MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 389 You Huang

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   "Is it difficult to activate [karma fire]? Doesn't it just need hands?"

  Looking at the look of the young man in white who spread his hands in doubt, Qi Tong was silent for a long time, suppressing the churning emotions in his chest, and explained while biting his back molars.

   "Generally speaking, only Buddhist deities who have attained the [Bodhisattva] status can activate [Kammic Fire]!"

   "That's because they are too good."


   Being choked and almost unable to get up, Qi Tong's breathing paused for a long time, and then he took a slow and deep breath, and wisely changed the subject.

   She was already getting a headache from being angered by a group of scumbags, but now even Junshang came to raise her blood pressure...

   "Your [karma fire] color is also not right."

   "What's wrong?"

  "It is described in ancient books that [Yehuo] should be a bewitching crimson color, and it looks like a red lotus when it burns, so it is also called [Red Lotus Karma]."

   "It's special effects, I added special effects to them."


   "Well, a little bit of primitive demon energy, a little bit of destructive sword intent, and all kinds of messy unique authority."


   "Its effect should be much stronger than normal karmic fire. It is the top torture known in this world, and it is also the ultimate enjoyment that sinners deserve... I call it [You Huang]."

  Admiring the crowd in the lobby who gradually began to twist and twitch, Zhao Yinshun had a bright smile on his face.

   "Look how happy they are smiling."


  Yeah, the muscle spasms twisted the jaw, tore the skin, and the corners of the mouth almost reached the ears!

   Rolling his eyes at an angle that the white-clothed boy couldn't see, Qi Tong stopped talking, but looked at the group of beasts in the audience, and a gleam of pleasure flashed in his eyes.

As an orthodox medical **** who has accumulated merits, she shouldn't have such emotions, but after seeing many dirty sins in this world by Zhao Yinshun's side, she will inevitably have a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye revenge mentality.

  When you forced the common people to sell your own flesh and blood in [Vegetable Market], did you ever show any mercy? Have you ever thought about today?

  The instigator has no successors?

  A icy smile that didn't match his temperament appeared on the peaceful face that still had charm. Qi Tong took a deep breath, only feeling the gloom in his chest loosen and dissipated, and exhaled slowly and long.

  At the other end, the translucent hazy purple-gold flame had covered the whole body, and there seemed to be more than a dozen human-shaped torches under the lobby, wriggling and struggling on the ground in a ferocious twist.

  The blazing flames did not give off the slightest warmth, but on the contrary, it made people feel a little chilly.

  The soldiers standing on both sides of the hall were instinctively afraid, but the strict military discipline made them dare not move, even if the struggling human-shaped torch touched their calves.

The moment the flame touched his body, the soldier trembled uncontrollably and clenched his teeth tightly, but the pain did not appear as he imagined. Because the **** is tight, the **** is a little cramped.

   Noticing the small episode in the hall, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help smiling, listening to the melodious screams one after another, while browsing the information that was continuously gathered around him.

   "Tsk tsk, the wild dog gang, the wild wolf gang, the fierce tiger gang... they really have no idea, they are not as good as the cold-blooded thirteen eagles!"

  Of course, Zhao Yinshun also knows that you can't expect the local ruffians who don't know a few big characters to have any elegant names. Strictly speaking, their education level is not even as good as the elementary school students in the previous life!

  However, in his eyes, the gangsters are like a joke, but in the eyes of ordinary people, they are the evil gods who destroy their families.

  They usually bully men and women and do all kinds of evil, but after the recent changes in the situation, they have intensified and become more unscrupulous.

  When you are in a good mood, you can just take a fancy to any beautiful woman and take her back and insult her. If you are in a good mood, you will be released back. If you are in a bad mood, you will just kill her and throw it in the gutter...

  The whole city seems to have become their pasture, and the common people are the pigs they raise, and any one they see can be dragged out and slaughtered for meat!

These big and small gangsters controlled by aristocratic families divided up every inch of land in the city. Combined with the Baidao government, it was like two millstones biting together. As the mill rotated, the wealth, blood, tears, and even bone marrow of the common people were crushed drop by drop. Squeezed out, the gurgling flowed into the pocket of the mastermind behind the scenes.

  In this tragedy of human relations, it was the scythes in the hands of the aristocratic family that these local snake gangsters directly rushed into the homes of ordinary people, robbed them of their last grain, and searched for all the wealth they could take away.

  Of course, people are not robbing for nothing. In name, these treasures and food are protection fees, filial piety, and offerings!

  As for what’s the use… Well, if you pay the protection fee, it will protect you from being robbed by others…

   Handing the information to Qi Tong beside him, Zhao Yinshun looked at the twisted humanoid torch under the lobby with "moved" eyes.

   "Look, they could obviously grab it directly, but they still gave an excuse. It's really... so conscientious!"

  Sweeping through the **** information with one eye and ten lines, Qi Tong looked at everyone in the audience without a trace of warmth in his gaze.

  While admiring the hellish scene below the stage, the handsome young man in white smiled, stroked his palms gently, and sang softly as if singing an opera.

   "The good man suffers from poverty and shortens his life, but the evil man enjoys wealth and honor and prolongs his life."

   "Heaven and Earth, they are made to be afraid of the strong and bully the weak, but they are also pushing the boat like this."

   "Earth, what do you call earth if you don't distinguish between good and evil? Heaven, you mistakenly judge the wise and foolish and useless to be heaven!"

   After singing a sentence, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but sneered and said with a sneer.

   "Without me, these people might enjoy prosperity and wealth for a lifetime, and even have a full house of children and grandchildren, and enjoy their old age in peace."

   "It's a pity, the emperor refuses to obey people's wishes, but I will!"

   "Heaven will not punish, I will punish!"

   "If there is no karma in this world..."

   "Then I am karma, I am retribution!"

   Clenched his fists hard, and his ferocious whispers shook the world, as if the avenue trembled under the will of the young man.

   Gazing at the young man's handsome profile, Qi Tong's chest was filled with emotion, and he felt his blood was boiling.

   This is the Holy Lord I am willing to follow to the death!


   At this moment, finally, someone below couldn't stand the increasingly terrifying torture, and uttered an inarticulate and ferocious cry.

   "You what?"

   "Sign...I sign..."

  Zhao Yinshun frowned, his eyes widened in disbelief.

   "Traitor? How dare you call me a traitor?"


  The vocal cords were torn, and the **** and tearful man showed desperate and distorted pleading eyes. He wanted to shake his head but couldn't control his convulsed body. He could only twitch and squirm on the ground like a maggot.

  However, Zhao Yinshun on the stage gave a thumbs up in surprise.

   "Are you using body movements to express your disdain for me? Good! I like people with a temper like you! Make it harder!"


  Snap your fingers lightly, and the purple-gold flame on the speaker's body instantly expands, turning into a raging torch several meters high.

  In an instant, a shrill scream that didn't resemble a human voice rose into the sky, and the piercing piercing sound waves were extremely penetrating. Most people in the city heard this sound that seemed to come from hell.

  In the yamen, other people begged for mercy one after another regardless of the tragic end of the past.

   "I...sign! I sign...signature!"

   "哬... Please... Please, give it a good time..."

   "Die! die!"

  The pain that cannot be described in words is like a wave that is stronger than another wave, but they still have the [Jingguan] authority of the **** of medicine in their bodies to protect the flesh and blood, and continue to heal the wound.

  This caused the pain they felt not only to not become numb over time, but to become more clear, intense, delicate and long-lasting.

   "Tsk, is this cowardly? He has no backbone at all. Look at Kong Xiuyong, he is so strong, he would rather die than surrender..."

  Before the words fell, Kong Xiuyong, who fell to the ground and twitched like a motor, screamed miserably.

   "I sign...kill!"


   Smacking his lips in disgust, Zhao Yinshun snapped his fingers lightly, and the torches all over the sky shrank suddenly, turning into a purple-gold flame the size of a bean and swaying in front of their chests.

The desperate wails dissipated in an instant, and a group of people collapsed on the ground like rotten flesh that had been pulled out of their muscles and bones. They seemed to have just been fished out of the water, and a puddle of water quickly gushed out from under their bodies. Their ugly bodies were still convulsing uncontrollably. twitch.

  The essence of the **** of medicine healed the body and mind, and when they took a breath, they immediately stood up tremblingly and wanted to sign their names in the [transaction contract].

  They would rather be dismembered like a beast than experience the horrible torture just now!

  However, they suddenly discovered that the [transaction contract] in front of them just now had returned to Zhao Yinshun's hands, and was being fanned in the hands of that demon like a fan.

   "Master... my lord, I am willing to sign."

   "Huh? What are you? The deity's contract is also what you want to sign?"


  After a brief moment of hopeless silence, everyone knelt and crawled frantically, begging sharply.

   "Please, give it a good time!"

   "My lord, please do me a favor, please do me a favor, I will be your ox and horse in my next life..."

   "Please, let me sign it, let me do anything!"


  Looking at the ugliness of everyone in the audience, Zhao Yinshun pursed the corners of his mouth with a half-smile.

   "Alas... I am kind-hearted, and I don't want to see people suffer..."

   "Since you are sincerely begging, then I will reluctantly agree..."

  Hearing this, everyone showed ecstasy, and tears mixed with blood couldn't stop gushing from their eye sockets.

   "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord!"

  Seeing their gratitude and thanks from the bottom of their hearts, Zhao Yinshun's smile became even more sarcastic.

   "I didn't force you, this is a deal you 'freely' and 'voluntarily' prayed for?"

   "That's right! We did it voluntarily! We did it voluntarily!"

   A group of people scrambled to nod, for fear of tasting that terrible torture again.

   Raising the corners of his mouth in a half-smile, Zhao Yinshun stared into Kong Xiuyong's eyes and asked leisurely.

"fair and just?"

   Lowering his head in fear, not daring to look directly into those eyes, Kong Xiuyong nodded wildly without any hesitation.

   "Fair and just! Fair and just!"

   "Are you free and voluntary to sell all flesh and soul in exchange for my precious... uh... a pile of stinky shit?"

   "Yes! I do!"

   "Is this an act of kindness?"

   "Yes! [Duke Zhen] Your lord is merciful and merciful to all living beings. I beg you to give me a chance. In my next life, I will surely repay you for your great kindness!"

  Looking at Kong Xiuyong who was pleading like Du Juan crying blood, the corners of Zhao Yinshun's mouth rose uncontrollably.

   "Look, this is the joy of freedom. I could easily deprive you of everything, but I still gave you a pile of stinky shit! I'm so... so merciful!"

   "[Duke Zhen] be merciful! Please, give us a chance... woo woo woo..."

   "Hey... that's fine, I thought you were not worthy of my stinky shit, but who told me that I am kind? I will suffer a little bit and reluctantly agree to you..."

  Shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Yinshun fanned the [transaction contract] in his hand, and was about to throw them down, when he suddenly remembered something and stopped abruptly.

  Everyone in the audience who was eager to see through their eyes originally showed happy smiles of relief, but when they saw the boy's pause, their expressions instantly distorted and deformed.

  I want to die, what else do you want? !

   "Wait, your rewards haven't come back yet!"


  After a few tenths of a second of sluggishness, everyone in the audience screamed sharply one after another.

   "No! We don't need to be paid, please let us sign!"


  Slapping the table with a palm, cruel and terrifying eyes swept across the audience, and the brutal divine coercion condensed the air, suppressing all the people speechless and silent.

   "I [Zhen Guogong] have a golden mouth, am I a person who does not believe what I say?"

   "I told you to give you a pile of stinky shit, so I will give you a pile of stinky shit!"

   "If you don't want it, you have to!"

  After a tyrannical roar, Zhao Yinshun squinted his eyes and looked out of the door. After a few seconds, he suddenly realized that he hammered his palm.

   "By the way, there has been a famine in the city for so long, not to mention cats and dogs, I guess even ants have been eaten. Where did the **** come from?"


  Looking blankly at the young man, a group of people gradually had an ominous feeling in their hearts.

   "It's all your fault! I can't even find shit!"

  The white-clothed boy stood up, leaned forward, and swept the audience with oppressive and angry eyes, as if he had lost some precious treasure.

   "Then continue to enjoy until your [reward] comes back!"

  Before everyone could react, with a crisp finger snap, the familiar severe pain instantly penetrated the body and mind, and there were more than a dozen human-shaped bonfires in the lobby.


  The shrill and desperate screams resounded through the wilderness, frightening the people in the city again.

   "What's going on? Someone is killing pigs?"

   "Where is the slaughter of pigs so miserable? It feels like people are howling!"

   "People? Didn't [Zhen Guogong] enter the city?"

   "It is estimated that [Zhen Guogong] is the prisoner on trial!"

   "Could it be that you are interrogating those beasts who killed thousands of knives?"

  Among the whispered discussions, the eyes of countless people gradually brightened, and they looked in the direction of the Yamen, revealing expectations and pleasure.

  It’s the last day, please vote~ヽ(≧□≦)ノ

Read The Duke's Passion