MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 356 Your Majesty's Mercy

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  Chapter 356 Your Majesty's Mercy

  The gunpowder smoke dissipated, the screams of killing gradually subsided, and as the sun set, the devastated Maoshi City seemed to have regained its former peace.

  But in the brightly lit temporary command post in the city, the officers of the Shenwu Army at all levels seemed to be clockwork-wound machines, dealing with the aftermath in a busy and unhurried manner.

   "The established resistance has been wiped out, and the number of prisoners exceeds 30,000..."

   "Each division reports the number of casualties!"

   "The first division suffered 389 casualties and 27 were killed."

   "The Second Division suffered 615 casualties and 41 were killed."

   "Three divisions..."

  The data from all parties gathered in the command post in an orderly manner. Tang Hongda glanced at the young man in white who was sitting high in the chief seat, with his chin propped on one hand, and his eyes were empty and out of focus, and exclaimed happily.

   "Your Majesty, a great victory!"

   To capture a capital at the cost of less than two hundred people, even if he is not the main force, this feat is enough to be proud of.


   Seeing the boy's lack of interest, Tang Hongda thought he didn't understand the gold content of this battle, so he analyzed and explained to him earnestly.

"We have done several rounds of deduction before. If we follow the conventional siege method, we have to cut off the spiritual link between the city and the world, and then use blood fiends and magic cannons to kill the large formation of the city. If everything goes well, a It will be a month before we can begin to touch the walls..."

   "But at that time, our army has consumed a lot of blood and is exhausted, and the enemy generals are more restrained by my [Aggression like Fire] path..."

   "Wait, [Aggression Like Fire] restrained [Qi Xu Rulin]?"

   "Yes, although it is not as obvious as [Liguan] restraining [Jingguan], the restraint relationship can also be reflected in the path of the military path..."

  Listening to Tang Hongda's detailed explanation, Zhao Yinshun understood some details of the war.

  [Qi Xu Rulin] is to improve the army's growth, healing, disease resistance, drug resistance, recovery, energy, physical strength and many other aspects.

  But [Aggression Like Fire] has increased attack, crit and penetration!

  The remaining authority in the enemy's body can also aggravate the injury to a certain extent and hinder healing.

  If you understand it according to the settings in the game, it means that a blood-recovery outfit is facing endless, serious injuries and soft words,

  You were killed by the enemy three times before you could show your lasting advantage!

   "According to the normal deduction, we need to spend a month and lose more than 10,000 people to conquer this city..."

   Speaking of this, Tang Hongda's eyes lit up, and he frantically looked at the boy in white.

   "But under your majesty, Your Majesty, we annihilated the enemy's generals and 100,000 troops with a loss of less than 200 people in just one day, and captured this city!"

  Although Zhao Yinshun alone defeated the enemy's morale, generals, and defense formation before the Shenwu Army launched an attack, but this did not hinder Tang Hongda and You Rongyan.

   Thinking of how huge the war feedback the Shenwu Army could get after the war, he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

  Jun Shanghe and I scored 81 points!

   I'm fat in this game!

  But at this moment, a beautiful woman with a still charming face broke into the command post and walked straight to Zhao Yinshun.

   "My lord! I found it!"


   "A remote orphanage on the outskirts of the city, they were destroying 'evidence' when we discovered it!"

   Thinking of the hellish scene there, Qi Tong couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

   "My lord, this is part of their experiment."

  Respectfully presented a blood-stained document, the young man took it and casually flipped through a few pages, closed the document with gloomy eyes, and returned it to Qi Tong.

  "The cycle of karma, the retribution is not good, the sky will not punish, I will punish!"

   "Send them to reunite with their colleagues, and treat them well according to the new style on this "menu"."

  Taking the information with both hands, Qi Tong showed a fierce side on his always gentle and amiable face.

   "Follow the order!"

  After she left, another beautiful figure sneaked into the command post swiftly and resolutely.

   "Your Majesty, according to preliminary statistics, there are more than 300,000 people in the city, and most of them have the intention of moving to [Liuyin Fengguo]."

   "Well, then hurry up and organize them to go west, and the navy will pick them up by the sea."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Yinshun took out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and put them on his face, squinting his eyes and looking around.

   " only have about three days..."


   Cui Enxian nodded, and then a stern and cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "In addition, Your Majesty, I found that tens of thousands of puppet soldiers who worked as tigers were captured in the city. Bringing them may delay the speed, otherwise..."

  Seeing Cui Enxian's ferocious slashing with his hands, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but laugh.

   Sure enough, the second devil is more hateful than the enemy!

"Be demoted to slaves. Since they like to work for the Fusang people so much, I believe they will like to work with their masters. I opened a Fusang happy camp in the feudal country, growing potatoes, building roads, and building factories. , dig a reservoir... there is always one that suits them.”

  The young man waved his hand casually, Cui Enxian bit his lips unwillingly, and reluctantly agreed.

   "Your Majesty, be merciful!"


  Listening to Cui Enxian's sincere compliment, Zhao Yinshun slowly frowned.

  I suspect that you are yin and yang to me, but I have no proof!

   "Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, we also found more than 10,000 Fusang immigrants in the city, all of them are nobles, big businessmen came to carve up our white gloves, do you want to..."

  Seeing Cui Enxian's skilled appearance of raising and lowering the knife, Zhao Yinshun shook his head sadly.

   Kill, kill, kill, you will know how to kill!

   What a noble lady, how did she grow into a living King of Hades?

   "The same goes for Fusang Happy Camp, why don't you know how to cherish such a good free labor force?"

   After a few seconds of silence, Cui Enxian clasped his fists unwillingly and nodded.

   "Your Majesty is a bodhisattva with a heart."


   Ignoring Cui Enxian's pretty face full of resentment and unwillingness, Zhao Yinshun shifted his gaze to Tang Hongda.

   "Let the soldiers rest well tonight. The seriously wounded and the people will move west together. We will advance south tomorrow morning."


   "Well, [Xianluo South Road]'s Fusang reinforcements are obviously much faster than the other roads, and they are exactly the [Minguan] generals I need."


   "In addition, only by destroying them first can we move around in the encirclement and suppression, otherwise we will be entangled by an enemy [Fast as the Wind], and we can only go head-to-head with the enemy's army!"

   "Even if we can win at that time, it will be a miserable victory, and it will seriously hinder the future military expansion plan. It is better to mobilize them and annihilate them all the way."

  The finger slides all the way on the map, and after breaking through an arrow representing the enemy, it finally stops at the coastal capital of [Xianluo South Road].


  Two days later, in the winding and rugged mountainous area south of Shenli, a large army marched rapidly. The supernatural breeze attached to the formation, making the entire army seem as light as a flying swallow.

   "We are going to leave the mountains soon. Once we enter the plains, the risk of blood demon exposure will increase greatly. You should cheer up!"


  Looking at the winding army formation, a group of Fusang officers suddenly agreed, and then one of them asked anxiously.

   "General Hasegawa, the enemy's **** qi machine has disappeared for two days. Should we slow down and wait for the other reinforcements to be in place to form an encirclement?"

   "What are you afraid of? Go and seize [Guo Changcheng] first, and the most urgent thing is to block their key point going south!"

   "That's right, we concealed our breath all the way, the enemy didn't even know that the death was coming, and they were probably still searching and looting in Maoshi City."


  Listening to the rebuttals of the colleagues, the speaker was silent, but there was always a trace of uneasiness in his heart, as if there was a bottomless cliff in front of him, but they were running relentlessly.

   On the other side, Hasegawa Hokuto, the leader, frowned, looked ahead, and nodded thoughtfully.

   "Be careful, there is no big mistake. After leaving the mountains, slow down and march, and scout out a hundred miles to investigate!"

   "Follow the order!"

   Soon, the rumbling army stepped into the plain area, and a large-scale city gradually came into view in front of it.

   "Wait! There is a **** reaction in the city!"

   approached tens of miles away, the huge **** aura could no longer be hidden, Hasegawa Hokuto waved his hand to stop the troops, and stared at the outline of the city in front of him.

  But at the moment when the troops stopped, the lifeless city in front of them suddenly opened their eyes like a beast, and black soldiers came out from all the city gates, converging into a roaring torrent of steel.

  However, suffering from this sudden change, Hasegawa Hokuto, who dominated the army, remained calm and continued to stare quietly at the enemy.

   "Twenty thousand... thirty thousand... forty thousand... sixty thousand... ninety thousand... one hundred thousand!"

   "The blood is thick and well-equipped. If you count the damage from the capture of [Xianluo North Road], the initial size of the enemy may be between 150,000 and 200,000..."

  While whispering faintly, Hasegawa Hokuto turned around and smiled coldly.

   "Go, walk them around."


   "Fast as the wind!"

  A supernatural gust of wind blew up, and the army of tens of thousands of people felt as light as a swallow, as if they could fly with a single jump.

   Soon, the huge and bloated army turned around gently with unreasonable flexibility, like a nimble cheetah slowly accelerating.

  Seeing that the distance from the pursuers gradually widened, Hasegawa Hokuto silently watched the enemy chasing in vain, and suddenly felt a commotion coming from the forward.


"what happened?"

   "General Qi, there are enemies ahead!"


  His heart trembled, but he couldn't see any blood demon when he raised his eyes, Hasegawa Hokuto suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

   It seems that it is not a large force, otherwise the two armies will confront each other, and even [Difficult to Know] cannot hide it!

   "How many people are there in the enemy army?"


   "Ten thousand?"

"one person."


  Hearing the continuous screams in front of him, Hasegawa Hokuto gradually frowned.

  The breeze enveloping the army carried a strong smell of blood. Hokuto Hasegawa came to the front line from the central army in a flash, and saw a tragic picture head-on.

On the not spacious road, a tall and slender snow-white figure stood with his back to everyone, and on the road leading to him, hundreds of meters of corpses and seas of blood stretched all the way. The inside was cut into fresh minced meat.

  As if feeling the gaze of a mythical creature, the young man dressed in white snow turned around, revealing his unreally handsome facial features, and said with a soft smile.

   "This way does not work."

   Seeing that iconic appearance and clothing, Hasegawa Hokuto's heart beat wildly.

   "Da Min [Duke Zhen Guo]?!"

   "Guess is right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

   Spreading his hands, Zhao Yinshun stepped forward on his toes.

  But this ordinary movement scared the tens of thousands of troops into a shock, and they all took a step back.

   Seeing their terrified appearance, Zhao Yinshun stopped and blinked, as if he had a better understanding of his deterrent power.

   "Actually, I am kind-hearted, and I don't want to see bloodshed. Otherwise, you will be arrested without a fight, and I will spare you your life?"


  Looking at the young man in white standing at the end of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, Hasegawa Hokuto was speechless for a while.

   Kind-hearted? Can't see the blood?

   Look at your feet!

   Blood flowed like a river!

   Grinding his teeth hard, Hasegawa Hokuto suppressed the fear in his heart, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  Even if you [Zhen Guogong] are mighty, can you stop my 70,000 army by yourself? !

   "Formation! Kill!"

   Pulled out the saber, let out a sloppy roar, and the **** aura filled the sky condensed into a blood-red armor around Hasegawa Hokuto, and the dark red ghost instantly tore open the void and appeared in front of the white-clothed boy.


  Amidst the ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other, the long knife encased in blood-fiend energy froze in mid-air, and an illusory sword-force stopped the blade, looming.

   Frowning, Hasegawa Hokuto flickered again without hesitation, appearing behind the boy without warning.


  The ear-piercing blows of blows reappeared again, and the ubiquitous transparent swords once again accurately blocked the blades.

  Damn it!

  Pupils shrank, and the dark red ghost shadow flickered continuously. In an instant, there were many afterimages within a radius of more than ten meters, as if dozens of people were besieging the white-clothed boy continuously.

  However, the white-clothed boy didn't even move from head to toe, and didn't even tilt his eyes in the slightest. He kept looking at the army not far away, and the pursuers who were getting closer behind them.

   On the other side, Hasegawa Hokuto also had troubles that he couldn’t tell. The ubiquitous swords pierced his back. Every time he flickered, he didn’t dare to stop for a moment, but if he was slow for a second, he might be pierced by Wan Jian.

  In a trance, Hasegawa Hokuto felt that he had fallen into a meat grinder, with the boy in white at the center, and within a radius of hundreds of meters, was shrouded in an invisible sword curtain. Any creature that stepped into this boundary would be cut into pieces.

   Glancing at the flesh and blood corpses spreading all over the place, he finally knew how his subordinates died...

   Fortunately, at this time, the army's killing formation took shape, and the surging blood and evil spirit poured into him, making Hasegawa Hokuto surge with endless power.

  The phantom of the armor around her body condensed into reality, a terrifying evil ghost mask covered her face, and blazing divine flames blazed from her eye sockets.


   With a roar, the demonic blood in the sky turned into a divine wind and attached to the front-line troops. The low morale instantly rose, and countless soldiers let out a mournful roar, charging towards Zhao Yinshun without fear of death.

   "Imperial Eternal Prosperity! The Emperor for half a year!"

   Looking at the soldiers rushing towards him like a tide, Zhao Yinshun frowned in confusion.

   Touching fish to write a book is so exciting... My heart can't stand it~_(:зゝ∠)_



  (end of this chapter)

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