MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 357 anti-shock

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  Chapter 357 Anti-shock

  There are kamikazes these days?

   Tilting his head, Zhao Yinshun pointed like a sword and slowly raised his hand.

   Just as he was preparing to fulfill these brainless idiots, a bright red ghost suddenly appeared beside him.

   "Tanizo-in One-Sword Style·Ghost Cut!"

  The blood-colored sword slashed through the invisible sword and intercepted it, and went straight to the throat of the boy in white with an indomitable momentum.

  Tearing off the sword curtain protecting the young man, seeing Zhao Yinshun's surprised eyes, Hasegawa Hokuto's heart skipped a beat, and the thick blood on the sword in his hand gleamed beautifully like a melting ruby.

  However, the next moment, the excitement in his heart turned into panic.


  The knife, which was powerful enough to cut mountains and seas, stopped three inches from the young man's body. Under the stern **** light, a gilt **** as thin as a cicada's wings slowly emerged, and the golden Sanskrit script flowing and wriggling on it was clearly visible.

  An irresistible counter-shock force came from the blade, the gauntlet at the tiger's mouth was shattered, and the domineering divine power flowed upstream from the palm, destroying the city along the arm, piercing the internal organs.


  Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Hasegawa Hokuto flew out at a faster speed than before, turning into a straight line of blood that cut through the sky and penetrated into the jungle not far away.

   "Kill it! Ah?"

   Encouraged by the coach, the soldiers who were charging furiously were stunned for a moment, looking at the direction where the backbone disappeared, feeling a little confused.

   However, in front of them, the boy in white slowly raised his sword finger to the side of his face like pulling a heavy spring.

  【Phantom Sword · Luohu】!

   After a short pause, a destructive black line was drawn from the sword finger, sweeping across the earth without a trace of fireworks, everything stopped where it passed, and time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

  The momentum of the charge came to an abrupt end. The nearest soldier was less than ten meters away from Zhao Yinshun, but they just lowered their heads subconsciously, staring at a tiny black sword mark on their bodies.

   Opened their mouths to speak, but had lost even the strength to howl and scream. The soldiers could only lower their arms in despair, cracking and collapsing uncontrollably under the action of gravity.


  Starting from the boy in white, thousands of Fusang officers and soldiers disintegrated on the spot in a cone-shaped area within one kilometer ahead, collapsing into piles of steaming fresh minced meat.

   "How can it be repaired!!"

  As soon as he rushed out of the jungle that was smashed all the way, he saw such a cruel scene head-on. Hasegawa Hokuto let out a mournful and angry roar.

   "Kamikaze! Town!"

  The forward was wiped out with a single blow, but there were still tens of thousands of troops coming from behind, and the huge **** power merged into a dark red hurricane, which spirally converged, compressing a light golden divine wind.


  Under the urging of the divine general, the divine wind appeared around Zhao Yinshun without warning, surrounding him like a meat grinder and spinning rapidly.


  The illusory energy collided, but there was a deafening sound of metal friction, and the three-inch God Gang covering Zhao Yinshun's body completely revealed its true face, and a hazy silhouette with three heads and six arms vaguely emerged.

  The familiar restraining force came again, and the suppression of concepts and rules gradually took shape, continuously reducing the release range of Zhao Yinshun's authority.

  The invisible sword gang slowly retracted into the body, and the divine flame radiating hundreds of meters was extinguished little by little, and finally merged with the hazy outline three inches away from the body surface.

  But no matter how pressured by the outside world, the three-inch gilt phantom covering the whole body remains motionless, like an insurmountable cliff.

   "You are neither willing to surrender nor to die, which really embarrasses me!"

  Feeling the sharp wind all over his body, Zhao Yinshun narrowed his eyes, his eyes were dark.


  The heavy weapons behind finally arrived, and a series of magical cannons let out a brutal roar, turning the boy in white into a sea of ​​flames hundreds of meters away.

  However, when the gunpowder smoke dissipated, a figure shrouded in a golden halo stood leisurely on the devastated scorched black ground, and the snow-white costume was not even stained with a trace of scorched black.

   "Obviously the killing array is all on him, why can't he still be killed?"

   "Even the mythical martial artist should be injured at this time, why didn't he even break his skin?!"

   Behind the army formation, a group of Fusang officers scratched their heads in disbelief, with anxiety and despair rolling in their chests.

  The tall and slender figure stood in front of them like a mountain, and with the pursuers behind them with thorns on their backs, they felt like an ant in the palm of the god, being crushed bit by bit by the slowly closing giant palm!

   Looking back at the approaching enemy army, Hasegawa Hokuto could better appreciate their ferocity at this distance.

   Head-on field battles are by no means their opponents, they must move!

   Bite hard, Hasegawa Hokuto retracted his saber, lowered his body slowly, staring at the white-clothed boy in the distance with his fiery ghost-faced pupils.

   "I'll kill him! Go away!"

  The whistling divine wind gathered around him, and the ethereal law turned into fine golden inscriptions visible to the naked eye and drifted away with the wind.

   "Tani Zouin One Sword Style Instant Kill!"


  A beautiful blood light came out of its sheath, and all the brilliance in the world was swallowed up, leaving only a terrifying knife light that cuts the space straightly.

  The **** light of destruction was reflected in the retina, Zhao Yinshun's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body had no time to react, so he could only mobilize all the power to use [Fudo Mingwang Suppressing Prison Strength].

  【Fudo Myoo】(Super **** level)


   Condensed Fudo Myoko's divine body, the acquired attribute [Body] law effectiveness increased by 80%

  Acquired attribute 【Force】law effectiveness increased by 40%

  Permanently reduce all damage equal to the sum of [Body] and [Strength] attribute values.


   Release the power of Fudo Mingo, the passive effect is increased by 250%, and the [Strength] and [Physical] attributes are superimposed on each other, and the maximum limit is the sum of the two.

  The damage received is reduced by 75%, and the reduced damage can superimpose its own strength to counter-shock the enemy.


The eternal and immobile gilt figure was invaded by the sword light. After a bright red blood light passed, Zhao Yinshun's pupils dilated slightly, and he slowly turned his head to look at the miserable figure kneeling with a sword behind him, his whole body was broken, and his internal organs were shattered into pulp .

   A few seconds later, a slight stabbing pain came from his face. The boy in white raised his hand to brush a line of bright red blood on his cheek, staring at the bright red on his fingertips, unable to speak for a long time.

   "Except for subduing a certain double-handed tiger, it seems that I haven't been injured so badly in a long time..."

  The heterogeneous divinity attached to the wound was quickly annihilated, the thick blood mixed with light gold shrank and closed, and the eye-catching bloodstains on the white skin healed and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In just a few seconds, the elegant boy fully recovered, and looked at the enemy behind him with pity.


   At this moment, following the general's previous instructions, the remaining Fusang army roared and charged forward with a tragic momentum.

  However, without even looking at them, Zhao Yinshun felt the power of the law that restrained him weaken rapidly, his muscles rolled like a python, and he struggled hard.


  The soul explosion that mortals can't detect exploded, the illusory conceptual chains broke, and the gilded phantom covering the young man's body instantly swelled.

  A golden star bloomed in the sky, and in the center of the infinite flames, a majestic Dharma figure with three heads and six arms slowly raised the divine sword in his hand.


  The divine sword slashed down, and the shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth exploded into the sky full of dust, swallowing the rushing Fusang army in an instant.

   Didn't care about the horrible scene behind him, Zhao Yinshun looked down at the enemy not far away, sighing.

   "If you open another door [Liguan], the strength sensitivity will be superimposed, even I will avoid your sharp edge, have no chance."

  The seven orifices in the ghost mask gush out the blood of the gods. Hasegawa Hokuto looked at the white-clothed boy who was approaching step by step, with puzzlement in despair.

   " it just a countershock..."

   "Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully."

  Pacing leisurely, Zhao Yinshun walked unhurriedly in front of Hasegawa Beidou, the invisible and formless primordial demon energy moved along with him, silently invading the enemy's body, and permeating every trace of flesh and blood along the meridians and blood vessels.

"It's not 'just', that's 75% of your destructive power, plus... um... Let me do the math, 2.5 times of 80% and 2.5 times of 40%, the superposition of force and body, and then immunity to the combination of force and body... Hiss ~~”

   It's not like he didn't know, but when he got startled, Zhao Yinshun gasped and looked at Hasegawa Hokuto in disbelief.

   "You can break my defense?"


  Spitting out a mouthful of blood in grief and indignation, Hasegawa Hokuto stared at this sixth-order "mortal" who "spread nonsense" in front of him, unprecedented aggrieved and despair spreading in his heart.

  You shocked a hammer!

  I am a dignified seventh-rank general, do you not even have the qualifications to break your defense?

   On the other side, Zhao Yinshun casually procrastinated for time, waiting for the primordial demon energy to seep into his bone marrow, and continued to shake his head in shock.

   "It doesn't matter if you break the defense, such a terrifying shock is added to my own strength. With your fragile body, you didn't die. You really deserve to be a mythical creature. Your vitality is stronger than that of a cockroach!"


   Another mouthful of old blood spewed out, and Hasegawa Hokuto opened his mouth tremblingly, but the thick blood plasma mixed with internal organ fragments blocked his throat, making him unable to speak at all.

   "So, if you want to defeat me, I am afraid that [strength] [mind] is not enough. The body is weak, the stronger the attack, the faster you will die."

   "By the way, did your move just now contain the extraordinary power of [Shunpo], which is much stronger than the usage I figured out by myself. It's really good. I hope I can draw it..."

  Hearing the strange words of the enemy, Hasegawa Hokuto only felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred.

   "Alas...Actually, you want to leave alone. I really can't do anything about you. I planned to use the army as a bait, and wait for Tang Hongda to come over and trap you with an army formation. I didn't expect you to be so irritable...This is not good!"

  Shaking his head with emotion, sensing that the magic energy had corroded this dying mythical creature into a sieve, Zhao Yinshun raised his hand, and a bright diamond star appeared in the palm of his hand.

   "Feel honored, you not only hurt me, but also become the food for me to step on the ladder, maybe someone in the future will record your name."

   After finishing speaking, the boy in white lightly stamped his palm on Hasegawa Hokudou Tianling Cap.


  With a muffled sound, dazzling diamond stars penetrated into the brain, and the primitive demonic energy that cooperated with the riot and backlash wiped out all vitality.

  Hasegawa Hokuto, who was kneeling on the ground with a club sword, froze slightly with a ferocious expression, gradually loosened his grip on the handle of the knife, and slowly fell down at Zhao Yinshun's feet.

  Looking at the dead general at his feet, Zhao Yinshun suddenly remembered something, and took a deep breath.

   "Hiss... Did I forget to ask his name?"


   "Forget it, no one knows your name, your achievements will last forever, thank you for the gift of nature, Amitabha~"

  Holding his palms together and bowing slightly to the corpse, surging bright red particles gushed out like a tide, turning into a crystal blood line into Zhao Yinshun's body.

  Heaven and earth contain magic embryos, common people turn into blood food, devour mythical creatures, heterogeneous true essence +10940

  Surging energy flows into the body, surpassing the scale of its own [Qi] attribute, and the complex and heterogeneous true energy seems to start to turn against the guest, uncontrolled restless conflicts, raging along the meridians.


  Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yinshun grinned in pain and joy after finally suppressing these alien primordial essences with spiritual imprints.

  More than 70,000 different types of true energy... Try to save 100,000 before the [Ten Thousand Tribulations Xuanyin Manual] breaks through the bottleneck, so that even if part of it is lost in refining, your real [Qi] attribute should be able to break through...

   While pondering, the boy in white suddenly remembered something, and his eyebrows jumped.

   Wait, innate shackles!

   Subconsciously looking at the attribute panel, the displayed value made him feel depressed.

   "Affected by [Qualification], the acquisition efficiency of [Qi] attribute has increased by 16%."

My own growth rate is too fast, and my limited innate attributes can never keep up with the speed of snowballing. Even with [reason] and [crazy] constantly pushing up the innate bottleneck, coupled with the recent promotion, the [qi] attribute is about to touch the limit !

   And the stronger [Origin · Essence] has even begun to decay...

   Scratching his head, Zhao Yinshun twitched his index finger, wanting to take the fate essence that had been hoarded so far into his palm.

   Two generals plus two hundred thousand troops, should be able to draw a lot of good things, [Minguan] can also be officially opened...

  But in a blink of an eye, he suppressed his inner impulse again.

  No rush...

   Accumulate a little more, the feeling of victory at the strategic level is completely different from before, maybe a "miracle" can be accumulated...


  Heaving a long sigh, Zhao Yinshun ignored the tragic shouts of killing behind him, and turned his attention to the buzzing saber pierced in front of him.

  The gorgeous and beautiful samurai sword is surrounded by electric arcs, and the dazzling blade trembles slightly, as if mourning the loss of its master.

  Looking at the treasured sword that had already given birth to spirituality, Zhao Yinshun stretched out his hand to hold the handle without hesitation.


  The ear-piercing explosion exploded on the palm of the hand, and the stern saber aura sliced ​​the gilded halo on the five fingers, like a chaste and fierce woman resolutely resisting external aggression.

  However, all resistance was in vain. The palm covered with gilt light slowly and steadily held the handle of the knife, and the overbearing divine power poured into the blade, instantly destroying the spirituality of the sword itself.

   "Military flag...saber...the symbol of each general seems to be different, yes, it can just enrich my collection..."

   Pulling out the slender and gorgeous samurai sword, Zhao Yinshun looked up and down with great interest, and pursed the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

  Afterwards, the violent divinity crushed the [Army Soul] in the sword from the symbolic level, and the Fusang army who was still desperately resisting felt a sense of emotion.

  At the same time, a towering dark golden black dragon in the sky poked its head out of the clouds, excitedly devoured the broken army soul, and absorbed the wailing and despair of the entire land.

   Thanks to [The Rain at the End of Summer] and other book friends for their rewards.

   I'm going back to my hometown this afternoon, and I have to visit relatives and friends to socialize when I go back. There should be nothing in the past few days.

   The update may be very unstable during the Chinese New Year period, please forgive me.

   Finally, I would like to wish all book lovers a happy new year, good health and all the best~

   Let’s see you next year, Momo~ヾ(ゞ)



  (end of this chapter)

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