leeks, the lambs they raise, and the "food" for them to climb higher.

   "I'm not so arrogant, why are you?"

   Tearing up the corners of his mouth sarcastically, Zhao Yinshun muttered to himself, raised his hand and drew out a gorgeous dark gold long sword out of thin air.


  The pitch-black sword gang slashed down in the air, the tall pyramid of human heads trembled suddenly, and invisible mighty power came from the void, instinctively resisting the invasion of the law of destruction.

  In an instant, tens of thousands of human heads rolled their eyes ferociously and stared at Zhao Yinshun with piercing gray pupils.

"Ohh Ohh ohh…"

  The entire pyramid seemed to come to life, and everyone opened their mouths wide, sending out an evil scream that pierced the soul.

Like a curse of hatred, or crying in pain, the piercing and tragic cry resounded throughout the city. In an instant, even the two armies that were fighting for life and death were forced to stop, and they both covered their ears and resisted the gods. Ripple's Invasion.

However, this terrifying scream lasted only less than one-tenth of a second. The jet-black destruction sword smashed through the divine barrier, and the trembling pyramid froze for an instant. There are only black skulls left.

  The jet-black sword gang, which had not disappeared, collapsed into a black line as thin as a cicada's wing, quietly submerged into the void, and followed the line of cause and effect back to the instigator.

   At the same time, thousands of miles away, a man with a collapsed forehead, protruding back of the head, and deformed facial features felt something, and looked up in the direction of [Hongya City].

"What's wrong?"

   "One of my altars of becoming a **** has been destroyed!"

   "What's going on? Why did the Fusang army destroy your altar?"

   "I don't know..."

  Just as he was about to shake his head, the man's complexion suddenly changed. A thick black line drilled out of the void without warning, and then the black line instantly swelled and returned to a destructive sword beam, like a ray of light sinking into the man's forehead.


  The proud divine barrier was easily pierced by black light, the man's protruding eyeballs seemed to burst out, and the whole person froze in place, with an inconspicuous black line **** wide emerging between his brows.

   In the next second, the black line slowly spread, and countless dense particles evaporated from the wound, completely melting the man into nothingness.


  At the other end of the long river of time, a majestic and brutal roar came upstream, and a phantom of a feathered snake stretching for hundreds of meters condensed behind the man out of thin air.

  The slender and gorgeous Feathered Serpent flapped its wings, covering it with colorful feathers, gently smoothing the sword marks between the man's eyebrows, and expelling the sword gang containing the law of destruction little by little.

  But before Feathered Snake completely reversed the man's "death", a cold whisper vibrated the void.

   "Fate deprives!"

  The original substance that constituted existence was forcibly peeled off a piece, and from the other side of the long river of time came the mournful roar of incompetence and rage again.

   Thousands of miles away, Zhao Yinshun looked at a crystal clear crystal in his palm, sneered and folded his five fingers together.

   Deprive Creation




  【Origin · Essence】+0.1



  【root bone】+72




   There are not many acquired attributes, but the innate attributes are quite rich, worthy of being a **** in the future, "nutrition" is rich...

  Feeling the full and expansive power in his body, Zhao Yinshun grinned and squeezed his fists.

   "Your Majesty, Princess Cui is back."

   After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Yinshun looked sideways, and saw a blood-soaked figure walking towards him step by step with a long sword covered in blood in his hand.

   The exhausted pace was slow but firm, and each step left a string of **** footprints on the ground.

   "Are you comfortable venting?"


  Cui Eunxian nodded, his snow-white cheeks were splashed with bright drops of blood, inexplicably carrying a trace of sickly, poignant and coquettish beauty.

   "Then go to work according to the plan, your next task will be quite heavy."

  Looking at the city gradually falling into silence, Zhao Yinshun sighed meaningfully.

   Destroying the enemy does not mean the battle is over, on the contrary, the real battle begins now.

  In order to prevent Fusang from absorbing nourishment from Shen Li, he wants to transfer as many people as possible to [Liuyin Fengguo]!

   The fleet that has been staying offshore is dedicated to this task.

  War is actually a struggle for national power, and the essence of national power is people. Fortifying the walls and clearing the fields in enemy-occupied areas not only prevents Fusang from sucking blood smoothly, but even makes them pay extra costs for maintaining stability.

   And it happens that my country is in short supply of labor force, and this will ebb and flow. The stronger I fight, the weaker the enemy will become. One day, the power in my hands will surpass that of Fusang as a whole.

   When the time comes, land on the island and drink horses in Kyoto...

  Hmm...the last [Champion Hou] was named Langjuxu Mountain, how can I let him be more beautiful than before?

  It's decided, I want to seal Mount Fuji!

   Smiling and pursing his lips, just as Zhao Yinshun was thinking about the future, an officer came over with an ugly expression.

   "Your Majesty, we have made a new discovery."

   "I want to see, what else can they do?"

   Glancing at the hideous and hollow skull in front of him, Zhao Yinshun stomped his feet fiercely, and the towering pyramid disintegrated, collapsing together with the surrounding earth.

   But ten minutes later, Zhao Yinshun fell silent when he came to a low-key and inconspicuous mansion and saw the inhumane scene in front of him.

   I'm being hasty, I still overestimated the lower limit of [evil] in the world...

   "Your Majesty, what should we do? Do you want to give them a good time?"

  The key is that there are far more than one victim like her, there are four or five in this room alone!

   "Go and call Qi Tong over!"

  Rubbing the center of his brows in pain, Zhao Yinshun still decided to let professionals judge.

   "Your Majesty, this is the data they haven't had time to destroy. It records the data of most of the experiments here. This girl should be to observe the human brain's response to various external stimuli under visual conditions..."

  Listening to his subordinate's report, Zhao Yinshun laughed back in anger, looking directly into the depths of the mansion with dark eyes.

   "Is the person in charge here alive?"


"bring it here!"


   Not long after, a dozen Fusang people in white robes were brought before Zhao Yinshun.

  Obviously there was no extraordinary wave, but facing the young man in white who was staring at him quietly, all the Fusang people in white robes shuddered, as if they were not facing a handsome young man, but a demon crawling out of hell.

   "Which of you is in charge here?"

   "I...I am..."

  A thin and gentle man stood up from the crowd and answered tremblingly.

  However, Zhao Yinshun just looked at him and nodded with satisfaction.

  Suddenly, the gentle man misunderstood Zhao Yinshun's reaction, and there was a burst of ecstasy in his eyes.

   "My lord, I am Ryusuke Morimoto, a sixth-rank military doctor. I am in charge of the psychiatric research work in [Hongya City]. My team and I can work for you..."


  Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yinshun raised his eyebrows and asked with a half-smile.

  Unaware of the young man's suppressed anger, Ryusuke Morimoto tried harder to sell himself, telling the young man some experimental content without hesitation.

  Looking at his dancing, Zhao Yinshun felt that he didn't feel anything wrong at all, as if the "experimental products" were not people who could cry in pain, but little white mice...

  No, normal doctors would have compassion for the mice, and would try to minimize their pain during experiments. These people had absolutely no awareness of this in their minds.

  Looking around at a dozen people in white robes, Zhao Yinshun didn't see any guilt on their faces, as if what Morimoto Ryusuke said was a normal experiment.

  In a trance, Zhao Yinshun had the illusion that he was not normal. He didn't feel relieved until he saw the fire-breathing eyes of the soldiers around him.

   "Ryusuke Morimoto, do you still remember the content of the experiment you designed?"

   “Of course, all experiments must document the methods, processes and results in detail.”

  Thinking that his "ability" has impressed the boy, Morimoto Ryusuke took out a stack of materials from a secret cabinet, and excitedly introduced it to Zhao Yinshun.

   "Look, my lord, this is the catalog of all experiments, detailing the design ideas and methods."

   After taking the information and flipping through it casually, Zhao Yinshun felt his blood pressure surge and rubbed his temples painfully.

   As long as there is still a trace of humanity, it is impossible to design such an inhumane thing!

   "My lord, are you looking for me?"

   "How did you procrastinate?"

   For the first time, Zhao Yinshun expressed dissatisfaction with Qi Tong.

   "It took a little time to treat the wounded soldiers, please forgive me, Your Majesty."


  Nodding, Zhao Yinshun handed the catalog to Qi Tong, then pointed to a group of white robes and smiled cordially.

   "Go through these experiments on each of them, and no one is allowed to die before the experience is over!"

   Two shifts, ask for tickets~w(Д)w



  (end of this chapter)