MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1032 Western shudder

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Jiang Feng's eyes narrowed, and the horrific killing moment came. Dick was frightened, and hurriedly "hide, avoid war. The Round Table Knights and the Justice Army fought, forcing the eighth-level strong standing team everywhere, otherwise they would be pursued by both sides , So I hid in the Grand Canyon. "

Jiang Feng converged and killed himself, looking at Bobby, "What about you? Great Bobby Knight."

Bobby was startled. "Under the crown, it's Bobby, your little Bobby, the great, upright Emperor Thunder, I'm willing to answer any questions you may have to hide here because of the war."

Jiang Feng nodded, "It's reasonable, but I can tell you that the war is over and the Justice Army is annihilated. You can rest assured, Country Y, and surrender to Baiyun City."

Dick and Bobby were shocked and didn't dare to speak.

Jiang Feng turned to look at the World Tree, "Bobby, how did your round table knights arrange for the World Tree?"

Bobby wondered, "Arrange?"

"Don't tell me you don't know the purpose of the world tree," Jiang Feng said lightly.

Bobby quickly replied, "Under the crown, Lord Franco prohibits anyone from destroying the world tree."

Jiang Feng frowned. "What does he want to do?"

Bobby shook his head. "I don't know, but according to rumors, Lord Franco seems to want to use the world tree to break through the nine levels."

Jiang Feng laughed. The world gum can only improve recovery and energy. It is impossible to help people to break through the 9th level. If not wrong, Franco wants to monopolize the world tree and use gum to make himself immortal. Unfortunately, this wish cannot be realized. After all, the World Tree is just a tree, and there is no way to make it so bad.

Jiang Feng casually cut off the branches, baked with lightning, the gum appeared, pinched, it was really missed. At the moment when several people counted the world tree together, even the Earl of Scarlet was drawn out. At that time, he needed to look up in the face of Xinghai. .

Jiang Feng groaned, and the two of them were afraid to come out.

In the distance, Wu Yunfei learned that Tianchi Gulong appeared and rushed to the World Tree Grand Canyon.

Rupert and other round table knights did not move. They have hatred for Jiang Feng. If it were not for Jiang Feng, Franco would not have died, and Country Y would not become like this. These things are clear to them, but they dare not advertise, but want to let It is impossible for them to respect Jiang Feng.

In this way, Jiang Feng stood under the world tree for three hours, and Wu Yunfei arrived after three hours.

Bobby and Dick just felt a gust of wind blowing from their sides, Wu Yunfei appeared, the pigtails behind his head dangled, and he stooped, "City Master".

Jiang Feng turned his head, "Did anyone tell you the situation in the World Tree Grand Canyon?".

Wu Yunfei shook his head, "No, I'm sorry, the owner, I was negligent."

Jiang Feng said in a deep voice, "How are those people like Rupert?".

Wu Yunfei replied "being honest."

"Not enough" Jiang Feng said indifferently. After speaking, he looked at Bobby, smiled, and scared Bobby's heart. "This person is called Bobby. I think it's good, and is suitable to be the leader of the Knights of the Round Table."

Bobby froze.

Wu Yunfei's eyes flashed, "What does the owner mean? Let Rupert disappear?"

Jiang Fengdao "This man has hatred in his heart and conceals the world tree, so there is no need to stay."

Wu Yunfei nodded, "Yes, the Lord."

Jiang Feng bent his lips and looked at Dick. "What do you think of the title of Knight of the Round Table?"

Dick froze, "Round Table Knight? Me?"

Jiang Feng smiled and looked at him.

Dick blinked. "Can I?"

"I said you can, you can," Jiang Feng said lightly.

Dick was excited. "Under the throne of Emperor Thunder, in fact I Dick has always been a fair, bright, upright, and brave man. I think the words of the Knights of the Round Table are tailor-made for me."

Wu Yunfei raised an eyebrow and glanced at Dick subconsciously, so shameless.

Jiang Feng laughed. "Okay, from today you are the Knights of the Round Table. Two people, Bobby, will help me manage Country Y. Is there any problem?"

"No, thank you very much." Dick shouted excitedly, from a well-known thief to a round table knight of integrity. Dick never thought he would experience this change. He liked the freedom of theft, but he also liked the round table knight. The prestige of being able to live in the sun. As for the former identity, you can fool the survivors for any reason. At this time, a good and brave round table knight has appeared in Dick's mind to bear the thief in order to fight against the evil Justice Army The heavy burden of the name, just to protect the plot of the survivors.

And Bobby was stunned. Being a Knight of the Round Table has made him feel that he has reached the pinnacle of his life. Now he has the opportunity to become the leader of the Knight of the Round Table. However, once Franco's position, Bobby couldn't dream of it. Achieved? For a while Bobby felt his life was complete, and it was time to propose to the beautiful Miss Rhea.

Jiang Feng left and left Country Y. He did not help Wu Yunfei to solve Rupert. If Wu Yunfei's current strength could not solve a rut, he would be too incompetent.

As for the other Round Table knights, I believe those people are not stupid. When the two leading figures, Franco and Rupert, died, those people could only choose to surrender completely.

Jiang Feng went through two days from Huaxia to State Y, and his whereabouts have spread completely.

Galbrain was stunned at the coastal port of Country D. "What are you talking about? Jiang Feng is here in Europe?"

"Yes, head, now in country Y, according to the schedule, it should pass by country D," Bright replied.

Galbraine immediately waved his hand, "Don't move, follow Lao Tzu".

After a while, the Bright Pirates left Country D completely, leaving only the evacuated coastal cities and Harley hanging from the lighthouse.

Harley was quickly rescued. He hadn't eaten for a long time. He ate some food with the help of the evolutionist of Country D. It took a long time to slow down. He opened his weak eyes and said hoarsely, "What about the pirate, the pirate king?" .

An evolutionist replied "Go away".

Harley wondered, "Why are you gone?".

The others were silent, one of them whispered "I heard that Huaxia Leidi came to Europe, so they left."

Harry's eyes suddenly opened, unbelievable, "Jiang Feng is here?"

No one answered, because no one could detect Leidi's whereabouts.

Harley didn't know if the news was true, but he decided to wait in the port, Noah died, D country's dragons were headless, the three alchemists' strength weakened, and Camille's whereabouts became a mystery. Only the D country was on the table for him. However, because his strength is not enough to integrate Country D, he hopes to get the support of Lei Di and rule the Country D with integrity, although the price may be very high.

Dismissing the others, Harley's eyes flashed through the bitter hatred, "Galbrien, one day I want you to die without a dead body."

Another day passed, Jiang Feng was not in a hurry to go to country D. His main purpose of coming to Europe was deterrence. In the past, there was a ant cavalry to spread leaflets, and then there was Tianchi Gulong. The shocks before and after were enough to make Europe dare not dare Move rashly.

Only in the afternoon two days later, Jiang Feng came to country D and headed directly to the port.

The survivors of the coastal city of Country D migrated to other cities. Jiang Feng saw countless long dragons. "Galbryne did enough, and the stolen supplies were enough for him to be at sea for years."

Harbor, looking at the shadow of Tianchi Gulong at high altitude, Harley got up and bent over slowly.

Jiang Feng looked down at Harley, his body disappeared, and he appeared before him.

"Harry, see under the throne of Emperor Thunder," Harry said respectfully.

Jiang Fengen said, "We haven't seen each other for several years."

Harley said with excitement, "Country D was crowned.

Jiang Feng laughed and said, "It's not like that, I heard that you were not tortured by Galbrain."

Harley whispered "just trauma."

Jiang Feng didn't say much. Galbraine was a pirate after all. He was a pirate and had no mercy. Although he was a good man, there were many people who died in his hands. Harley was only an ant in his eyes. Not killed.

Harley looked carefully at Jiang Feng, and humbly said, "Under the crown, there is a chaos in Country D, Camille disappears, and he is attacked by a pirate regiment. The whole country D is miserable. Harley courageously rescues Country D under the crown."

"How can I save?" Jiang Feng asked.

Harley said, "Please correct the name of Country D and let Country D join the Baiyun City."

Jiang Feng looked at Harley with amusement, "Do you want to rule Country D?".

As soon as Harry heard his face turned pale, he hurried to kneel on his knees. "Country D will always be under the crown. Harley never dares to delusion, but just hopes to be able to share the worry under the crown."

Jiang Feng looked back and said, "Yes, starting today, Country D will hand over 70% of its resources to Baiyun City, and Baiyun City will provide shelter for Country D."

Harley was overjoyed, "Thank you, my crown."

Watching Tianchi Gulong leave, Harley's eyes faded, and the rest was only sad.

Country D is not a small country. Although Noah is gone, it does not need other people's protection. However, Harley must say that country D must be subject to Baiyun City in order to obtain peace. This is the sorrow of the weak. This era is Huaxia and Baiyun City. It is the era of Jiang Feng, in this era, everyone will be subject to surrender.

If rumors confirm that the strong in Xinghai Realm can live for nearly 500 years, then Jiang Feng's era will surely continue for 500 years, and these 500 years will envelope the world.

Leaving country D, Jiang Feng headed directly to Northern Europe, and the mad cavalry is now in Northern Europe.

There are always similarities between the two pieces of time and space. Another piece of time and space mad cavalry is sitting in the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology, and this time and space ants cavalry eventually entered northern Europe.

The Nordic Academy of Science and Technology is the world ’s sacred place for science and technology. The Chinese Academy of Sciences does not show up in mountains or water. The National Academy of Science and Technology cannot compare with the Nordic Academy of Sciences. Bombs, light waves of destruction, armor of memory, etc., are famous all over the world. It is because of these weapons that South America can protect the Amazon jungle for so many years. Among them, the most surprising is the bone beast, which can withstand the bones attacked by the strong star. beast.


The next volume is coming soon, so stay tuned!

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