MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1033 Human direction

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The mad cavalry suffered a forcible attack when it first entered Northern Europe. Hundreds of thousands of robots carried poisonous bombs to attack the mad cavalry. There were bones and beasts behind and strong men wearing memory armor. After so many years of offensive in Russia, it is difficult to deal with them in Xinghai territory. In the end, it was Kuo that they won the Emperor's Order to stop the Nordic Institute of Technology.

Dean Laurent can pretend he doesn't know the mad cavalry, but he can never deny Leidi's majesty.

Today, the mad cavalry stands by outside the Nordic Institute of Technology.

Inside the Academy of Science, Laurent, Spike, Judy and others were worried.

"Dean, let's return to Baiyun City. Tianchi Gulong is in Europe. Lei Di should also be. Lei Di is not something we can compete with. Even if the bones and beasts have been successfully researched, their power is not enough to fight Lei Di." I ca n’t help but said that he had participated in the Tianbang competition and was caught by Ming. He saw Jiang Feng ’s horror with his own eyes. There are so many strong players in Ming who ca n’t stop Jiang Feng ’s blow, and he has a deep fear of Jiang Feng. He was unwilling to resist at all, and it was precisely his obstruction. At the beginning, the Academy of Science and Technology did not send bones and beasts to fight, otherwise the mad cavalry may not be able to survive.

Judy also said, "I agree, Dean, that we can develop a weapon of resistance when we are alive. When we die, we have nothing."

Laurent's eyes flickered, he was analyzing, and with his cleverness, he had already seen the situation long ago, but he didn't say it, and only Spike and Judy could say it to reflect the dignity of his dean; otherwise, the dean advocated He surrendered, and he would be kicked out soon.

"How's the mad cavalry?" Laurent asked.

Spike said, "We send the best food to the mad cavalry every day, and have not prevented the head of the Gu Zhengjun from visiting the Science and Technology Academy. To them, we have shown sincerity."

Lauren said with satisfaction, he found that after returning from Huaxia, Spike was a lot more honest. This is a good thing. "Since you all agree to return to Baiyun City, you are so settled, return to Baiyun City."

Spike was overjoyed. He really didn't dare to oppose Jiang Feng. It was too scary.

At this moment, the earth shook for a while, and a loud sirens sounded through the sky. Several Laurent suddenly stood up, "What's going on?"

An evolutionist trembled with a trembling face, his face pale, "There was something wrong with the courtyard, the director, the bone beast, the bone beast."

The three of Laurent's faces changed and immediately walked to the command room.

The bone beast is their biggest research achievement. Theoretically speaking, the evolution of the bone beast is endless. This is their future reliance on Baiyun City.

Rushing to the command room, the picture on the screen made Laurent pause.

I saw on the screen that the bones and beasts were scorched and twisted, and Thunder seemed to be pulling a huge bone beast buried in the ground like a big net and suspended in the sky like a swing. Every time the Thunder flashed, the bone and beast shrank by one point. Countless bone meals have fallen down, causing a white layer of powder to appear on the ground, even floating around the world.

Over the screen, a man was carrying his hands on his back and looked at the bone beast with interest.

The three Laurent shivered, and the whole world felt indescribable coercion. This is-Leidi.

At a high altitude, Jiang Feng looked at the weird creature with no skull and no body, all made of bones. This is the highest technology crystal of the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology, which can be infinitely evolved.

"It's interesting, it's actually comparable to the Xinghai Realm, it's really interesting" Jiang Feng muttered to himself. He remembered that the Nordic strongmen had shown the strength of the bones and beasts when they competed for the top of the list. Biological uses are wide.

In the distance, Tianchi Gulong enjoys it happily. It likes northern Europe and this snowy land.

Below, outside the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology, Gu Zheng led the mad ant cavalry to look hot in the sky. They knew the horror of the bone beast. Because of the bone beast, Gu Zheng had to take out the Lei Emperor's Order. Now, he is watching this. The bones and beasts that were enough to compete with the strong in the Xinghai Realm were stunned by Lei Di as a toy. The picture was too strong and exciting.

Laurent and all the other Nordic people all walked out, trembling and saluting, "Meet the Emperor Thunder", "Meet the Emperor Thunder", "Meet the Emperor Thunder" ...

Jiang Feng ignored them, still looking at the bone beast, slowly raising his hand, flicking his fingers, shot with strength, crossing the bone beast, the void broke for a while, the white broken bone fell like raindrops, and the bone beast trembled, then continued Keep twisting.

Laurent looked trembling.

Jiang Feng's mouth bent, "Good toy, Laurent."

"Yes, under the crown, I am." Laurent hurried forward, looking frightened and pale.

"Does this thing feel?" Jiang Feng asked lightly.

Laurent hurriedly answered, "No, under the crown, the bones and beasts have no five senses."

"Then how does it act?" Jiang Feng asked curiously. The skull beast reminded him of sandworms. Sandworms without flesh could move, just like bone beasts.

Laurent replied, "The bone beast is composed of mutant beast bones. The bones in key parts are not real bones, but are made of materials. The control system is input into these materials. Because of these key parts, they can be manipulated. Bone Beast. "

Jiang Feng's eyes brightened, and he waved with his hands. In the shocking eyes of everyone, the huge bones and beasts were divided into two, and many bones in the middle flashed with electric light. There were precise instruments there. Sure enough, the huge bones and beasts were controlled by these. instrument.

Laurent and others hurriedly lowered their heads and did not dare to look at them anymore. They knew the strength of the bone beast better than anyone else, but such a powerful bone beast was easily torn by Lei Di, and Lei Di's power let them see it thoroughly.

Jiang Feng had enough to play, throwing away the bone beast and dropping it on the ground to shake the ground for a while. He landed himself and stood in front of Laurent et al.

Laurent and others hurried to salute again.

In the distance, the mad ant cavalry came and stopped at a distance of 100 meters, all saluting to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng waved his hand to let the mad cavalry back down and looked at Laurent, "I heard that the mad cavalry caused you trouble."

Laurent trembled and quickly said, "Under the crown, it is our fault. We did not recognize that this was a mad cavalry from Baiyun City. We thought it was a mad cavalry from Her Majesty the Sword Emperor. wrong".

Jiang Feng's mouth bent, "You know what, I don't like people to lie to me."

Laurent's pupils shrunk, his face became paler and paler, and he looked at Jiang Feng in horror. "Under the crown", before he finished speaking, Jiang Feng's eyes flickered, and Laurent's body shook, as if he saw something incredible. It was scared to death, and it fell straight to the ground.

Everyone at the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology did not dare to say a word, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. They were clearly evolutionaries and had adapted to the cold weather in northern Europe. But at this moment, they still felt the bitter wind and shivered.

Jiang Feng's eyes swept everyone. The reason why he destroyed the bones and beasts was to deter them. Jiang Feng has visited the Nordic Institute of Technology several times, and his impression is very bad. It felt that it gave him a sense of market courage, especially before Jiang Feng helped them to block Gucci's blow, but it was not as important as a letter from Xiao Menghan. At that time, Jiang Feng was already very popular. The reason why he went to Europe in person, A large part of the reason comes from the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology. It is known to everyone in the Baiyun City that the mad cavalry is surrendered to the Baiyun City. It is because of this incident that Jiang Feng felt that he should stand up, otherwise it would be useless.

Laurent is too ambitious, but he doesn't have the strength to match his ambitions. This kind of person makes Jiang Feng sick, so he doesn't even let Laurent say anything, just let him die.

"Take your dean out and burn it. He is too old to be frightened," Jiang Feng said lightly.

Spike quickly let Laurent go down.

Jiang Feng looked at Judy, which caused Judy to tremble for a while, and almost collapsed. Then Jiang Feng looked at Spike, and Spike really collapsed.

"Under the crown, thank you for your life-saving grace" Spike shouted softly.

Jiang Feng wondered, "Grace of life?"

Spike admired Jiang Feng with esteem and enthusiasm. "I was taken to Qinghai by the ghost-faced man. It was you who saved me like a god. Under the crown, please give me a chance to be loyal to you. Please let me join Baiyun City. "

Judy and others were surprised, but everyone was not stupid. All the people who could survive in the Nordic Institute of Technology were elites. Immediately, everyone wanted to join Baiyun City for various reasons.

Gu Zheng eyes mocked.

Jiang Feng laughed. Under Laurent's leadership, these people did not look like real scientists at all. Dean Yu Min did not have any fear of death. They are different. Although they are smart, they have no temperament. To a certain extent, even dignity is not required.

However, these people are also global elites. Jiang Feng has no intention what to do to them. Technology will never be replaced, and the future of humanity is still on science and technology.

Jiang Feng raised his hand to stop everyone from speaking, looking at Spike, "I understand your intentions, but you are still needed here to continue your research, but all your research materials must be copied and sent to the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology." .

Spike and others breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't need to die. As for the research materials, they didn't care, they could save their lives. "Thank you, Emperor Lei."

"Laurent's death, the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology can't live without the dean. So, you call Spike, right?" Jiang Fengdao.

Spike looked excited. "Yes, under the crown, my name is Spike."

"From today, you are the president of the Nordic Academy of Science and Technology," Jiang Feng laughed.

Spike was overjoyed, "Thanks a lot."

Jiang Feng looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Crazy ant cavalry is temporarily stationed in Northern Europe, waiting for orders."

Gu Zhengshen said "Yes, under the crown".

To handle the matter of the Nordic Institute of Science and Technology, Jiang Feng did not leave directly, but stayed at the Institute of Technology for a few days.

In the past few days, he has learned about various researches of the Academy of Science and Technology. Although he doesn't understand it, it is not bad to hear.

Since knowing that the meteorite has brought information about extraterrestrial civilizations, Jiang Feng has been thinking about the future of mankind. With his status, he is qualified to think about such things.

Read The Duke's Passion