MTL - Supernatural Clairvoyant-Chapter 1047 Recognize a sister

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"Across the mountains and mountains? You will brag, you look for me." Zhou Duling's mouth slipped, apparently can't believe it.

Fang Shen shook her head and smiled.

The people in Pegasus Village are looking for medicinal materials, relying entirely on the naked eye to observe, looking for minerals on the ground, and even relying on luck. It may not be possible to find one for hundreds of years. It is because of a landslide in the heavy rain that exposed the mineral deposits. Come, they will find out.

Opening with this perspective, all the aura-like things in the hundreds of miles nearby are all visible, and we can't hide the slightest. How can they be compared?

Fang Shen took a few steps casually, and waved his hand, a weedy bush was uprooted at once, exposing a large green grass leaf below.

Zhou Turing glanced out and cried out in surprise.

"Poria cocos is 50 years old, wow, there are dozens more! Great, just a place here is comparable to the whole morning harvest in our village!" Zhou Duling shouted. Screamed, completely disregarding the image, rolled up his sleeves, rushed forward, and put all the large Poria cocos in the bag.

Later, she grinned and opened a big smile: "Thank you."

"It's just a hand."

"Any more?" Zhou Turin asked expectantly.

Fang Shen pointed a few words casually.

Zhou Duling rushed forward to collect, and every time he returned with a full load, and obtained quite a lot.

This time, this little girl can not be happy, the other side's cautious alert has been completely eliminated, holding Fang Shen's arm, shaking and coquettishly there.

It's just that Fang Shen can't stand it.

This little girl is petite and slender, her face looks very immature, but she has developed on her chest. This coquettishness is just a grind. This ...

"It's always good to collect these herbs." Fang Shen sighed.

"What do you want to collect, brother Fang?" The little girl opened her big eyes, and it seemed as if there was a sea of ​​tenderness in it.

"I know there is a ore vein here. The quality of the product is not good enough. Although it is average, it is enough for you."

"Brother Fang, what do you say, what!" The little girl is not grind now, and she can't rush straight up and hang on Fang Shen.

"I said there are spirit veins here."

"Spirit stone, veins!" Zhou Turing's heart throbbed.

For them, the spirit stone is already an incredible treasure, even the lowest quality inferior spirit stone, what excites her most is the word mine.

It means that it is not a simple piece or two, but hundreds or thousands of times!

"Brother, how big are the veins." When she said that, the girl was still grinding there, and she was getting more and more active. Her little lotus was exposed by sharp corners, and she was crushed down.

Of course, from the innocent look of this girl, she didn't even realize that she was using the biggest weapon of women.

However, this girl was born to be coquettish. Without knowing it, the square characters were omitted, and she called her brother directly.

Fortunately, Fang Shendingli was pretty good: "It's not big. Digging a hundred thousand spirit stones is basically no problem."

"One hundred thousand yuan?" Zhou Turing was so soft that he was about to fall.

Fang Shen's eyes were swift and his hands were stretched out. He reached out and caught Zhou Turin's small waist: "Not satisfied?"

"No, no, this is too much, right? When will we be able to dig out at Pegasus Village?"

"Stupid girl." Fang Shen shook her head and smiled: "With your talent, soon you will consume 10,000 inferior spirit stones a year, and that's nothing."

"What brother?"

"It's nothing."

"Then I quickly called Uncle San to them and asked them to dig so that they could be handed over to the caravans tomorrow."

"Then do you know where the veins are?" Fang Shen smiled.

"Brother, don't you know?"

"What if I don't tell you?"

"You will tell me." Zhou Turing affirmed.

"Of course I will tell you, but I have a small request."

"Ah?" The little girl thought for a while, and suddenly opened her mouth. "Would you not think of that?"

"Which?" Fang Shen suddenly became interested.

The little girl was flushed and bit her lip without talking.

Fang Shen smiled and patted her head: "Where did you think of it, I just want you to do me a favor."

"Brother, you say."

"When the caravan comes tomorrow, treat me as someone in your village. I will go to the martial arts test with you."

"Brother, do you want to enter the martial arts?"

Fang Shen nodded. Of course, his purpose was just to enter Zhou Xing's practice circle and not let outsiders doubt it.

What can I learn in this small martial art in the wild mountains?

Perhaps the head of that martial art was not Fen Shen's enemy.

Zhou Duling crooked his head and thought for a while: "I think of a good idea. Everyone in the village knows that I have an older brother, but I was sent out by my parents in the early years. My brother, now back, this is equivalent to saying that as long as you do n’t tell me the secret, no one will know that you are not from Pegasus Village. "

Fang Shen was quite satisfied: "This is the best."

"Then you will be my brother from now on, so that's it." Zhou Duling looked at Fang Shen with anticipation, and there was a strong desire in his eyes.

This is also normal. From the events just now, Fang Shen already knew the life of the little girl, which is also pitiful.

Her parents died when she was a child. She had an older brother and left the village early. She was like an orphan. The desire for her loved ones was beyond the scope of ordinary people.

"Okay." Fang Shen's tone became softer, he reached out his hand, and patted Zhou Turin's head: "I will cover you in the future, and no one can bully you."

"Thank you, brother." Zhou Duling was wrapped in a huge warm heart, and his face was filled with hopeful satisfaction, and he couldn't help burying his head in Fang Shen's chest, whispering there in self-care: "After I have a brother too. "

"What are you doing!" Just then, there was a roar beside him.

Fang Shen turned his head and took a look. It was the young man just now.

"You two adulterers and harlots, have you hooked up so quickly? Ah, this action is really fast, you just met a few times and got together? Or in this large public, do this Things, Zhou Turin, you are so shameless. "

"You nonsense! This is my dear brother!" Zhou Turing is just like a kitten with a fluffy hair.

"Zhou Turin, who believes?" The youth looked disdainful.

"Don't you believe it?" Just then Fang Shen asked coldly.

"Yeah, I just don't believe it. With me, don't worry about you adulterer or adulterer today."

"Oh." Fang Shen raised a hand and said gently: "You can go to death."

When Fang Shen lifted his hand, the young man's chest broke through a large hole, and he died instantly.

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction