MTL - Supernatural Clairvoyant-Chapter 1046 Break away

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"Turin, who is this man?"

Fang Shen and Zhou Duling had just arrived, and the group immediately asked aggressively.

Zhou Turing repeated Fang Shen's own speech just now.

The leading man frowned: "Turin, since it is something you are optimistic about, uncle and I are not against it. After all, in the entire village, if you look at people, no one is better than you. Last year ’s things, if you listen If you do, there will not be such a big disaster in the village. "

"Uncle San, don't say that, you can't blame you last year."

Zhou Turing's third uncle is the head of Pegasus Village, Zhou Ge.

Last year, for the niece of Turin, Zhou Ge thought about Turin's parents dying early. His uncle took responsibility and took the villagers into the mountains to hunt.

Although before the departure, Zhou Turing had predicted that something was wrong and blocked it strongly.

But Zhou Ge only thought that it was a timid little girl, and did not take it seriously, which led to the heavy losses of the entire Pegasus Village later. Zhou Ge was quite blame for it, and until now, it was all in her heart.

"Uncle Ge, you can't say that. Last year was just the little girl talking nonsense. The blind cat encountered a dead rat. Does she have so much patience and can predict the future? And last year, it was because she took the village next door. Only a few of the wounded will lead the mad beast. The same mistake cannot be made twice. Uncle Ge, are you right? "It was a young man who spoke, Fang Shen glanced at his breath, Compared to Zhou Turing, naturally it is far worse, but compared with other young people in Feima Village, it is a big lead.

However, this person made Fang Shen very uncomfortable, and in his eyebrows, there was always a feeling of thief.

Although this man is not ugly, even by simple standards, he is still a beautiful man, but the eyebrows are born from the heart.

And his look at Xiang Fangshen was full of hostility.

This kind of drama, Fang Shen can be considered too much, and instantly understand.

This young man is afraid to regard himself as a rival.

Generally speaking, Zhou Tuling's temperament and cultivation are like a phoenix in Pegasus Village. The other girls are comparable to Zhou Tuling's hair.

This youth is also outstanding among the young people in Pegasus Village. He naturally thought of Zhou Turing, and even regarded Zhou Turing as his own **, and he was not allowed to touch his fingers.

Perhaps in the past, nobody in Pegasus Village dared to challenge this person's authority.

But today, the foreigner Fang Shen broke in suddenly, and looking at it like that, Zhou Turing was quite interested in this foreigner.

The youth suddenly felt hostile.

"Then what do you say?" Although Zhou Ge is the village head, because the young man ’s father is extremely prestigious in the village, he can be regarded as a hooligan leader. Those who are idle in the village are all looking forward to him, so Zhou Ge could not pretend that he hadn't heard that sentence.

"In my opinion, it's very simple. This year, the caravan came, and it was very important. Not only did my sister in Turin go to the martial arts test, I also met the requirements. In other words, this year, we Pegasus Village. There are two people who hope to join the martial arts. If this happens, then Pegasus Village will be completely famous and developed, and it will not be impossible for us to become a town. Therefore, today ’s This hunting is very important, and no mistakes are allowed. In front of this person, he said that he is a pharmacist who collects medicine in the mountains, but it is full of doubts. In many places, it is difficult to justify himself. I suggest that you can just expel If he wants to resist, he kills directly. In this wild mountain, there is no law at all, only the strong and the weak. What do you think I think? "

After this young man spoke, many people immediately agreed, and those who were neutral had no objection to the receiving party being careful to enter the team, because they didn't want to offend the young people. The form, like the whole Pegasus village, is opposed to Fang Shen's joining.

Zhou Ge's face was embarrassing. He was weak by nature, otherwise he would not be in his position as the village head, leaving the young father's entanglement with a group of men and horses to challenge his authority. As a result, he is now in the village in all things Long, you can't make a decision directly, but look at the face of others.

Zhou Duling was worried, and the existence of her congenital spirit made her instinctively believe in Fang Shen.

But reason tells her that although the youth are a little bit mixed, today's words are true.

The person in front of me, the pharmacist, has many doubts. If he is a spy in another village, the consequences will be too serious.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Turing came up with a method that thought he had the best of both worlds.

"In this way, uncle, you and the people in the village are still camping here. I and the pharmacist are following you not far away, echoing each other. If he is not in the right way, he can not act as an internal response, so that the village will be seriously affected. loss."

"No!" Zhou Ge hadn't spoke yet, but the young man said decisively: "You are the person in our village who is most likely to enter the martial arts. If something goes wrong, it is the biggest loss in our village. I I'm afraid you won't be allowed to do this. "

Unexpectedly, the words of the youth actually stirred up Zhou Tulin's anger.

"What do I do, you still don't care."

Having said that, Zhou Turing pulled Fang Shen and went out angrily. She stopped 300 meters away from Pegasus Village: "Just go here, aren't you a pharmacist, just help me, Are there any good herbs nearby? "

The slapstick just now made Fang Shen cried and laughed.

However, he just wanted to rely on Pegasus Village and join the planet ’s practitioner system as a native of Zhou Xing, so as to approach the elders of Zhou Jialiu and kill him.

The matter of Pegasus Village, Fang Shen did not want to take more care of it.

At best, it is only for the valuable part of Zhou Turing, the innate spirit, to give her a little guidance, it can be regarded as a good destiny.

Seeing Zhou Turing saying so, Fang Shen opened the perspective.

He glanced around and shook his head again.

"There aren't any good medicinal materials around here, but if you go a hundred miles further, I can help you collect some medicinal materials that are more than 500 years old, which is only slightly valuable."

Zhou Duling pouted his lips: "A hundred miles into it has entered the danger zone. We at Pegasus Village, don't have the courage you have."

Fang Shen asked again, "What kind of precious medicine are you talking about?"

Zhou Turing took out several medicinal plants that were more than ten years old: "This one will do."

Fang Shen glanced abruptly and smiled: "Is this precious? Isn't it everywhere?"

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