MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 268 Garden of Eden

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Most people only know that when Ye Fei lost control during the anniversary of the Garden of Eden, it was the guards who bet on all their armed forces and combat power, plus the supernatural blocker approved by the White Tower, to subdue Ye Fei and suppress him. The out-of-control abilities imprisoned him on the sixth floor of the underground laboratory of the White Tower.

This seems to be all the credit of Cen Lin and the order guards back then, but the inside story is only known to a very small number of people.

Cen Lin is one of them.

Back then, Ye Fei lost control, that is, personality integration, and she was the one who facilitated it. Later, Ye Fei almost destroyed the Garden of Eden, and she was always at the forefront to stop him.

Only she knew that it was Ye Fei herself who really suppressed Ye Fei's madness back then, not those supernatural blockers.

The supernatural blocker only slowed down Fei Ye's personality integration and gave Ye Fei time to consciously react. He used that precious time to forcibly separate himself from the personality integration, and used all his strength to dissociate the other friends who were in the process of integration one by one.

At that time, Ye Fei had already been imprisoned on the sixth floor of the basement. There were several heavy metal chains on his body, and Cen Lin was standing behind the thick glass wall to observe his situation.

During that time, Ye Fei's condition was terrible.

It was also during that time that Cen Lin saw all of Fei Ye's sub-personalities, except Ling, and Jue, who was not a complete personality.

His personality switches very frequently, and he often switches to other personalities in the middle of a sentence. The attitude of each personality towards Cen Lin is not good, because they all know that they have fallen into this situation, all because of the woman in front of them. .

Cen Lin was scolded every day, but there was no disturbance in her heart. She sat outside the glass wall on the sixth floor of the basement every day, staring coldly at the different souls in the body inside, waiting for the one she wanted to see.

But the person she wanted to see never showed up. At that time, Cen Lin felt that she was hiding from him.

She didn't remember when Ye Fei's unstable state ended, but one day, she suddenly found that the inside of the glass wall was very quiet, and when she looked up, she saw the man lying on the cold ground with his eyes half open. Eyes, don't know what to look at.

Cen Lin waited for him to insult herself like other sub-personalities, or asked her hysterically why she cheated him and betrayed him, why she did such a thing.

But to her surprise, Ye Fei didn't say anything.

He was only silent for a while, and finally said in a hoarse voice:

"...I need a laboratory."

For some reason, when he heard these words, Cen Lin felt sullen for no reason.

She sneered:

"You are now a prisoner, not Chairman Ye of the Doctors' Federation. The laboratory will not be open to dangerous elements like you."


Ye Fei ignored Cen Lin's ridicule.

He just closed his eyes and finally sighed weakly:

"I don't have much power left. If I can't suppress the personality integration, the same thing will happen again. I don't think you want to see human beings and the Garden of Eden destroyed in my hands."

"you are wrong."

Hearing what he said, Cen Lin gritted his teeth, stared at him, and said slowly:

"This disgusting world, I can't wait for it to disappear in a second, no matter what method is used."


Ye Fei said a word, and then waited for a long time before continuing:

"But if this is the case, you will never see Ling. You want to see her, right? If the personality integration is really completed, all sub-personalities will disappear, including her. We will all...become completely strangers to ourselves."

After a pause, Ye Fei said again:

"...can you help me, huh?"

Cen Lin's expression became a little complicated.

She stood up from the chair and walked to the glass wall in a few steps:

"Ye Fei, are you begging me? You have to figure out that it is all thanks to me that you have become what you are now. Now, instead of asking me why, you are begging me to help you?"


Hearing this, Ye Fei suddenly laughed.

He said:

"To be honest, I'm not very surprised. What else is there to ask?"

Ye Fei said in a low voice.

He lay on the ground, curled up, and raised his hands to cover his eyes.

He took a deep breath and murmured in a low voice:

"...I've been used to it for a long time."

Because I have long been used to the deception of human beings, it will not be too surprising to do it again.

only feel:

Ah, that's how it ended.


After hearing this, Cen Lin did not respond for a long time.

In the end, she turned and left, but for some reason, she still made a call to the researchers on the sixth floor of the basement. Even though it didn't meet the regulations, she still prepared a laboratory for him as Ye Fei hoped.

After that, Cen Lin didn't go to the sixth basement floor for several days.

Until one day, she heard that Ye Fei was looking for her.

She didn't think much about it. After receiving the notice, she immediately went underground. That day, it was Ye Fei who was in control of his body. When Cen Lin went, his condition seemed to be a little worse than a few days ago.

He gave Cen Lin a suitcase, and Cen Lin opened it to take a look. Inside was a small dagger. It looked like it was from Luo Yi, the consul of the Artisan Manufacturing Department.

Cen Lin picked up the dagger and took a closer look. He found that there were obvious traces of modification on the bottom of the dagger. Someone stuffed it with something.

"Cen Lin, if one day in the future, personality integration occurs again, and my strength is not enough to stop myself, then please use this knife to kill me. After inserting the blade into my body, you can press Press the button at the end of the handle, and the contents inside can directly decompose my body and personality."


Cen Lin raised his eyebrows slightly:

"What do you mean, are you leaving me a last message?"

"That's right."

At this time, Ye Fei was still in the mood to laugh:

"Starting today, I probably won't show up again."

"You're weird."

Cen Lin frowned and sneered:

"Since you know that personality integration will happen sooner or later, why do you entrust this knife to me? It seems faster for you to end your own life with it now. Why do you have to wait until personality integration is irreversible? Or Say you are greedy for life and afraid of death, huh?"


Ye Fei seemed a little disappointed.

He paused:

"Because death is not my business alone, and the body does not belong to me alone, I cannot make decisions for them.

"They are different from me. There are... people waiting for them outside."

I don't want to live anymore, but I can't die easily, because other friends still have fetters with this world, and they don't want to leave yet.

Ye Fei was a little tired.

Maybe the world really doesn't like him very much, or maybe he is not liked by nature, and his appearance will only make a mess of things, and will only hinder other people's way and eyesight. Most of the time, you will only be deceived, betrayed and hurt.

So it's better for him to hide it, or to give this body to a friend who is loved and cared about.

I don't want to appear again, and I don't want to be fettered with anyone.

Anyway, the final outcome... will be like this.

Ye Fei looked at the gray ceiling above her head, then slowly closed her eyes as if she was extremely tired.

Behind the glass wall, Cen Lin curled up his fingers slightly as he watched him like this.


She looked at Ye Fei lying on the ground as if dead, the chains attached to his body were in sharp contrast to his thin figure.

She tried calling him, but the man didn't respond.

She remembered what Ye Fei said just now:

"From now on, I probably won't show up again."

What does this person mean?

What does he want to do?

Cen Lin didn't know what mood she was in. After a long time, she said to the man:

"Hey, someone wants to see you."

But Ye Fei still didn't respond.

That day, Cen Lin stayed on the sixth basement floor for a long time. She waited for the man to open his eyes again, but she never did.

She left there, and the next day, she happened to meet Jian Lingxi who was returning to the White Pagoda to hand over the task.

At that time, Cen Lin felt a little ridiculous.

She was thinking, that guy Ye Fei gave up and disappeared so easily, he probably will never know that there is another person who has been waiting for him and has done so many things for him behind him.

For some unknown reason, Cen Lin let Jian Lingxi go to the sixth basement floor that day.

She felt that it was boring for only herself to know these things about Ye Fei, and she wanted her friend to fall into the same situation as herself.

After all, they are so similar from origin, experience to personality, even the person they fall in love with is the same, the only difference is that they are two different personalities in one body.

She wanted to see what Jian Lingxi would do if she knew these things, and she also wanted Jian Lingxi to experience the feeling of being unable to meet the person she wanted to see when she saw a familiar face in front of her eyes.

But what surprised Cen Lin was that after knowing these things, Jian Lingxi was a little unusually calm.

Originally, Cen Lin thought that Jian Lingxi would find the person she wanted to see at any cost, just like herself. After all, they were all paranoid lunatics.

But Jian Lingxi didn't, he just got along with each personality quietly and listened to the stories of each personality quietly.

To say that Jian Lingxi regarded those people as Ye Fei was not quite the same, because his attitude towards them was very indifferent, just like he treated anyone around him.

Cen Lin couldn't understand Jian Lingxi's actions.

It is also incomprehensible that this guy will kill him with his own hands after finally meeting the person he wants to see.

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