MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 216 Ling-[01]

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Qin Jing was originally participating in the battle at the entrance of Aurora. Her ability and Zhou Zhengning's group weakening made her a god-stopper.

Qin Jing originally liked to fight, but just when she was having fun, a familiar system notification sound came from her ear.


[Mission target player 001 Ye Fei confirms death]


Qin Jing was stunned for a moment, and Zhou Zhengning who was beside him also heard it, and his face was also blank.

Also hearing that voice were the surrounding players who were fighting. After the initial stunned expression on their faces turned into ecstasy, some even cheered in a low voice.

Qin Jing only felt a "buzz" in her head.

Impossible, how could Ye Fei die.

Although he was injured, the injury was on his shoulder, so it wasn't fatal.

Besides, there was Jian Lingxi by his side, how could he die so easily?

Thinking of this, Qin Jing couldn't stay here any longer.

She turned around and ran towards the room where Ye Fei was.

But the entrance of Aurora is still some distance away from Ye Fei's position. Even though Qin Jing has used the fastest speed, she still can't catch up.

She only saw a familiar figure on the road outside the house.

At that time, Jian Lingxi was standing in the middle of the path with his back to them. He was still wearing the white coat that Ye Fei had given him that day, but at this moment, the coat had been stained red with blood.

He just stood there quietly, holding someone in his arms.

From Qin Jing's perspective, she couldn't see the man's appearance, she could only see his hanging hands, even the fingertips of his arms were still dripping blood, the blood crawled on his skin, and finally fell to the ground, dripping tick tock.

Qin Jing only felt that her mind went blank for a moment.

Ye Fei was injured on the shoulder by shrapnel, but the injury was not particularly serious, at least it was impossible to splatter so much blood after treatment.

And Qin Jing didn't believe that anyone in this game could beat Jian Lingxi. Therefore, the current situation is already very obvious. Although I don't want to believe it, it seems that Ye Fei died at the hands of Jian Lingxi.

but why? ?

Qin Jing wanted to rush forward to question, but before that, she was suddenly stripped of her five senses, which was the familiar state of logging out of the game.

When she regained consciousness, she was already standing among the four translucent white walls, and she probably logged out of the space again, or somewhere else. But logically speaking, the final mission of the game is over, so they should log out and return to reality. Why were they divided into teams and brought here again?

The matter was very strange, but Qin Jing didn't have time to care about it for a while.

Because, after she logged out of the space and stood firm, the first thing she did was to push Jian Lingxi:

"You killed him!"

After these words came out, the few people who logged out of the space were silent.

Zhou Zhengning was at a loss, he didn't know how Qin Jing came to this conclusion.

Ren Huayan still couldn't believe that the game notification was real. She opened her eyes wide, looked at Qin Jing, and then at Jian Lingxi who was covered in blood, but she still didn't understand what Qin Jing meant.

Although Esther's injuries were still not healed, he looked at Qin Jing and subconsciously wanted to pull her away, and asked her why she slandered his boss.

But to everyone's surprise, Jian Lingxi didn't respond to this, he just nodded:


"You...!" Qin Jing was almost dominated by anger, but fortunately, even if she calmed down, she tried her best to calmly ask:


Jian Lingxi likes Ye Fei, and his attitude towards Ye Fei is seen by Qin Jing, which cannot be faked.

She didn't believe that Jian Lingxi would hurt Ye Fei, so she was more inclined to have other reasons.

And hearing her question, Jian Lingxi glanced at her.

In fact, he didn't really want to answer, but after a short pause, he still said:

"It's his own choice."

"If he miss, you pamper him?? Is he thinking about sacrificing himself to save others, that great and stupid thing?! Are those **** worth his saving? Jian Lingxi, he died this time. He is really dead, he is not absolutely cured!"

Qin Jing didn't understand what Jian Lingxi was thinking.

Said that he was not good to Ye Fei, he put Ye Fei first in everything, and usually looked at him with eyes drawn, said that he was good to Ye Fei, and he killed him with his own hands.

"He is for himself."

Jian Ling lowered her eyes, looked at the blood on her body, and said lightly:

"What has he experienced, how long has he walked in this world, and how many involuntary encounters he has encountered. Is absolute healing really a good thing? What has this ability brought him? Why do you think that he should always be excellent and always dazzling? To live on? Qin Jing, death is not the end for him, but the relief he has been waiting for for a long time."

Jian Ling lowered her hand:

"I will always respect his decision, and I am willing to be the one to end him with my own hands."


Jian Lingxi's words can be regarded as awakening the dreamer.

Qin Jing was awakened by his words, and was momentarily stunned.

Yes, in front of them, Ye Fei has always been an image of a fool. He is very lively, likes to laugh and joke, always runs the train with his mouth full, and is very sober, always comforting and enlightening others.

He is gentle and dazzling, making people feel that life should be like this. He can always let those around him find the hope of life and guide others to love life.

But in fact, he has long been scarred by the world and life.

His hard work is rarely rewarded, and he is even occasionally backstabbed.

This world has never loved him, and none of them are qualified to let him stay.

Qin Jing understood the truth, but she still couldn't accept it for a while.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to ask something, but before she opened her mouth, the white wall space they were in seemed to flicker slightly.

At first, Qin Jing thought it was her own illusion, but later, the translucent wall of light radiating around it flickered a few times, and then slowly dimmed.

Then, there is the familiar stripping of the five senses.

But shouldn't they log out of the game? What's the situation now?

Qin Jing was very puzzled, and waited until her five senses returned, and when her feet touched the ground, she tentatively opened her eyes.

But what she saw was an endless blackness.

The place where they were was filled with black ink, and in the darkness of nothingness, they could almost only see their friends around them.


[Welcome my dear, a shocking and amazing team to log in to the game, the copy is being distributed...]

【Copy selected】

【Hidden copy】

【Unknown (level unknown)】

[Game refresh, dungeon loading—]

【Location: Unknown】

[Mainline NPC: Unknown]

【Rating: Unknown】

【Number of people: unlimited】

This series of "unknowns" made the magical team a little confused. Under such circumstances, Qin Jing subconsciously looked at Jian Lingxi.

For some reason, Qin Jing felt that he must know the situation here.

But Jian Lingxi didn't pay attention to her gaze.

He just looked up at the darkness at the end, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It was also at that time that Zhou Zhengning who was next to him suddenly called out:

"Ms. Ye, this is..."

Every time he enters the dungeon, he likes to ask Ye Fei about the relevant background of the dungeon. This time he entered a series of unknowns, and he also subconsciously wants to ask him.

But he didn't realize until he opened his mouth that the person he wanted to ask was no longer there.

In the darkness, several people fell into an eerie silence.

After standing still for a while, it was Jian Lingxi who responded first. He didn't say anything, just walked forward.

He probably just picked a random direction to move forward. After all, in this endless darkness, he has no sense of direction at all.

Seeing his movements, the rest of the team also followed him.

In the previous dungeons, they all listened to Ye Fei and acted according to Ye Fei's plan, but now, the person beside them who was always laughing and playing with them and who was extremely reliable at critical moments was gone. The atmosphere was a lot silent.

In fact, except for Jian Lingxi and Qin Jing, the others have not even come to their senses. Because it was so sudden, there was no sign, and none of them thought that Ye Fei, who had an absolute cure, would leave first.

They followed Jian Lingxi and walked forward. After a while, Qin Jing heard that Ren Huayan seemed to be crying beside her.

Qin Jing was also sad, she embraced Ren Huayan, and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

Not long after, Qin Jing saw Zhou Zhengning who was obliquely in front of him wiping tears secretly, and even Esther drooped his head like a cat with drooping ears.

From this point of view, Jian Lingxi, who is closest to Ye Fei, is the calmest one.

Even Qin Jing felt that he was a little scary.

Killing the person I like with my own hands, watching him die in my arms, this kind of thing, anyway, Qin Jing would never be able to do it, let alone be so calm soon afterwards.

At this time, Jian Lingxi didn't have any expression on her face. He heard soft cries from different people behind him, but he ignored them and walked slowly towards the end of the darkness.

He didn't know how long he had been gone.

It took about a long time, and probably only a short distance, until he reached a certain position, and a faint white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

Later, the white light gradually spread, getting bigger and bigger, and finally dispelled the darkness in front of them.

"Lingxi, are you here?"

Everyone heard a gentle female voice.

The voice is very clear, the timbre and tone are very comfortable to listen to.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Her voice was very clear, and she finally showed her appearance after saying this.

In front of everyone's eyes, in the darkness, a vague white figure gradually appeared. The figure gradually solidified and became clearer, and finally turned into the appearance of a girl.

The girl looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a slender figure. She seemed to have a disease similar to albinism, and her whole body was as white as snow. Her long hair hangs down to her waist, her calf is covered by a white suspender dress, and only her eyes are light gray.

She is as beautiful as an elf in the snow.

At this time, she stood in front of everyone with her hands behind her back, and slightly bowed to them:

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for bringing you here on my own initiative. I really... really want to meet Ye Ye's new friends. I heard that he is very happy with you."

The girl paused:

"Beyond that, I want to take a little of your time. I have a story I want to tell you. But before that, I think I need to introduce myself."

The girl raised her eyes, raised her hand and brushed her long hair behind her ears.

She is like the only clean color in the dark world, every frown and smile is full of tenderness.

She slightly bent her lips, smiled at the people in front of her, and then said:

"Hi, I'm Ye Ye's sister."

"My name is... Ling."

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