MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 3 Lin Xianxian-[02]

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A scream exploded from the side, and the metal bed frame made a harsh "squeak" sound following the movement of the person on the bed. Ye Fei frowned irritably, turned over and folded the pillow to cover her ears.

"Damn it... I'm still alive!"

Zhou Zhengning, who was on the opposite bed, touched his body subconsciously, he was still in shock, and he was relieved only after confirming that the heart crushed by the dormitory aunt just now was still beating in his chest.

The fear and pain brought about by death just now were too real, which made him unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality for a while.

Zhou Zhengning regained his composure, and habitually opened his own information panel to take a look.

His health status dropped from healthy to good.

It seems that everything just now was not a dream.


【All players please enjoy Lin Xianxian's beautiful day with her】

The sound of the system is all-round stereo surround, even though Ye Fei tried hard to cover his ears, he could still hear it.

He remembered that Big Pudding said before that this game dungeon was "survival", and the time limit was only one day. At that time, Big Pudding thought the game was simple, but now it seems that things are not as easy as he thought.

Ye Fei let go of the pillow, turned over, and looked at the digital clock on the wall with half-opened eyes when it restarted counting:

"March 16, 3035 at 0:00"

Ye Fei sighed, a little helpless:

"time loop."

time loop.

Ye Fei sat up and glanced at Zhou Zhengning, just in time to catch a glimpse of his "good" health on the information board.

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly and asked:

"How many ratings are there in total?"

Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment, counting with his fingers:

"Healthy, Good, Average, Poor, Endangered, Cleared. Six."

Ye Fei nodded, counted with her fingers, and sighed again:

"Then I have to die with you four times to end, trouble."

Zhou Zhengning didn't understand what he meant at first, and he didn't expect this level, but he reacted when he said that.

They were originally a survival game, and it would be a bit outrageous if they could loop infinitely. At the end of the first episode just now, he lost the first-level status. Based on this calculation, this game should be able to open a total of five episodes.

In other words, they had to make it through the day five times... now only four.

Zhou Zhengning frowned, with a dignified expression. muffled rebuttal:

"Cheer up, Mrs. Ye, don't be pessimistic. Last time was just an accident. We were able to pass the level, and we all don't have to die. C-level games are not that difficult. If you can't, I'll protect you. Don't give up."

This big pudding doesn't seem very smart.

Ye Fei on the opposite side raised his eyes to look at him, smiled lightly, and repeated inexplicably:

"You protect me?"

Ye Fei was imprisoned in the underground laboratory for five years by the top officials of the White Tower, and tried all kinds of torture. This "game" is naturally another round of torture.

It doesn't matter what, he is best at lying in despair and surviving. Anyway, he has lived like this for so many years, and he has long been used to it.

But Pudding's "protection" surprised Ye Fei a little bit.

Obviously just a stranger.

Ye Fei laughed lightly.

He finished his salted fish lying flat, sat up from the bed, stretched his neck, lowered his head and adjusted his wrinkled clothes slightly.

Afterwards, he looked at the Mr. Dali who was wearing a plaid shirt on the other side.

In order to avoid the same unhappiness as last week, Ye Fei whistled at him and asked his opinion in advance:

"Dear Mr. Gezi, may I open the door and bring Lin Xianxian in now?"

Although his tone was asking, he had already stood up.

He smiled at Zhang Shang with a very friendly tone:

"I know you hate me, and I don't like hanging around to be annoying, but we are grasshoppers on the same boat now, and we may have to wrong you to be in the same room with me in a short time. How do you say that? , cooperation can win-win, if you agree to open this door, I will go, if you don't agree, then bear with it, because I am a dogmatic idiot."

Ye Fei chatted casually, and walked towards the door as if taking a walk.

Zhang Shang stared at his back with a pale face, clenching his teeth silently.

After last week's episode, Zhang Shang also understood that this game requires them to protect Lin Xianxian. Even if Ye Fei didn't say anything, he would open the door and bring Lin Xianxian in this time.

But now Ye Fei is obviously retaliating against him for questioning him just now, this person is really too mean, and those polite and threatening and sarcastic words make him feel that his self-esteem has been trampled on.

He can speak well, but insists on stabbing him, what kind of superiority is he showing?

The familiar feeling of humiliation oppressed Zhang Shang, but facing Ye Fei who was obviously stronger than him, he could only grit his teeth and reply in a dull voice:

"…what ever."

"Thank you, you are such a good and considerate person."

Ye Fei unscrewed the doorknob, and the lock made a light "click".

The voice-activated light outside the door was on, and some cold white light penetrated through the gap at the bottom of the door.

A little girl was huddled under the wall next to the bedroom door. She hugged her legs and buried her face between her knees. She only looked up when she heard the noise.

[Mainline NPC: Lin Xianxian]

Ye Fei leaned on the door frame, tilted her head slightly and looked at her:

"What are you doing sitting here without sleeping in the middle of the night? Auntie will scold you if she sees it later. Come in quickly."

Lin Xianxian raised her eyes and stared at him. When she saw Ye Fei, she seemed to be in a trance for a moment.

She has short ear-length hair, a small melon-shaped face, big and energetic eyes, and she looks obedient and beautiful.

She quickly lowered her eyes and retracted her gaze. She didn't say anything, she just stood up against the wall, but she didn't enter the door. Instead, she lowered her head and rubbed her calf.

"Is my leg numb? Can I walk?"

Ye Fei asked casually. Seeing Lin Xianxian nodded and shook his head hesitantly, he simply picked up the child.

The little girl is thin and small, and she is light in the arms.

Ye Fei closed the door with her feet, carried the little girl to her bed and put it away, sat beside her, and asked very naturally:

"What's the class tomorrow? I didn't remember the timetable."

Lin Xianxian glanced at him, and quickly lowered her eyes.

She spoke softly:

"I didn't remember clearly either. There is a timetable in the classroom. You can look at it tomorrow morning."

"Oh, did you do your homework? Did the teacher say that it will be handed in tomorrow? Can I copy it for you? I'll treat you to breakfast tomorrow."

Ye Fei's tone was very natural, as if he was really a third-grade elementary school student who had to go to school tomorrow and was anxious to make up his homework.

"Copying homework is not good..."

"Hey, just this time, so delicate."

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Lin Xianxian hesitated for a moment, then slowly took out a few exercise books from the small schoolbag next to her and handed them to Ye Fei, and told him the page numbers thoughtfully.

Ye Fei thanked her, hummed a song and returned to her desk, found the exercise book from the small schoolbag with her name printed on it, found a wooden pencil out of nowhere, and started copying homework seriously up.

Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded by the way old acquaintances got along with each other.

He hurriedly found his schoolbag, moved a stool and sat next to Ye Fei, and asked:

"Miss Ye, is the homework a clue? How did you know you needed to do the homework?"

Ye Fei gave him a look like a fool, and while turning the pencil with a pencil sharpener, she answered:

"There is a schoolbag with your name and exercise books on it on the bed. It's so weird, but the meaning is obvious, right? According to the mechanism of this game, we are students now, and it is our duty to abide by the school regulations. If you don't sleep on time, the auntie in charge will come to pick it up You head, guess what will happen if you don’t hand in your homework tomorrow? The teacher is much more terrifying than the housekeeper.”

"Really? Why wasn't it like this when I was in elementary school." Zhou Zhengning imitated Ye Fei, sharpened the pencil and held it in his hand.

"This is 3035, more than a hundred years ago. At that time, there was no AI teaching and answering questions with light screens."


Hearing what Ye Fei said, Zhou Zhengning stroked his chin and looked at him:

"Ms. Ye, you are not very old, why do you seem to know this very well?"

"You call me that, don't you know what I used to do? It's hard not to understand." Ye Fei shrugged.

But after a short pause, he looked at Zhou Zhengning and asked suddenly:

"Hey, let me ask you a question... How old do you think I should look?"

Zhou Zhengning didn't know why he asked such a question, but he still looked at him seriously, feeling that he couldn't see it clearly.

But he did some calculations, Ye Fei was only in her twenties before disappearing from the public eye, and now in the past five years, it should be about...


Ye Fei nodded, as if she had made a hasty decision:

"Then twenty-nine."

"???" Zhou Zhengning felt that Ye Fei's words were a bit strange. After struggling for a long time, he decided to shut up obediently, and lowered his head to do his homework.

At this time, the dormitory was very quiet. Lin Xianxian took a rest after returning. There were only three people in the room burying their heads in the questions, and the sound of pens rubbing against paper.

Ye Fei looked at the last extra question in mathematics, and habitually turned the pen while thinking.

After a while, the movement of his hand stopped, the pencil turned half a circle, and fell to the table with a "click".

He heard the sound of slippers rattling outside the door again.

Ye Fei stood up from the stool abruptly, the small wooden bench slid back a bit by his action, and the sound made Zhou Zhengning and Zhang Shang both looked over.

Ye Fei ignored them, he ran to the door a few steps, and turned off the overhead light with one push.

The cold white light suddenly went out, and the room fell into darkness.

"What are you doing? I haven't finished my homework yet."

Although Zhang Shang was dissatisfied, he still remembered to lower his voice when questioning.

He didn't wait for Ye Fei's answer, because the sound of slippers outside the door from far to near had already given him the answer.

Ye Fei leaned sideways against the wall by the door, and the coldness of the wall came through the cloth behind her.

He looked down at the ground, and the voice-activated lights in the corridor slipped in through the gap at the bottom of the door, spreading out a patch of light.

The people outside the door walked very slowly. After a while, a shadow passed by the light in the gap at the bottom of the door, and walked from one side to the other.

The sound of slippers being pulled on the ground disappeared.

After a while, the light at the bottom of the door also dimmed, and changed back to darkness.

Zhang Shang sat in his original position and waited for a while. He also heard no sound outside the door. He was waiting for Ye Fei to turn on the light again so that he could continue writing the questions.

But Ye Fei didn't move for a long time.

Zhang Shang was a little irritable, he got up and walked to the door with the faint moonlight outside, and asked impatiently in a low voice:

"Hasn't the person already left? Haven't turned on the lights yet?"

Ye Fei ignored him, and only whistled lightly as a response.

Zhang Shang gritted his teeth, he already felt that Ye Fei looked down on him, but now he was probably targeting him to embarrass him.

Since Ye Fei is mysterious and silent, he can see for himself.

Thinking this way, Zhang Shang imitated Ye Fei Zhou's eye movements, raised his hand to touch the corner of the poster on the door, and peeled it off, revealing the broken cat's eye under the poster.

He took a closer look, and it was pitch black outside the door, and he couldn't see anything.

Zhang Shang knocked on the door with his fingers.

According to Ye Fei and Zhou Zhengning's experience in his opinion, the voice-activated light outside the door is very sensitive, and it will light up when knocked. But this time for some reason, what he saw was always a blur of darkness.

Zhang Shang was a little impatient, and knocked twice more, and the door panel made two muffled "dong dong".

The light is broken?

Zhang Shang took half a step back and subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei beside him.

Ye Fei was still standing there, he was standing in the dark, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, looking straight at Zhang Shang like that, with no waves in his eyes.

He didn't speak, but just clicked his tongue at Zhang Shang, then raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked down to signal.

Zhang Shang was stunned for a moment. At that moment, he had a vague guess in his heart, and a chill ran up his spine instantly, bringing cold sweat all over his body.

His body was a little stiff, he swallowed emptyly, and then with great difficulty, he lowered his head and looked at his feet little by little.

The ground under his feet is covered with the cold light of the voice-activated lamp that sneaks in through the gap.

But it wasn't a whole piece, the smooth surface was split in the middle by a shadow, torn into two irregular halves.

Zhang Shang trembled uncontrollably, and finally raised his eyes to the position of the cat's eyes.

There was a light on outside the door, but there was still no light in the cat's eyes.

Someone is standing outside the door...

The darkness he saw was the eyes of people outside the door looking in.

Realizing this, Zhang Shang tremblingly took half a step back, his legs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

It was also at that time that a shrill laugh came from outside the door, which was especially clear in the quiet room.

The voice came close to the door, a little muffled:

"let me see…"

"Who are the bad kids, they haven't slept well yet."

The author has something to say:

-There are no unlockable cards and profiles today-

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