MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 217 Ling-[02]

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Ye Fei mentioned to them before that she also has a sister. But it was limited to mentioning that, except for Jian Lingxi, none of them knew the specific information of this sister, and even Ye Fei's own memory of Ling was a little vague.

They also didn't expect to see real people in the game one day.


【Task release】

[Hide the plot to the copy, please play a qualified audience until the end of the story, find out all the truth of the story]

The system notification appeared unexpectedly, Ling tilted his head slightly, listened carefully to the content of the notification, and finally nodded:

"Except for no man's land, the last friend you will meet should be Noah, right?"

When Ling asked this question, he kept looking at Qin Jing and the others. Seeing that Jian Lingxi didn't intend to answer, Qin Jing nodded herself:


"Well...then I know."

Ling's tone was gentle, maybe it was because she was in an open place, her voice seemed very clear and ethereal:

"After Noah committed suicide and Utopia lost power, orthodox humans established a new home not far from Utopia, which is now the Garden of Eden. And the leaders of orthodox humans formed their own forces in Eden, which is the White Tower."

Naturally, like Ye Fei before, Ling told them the historical background of the dungeon. She turned around, walked towards the white light behind her, and said as she walked:

"This last bit of the story was originally meant to be told to Ye Ye, but he is gone. So now, I will tell you. When the story ends, I will tell you everything, and please help me... help me he."

After the last three words were spoken, Ling stepped into the light, and then, the white light slowly spread out from the darkness, slightly dazzling.

Qin Jing closed her eyes subconsciously, and after a while, she opened them tentatively, and the white light in front of her eyes dissipated, revealing a dark room.

That room is like a prison, but also like a laboratory. It seems that it is completely enclosed, except for a high transparent glass wall on the north side.

There are many instruments with unknown functions in the room, and in the center of the room, sits a girl in a white dress.

The girl was Ling. Her white hair was hanging down, and the skirt of her white dress was spread on the ground. She didn't wear shoes, and she just sat on the ground with her knees hugged. This contrasted sharply with the surrounding heavy-colored ground and walls.

She wore a huge metal collar around her neck, with a wrist-thick chain attached to the back of the collar, and the end of the collar sank into the wall behind her.

Also wearing chains, were her hands and ankles.

"This is…"

Looking at this picture, Qin Jing slightly raised his eyebrows.

"The White Tower, the underground laboratory."

Jian Lingxi answered her question.

The few of them stood with Ling, looking at the girl who was chained there.

They are all spectators of this world and cannot interfere with it.

"It seems that the story has to start with me."

Ling stood in the corner of the room, looking at himself over there.

After a pause, she said:

"Here is the copy of 202, now, it is 3152."

Ling doesn't quite remember when she was locked up here. This place is very boring. There are researchers coming and going outside the glass every day. They occasionally check the instrument data and occasionally send her some food and water.

But they would not take the initiative to talk to Ling, so most of the time, Ling was alone.

She is here for her brother.

The younger brother stayed here for many years and suffered a lot of torture. Ling felt sorry for him, so when he was tortured by humans again and his body was covered with bruises, Ling offered to bear all this on his behalf.

Ling usually likes to stay in her own room, she doesn't like the sun, she doesn't like the outside world, but for Ye Ye, she can try to endure those.

Because more than a hundred years ago, Ye Ye faced those pains alone, just to protect her.

Ling just stayed in this room like that, trapped here by the heavy lock, she had nothing to do, most of the time she just stared at one place in a daze, or she just sang softly to pass the time.

The room she was in was spacious enough, her singing would sometimes echo, and that sound would be mixed with the sound of the surrounding equipment, always giving Ling a unique sense of loneliness.

She endured the loneliness day after day, until one day, when she was singing, she saw a flash of red behind the glass wall opposite.

Ling froze for a moment, she didn't continue singing, but looked up at the place where the red color disappeared.

After a while, she saw a small head slowly poking out from under the glass wall not far away.

It was a beautiful little girl, about eight or nine years old, with short curly hair, like a little lamb. The only thing that is more special is that her hair is fiery red.

It was the first time Ling saw a child in this place, she was a little curious, she tried hard to see the child clearly, but the little girl seemed to be frightened, and quickly hid below again.


Ling couldn't see her anymore, so he could only tentatively call her:

"Hello, are you lost? It seems that outsiders are not allowed to enter or leave here. Go back quickly."

After saying this, the little red-haired girl behind the glass wall poked her head out again.

That day, she didn't stay long. Before leaving, she breathed a sigh of relief on the glass wall in front of Ling, then raised her hand to draw a question mark on the white mist of the glass, gave Ling a final look, turned and left.

This incident was regarded as a small episode in Ling Yu's boring life. After that, Ling didn't see that girl again in a short time, but he always remembered her. She just thinks that the child is really beautiful, and the red hair is also very beautiful and special.

She also remembers the child's last look at her, that look is a bit like a wolf cub, and it feels a bit fierce.

From then on, Ling looked out of the glass for nothing.

She didn't want to see those weird researchers anymore, and if she could, she would like to see more different humans.

She looked forward to that every day, until one day, that fiery red broke into her sight again.

This time, the little girl didn't look at her secretly anymore, she walked in boldly, and even pressed the switch on the glass wall, and walked directly into the room.

Ling looked at her movements and was a little dazed. She didn't remember until the girl approached her and said:

"It seems that outsiders are not allowed to enter here, so don't get caught."

"It doesn't matter." The girl's voice was immature, but her tone was cold:

"They can't catch me."

"That's it."

Ling nodded, bent his eyes and smiled at her.

She was sitting on the ground, and the little girl was standing in front of her. At this moment, she raised her chin slightly to look at Ling, and asked:

"Why don't you sing?"

"Huh? Do you want to hear me sing?"

"In no mood."


Ling nodded, and after a while, she stretched out her hand, as if trying to grab the little girl's wrist.

When she moved, the chain on her wrist was pulled, making a clanging sound, and the little girl hid back to avoid Ling. Obviously, she didn't seem to want Ling to touch her.

Ling's fingertips paused, but she didn't care, she just said softly:

"Can you sit next to me? I want to talk to you. I haven't seen anyone here other than a researcher."

"..." The little girl frowned slightly, as if acquiescing, because she quickly sat on the floor opposite Ling.

Only then did Ling have time to take a good look at her.

She saw that she was wearing a set of plain clothes that were obviously ill-fitting. They were the simplest style. When they were worn on her body, the neckline and hem of the clothes were a bit too big.

When she bent over to sit down, the neckline of her blouse was opened a little, and Ling vaguely saw a string of red marks under her collarbone:


Ling froze for a moment.

Because she remembered that Ye Ye also had the same mark on her body, which meant that they were all experimental subjects of the White Tower.

"What's your name?"

After a short accident, Ling quickly looked away and asked the girl in front of him.

And the little girl paused:


"Huh? What a coincidence? My name is Ling."

"The surname is Cen, Cen Lin."

Cen Lin added something.

"Oh...Cen Lin, that sounds good." Ling nodded and asked again:

"Where are you from?"

"Upstairs." Cen Lin raised his finger to the ceiling:

"This is the sixth floor underground, and I'm on the fifth floor."

"That's it."

In fact, Ling didn't know where she was, she had never stepped out of this room, and she had no idea what this place was or how many floors it was divided into. She lowered her eyes and nodded. After a while, when she raised her eyes, she saw Cen Lin staring at her.

Seeing that her gaze was caught, Cen Lin didn't intend to avoid it, so she asked:

"Why are your eyes this color?"

"Why? I don't know, it's just like this."

Ling paused:

"Then why is your hair this color?"

Cen Lin paused for a moment, imitating what she just said:

"Why? I don't know, it's just like this."

Hearing this, Ling couldn't help laughing.

When she looked up, she found Cen Lin looking at her again.

she asked:

"What do you see me doing?"

"Nothing." Cen Lin looked away and asked:

"Why are you locked here?"

"I don't know, maybe they don't want me to leave, don't want me to be free?"

"Have you ever been outside?"

"No, but Ye Ye has been there, and he told me a lot of outside stories."

"Ye Ye?"

"Well, my brother."

"Where is he?"

"He's in his room."

"What did he tell you?"

"He said a lot. He said that there are golden sunshine, green grass, furry animals and many kind people outside."

Hearing this, Cen Lin frowned:

"It doesn't matter before. The last sentence is wrong. There are no kind humans out there, only a group of selfish and cruel bastards. Don't be fooled by him."

After speaking, Cen Lin stood up:

"I gotta go."

She announced to Ling.

"Well, go, it seems that the time is almost up, the researchers are coming back soon, be careful, don't be discovered by them."

Ling bent his eyes and smiled at Cen Lin:

"Thank you, little friend. It's the first time I've chatted with someone here for so long. It's a pleasure talking to you. Will you come again in the future?"

"Don't call me a kid. Maybe."

Cen Lin seemed dissatisfied with this title.

Ling thought for a while:

"Xiao Cen?"

"I hate that name."

"Then... Ah Lin?"


This time, Cen Lin didn't express his opinion, it seemed that he acquiesced.

She didn't say anything, just walked towards the door.

However, after only a few steps, she stopped again.

She looked back at Ling for the last time:

"Hey, can you sing me a song?"

Ling slightly startled, then smiled and agreed.

Her singing echoed in the room, a melody she had made up herself.

Cen Lin stood there, quietly listening to her singing. Finally, she raised her chin slightly and said:

"not bad."

The author has something to say:

Read The Mage of Eternity