MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 393 God, it's about to change...

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  Chapter 393 God, it's about to change...

  The warm spring breeze blew the earth, and the biting cold seemed to dissipate overnight. After the most difficult winter, Luzhou seemed to usher in new hope.

   "Growing grain has been distributed! Each household receives according to the area of ​​the field allocated by itself, no more is allowed!"

   "Plant the seeds as soon as possible, don't delay the farming time!"

   "Huh? My lord, it's just the beginning of spring. If you plant it now, the seedlings will be stunted!"

"This kind of seed is an improved variety cultivated by [Agricultural University]. It is necessary to accelerate the seedlings earlier. It is not only more cold-resistant than ordinary rice, but also has a higher yield. With the winter wheat cultivated by [Nongshen], we in Luzhou can also Like the south, it grows twice a year!"

   "Is this... for real?"

   "[Liuyin Fengguo] has been implemented there for a year or two, and the food in the common people's homes is too much to eat. Is this fake?"


   "By the way, [Zhen Guogong] also prepared farm tools for you. Each household can receive hoes, plows, and sickles according to their labor..."

  The distant voice seemed to come from outside the sky. Countless ordinary people seemed to see a happy life in the future, but in the next second, they thought of starving to death, and those relatives who had no news after being arrested.

  Joy and sadness were intertwined in their hearts, and countless people shed tears, choking with sobs.

   "[Duke Zhen] be merciful..."

   "Boss, we can live a good life, why can't you hold on... woo woo woo..."


  However, just as the dawn dawned in various parts of Luzhou, the savior in their eyes was very busy.

   "[Zhehe County] is fertile and wild for thousands of miles. It is a fertile land with the same name as [Linbo County]. We must give priority to ensuring the supply of their seeds and farm tools!"


   "The reserves are not fully in place yet, what is the logistics department doing?"

"My lord, the transportation capacity is mainly used to transport food supplies. The dozen or so counties we conquered are extremely short of food. Those aristocratic families burned all the food that could not be taken away. The people's homes have no overnight food. If If no relief is given, there may be a large-scale tragedy... As you have ordered before, the survival of the common people must be given priority!"


  Nodding between his eyebrows, Zhao Yinshun let out a long breath: "Very good, you did a good job!"

   "Thank you sir!"

   "However, the reserves can relieve the blockade pressure of the [Shenwu Army]. When will they arrive and when can we launch a general offensive, you must hurry up!"

  Hearing this, the subordinate showed a embarrassed expression.

"My lord, according to rough statistics, the population of the newly recovered dozen or so counties is close to 200 million. With our current transportation capacity, it is already stretched to keep them alive, and we have to guarantee production. We really can't do it in a short time. Send all the reserves to the front line..."

   "Then when do you expect to complete the task?"

   "If you can wait until the first round of local grain harvest..."

   "Then don't you have to wait until summer?"

   Noticing Zhao Yinshun's slight frown, Zhou Rou took over the topic.

   "Your Majesty, now that the enemies have all been sealed in Lanji County, you can completely deal with them slowly."

"What's more, the vast majority of the 5 million reserve soldiers are still unawakened mortals. If they are forced to fill in the line, the casualties may not be small. It's better to wait for the [Ellite Bureau] to refine more medicines for awakening soldiers. There will definitely be a qualitative improvement in strength.”

   Speaking of this, Zhou Rou whispered meaningfully.

   "Now, our army has swallowed up Luzhou, and it is getting stronger every second, and the enemy is in a desperate situation. The should be them!"

   "Well... I swallowed it, but if I want to completely digest it and turn my potential into strength, I can't do it in a year or two..."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Yinshun called softly without looking back.

   "Chu Qinfen."

   "The subordinate is here."

   "When will [Dragon]'s cadres be fully in place? Now a cadre has to manage seven or eight villages and towns on average, and the ruling power at the grassroots level is too low!"

   "It is estimated that the construction of the grassroots system will be completed in two or three months, but it may take at least one or two years to build a bureaucratic system as mature as that in [Liuyin Fengguo]."


  Zhao Yinshun pursed his lips in distress, walked to a huge map of Luzhou, and stared intently.

  With the exception of [Lanji County], all of Luzhou's vast lands and mountains are in his palm, but this one swallowed too much, too big, and he has already suffered from severe indigestion.

   In the words of the game, it is overexpanded and it is about to explode!

   There are reasons for [Liuyin Fengguo]'s own lack of background, but more importantly...

That group of insects did a great job. Almost all the wealth and food of the people were looted, and those who could not be taken away would rather be burned than left to the common people. They wanted to turn the whole Luzhou into a swamp and sink themselves deeply. !

  In a short period of time, this huge territory and population will not only be unable to provide strength for itself, but will instead become a heavy burden.

   This is a conspiracy. I either watch tens of millions of people starve to death under my nose, or I can only do my best to ensure their survival first!

  If you choose the former, even if you win, the population of Luzhou will drop sharply, and it will be difficult for at least one generation to recover.

   If you choose the latter, the enemy will have enough breathing time.

  The army of more than 10 million people took this opportunity to train hard, and then promoted some outstanding elites as key officers, and they could barely form a certain combat effectiveness!

  If the Confucianists find another eighth-rank soldier Dao Yasheng to be the commander, then this battle will be really difficult to fight!

  Holding his chest with one hand and propping his chin with the other, Zhao Yinshun stared at the huge map covering the entire wall, with an elusive light shining in his eyes.

   This **** world is really big!

  The area of ​​Luzhou alone exceeds 15 million square kilometers, almost catching up with Da Mao in the previous life!

  Transporting supplies from the easternmost [Weishan County] to the western front line, the distance is not much different from crossing Siberia!

  If it weren’t for the construction of the main railway, it would take at least a month or two for the supplies from [Liuyin Fengguo] to be delivered, and tens of millions of people would definitely starve to death in the counties on the western front!

   When this battle is over, I will definitely do a lot of infrastructure construction and spread the railway throughout Luzhou!

   Gritting his teeth hard, Zhao Yinshun moved his gaze, focusing on the middle area of ​​the map.

  Where in the middle west of the map, [Lanji County] winds a blockade line of more than 10,000 miles, and the designations representing the 65 divisions of [Shenwu Army] are evenly distributed, which seems to be watertight.

  However, Zhao Yinshun knew that with a mere one million people, it was a bit stretched to tightly block the front line of more than 10,000 miles.

  In fact, strictly speaking, the [Shenwu Army] did not encounter resistance from the established system during the process of regaining Luzhou. All the territory was given up by the enemy on their own initiative, so there was no effective force to kill them on a large scale.

   This also means that the overall strength of the enemy is well preserved, and the real war has just begun!

   "It's too risky to force one to fight ten..."

  Mumbling to himself, Zhao Yinshun sighed solemnly.

   "Hey... why can't you shrink back with such a huge advantage? Can't you take the initiative to attack?"

   "Ten million versus one million, the advantage is yours!"

   "Will there be a war? Come out and send it!"

  Actually, the [Shenwu Army]'s actions are already outrageous. In the art of war, ten rules are used to encircle them, and five rules to attack them.

  He is doing well here, with a circumference of ten, he even wants to take the initiative to attack!

  If it weren't for the great reputation of [Shenwujun] before, others would probably laugh out loud when they saw his unnatural manipulation.

  However, he has assumed such an attitude of underestimating the enemy that the six generals of the enemy will not take the bait!

   Except for the initial wave of tentative attacks, after finding out the combat effectiveness of both sides, the enemy has completely turned into an iron tortoise. In addition to training troops every day, it is crazy to strengthen the defense line, without giving a chance at all!

   For the first time, Zhao Yinshun felt the troubles of being famous, looking at the sky with melancholy.

  Although I broke the city by myself, slaughtered the army by myself, swept Shen Li, and beheaded millions, I am still just a child!

   No, it's a baby to be precise!

   Looking at the lifespan of more than 2,700 years on the attribute panel, Zhao Yinshun was even more upset.

  Six bearded old thieves who add up to several hundred years of age are afraid of me as a baby like a tiger? !

   Don't let me get caught, or I'll kill you all!

   Grinding his teeth, Zhao Yinshun frowned slightly, another worry emerged in his heart.

  [Shengyan Gong Mansion]’s reaction was too strange. Ever since he chopped off a Confucian sacrificial flag, no matter how provocative he was, the Confucian side did not make any response.

   It's completely like lying flat and letting grass.

   No matter how powerful the [Emperor] is, it is impossible to suppress them so aggrieved.

  In the dark, Zhao Yinshun always felt that they were holding back!

  Pinching his chin, the young man suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and curled his lips helplessly.

Forget it, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, wait until the one million [Shenwu Army] absorbs and digests the rank feedback of this siege, it is estimated that a small number of people will be promoted to the second rank, and then use them as the backbone of the grassroots, and 500 people will be promoted to the second rank. Ten thousand reserves are slowly filling in...

  6 million troops surrounded Lanji County, it would be like an iron barrel!

  Even if he really came to be a saint, he is totally worth it!

However, troubles followed. For an army of 6 million, at least 40 to 50 seventh-level generals and one eighth-level soldier Dao Yasheng can exert their full combat effectiveness, and he can only use three people in total. …

   Not to mention 6 million people, even the 1 million [Shenwu Army] they are all struggling to control.

  If it weren't for the extravagant configuration of all the grassroots officers in the legendary realm, which greatly shared their pressure, Luzhou's whale swallowing operation this time would not have been so violent.

   Various distracting thoughts flickered in his mind, and at a certain moment, Zhao Yinshun suddenly had an impulse in his heart.

  Why do you care so much about him?

  I just want to go in from the front and kill him, blood will flow like a river!

  But in the next second, the crazy thoughts in my heart were suppressed.

  Six generals, 10 million troops, it is impossible for one person to kill them without using the sky-defying trick!

   Yes, but not necessary!

   A group of turtles in a urn are just turtles in a urn. When the time is right, they will naturally be crushed into powder.

   Stretching out his five fingers, the young man in white grasped [Lanji County] far away on the map, as if crushing the entire county into pieces.


   On the other hand, with the passage of time, the mood inside [Lanji County] has become more and more anxious. Every day, the corpses of unlucky servants are carried out from the mansions of major families.

   "The blockade is getting tighter and tighter. It's hard for even legendary fighters to sneak out alone. Why don't those Qiuba fight back?"

   "They said that they don't have the power to take the initiative to attack, and they are hurrying up to train and build a line of defense!"

   "Ten times the number of troops and still no active offensive force?! Will they fight?"

   "A group of turtles, you shouldn't have asked them to lead the army!"

  Hearing a group of people yelling hysterically, Shi Xingguo rubbed his temples wearily.

   "Gentlemen, calm down."

   "Calm down? How do you tell us to be calm?"

   "That is, if you hadn't been advocating that 'I have the advantage' every day, we would have enjoyed the blessings in the imperial capital long ago!"

   "The advantage of going to Nima is mine. Has the agreed number of days changed?"

   "It's been a few months since the Kong family still dare not fart! A bunch of eggless cowards!"

   "Shi Xingguo, if something happens to the fathers, your historians will not end well!"


   Slapping the extravagant dark wooden table into powder with one palm, Shi Xingguo swept across the room with a cold gaze full of oppression, and immediately woke up the manic "trapped beasts" who were talking nonsense.

   "It's already this time, you guys still want to fight against each other?"

   "Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, we all prosper, and we all lose!"

   "If we can't unite to resist that monster, it's better to wipe our necks together as soon as possible, at least we can die happily!"

  Looking around with a sneer, Shi Xingguo's majestic divinity bloomed wantonly, making a group of people speechless.

   When they calmed down, Shi Xingguo put away his coercion, softened his eyes, and comforted them with a supernatural soft voice.

   "Actually, you don't need to panic. I have already found out that the 5 million people are not a regular army at all. They are all farmers who have just put down their hoes. Even most of them have not awakened!"

  Hearing the words, everyone's eyes lit up: "Is this true?"

   "If there is half a lie, there will be no place to die!"

  Hearing Shi Xingguo's venomous oath, everyone finally felt a little relieved, and let out a long breath of foul air.

"You don't even think about it, can 5 million pieces of war awakening medicine be refined in a short while? That little **** has a bad relationship with [Sacred Gold Union], how can he pull out nearly six pieces of medicine in one go? A million troops?"

  After hearing Shi Xingguo's words, everyone gradually pondered over it, but there were still some people who complained softly.

   "The group of mercenary guys in Shengjinlian, as long as they have money, let alone a bad relationship, they will sell their fathers and enemies!"

  Ignoring some people's thoughts, Shi Xingguo weighed for a moment, and decided to stabilize the morale of the army, and waved his hands to isolate the house into a closed world.

   "Everyone, there are some news that should not be disclosed to you, but..."

   Extending the ending, Shi Xingguo looked down at the audience, and met a group of excited eyes who felt touched without any surprise.

  Nodding secretly in satisfaction, Shi Xingguo raised a finger, pointed to the ceiling lightly, and slowly spit out a few words in a deep and meaningful voice.

   "God, it's about to change..."

   Thanks to [Wu Yefeng] [Grey Fox] and other book friends for their rewards.

   I was out for a social event today, so the update is a little late, sorry. (╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)

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