MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 390 hanging street lamp

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  Chapter 390 Hanging street lamps

The horrific wailing lingered over the city, making one's hair stand on end. After the soldiers searched for hundreds of miles and finally found more than a dozen lumps of shit, the human-shaped torches in the yamen had been "burning" for several hours. .

  If it weren't for the divine spirit of the gods of medicine as a skeleton to support their lives, these people's bodies and minds would have collapsed in endless torture.

   Seeing that they presented a "beautiful" hymn to the city, Zhao Yinshun mercifully suspended [You Huang] Burning.


  Accompanied by a slight snap of the fingers, the indeterminate tongue of dark flames collapsed instantly, turning into a hazy crystal flame the size of a soybean.

More than a dozen groups of mollusk-like rotten flesh collapsed on the ground, their cracked and distorted eyes stared out of focus at the void, their blood, tears and sweat had already drained away, and even their breathing was close to nothing, leaving only uncontrollable convulsions of flesh and blood to prove that they were still alive. live.

  Looking at the deformed "mollusks" that don't look like humans in the audience, Zhao Yinshun frowned slightly.

   "Qi Tong, why are they broken?"

   "It's not broken, it's just that it hasn't recovered from the intense stimulation and can't respond to external information."

   Feeling the spirits of the "patients" a little bit, Qi Tong made a very professional judgment, and thoughtfully gave them a few injections.

   Sure enough, not long after, with the circulation of the divine energy, the souls of everyone in the audience began to return from the depths of hell.

  The empty pupils slowly focused, and the nearly collapsed brain gradually received information, recalling his current situation little by little.

   But the realization that they are still alive makes them feel even more desperate.

   "Your rewards are back, let's see if you like it!"

  Pointing at the pile of black **** in front of each of them, the boy in white looked at them expectantly.

   Noticing the handsome "innocent" eyes of the young man, the biting coldness spread in the body, a group of people opened their mouths to speak, but found that their vocal cords and throats had been torn by themselves, and they could only utter indistinct panting sounds.

   "Huh? Don't like it?"

  Zhao Yinshun's face darkened, and the slight emotional change instantly caused a "medical miracle". A group of people scrambled to make muddy voices with their vocal cords and trachea that were smashed into rotten meat.

   "Hi... 哬哬... Huan..."

  Hearing this, the boy in white's face suddenly thawed like a spring breeze, he nodded gently, and casually sprinkled a stack of [Trading Contracts].

   "Then sign it, I really can't bear to see you working so hard."

Staring at the contract paper that fell precisely in front of them, a group of people seemed to be pardoned, their torn eye sockets glistened with emotion, and pressed down on the [contract] with all their strength, as if they had grasped the most precious treasure in their lives .

   "Woooooo... Thank you [Duke Zhen], [Duke Zhen] for your mercy..."

  The most powerful Kong Xiuyong sobbed with a voice like a broken bellows, and kowtowed to Zhao Yinshun weeping bitterly, and he could no longer find the slightest rebellious appearance before.

   After finishing speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Zhao Yinshun would go back on his word, so he dipped his finger in his blood and wrote his name on the contract, and pressed his fingerprint on it.

  Others followed suit when they saw this, dragging their broken bodies and struggling to sign their names.

   Until the contract was formally established and some mysterious law deprived them of all their ownership, this group of people let go of their frightening fear and showed a hint of joy of relief.

  Stretched out his hand and took the contract on the ground into his palm. Zhao Yinshun nodded contentedly.

   "Very well, now you are all my property, in order to punish the sins you committed before..."

  Hearing this, everyone in the hall showed eager anticipation, restlessly waiting for the young man to give them a good time.

   Finally able to die...

  Looking at their pitiful faces, Zhao Yinshun showed a "kind" smile.

   "I have decided to let you become burning candles, illuminating the bright future of the entire city!"


  Before they realized what it meant, they saw the boy raised his palm, and gently pinched his **** and thumb together.

   Instantly understood what he wanted to do, and a group of people roared horribly.



  However, the young man snapped his fingers mercilessly, and the exploding purple-gold flame instantly swallowed up everyone's roar.


   "Come here, hang these pendants on the street lamps, it's almost Chinese New Year, let the people in the whole city be happy!"

  Qi Tong: "..."

  I seem to have seen this operation somewhere...

  The slender willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the charming woman looked at the enthusiastic young man, hesitated to speak, and finally swallowed the urge to exhort.

  However, she didn't expect that the activity of hanging street lamps had just begun.

In the next few days, nearly a thousand accomplices known as thugs were caught by following the vine, whether they were gangsters, cruel government officials, or family guards from aristocratic families, Zhao Yinshun treated them all equally, and lit them up as the "stars" who shine in the world. Bright Star".

A huge number of human-shaped candles are hung on every street lamp in the city, and there are even extra ones that have no place to hang them. They can only be hung on the upturned cornices of some tall buildings, making it like hanging lanterns during the New Year, filling the streets. They are all struggling and wriggling "human-shaped light bulbs".

Therefore, in just a few days, the painting style of the whole city changed suddenly. At night, with the howling north wind, the "lanterns" all over the city fluttered with the wind, and the dark and cold purple light also swayed, illuminating the whole city. The city is full of shadows, like a ghostly hell.

   Not only that, the pain beyond language made all the "living lanterns" scream and scream. No matter day or night, the continuous BGM made the whole city look extraordinarily "lively", and the air was filled with "festive" flavor.

Even the soldiers of the [Shenwu Army] who were watching the night were disturbed by this scene that was worse than hell. In the end, Qi Tong couldn't stand it anymore and blocked all the vocal organs of the "lanterns", so that they could only be quiet Shine light on the city.

   "Tsk tsk, they are so fire-resistant, their 'blessings' are really unfathomable..."

  Standing by the window, looking up at the flickering icy light above the city, Zhao Yinshun rubbed his chin with great interest, amazed.

   After admiring the "light show" for a while, Zhao Yinshun turned around and returned to the main seat, and several confidant subordinates hurriedly presented their work reports.

"Your Majesty, the [Shenwu Army] has swept across thousands of miles and captured most of the territory of the four counties of [Yingdong], [Bozi], [Zelin], and [Wuzao]. However, due to supply problems, our frontline soldiers can only Relying on eating snow and gnawing fried noodles to satisfy our hunger, the impact is getting weaker and weaker, and we are no longer able to expand the front line."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help frowning.

   "The soldiers on the front line distributed the supplies to the common people again?"

  I have spent a lot of money on logistical supplies. In theory, [Shenwu Army] can only eat more food and grass, and it is absolutely impossible to fight hungry!

   This is not fighting guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines...

   Aware of the dissatisfaction in Zhao Yinshun's words, Tang Hongda, who returned to the rear headquarters to report on his duties, half-kneeled on the ground in panic, bowing his head in shame.

   "The subordinate is incompetent, please punish him."

   "Forget it, I can't just watch the people starve to death in front of me, and a few days of rations can save a few people. I can understand their feelings."

  Heaving a long sigh of relief and helplessness, Zhao Yinshun looked at Zhou Rou who was beside Tang Hongda.

   "When will the domestic supplies be delivered?"

In fact, from the perspective of the general environment, there is no shortage of food in the entire Luzhou, especially [Liuyin Fengguo] has just experienced a bumper harvest, and the price of food in the market continues to fall. In order to prevent the low price of grain from hurting farmers, Zhao Yinshun also used The treasury has absorbed a large amount of strategic grain reserves from the world.

  However, these grains are scattered and stored in granaries in various counties and counties, and there is no time to send them to the front line in a hurry.

   Coupled with the mobilization of millions of reserve soldiers, Feng's domestic transportation capacity was suddenly squeezed out.

   Even due to the unexpected high load, the traffic in many places was seriously blocked, and the capacity was suppressed instead!

   “It is expected that it will take another two to three weeks for the pressure to gradually ease…”

   Not daring to look into Zhao Yinshun's eyes, Zhou Rou half-kneeled on the ground and lowered her head deeply: "This subordinate is incompetent, please punish me."

   "Alas... I changed the strategy temporarily, and I can't blame you. Get up."

   Sighing helplessly, Zhao Yinshun waved his hand, and his eyes fell on the map of Luzhou in front of him.

Except for 【Zelin County】, 【Yingdong】【Bozi】【Wuzao】the three counties are not large in area, but the combined population is still tens of millions. To meet the food and clothing expenses of so many ordinary people, It is also necessary to meet the consumption of one million [Shenwu Army], and mobilize several million reserve troops in the rear, as well as supporting equipment, weapons, food and grass...

  War preparations of this scale, not to mention the backward different world, even in the previous life, few countries could easily complete it.

   This requires not only strong organizational capabilities, but also rich dispatch management experience, and more importantly, a huge transportation capacity that is sufficient to support the needs of the frontline!

   Simply put, it is necessary to have enough "blood", "blood pressure" to be strong enough, and "vessels" to be thick enough!

   Otherwise, it will be like now, when I gave an order, all the places rushed to send the soldiers and food to the designated place, but everyone was blocked on the road, and no one could move!

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun pinched his brows helplessly.

   It can’t really be blamed for the fact that the officials in the rear did not do a good job in coordinating this situation. Most of the blame is actually on their own.

  The originally formulated strategy was [nibble], and all plans were carried out around it, but I suddenly changed it to [whale swallow], and the logistics pressure soared more than ten times in an instant!

  Where have the young cadres seen such a scene?

   You know, before the 100,000-strong [Shenwu Army] was going to fight in Shenli, the entire [Liuyin Fengguo] had been preparing for war for two or three months!

  Now there are one million regular troops, five million reserve troops, and tens of millions of ordinary people who are starving for food. This terrifying logistical pressure piles up together. It’s no wonder that even Zhou Rou has started to lose her hair...

  Normally speaking, this level of strategic mobilization needs to be carried out at least one year in advance, and even a few years in advance to start strengthening transportation routes.

   Just like the mustache back then, every inch of land in the country was covered with railways before the war, which met the mobilization needs of millions of troops.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I agreed to the [Mechanicus] group of people to build a Y-shaped main railway to connect the three counties. Not long ago, the entire line of this railway was opened to traffic, which is equivalent to adding a thick and long artery out of thin air, which greatly eased the pain. Logistical pressure.

  If there is no such railway, if the materials from the easternmost [Weishan County] want to reach the front line, they have to go through a winding supply line of more than 10,000 miles, which is as difficult as crossing Siberia in winter!

   In a trance, Zhao Yinshun inexplicably flashed a sentence in his mind.

  The Lord can't be angry and start a division, and he can't be angry and fight!

  As the ruler of a country, any of his thoughts, falling to the grassroots level, may be a huge wave that will destroy the world.

   Therefore, not only should we consider the gains and losses in an overall way, but we should also get rid of emotional interference and ensure sufficient preparation from material to spiritual.

  However, even if he did it all over again, Zhao Yinshun felt that he would still make the same choice.

   It is impossible for him to watch tens of millions of ordinary people exchange children for food, and starve to death in front of him!

   Especially since he still has the ability to save them!

  So, no matter how tough the conditions are, you must act when it is time to act!

   Clenching his fists, Zhao Yinshun let out a long breath of relief.

   Forget it, treat it as a stress test. With the problems exposed this time, if a large-scale war is launched next time, the domestic cadres will have rich experience in dealing with it.

  Logistics coordination ability increased by 100%!

   Grinning happily in bitterness, Zhao Yinshun looked at Chu Qinfen who was quietly standing in the corner, leaving all distracting thoughts behind.

   "[Vai Renshi] Have you investigated the whereabouts of those 'raw materials'?"

   "The preliminary investigation is clear, and all the 'raw materials' have flowed to the [black market]."

   "Black market?"

   "Yes, that is a special field opened up by Sanjinlian, claiming that as long as you have money, you can buy everything you want in the [black market]!"

   Speaking of this, Chu Qinfen, who rarely showed his emotions, couldn't help flashing a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

"After our investigation, they divided the [value] of human beings into detailed levels. The most expensive ones are life, luck, and illusory concept condensates such as Fulu, followed by brains, eyeballs, spinal cords, and blood essence. Consumables for potions..."

   "The first-class viscera can also refine many potions, and in the end, the fat that no one wants will be left in [Vegetable Market] to feed the hungry people..."

Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun finally understood why he couldn't see such things as internal organs and brains in the [Vegetable Market], most of the stalls only had cut human flesh, and occasionally a head was hollowed out with eyeballs and brains .

   "In addition, more than 10 million 'wasted' young men have also disappeared in the [black market] in various places. I don't know if they were sold to other states, or..."

   After a pause, Chu Qinfen gritted his teeth unbearably.

   "Became a kind of [commodity]."

   Keenly aware of the emotion in his eyes, Zhao Yinshun slowly narrowed his eyes.

   Thank you [Lazy Cancer Attack_It’s Not Saved][Xiao Wang Shu_][Meng Wuhen Z] and other book friends for their rewards.

   Madan, I shouldn’t have set up a flag yesterday. If there is no accident, there will be an accident. The organization temporarily appointed me to go on a business trip to the group, and I am expected to come back tomorrow. Today’s two updates are gone (╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)

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