MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 4 Lin Xianxian-[03]

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Zhang Shang was almost out of breath, like a dying fish, he opened his mouth wide in vain, struggling to breathe, and it took him a long time to find his voice from the tight throat.

Ye Fei covered his mouth in time before he let out a scream like killing a chicken.

A big man, shaking like chaff under his hands.

Ye Fei lowered her voice and reminded him:

"Calm down, don't shout, we will have to die again if we bring her in."

After hearing what he said, Zhang Shang regained some sense, tried to take a deep breath to calm himself down, and suppressed the scream in his throat abruptly.

The cat's eye on the door was still a blur of black.

The people outside the door did not leave, and the shadow in the gap swayed rhythmically with the movements of the shadow master.

The auntie in charge seemed to be in a good mood. She was humming an out-of-tune pop song behind the door. The intoxicated but out-of-tune singing echoed in the dark night, which was particularly creepy.

Ye Fei let go of Zhang Shang, and wiped his hands on his clothes.

He stepped lightly, ready to go back to his bed, but before taking two steps, he heard the sound of a heavy object falling behind him.


Ye Fei looked back subconsciously, and saw Zhang Shang froze there, looking down, there was a crooked wooden bench at his feet, probably because he didn't pay attention to his feet when he was walking, and accidentally brought it down.

Ye Fei couldn't bear to look directly, closed her eyes and wrinkled her face.

The humming outside the door stopped abruptly.

After a pause of two or three seconds, the room was filled with the deafening sound of beating on the door panel, with the heavy panting of "ho ho" from the housekeeper:

"I knew...someone was still awake! Open the door!!"

Zhou Zhengning, who was still sitting on the small bench, shivered in fright. He subconsciously looked at Ye Fei, and was about to ask what to do if he had to fight, but in the next second, he heard Ye Fei say "good night" quickly , Then the man ran to the bed at the speed of light, kicked off his shoes, jumped on the bed, wrapped himself in a quilt, and pretended to be dead.

The whole set of actions is done in one go.

Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded, he glanced at the door that was about to be knocked open, and hurriedly imitated Ye Fei to go back to his bed and lie down.

Zhang Shang was even more embarrassed. His bed was the farthest away, and he lost a shoe halfway. Almost at the moment he covered the quilt, the door of the bedroom was kicked open. The faint light was instantly elongated, along with the bloated shadow of the person outside the door.

Zhang Shang raised his eyelids to reveal a gap, staring at the slowly moving black shadow on the ground, he swallowed empty.

The sound of the slippers dragging on the ground was extremely clear, rubbing against his eardrums one after another.

Soon, Zhang Shang saw a pair of red plastic slippers and a pair of pale and swollen legs.

He saw those legs stopped by Ye Fei's bed, and the housekeeper aunt bent her waist very low, almost as if she was sticking to the quilt, and it took a long time before she got up and went to Zhou Zhengning's bed.

When Aunt Su Guan walked towards him, Zhang Shang tightly closed his eyes.

He tried his best to breathe calmly, but the sound of the approaching slippers stepped on his heart, and his heart beat uncontrollably, trembling even with his breathing.

Finally, the sound of slippers stopped.

Zhang Shang heard a very slight rubbing sound of clothing, accompanied by the awkward twisting sound of human bones when they moved after being stiff for a long time.

"Crack, creak... click."

Auntie, the dormitory manager, seemed to be a part that was stuck in place and did not move.

She didn't breathe, but Zhang Shang could smell the strong fishy smell on her body.

Zhang Shang felt as if she was close to his face, because her chuckle rang in Zhang Shang's ears.

She opened her mouth and asked in a very soft voice:

"Good boy, are you asleep?"

As she opened her mouth, an indescribable smell hit Zhang Shang's face.

The stench like a decayed corpse rolled into Zhang Shang's nasal cavity one after another.

He was about to retch, but his strong desire to survive forced him to suppress the surging physiological reaction.

After the auntie in charge asked, seeing that the good boy didn't respond, she straightened up and left in satisfaction.

The sound of the slippers pulling became farther and farther away, and finally, with a "bang", they were blocked from the door panel.

Ye Fei opened one eye, watched the shadow outside the door leave completely, then stretched out her body curled up on the small bed, and changed into a comfortable position.

At the same time, he heard the heart-piercing retching sounds of the other two people in the room.

"I'm going... There's a biochemical attack here, I can't hold it anymore... vomit."

Zhou Zhengning lay beside the bed, still in shock.

Although there was nothing in his stomach to vomit, he felt that his internal organs were scrambling to get out.

He rubbed his hair, and it took him a long time to recover. After a moment of relaxation, he suddenly realized that the person on the opposite bed seemed to have been silent from beginning to end.

Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment, thinking that Mr. Ye must have been fainted by the smoke, and looked up, only to find that the man seemed to be fine, lying on the bed with his legs crossed and flipping through the ranking list.

Zhou Zhengning's voice was still a little weak:

"Miss Ye, are you okay?"

"Ah?" Ye Fei dragged out her voice lazily, and when she realized what he was talking about, she replied calmly:

"Oh, I covered my nose with the quilt, so I didn't smell it."


"This... I don't expect the monster to take a bath and smell good after work."


Is this a prediction?

Zhou Zhengning sighed inwardly.

He slumped back on the bed, looked at Ye Fei across from him, and remembered the elementary school math problem he was halfway through:

"Miss Ye, can we still light the lamp and do our homework?"

"It's best not to be careful, it will kill the carbine again. At worst, I can make it up when I get up for breakfast tomorrow, and there is time."

Ye Fei shook her legs, still studying the ranking list in the information bracelet.

Zhou Zhengning noticed it, and he asked:

"Are you looking for someone? Just turn to the top, there is a search bar, just enter the name."

Ye Fei casually fiddled with the light screen twice:

"No, just browse casually to see if there are any old acquaintances."

"Acquaintance?" Zhou Zhengning propped his head up to look at his light screen, pouted:

"Ranked one is it."

"?" Ye Fei went back to the top to confirm, with a smile in her voice:

"Yo, Ye Fei? That is indeed an old acquaintance."

"No, no, I'm used to it. Before you came, he was always ranked No. 1, but now you've squeezed him to No. 2. Here, it's the one under your finger, Jian Lingxi."

Jian Lingxi?

Ye Fei stared at the name, raised her eyebrows slightly, and tried hard to recall:

"do not know."

"Ah? Don't you know?"

Ye Fei listened, a little curious:

"Why do you think we know each other?"

"Huh? Weren't you the president of the White Tower..."


"That's right, the names of the Six Parts of the White Tower are really hard to pronounce, aren't you tired of reading it?"

"Tired." Ye Fei chuckled lightly:

"Asclepius is the word for doctor in Greek mythology. It is really troublesome to pronounce, so we are generally referred to as 'doctor' for short."

"That's it." Zhou Zhengning nodded and continued:

"That Jian Lingxi used to be the chief of Thanatos. I thought you knew each other. By the way, what is Thanatos?"

"Ah—" Hearing what Zhou Zhengning said, Ye Fei performed a sudden realization:

"It turned out to be the spy chief."

In fact, Ye Fei was a little surprised, because before he was locked up, the team leader of Thanatos was not Jian Lingxi, but an old enemy of his.

Apparently a lot really happened in his absence. But he didn't care where his opponent had gone, nor did he care who the new team leader was.

Anyway, those who can enter Thanatos are not good, it is better not to know:

"Thanatos is 'Reaper'. The doctor's job is to **** people from Death's hands. What we do under these two the same. Anyway, I don't deal with Death's people, they... tsk, I’ll give you a piece of advice, if you see someone who has anything to do with them, it’s best to stay away.”

"Don't worry, I will never see a player of this level." Zhou Zhengning lay back on the pillow and looked at the ceiling:

"But Mr. Ye, you don't know that Boss Jane is a legendary character in the game. Every time he enters the game, he is assigned a difficulty level above A, and every time he can bring their team out intact. You said Is it awesome? And what's even better is..."

Zhou Zhengning held back and wanted to wait for Ye Fei to join in and ask a question.

But Ye Fei ignored him at all, Zhou Zhengning couldn't bear it in the end, and continued by himself:

"What's even better is that he is not a supernatural being."

Originally, Ye Fei didn't care about how good the God of Death was, so he ignored Zhou Zhengning's words.

But hearing this sentence, his hand that was about to point to the light screen stopped.

He frowned slightly:


Games Lobby.

As far as the eye can see is a street piled up with retro buildings. The brick-red buildings are piled up crookedly, like a distorted world that has been sucked into a vortex.

There is no sky here, and looking up, there is an endless nothingness. Half of the light in the whole city comes from the lights on the streets and buildings, and the other half comes from the light screen suspended above a huge pool in the central square of the street.

The central square was crowded with people, most of them gathered around the pool, looking up at the huge light screen above the pool.

The content displayed on the front page of the light screen is the real-time ranking list of the top 100 players in the game. At this time, everyone's eyes are mostly on the name at the top:

【001-Ye Fei [in game]】

"Fuck, Ye Fei, is that the Ye Fei I thought of?"

"There may be many people named Ye Fei, but there is only one named Ye Fei who can be ranked first."

"God... He hasn't heard from him for five years. I thought he was dead. I didn't expect to be thrown into this ghostly place. It's not bad."

"Indeed, it deserves it."

"Hey, but in this way, that person will be squeezed to the second place by him, will that person be happy?"

"If you don't like it, just fight. The God of Death and the doctor are already opposed to each other in the Sixth Department of the White Tower. The two former chiefs still have to fight to the death? I guess they will have to fight to the death when they meet. I'm looking forward to it."

"Ye Fei didn't die at the hands of the White Tower five years ago, but it looks like he's going to die at the hands of the boss. I hope he's okay."

"Tsk, when did Boss Jane enter the game, it should be counted..."

"Fuck, what are you talking about, it's really here."

In the central square, many people pay attention to the ranking changes of the light screen every day. Some people are looking for whether they have entered the top 100, and some people are checking whether their enemies have died in the game and disappeared from the ranking list every day.

It's just that no one expected that one day the unshakable position on the ranking list would suddenly change hands.

When the news came out, most of the players in the central square gathered to watch the excitement. People who are acquainted with each other gather together and whisper, waiting to see a good show.

After a while, someone mentioned something, and everyone's eyes moved away from the light screen to the end of the path on the other side.

Three roads extend out from the east, west, south, and south sides of the central square. At the end of the small road on the south side, there are a few more people at some point. At the same time, there is a system notification that resounds through the central square:

[Zero (team) ended the game copy "Yushan Amusement Park" and successfully logged out]

[Captain Jian Lingxi exchanged 3,000 points for the team to stay in the central square for one day]

【I wish you a happy life】

Generally speaking, ordinary players will not be notified in such a high-profile manner by the system when they log out of the game, but for a team like Zero, which ranks in the top 50, it is naturally another matter.

The leader was a tall and slender man, his half-length hair was simply tied up, revealing a pair of golden vertical pupils that looked like snakes. He has a superior appearance, with a smile on his face, and he is wearing a dark red long windbreaker, the hem of which flutters in the wind, which is very flamboyant.

And what is also eye-catching is the huge scythe he carries on his shoulders.

From a distance, the silhouette carrying a sickle is easily reminiscent of the **** of death who harvests lives in the story.

Over there, Jian Lingxi narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the crowded crowd under the light screen in the central square.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy beside him glanced at him:

"It's so lively over there, what are you looking at?"

The boy knew what was written on the light screen. He lowered his head and opened his bracelet to take a look. He was shocked and immediately showed the above ranking to Jian Lingxi:

"Boss! Someone pushed you down from the rank one!"

After hearing this, Jian Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the light screen that popped up on the boy's bracelet.

His eyes paused for a moment on the name at the top.

"Those people aren't just reading your jokes, are you? Wait, let me find out where that Ye is, and I'll kill him right now..."

The boy gritted his teeth, rolled up his sleeves, and looked aggressive.

However, before he finished speaking, his boss rubbed his head.

He was stunned for a moment, and then with his messy hair on his head, he watched Jian Lingxi walk towards the central square, leaving only a back view for them:

"Disband, let's play."

Several people in the team lazily responded, greeted each other and dispersed to several entertainment venues in the hall. Only Jian Lingxi walked towards the light screen in the central square with a scythe on her shoulder.

As he approached, more and more eyes fell on him, but Jian Lingxi didn't take it seriously.

The assembled crowd spontaneously made way for him before he approached, leaving a large open space in the center.

Jian Lingxi just stood in front of the light screen. He put down his sickle and looked up at the name at the top of the light screen. There was no expression or emotion on his face.

Someone in the right place moved a chair for him behind him, and said in a flattering tone:

"Boss, sit down."

Jian Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly, and sat on the chair handed over by the man, her posture was very lazy.

He glanced at the man, curled his lips, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes filled with a faint smile, but matched with his snake-like golden vertical pupils, it was somewhat weird.

He raised his chin slightly:

"Excuse me, when is this ranking updated?"

The man who moved the chair looked around and made sure he was asking himself, so he answered cautiously:

"Uh... more than an hour ago."

Jian Lingxi nodded thoughtfully, and tapped twice on the armrest of the chair with her fingers:

"Thank you. By the way, I want to sit on this chair for a few more days. You don't mind, do you?"

The man was flattered and nodded again and again:

"You sit, sit whatever you want...but this is it?"

"Can't you see it?"

Jian Lingxi's eyes kept falling on the name at the top of the list, and his tone was filled with imperceptible interest:


He sat there, in the dark, stained with a blue light by the huge light screen.

It is not uncommon for players to log out of the game in the game lobby to seek revenge. Everyone knows who he is waiting for.

Seeing him like this, the people around became bolder, and some small voices came out again:

"Are you going to wait here for Ye Fei to come out?"

"Damn, it's so exciting, these two people don't really have a grudge, do they?"

"Even if there is no enmity, according to Boss Jane's temperament, Ye is also in danger."

"No, you don't know? I heard that the two of them..."

"Fight and fight, I won't leave today."

"Ye Fei didn't die five years ago, let him..."


Just as the discussions of the surrounding people became more and more rampant and chaotic, a crisp metal crash overwhelmed those noises.

The huge sickle in Jian Lingxi's hand was facing down, and he smashed it down heavily. The metal collided with the ground, and even the floor tiles cracked a few cracks along the back of the knife.

The crack grew from under the back of the knife and spread to the toes of the person at the front of the crowd.

The man trembled in fright, and rubbed his back with small steps.

This sickle with a faint cold light has harvested the lives of countless people. Like its owner, it has a beautiful appearance that makes everyone sigh when it sees it. It looks gentle and elegant, but it can kill people in an instant.

Jian Lingxi didn't say anything, and there was an imperceptible coldness in her golden eyes, and she glanced in the direction of the loudest voice just now.

Jian Lingxi raised her hand.

His slender fingers were wrapped in black leather gloves. At this moment, his index finger stood on the side of his slightly smiling lips, threatening, and made a silent movement.

Since then, there has been no sound.

The author has something to say:

Unlockable Character ID Cards:

【Jane Lingxi】

Sex: Male

Age: 26 years old

Height: 187cm

Birthday: 7.19

Ability: [unknown]

Rating: A+

Important people: —[to be unlocked]

Favorite color: red

Weapon: Blood Moon Scythe

Identity: Former head of Thanatos/Captain of "Zero" team/Player 002 (current)/—[to be unlocked]

Participation in events: —[to be unlocked]

Unlockable White Tower Setting Cards:


Alias: Doctors Association

One of the six departments of the White Tower, moderate and neutral.

Responsible for medical care, pharmaceuticals, academic research, public welfare assistance, etc.

Asclepius is not just a medical institution, they firmly believe that they should help and heal not only the wounded, but also the scarred world in front of them.

related records:

The predecessor of Asclepius was a well-known medical non-profit organization. After being merged into the Sixth Department of the White Tower, new people poured in and old people were lost. The focus of functions changed from "public welfare" to "scientific research". More voice.

Until 3157, when the chairman Ye Fei took office, Asclepius was rectified on a large scale and proposed a new development direction. At that time, Ye Fei's idea resonated with many people, and Asclepius gradually expanded its scale and officially entered the public eye.


Alias: Reaper's Secret Service

One of the six sections of the White Tower.

Smaller in scale, it is responsible for special operations that are inconvenient for the White Tower Army, such as assassination, hunting, surveillance, etc.

It is jokingly called "the mad dog raised by the White Tower".

related records:

There are not many internal staff in Thanatos. Due to the particularity of the department, they have always had a bad reputation and provoked many enemies. The most famous of these is the personal grievance between a certain team leader of Thanatos and the former chairman of Asclepius, which directly led to the deterioration of the relationship between the two branches. It seems that they are destined to be opposed to "Reaper".

Attached (*Every member of Thanatos is very weird and extreme in behavior and behavior. Due to the high risk factor of the mission, it seems that it is very common for members to die during the mission.

Read Legend of Swordsman
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