MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 267 Garden of Eden

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"Qin Jing."


Just when Qin Jing was in a trance, Jian Lingxi who was beside her called her.

Qin Jing immediately came back to her senses, and saw Jian Lingxi glanced at her:

"Contact Jiang Qin and ask her to stop breaking through the guard stronghold, go to the safe area of ​​the Doctors Association in the Southern District of Eden, and cooperate with President Xu to move all the residents out of the hive as quickly as possible."

"Oh." Qin Jing nodded quickly, and took out her communicator:

"and you…"

"I'm going to chase Cen Lin, and I'll see where I am in a while."


After saying this, Jian Lingxi chased in a certain direction first, and Qin Jing followed behind him, and called Jiang Qin as he said.

In fact, Jian Lingxi chose to arrange for the masses to evacuate. In Qin Jing's view, it was both unexpected and reasonable.

After all, this kind of thing is usually arranged by Ye Fei, and Jian Lingxi doesn't seem like the kind of person who cares about the world. It's just that Ye Fei is gone now, and Jian Lingxi has assumed his role, doing what he would do, and protecting the people he wants to protect.

Qin Jing didn't know what it was like in her heart, and she didn't want to think about it, she put aside those messy thoughts, and conveyed what Jian Lingxi told her to Jiang Qin.

She didn't say the specific reason, and Jiang Qin didn't need to know the reason. She believed in her friends and the decision made by her little boss.

So she agreed immediately, immediately stopped the attack on the guard stronghold, and sent someone to contact President Xu of the Doctors Association.

But here, Qin Jing hung up the communication, followed the direction on the light screen, and chased in the direction of Jian Lingxi.

According to Jian Lingxi, he went after Cen Lin. In fact, Qin Jing felt that Jian Lingxi could have blocked Cen Lin's life at Fei Ye just now, but Jian Lingxi didn't do that. He chose to stop it by himself. Fei Ye, cover Cen Lin to leave.

Qin Jing didn't know why he did this, but Jian Lingxi was not a person who was indecisive, kind-hearted and full of nostalgia, he must have his own reasons.

Jian Lingxi was not far away. He was on the first floor of the White Pagoda. When Qin Jing passed by, he had already wrapped Cen Lin's neck with a sickle.

"I lost this time, are you going to kill me?"

That's what he said, but Cen Lin showed no trace of fear in his tone or eyes.

The prosthetic limb of her left leg was broken, so she could only sit on the ground at this time, but even though her hair and clothes were so messy, she was still calm and did not look embarrassed.

Even the way she looked at Jian Lingxi was a little provocative:

"Kill it, and then, as Fei Ye said, take those stupid, selfish humans who only know **** each other that Ye Fei wants to protect, and leave here to survive."

After speaking, Cen Lin actually laughed.

There was still blood spilling out between her lips and teeth. Those colors stained her lips, coupled with her slightly crazy smile and pale face, it was particularly terrifying.

Qin Jing frowned.

She looked at Cen Lin, then at Jian Lingxi, and asked:


Jian Lingxi's complexion was a little dark:

"In her hands, there is the only way to kill Fei Ye."


Qin Jing did not expect things to develop like this:

"What do you mean by killing?"

"Let his soul and body die at the same time, and let this person disappear from the world."

Jian Lingxi slightly lowered her eyes:

"That's Ye Fei's method of killing herself completely in the worst case."

"I told you earlier that he is an idiot!"

At that time, Cen Lin suddenly said sharply.

The emotion in her eyes was very strong, Qin Jing couldn't see what it was, but felt shocked.

"Since everything has been arranged, he is the greatest, he is magnanimous and he does not hold grudges, I just won't let him do what he wants!!

"I just want to be the perpetrator, and I want to make those people pay the price. I want to make all his wishes come true and let him destroy everything with his own hands!"

When he screamed, Cen Lin's eyes were a little red, and he didn't know if it was because of his excitement or some other reason.

Her voice was so torn that it was a little hoarse, echoing inside the empty White Tower, there was an inexplicably strong sense of despair.

And after she finished speaking, the echoes in the distance were still repeating her ambitions, and Cen Lin breathed heavily, his body trembling a little.

From the calm provocation just now, after shouting these few words, they all turned into a panic.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and there seemed to be some crystal light in her eyes, her hair was also messed up, and the fiery red color was covered with a layer of dust, and a strand fell on her face.

She was sitting on the ground, the prosthesis of her left leg was broken, and the wound on the broken wrist of her left hand was bleeding again because she hadn't been treated much.

She was like a beast, staring at Jian Lingxi in front of her.

And Jian Lingxi stood in front of her, paused for a moment, then retracted the sickle on Cen Lin's neck.

He looked at her condescendingly, without any waves in his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"You still don't understand what she means. Ling chose to save you back then, it was really the worst decision in her life."

After a pause, he continued:

"Do you know why Ling hides and refuses to see you?"


Cen Lin opened his eyes slightly, waiting for Jian Lingxi's next words. But Jian Lingxi just took a deep look at her, didn't say anything, but gestured to Qin Jing beside her:

"Take her away."

"??" Qin Jing was a little confused:

"How do I take her away?"

"Drag away, drag away, whatever you want."


Qin Jing looked at Jian Lingxi who had turned to leave, and then at Cen Lin in front of her.

She had done ideological work for a long time, and felt that although Cen Lin was not like a person, he would not be dragged away like a broken sack. So in the end, she still took Cen Lin's wrist and carried her on her back.

They left the White Tower.

On the way, Cen Lin leaned on Qin Jing's back and was silent for a long time before asking in a low voice:

"What does he mean?"

Qin Jing didn't want to answer at first.

But she couldn't hold back in the end, and replied coldly:

"Ask him what he means, don't ask me, I don't know about your affairs, and I don't intend to get involved."


After saying this, Cen Lin really didn't speak. Qin Jing was used to seeing Cen Lin's haughty and arrogant appearance, but now she was not used to seeing her in a mess and misery.

But her feelings for Cen Lin ended here, except that she was not used to it, there would be no more.

Jian Lingxi walked in front alone, and he didn't care about the communication between the two behind him. He didn't go back to the White Tower, but went directly to the safe area in the southern area of ​​the Garden of Eden.

The bustling and busy Garden of Eden had become cold and desolate at this time. There were no people on the streets, only empty streets, and traces of the guards abandoning their strongholds and fleeing.

When they reached the safe zone, it was no surprise that there was chaos again.

From a distance, Jian Lingxi saw Jiang Qin and Xu Yu standing on the edge of the safety zone, explaining something to the people inside, while the guys in the safety zone looked irritable, as if they were protesting, Jiang Qin's violent temper had already begun to show Impatient, as if he was about to rush in and beat someone up in the next second.

"Why do you want us to go to the hive?! The Garden of Eden is our home, and I will die here! Why, it's great for you supernatural beings to invade the Garden of Eden? Are you going to drive us out of here??"

A man was yelling, and the sound reached Jian Lingxi's ears from afar. He raised his eyebrows slightly, walked in and took a look, and saw a short man among the orderly retreating crowd. Sitting on the ground and rolling around, complaining loudly about injustice.

It seems that he thought that he had become a prisoner of war, and in the future when the supernatural beings came to power, ordinary people like them would be sent to the hive to live an inhuman life just like the supernatural beings back then.

There are some things that don't feel like falling on others, but if you encounter them yourself, it's absolutely impossible.

It's just that even if the vast majority of people misunderstood their intentions, they would choose to accept obediently and follow along silently under the principle of winners and losers, but there are still a very small number of people who made a heroic decision to die in the Garden of Eden amidst the chaos. Word.

Xu Yu, president of the Doctors Association, was a little worried. She said:

"No, sir, now there is an unknown danger in the Garden of Eden, we need to move everyone out of the Garden of Eden for refuge, not what you said..."

"Ghosts believe it!"

The man obviously didn't want to believe it, he pointed at Xu Yu's nose:

"Your doctor's union is not a good thing. Ye Fei is just a **** with a crooked butt. Now you, a woman, have turned your elbows outwards and lied to us with the supernatural beings!"

Hearing this, Jian Lingxi's eyes became colder. He frowned, and was about to step forward, but soon, his eyes caught something, and he was slightly taken aback.

It was a black mist of annihilation.

The amount of black mist is not much, but enough...

Jian Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly, he stopped in his steps, didn't say anything, just looked coldly at the man who was still yelling.

Over there, Xu Yu was still trying to explain to the man, but the man acted like a rogue, he just didn't listen to her, and he didn't plan to go with them.

He tried to mobilize other people to resist with him, but most people chose to be obedient, and only a few people stopped, eager to join his mobilization.

After a while, the man's face suddenly changed, and his originally loud voice stopped abruptly.

He raised his hand to cover the top of his head, his face was full of pain, and after a pause for a few seconds, he let out a hog-killing howl.

Everyone was stunned by the accident, they didn't know what happened, they just looked at the man lying on the ground and rolling in horror.

Later, the man's howling and movement stopped as his head suddenly disappeared.

It is not accurate to say that he disappeared, because he was more like being decomposed and melted. In the end, his whole body turned into a blood mist at an extremely fast speed out of thin air, and the blood mist gradually faded and disappeared in the in the air.

These things only happened in an instant, and it took a long time before someone let out the first scream of horror.

After someone started, there were screams one after another. Only then did they truly believe Xu Yu's words, and believed that an unknown danger had occurred in the Garden of Eden, enough to kill everyone.

In this way, the speed of those people's evacuation from the safe zone was unknown how many times faster. When fleeing for their lives, some people caught a glimpse of a black figure in the distance.

The man was standing on the edge of the upper floors of the White Tower. He was wearing a white coat with his hands in the pockets of the coat. He didn't button up his clothes, and the hem of his clothes hung down, gently blowing up with the passing wind.

Those with sharp eyes recognized who it was:

"Ye Fei! It's Ye Fei! Ye Fei has been released!!"

The disaster on the anniversary of the Garden of Eden was firmly in everyone's mind, and after Ye Fei appeared, they naturally associated the disappearance of the man just now with the black storm that swallowed everything back then.

Now, without any further urging from Jiang Qin and Xu Yu, those people shouted "Ye Fei is going to destroy the world" and fled in the direction of the hive like crazy.

Among the chaotic crowd, Jian Lingxi stood there firmly, looking up at the figure on the white pagoda.

But soon, the shadow disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the gust of wind that passed by him just now.

"Ah, it seems that the worst is still happening, right?"

With arms folded, Jiang Qin walked to Jian Lingxi's side as if taking a walk.

Jian Lingxi only nodded in response.

Jiang Qin sighed:

"Then what should we do? However, based on what I know about Dr. Ye, he must have left you a way out, right? It's just that way, he probably won't be very gentle with himself."


Jian Lingxi lowered her eyes, and after a while, she looked in a certain direction again:

"The way is there."

"?" Jiang Qin was a little surprised, she followed Jian Lingxi's line of sight, but saw the woman on Qin Jing's back.

The woman with red hair is easy to recognize, she is their old rival Cen Lin.

But at this moment, Cen Lin seemed to have lost consciousness due to excessive blood loss or some other reason. She was lying on Qin Jing's shoulder, her eyes were tightly closed, and there were several deep marks between her eyebrows.

Probably had a bad dream.

Jiang Qin thought so, and then she found a few soldiers, asked them to find a stretcher and a car, and rescued Qin Jing.

But Cen Lin didn't wake up, she just frowned more and more.

As Jiang Qin said, she did have a bad dream.

In the dream, a man with a pale face bound by iron chains was lying on the cold floor of the laboratory.

And Cen Lin stood behind the glass wall, looking at him from a distance.

At that time, Cen Lin was still the proud Cen Lin. She raised her chin and looked down at him:

"You lost control and almost destroyed the Garden of Eden. You personally destroyed everything you have worked so hard for for many years. Why, do you have anything to say?"

The man seemed to answer something, but Cen Lin didn't hear it clearly.

She just listens to herself asking:

"Why, you are afraid that personality integration will happen again, so you left a way out? I thought that a person like you would choose to commit suicide immediately after this kind of thing happened. No one would think so. You must wait until it is irreparable before doing so? Is it because you are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Her tone was slightly mocking.

At that time, there was a long silence in the dream.

Finally, she heard the man say in a hoarse voice:

"My body doesn't belong to me alone."

The man spoke very slowly, as if extremely tired:

"Death has never been a matter for me alone. Unless the matter has reached an irreversible point, I cannot... make decisions for them."

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts