MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 394 Buddha

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  Zhili · Shaolin Temple · Tushitian

  The warm and peaceful Buddha light shines on the heaven and earth, and tens of thousands of novice monks sit on the ground, looking up at the two mirror-like suns at the top of the sky.

  One big sun burns with endless scorching divine light, while the other sun freezes on the opposite side, and even the light around it is frozen, as if it is an ancient projection frozen in the depths of time.

  Under the two scorching suns, countless colorful lotus platforms are suspended in the air, and the Buddha sits in the sky, with golden lights all over his body, and a majestic rainbow light behind his head, shining for thousands of miles.

   "This is my Buddhist and Dao catastrophe, why do you stand by and watch?"

  At the top of the sky, in the depths of the two big suns sat cross-legged majestic silhouettes that could not be seen directly, and the low-pitched words shook the void with ripples.

   "The benefactor Duanmu has not done evil yet."

   "It will be too late when she falls into madness. For the sake of the common people in the world, we must strip away her sins."

   "There is no distinction between good and evil in power. The [Original Sin] of the West may not apply to Da Min, she can also be the [Mother Earth]."

   "If she fails to be promoted, gets out of control and twists, and turns into a disaster, it will be too late for you to regret it!"


   "Since [Tushitian] doesn't want to be involved in this cause and effect, then I [Suyamoten] will bear it all!"


  The solidified scorching sun that occupied half of the sky collapsed instantly, and nearly a hundred [Buddhas] disappeared together.

  After a long time, a faint sigh came from the depths of the day. The old monk Xuanyi sitting on the colorful lotus platform opened his eyes, nodded slightly, and melted silently into the sky full of Buddha light.

   Soon, in an inconspicuous temple in the material world, a burly giant burning with golden flames all over his body converged his energy, and looked up at the void with a feeling in his heart.

  A circle of majestic rainbow light burst out of thin air, ignoring the barrier of time and space to convey clear spiritual thoughts.

   "Mi Chen, go to Luzhou quickly and tell [Duke Zhen] that the demon master is in trouble."

  The tiger's eyes narrowed, Mi Chen nodded, his muscles rolled like a python, his skin glowed with a metallic luster, and he squatted down slightly.

   "Respect the law."


  The burly body instantly turned into a straight golden light that shot straight into the sky.


  Luzhou·Lanji County

  Thousands of pre-war preparations were carried out in an orderly manner, and the awakened reserve soldiers gradually filled all fronts, completely sealing off the land covering more than one million square kilometers.

  Thousands of miles of blood and evil entanglement, turning the world into a cage, the entire [Lanji County] was isolated into an independent world.

   And above the sky, across the outer space of the clouds, a tiny white figure stands aloft, looking directly at the scorching sun in the depths of the dark universe.

The high-altitude divine wind blows like a knife, and the weaker seventh-order gods dare not expose themselves to such heights for a long time, but the tiny white-clothed boy has no resistance, letting the wind blow on his body, stirring up his body. Blinding gilt sparks.

  Between one breath and one breath, the sunlight with a radius of thousands of miles distorts and ripples like water waves, separating out a purple-gold mist that is hard to see with the naked eye, sinking into the mouth and nose of the boy in white clothes like a swallow falling into a forest.

  Suddenly, the young man seemed to have sensed something, and looked down at the blood-red land under his feet.

  Under the clouds, an imperceptible little black spot was facing the divine wind above the nine heavens, and was struggling to get closer to him.


  With a thought, Zhao Yinshun traveled dozens of kilometers in one step, and appeared in front of the visitor without warning.

   "Brother Mi Chen, Jiu Shu greetings, how are you doing?"

Almost bumped head-on into the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Mi Chen took a breath, looked at his skin as gentle as jade, without a trace of scar, and then looked at the dense bloodstains all over his body, inexplicably remembered the last time the two parties parted. Dialogue on both sides.

   "Junior brother Zhao, next time we meet, I'll be a legend. Don't be beaten by me until then."

   "Brother Michen, cherish the present, this is the closest time in your life to me."

  There was a flash of trance in his eyes, Mi Chen didn't take his words to heart at that time, he only felt that Zhao Yinshun's youthful nature didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

   But now...

   Staring at the thick golden halo around the young man, feeling the tyrannical power resonating and vibrating in his body, Mi Chen felt as if he had knocked over the bottle of five flavors in his heart, and all kinds of emotions were surging.

  It turns out...the one who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the's me!


   Breathing out a foul breath, Mi Chen, who is profound in Buddhism, quickly suppressed the demonic obstacles in his heart, and stared seriously at the young man's eyes.

   "Junior Brother Zhao, Master has come to order me to inform you that the Demon Master is in trouble!"

  The smile of an old friend disappeared slowly, and a sense of terror and oppression that even Mi Chen was terrified came out of thin air. Centered on the place where the young man was standing, ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the space tens of miles around.

   "Brother Michen, please elaborate."

  Zhao Yinshun's consciousness split silently, one part remained in reality, and the other part descended to a certain mysterious dimension.

  In the vast [Old King's Court], a white-clothed boy froze instantly, and turned his gaze to the throne beside him, but only saw a little white cat curled up on the throne.

   "Sister, why isn't Master here?"

   Ling Kong took the little white cat into his arms, and Zhao Yinshun roughly woke her up from the practice.

   "Meow! Bite you!"

  Being interrupted at a critical moment, Su Lingyi grinned angrily, but when she opened her eyes and saw the solemn expression of her junior brother suppressing her anger, she instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

   "Master? Master seems to have sensed something before, and his consciousness has returned to the material world."

   "When did she leave?"

   "It seems that it has been a few days. I am practicing and I am not very sensitive to the passage of time."

   Sensing the increasingly gloomy expression of his junior brother, Su Ling asked anxiously.

   "Is something wrong?"

  Simultaneously sensing the news of the real world, Zhao Yinshun's eyes flashed a horrifying ferocity.

   "It's okay, a group of bald donkeys are looking for death."

  Rubbing the little cat's head, Zhao Yinshun put her back on the throne, and disappeared into the hall in an instant.

   In the material world, Zhao Yinshun nodded calmly after hearing what Mi Chen said.

   "[Ganga Temple·Suyemotian], the ancient lamp-burning Buddha, the ninth-level saint, ha ha ha ha ha..."

   Grinning in anger, Zhao Yinshun solemnly clasped his fists at Mi Chen.

   "Senior Brother Michen, thank you for your kindness."

   "Junior Brother Zhao calm down, don't be impulsive."

   "I'm calm."


  The tyrannical divinity tore apart the surrounding time and space, and countless fine void cracks disappeared all over the young man's body. He stepped back without a trace, and silently swallowed his saliva.

  However, in the next second, the boy in white disappeared in front of him out of thin air, and his breath appeared tens of kilometers away without warning.

   Shocked all over, Mi Chen subconsciously wanted to stop him.

   "Brother Zhao, where are you going?"

   "To destroy the Buddha."

  The faint words seemed to ring in his ears, and Mi Chen's heart tightened, as if a pair of invisible big hands had clenched his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

   After a long time, the tall and burly man finally recovered his breath, smiled wryly and shook his head.

   "How about calm down?"


   On the other side, Zhao Yinshun urged the authority of [Minguan] regardless of the cost, and his elegant figure flickered in the sky like a ghost, and every step could span dozens of kilometers out of thin air.

  While on the way, Zhao Yinshun did not forget to notify his subordinates through [Old King Court].

   "Tang Hongda, I'm going to Zhili, and when I come back, I'm going to bloodbath Lanji County..."

   "But... Your Majesty, the army is not ready yet!"

   "I don't need an army."


  Feeling the sudden interruption of divine thoughts, Tang Hongda, who was thousands of miles away, stared blankly at the void, his eyes lost focus.

   No need for an army... No need for an army...

   Chewing these five words silently in his heart, Tang Hongda seemed to recall the time when he first followed the boy.

   One rider is worth a thousand, and one person can defeat the army!

   Shocked all over his body, Tang Hongda came back to his senses, roaring with red eyes.

   "The whole army is ready for the general attack!"

  He could feel the decisive killing intent in His Majesty's words. It was not a joke, but a notice, a final judgment!

   But if during this process, the [Shenwu Army] that he worked so hard to build did not show any value, then what face will he have to stay with Junshang in the future?

  The sudden order caused an uproar in the [Shenwu Army], but Tang Hongda suppressed all dissents arbitrarily, and forcibly pushed forward the pre-war preparations.

  The will of the commander-in-chief lashed at [Shenwujun] like a whip, and the huge war machine began to run at high speed regardless of the cost.

   At the same time, Zhao Yinshun had temporarily put aside the matter in Luzhou, and looked directly at the direction of Wahuang Mountain thousands of kilometers away.

  The overdrawn void walk is beyond the imagination of others. In just a few minutes, the violent figure has crossed thousands of kilometers, flashing all the way from Luzhou to the west of Zhili.

There was a deep stabbing pain in the meridians. Even the huge [Jingguan] authority could not keep up with the consumption. The reserves hidden in the depths of the spiritual flesh were exhausted in just a few minutes, but there was no trace of the dark and deep eyes. fluctuations.

   Soon, a familiar mountain range appeared at the end of sight.

  Among the clouds on the top of the mountain, the majestic light of the Buddha covers the sky and the earth, bringing the time and space with a radius of hundreds of miles into a mysterious and mysterious dimension.

   "You guys dragged her into a timeline where I wasn't in the past... No wonder..."

  Pursing his lips and grinning, ignoring his exhausted body and mind, Zhao Yinshun's divinity swelled infinitely, arbitrarily tearing apart the Buddhist kingdom laid down by the ninth-level sage, his body crossed the long river of time, and came to a beautiful and peaceful space in an instant.

  As far as the eye can see, the colorful and auspicious rainbow light shines for thousands of miles. From the outside, it looks like a small piece of time and space, but the inside is boundless. Even if the line of sight spreads, the boundary cannot be seen.

  However, on the dome of this vast Buddha fruit, a sun is releasing infinite flames, exuding an ancient and vast prehistoric atmosphere.

  Below the sun, dozens of Buddhas sit on the lotus platform, forming a huge formation together, and refining a twisted giant snake like a mountain with the great solar flame above their heads.

  The giant snake was wrapped in flames, struggling and wriggling, screaming silently, and the colorful scales melted under the authority of the saint, releasing pink light particles all over the sky.

   "[Zhen Guogong]?"

The moment Zhao Yinshun stepped into the Buddhist kingdom, he sensed his presence. Sangpo Zanqi, who had met once, stopped the spell in his hand, left the Qibao lotus platform, and traveled thousands of miles in an instant to come to the young man .

   "[Duke Zhen] calm down, we are not trying to harm the commander, but helping her."

   Ignoring the foreign monk who was saluting and bowing in front of him, Zhao Yinshun stared at the twisted giant snake scorching under the sun, and the tyrannical and crazy light in his eyes swelled infinitely.

  In the depths of the grotesque Sea of ​​Consciousness, several identical boys in white clothes closed their eyes and melted in an instant.

  The split divinity converged and condensed, and the two staggered god-attribute runes on the attribute panel began to oscillate violently, and an ominous wail began to permeate the Buddha.

"You must have noticed that Lingshi's mind has become more and more chaotic in recent years. In order to prevent her from getting out of control and falling into a divine disaster, we have to make such a bad plan. We also hope that [Zhen Guogong] will use the great cause of the common people as the cause of death." Heavy."

   Seeing the boy's weird reaction, Sangbo Zanqi felt deeply uneasy, and explained earnestly.

  However, Zhao Yinshun completely ignored his words, and a certain mysterious attribute on the attribute panel appeared in his retina.

   "Modify reality."

  The faint words carried incredible power, and the entire universe obeyed the boy's order, and untraceable distortions occurred.

   "Strengthen the spirit and flesh enough to carry my divinity..."


  On the attribute panel, 1 point [Reality Modification Points] quietly dissipated, and Zhao Yinshun felt the changes in his soul and flesh, and the corner of his mouth raised a cruel and ferocious arc.

   "[Duke Zhen]! Offended!"

   Sensing the unusual expansion of the youth's aura, Sampozanchi instinctively sensed the great terror, and the majestic dragon chant and elephant cry suddenly sounded around him.

  【Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill】!


  In the Buddhist kingdom that transcends matter, Sangbozanchi reveals a mythical form and turns into a majestic Buddha sitting cross-legged, wrapped in a golden dragon, with three heads and six arms, standing upright.

  A pair of vast and solemn eyeballs are like the sun and the moon flying in the sky, and the terrifying power of the gods sweeps across the sky and the earth. Wherever the eyes go, time and space collapse accordingly, and white lotuses bloom out of nothing in the void.

  However, facing the full-scale attack of the eighth-rank sub-sage, Zhao Yinshun didn't even tremble his eyes, and still looked directly at the top of the sky.

  The precious elephant roared, the golden dragon hummed lowly, and the three-headed and six-armed Buddha urged all the energy to imprint his giant palm, but the fear in his heart continued unabated.

  In a daze, he felt that what he was facing was not a sixth-level boy, but a ninth-level martial saint!


  Even if I am a ninth-rank Martial Saint, I can still compete!

   With a slap in the face, Sangbo Zanqi firmly believed and overdrawn his origin crazily, as if he wanted to smash the whole earth into pieces with one palm!

  But in the next moment, a destructive black light flashed in the sky, and Zhao Yinshun, who should have been sealed in place, suddenly appeared behind the Buddha.

Gently pulling the gorgeous dark gold long sword in his hand, the terrifying blade cut a deep gap visible to the naked eye in time and space. The white-clothed boy turned his back to the stiff and towering Buddha, and his eyes were focused on the twisted and struggling Buddha from the beginning to the end. On the giant snake.

  As for the body of the Buddha who was back to back with him, a straight black light spread and bloomed along the midline of his body, seeping out the chaotic black light containing all the colors inside.

  Ignoring the Buddha who was engulfed by the black light behind him, the boy in white looked up slightly to the hazy silhouette in the depths of the brilliant sun.

   "Lamp burning ancient Buddha... I want you to die today!"

  Thanks to [Thousands of Sakura Snow Color] and other book friends for their rewards.

  At the beginning of the month, I still ask for a ticket~╭()

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