MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 348 karma

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  Chapter 348 Karma


  The white robes who were secretly delighted that they escaped their lives because of their "excellent" research ability changed their colors in astonishment, and looked at Zhao Yinshun in disbelief.

   "My... my lord, we are all high-level medical supernatural beings, and we are different from those readily available materials. We can create huge value for you..."

  After regaining consciousness, Morimoto Ryusuke wailed and begged for mercy, trying to show his irreplaceable side.

  However, Zhao Yinshun twitched the corners of his mouth noncommittally, admiring their distorted facial features, and raised his finger to the poor young girl who was lifted from the sky not far away.

   "You are noble medical practitioners, those are humble 'materials', so you can dispose of them at will?"

  Caught off guard by the sudden questioning, Morimoto Ryusuke was slightly taken aback, vaguely aware of the ferociousness under Zhao Yinshun's gentle appearance, and quickly changed his words.

  "No, no, they are volunteers who dedicated their lives to medicine, and the whole world will benefit from their sacrifice..."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun patted Morimoto Ryusuke on the shoulder in relief.

   "That's great, I'm kind-hearted, and I like to do things that are beneficial to the world, so... Please sacrifice for the medical profession."


   After talking for a long time, he finally returned to the original point. Morimoto Ryusuke stared at the boy's dark eyes without a smile, and begged for mercy in a dying struggle.

   "My lord, I have a lot of research on [surgical techniques], I can save many people, no... don't..."

  Seeing Morimoto Ryusuke's desperate begging, Zhao Yinshun was unmoved at all, and squeezed his shoulder encouragingly.

   "I heard that highly skilled doctors will personally experience the treatments they design. Since you are one of the best in a hundred, you must also be very good at being researched, right?"

   Emphasizing the word 'quiet', Zhao Yinshun looked around at the trembling white robes, and raised the corners of his mouth ferociously.

   "Everything is fragile, how can you high-level extraordinary people have tenacious vitality?"

"It's too cost-effective to experiment with mortals. I read the information and found that many "consumables" often die halfway through the experiment, but you are different. You are good at both experimenting and being experimented, and you are not easy to lead... "

   "So, in my mind, you are the most suitable 'durable goods'..."

  Looking at the undisguised, vicious smile in the eyes of the boy in white, Ryusuke Morimoto's sluggish eyes were engulfed by despair, and then a trace of vicious hatred welled up in the depths of his pupils.


   Suddenly, there was no warning, but before Morimoto Ryusuke raised his arm, an irresistible force poured in from the shoulder blades, instantly crushing every bone below his neck to pieces.

  The insidious demonic energy followed closely, penetrating into the depths of every trace of spiritual flesh along the meridians, locking his ability to act.

  As if not aware of Morimoto Ryusuke's tendency to attack, Zhao Yinshun squeezed his shoulders, "holding" him in his hand like a tattered rag doll, and looked at a group of desperate white robes behind him with a smile.

   "My lord is kind-hearted, and I reward you with an opportunity to contribute to the world. You should cherish it and don't know how to flatter you!"

  After reaching the limit of despair and fear, these people plucked up their courage, unanimously jumped up suddenly, roaring and rushed towards Zhao Yinshun.

   "China bitch! Go to hell!"

  However, when they soared into the air, their bodies suddenly froze in mid-air, and an invisible mighty force fixed these portraits, like bugs sealed in amber, unable to move their eyeballs.

   "Who gave you the courage to attack a warrior at this distance?"

   Admiring the "worm" frozen in mid-air, the boy in white grinned jokingly, and soon "suddenly realized".

   "Oh, you guys want to provoke me and let me kill you..."

   "It's a beautiful idea, but I said, if you don't experience all the experiments you designed, none of you will die!"

  The smile suddenly retracted, the cold and biting killing intent turned into reality, mixed with the devilish energy invaded the bodies of the white robes, silently destroying their ability to move.

   "By the way, according to the data, you are just the tip of the iceberg of a huge plan. There are your research institutes all over the Fusang Army..."

   Immediately, Zhao Yinshun remembered something, and pursed the corners of his mouth full of evil.

   "Then you are blessed! When I capture more experimental subjects in the future, I will send them to be your companions, and then you will be able to prostitute each other's experimental content for free!"

The pupils shrunk suddenly to the size of a needle eye, extreme negative emotions erupted in the chests of the white robes, hideous blue veins spread and throbbed on the skin, the violent force even shook Zhao Yinshun's blockade, making them seem like people who had emptied their internal organs The salted fish struggled and squirmed in mid-air.

  However, he didn't care about their dying struggles at all, and the boy in white still whispered quietly.

   "As long as I conquer enough places and fast enough, you can experience new versions of ships that you have never seen before every day, and there will always be endless experimental content!"

   "Are you looking forward to it? Are you excited?"

  Looking at the handsome young man with a happy face, a group of white robes seem to be watching a demon crawling out of the depths of hell, and the twisted pupils of fear are full of despair.

   On the other side, admiring the "rich and colorful" facial expressions of this group of people, Zhao Yinshun's sunny and cheerful smile gradually faded, and his eyes became cold and piercing.

   "Isn't it cool to treat mortals as materials and control their life and death at will?"

   "Life and death, everything you want, don't you think you are like omnipotent gods?"

   "Then have you ever thought that what you do to mortals, a higher existence can also do to you!"

   "Like... what I'm doing to you guys right now..."

  While whispering faintly, all the white robes fixed in mid-air crashed down, smashing a human-shaped pothole on the ground.

   "Isn't it fun to control the life and death of mortals? Hehe, I want to show you what it means to live but not die!"

   "Enjoy your next endless torture, this is what you deserve..."

  The young man in white waved his hand, and the soldiers who stood quietly by the side excitedly took a group of white robes down. Before leaving, they looked at Zhao Yinshun with fanaticism and piety.

   After dealing with these bad things, Zhao Yinshun turned his attention to Qi Tong who hadn't looked up from the beginning to the end.

   "How is it? Confident?"

   Looking away from the information in his hand, Qi Tong sighed in grief and indignation.

   "Originally, Mr. Zhang refined a poison bead for me, and I thought it would hurt Tianhe, but now I only wish it wasn't poisonous enough!"

   "It doesn't matter, when you become a god, you can continue to strengthen it."

   Patting Qi Tong on the shoulder, Zhao Yinshun laughed teasingly.

   Rolling his eyes covertly, Qi Tong changed the subject calmly.

   "You shot too hard just now, those guys are all broken, and it will affect the next experiment."

   "Don't worry, the vitality of a transcendent is as tenacious as a cockroach, besides... there is Mr. Zhang at home, it is difficult for them to die, isn't it?"

   Blinking at Qi Tong, Zhao Yinshun smiled indifferently.

  Mythical medical masters, as long as their souls are not lost on the spot, as long as they still have a breath, they can save them!

  The living dead, flesh and bones, to them is not a description, but an objective description!

  Hearing this, Qi Tong sighed again, looking at the information in his hand, his face showed embarrassment.

   "Your Majesty, to be honest, I have never presided over this kind of experiment in my life, I am afraid..."

   Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yinshun waved his hand to interrupt, staring at her with a strange look.

   "You don't think I'm really expecting anything from the experiment, do you?"


  "It's called an experiment, but it's actually just to let those beasts get retribution. It's too cheap to crush them to death. I want to give back to them ten times and a hundred times how much cruelty they have inflicted..."

   As he spoke, Zhao Yinshun moved his eyes and looked solemnly at those miserable experimental products.

  Following his gaze, Qi Tong's breathing gradually became heavy.

   "I understand, I will try my best to ensure the health of those guys, so that they have enough life to enjoy the karma they planted!"

  Listening to Qi Tong's gnashing of teeth, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

  Although this guy is educated in traditional medicine, with noble medical ethics and a good hand, he is not pedantic, and he is not the kind of saintly personality.

   This is what Zhao Yinshun likes most about her.

   "I'll talk about these things later, let's see if these people are still saved?"

  Walking to the test bench, Zhao Yinshun looked at Qi Tong with a questioning gaze as he looked at the poor little girl who was covered in bruises and had her celestial spirit cover lifted.

   Didn't answer, Qi Tong checked the girl's injuries gently and carefully, his eyes became darker the more he looked.

   "There are traces of water entering the lungs, it should be a drowning suffocation experiment..."

   "A large area of ​​skin necrosis all over the body, it should be caused by fire, electric shock, freezing..."

   "One kidney was removed, the eyeball was removed, and the eardrum was destroyed..."

   "The most important thing is that her brain has been severely suppurated, and it is full of abscesses..."

  Pointing at the brain directly exposed to the air, even Qi Tong, who is used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but see watery eyes.

   Silent for a few seconds, Zhao Yinshun raised his finger and gently touched the girl's eyebrows, and the stern sword energy instantly wiped out the vitality without pain.

   "For the other victims, see if they can be saved. If not, give them a happy ending."

  Patting Qi Tong on the shoulder, Zhao Yinshun turned and left without looking back.

  Leaving the cold mansion, the summer sun was shining on his body, but Zhao Yinshun couldn't feel the slightest warmth, instead he was shrouded in a lingering biting chill.

  Although he has long known the evil of human nature, he still has difficulty adapting to the darkest part of it.

   Shaking his head, the boy in white regained his spirits and raised his eyes to the distant sky.

   "Tang Hongda."

   "The subordinate is here."

   "Why are there still gunshots in the city?"

   "There is a group of remnants fighting stubbornly in the City Lord's Mansion, and it is estimated that they will be wiped out within half an hour."

   "Oh? I'll go and see."

   With a light tap of the toes, the slender snow-white figure instantly disappeared in place, leaving only a gradually fading afterimage on the retina.

   A few minutes later, a ghostly white shadow landed on the top of a tall building not far from the City Lord's Mansion, standing on the edge of the eaves overlooking the battlefield.


  Thousands of Fusang soldiers set up layers of defense outside the City Lord's Mansion, but they could only retreat steadily in the face of the crushing advantages of the Shenwu Army.

  However, the narrow terrain prevented the Shenwu Army from investing too much force at one time, which gave the enemy a chance to breathe.

   bang bang bang~

   The Fusang soldiers around the City Lord's Mansion should be elite troops. Everyone is equipped with the latest iron cannons, and the dense bullets rain on the Shenwu Army.

   However, at this time, the gap between the two armies can be seen.

   The bullets on Fusang's side were weakened by the **** aura before they approached, and their speed became slower and slower, and some sensitive soldiers could even dodge them.

It doesn't matter if you can't hide, all the third-tier soldiers are equipped with the latest tactical armor, which covers most of the body area, and with the blood and evil energy body protection, the weakened bullets can only hit a white mark , and then bounced far away.

  Zhao Yinshun saw with his own eyes that several soldiers were beaten to the point of ping-pong, but they grinned and didn't suffer much damage!

   But the counterattack from the Shenwu Army made the Fusang people overwhelmed.

Under the [High-Dimensional Vision], the thick blood evil spirit spirally shrinks in the barrel of the [Dragon Tooth], and as the trigger is pulled, tongues of flames gushe out one after another, and the hot bullets easily tear apart the blood evil in the Fusang army. Blooming gorgeous red flowers.


  A Fusang soldier who had just raised his iron cannon was hit. The bullet tore through the weak part of the armor and spun into his body.

  The bullets rolled irregularly, releasing terrifying and destructive power. The flesh and blood were torn open like soft mud. With a bang, half of his body was exploded, revealing the bright red and smelly internal organs.

  Ordinary people would definitely die on the spot from this kind of injury, but the superhuman's strong physique made him stunned for a second before realizing the pain, and he fell to the ground and let out a mournful and desperate wail.

  Such screams will definitely damage morale. A squad leader saw this situation and wanted to relieve him, but just as he stood up, a bullet that had been planned for a long time hit his breastplate hard.

  The center of the breastplate, which is more than two centimeters thick, is the most defensive part. In addition, the squad leader's **** aura is far superior to that of ordinary soldiers. The bullet did not directly penetrate the breastplate, but made a huge dent.

  The breastplate, which was originally protruding, collapsed in an instant, and the intruding arc obviously crushed all the ribs and penetrated deep into the chest cavity.

As if being hit by an invisible giant hammer, the burly team leader flew upside down like a broken doll, flying more than ten meters in mid-air, and then slammed into the wall of the city lord's mansion, the blood in his mouth was not Money spewed out like money, even mixed with broken internal organs.

  Although he was not killed on the spot, judging by his miserable appearance, if he hadn't been treated in time, he probably wouldn't have survived.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yinshun saw another picture of an unlucky ghost being directly hit in the head by a bullet. A huge head exploded like a watermelon. The celestial girl scattered flowers, and immediately shot the faces of the people around her.


   Ask for a ticket~~w(Д)w



  (end of this chapter)

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