MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 82 Believer's Mist

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As soon as the two figures left the lobby on the second floor, Zhou Yijue said to Huang Mao next to him, "Go."

"What if he doesn't agree? Are you looking for someone else?"

Zhou Yijue's eyes stared not far away, her tone was firm, "You can't convince others, just him."

"Okay, I'll go." Huang Mao nodded and walked towards the gaming table in the center of the hall according to Zhou Yijue's instructions.

"Hello, hello." Seeing him turn around, Huang Mao smiled earnestly, "Take a step to talk."

There is a "Golden Mountain" hidden in the so-called exchange area, which is what An Wujiu did not expect.

This pattern appears a little too often on the altar.

Turn his head, An Wujiu stared at Shen Ti's Adam's apple.

Shen Ti realized it, reached out and touched his neck, "What's wrong?"

"What is your relationship with the altar?"

An Wujiu suddenly asked this, Shen Ti didn't know how to answer, "Do you think I should be related to the altar?"

"The tattoo on your neck is very similar to the logo that appears repeatedly on the altar, except that there is an eye in the middle. Don't tell me, when you stabbed it, you just found a pattern to thorn. "

An Wujiu added, "Of course, this kind of sun pattern is common, maybe it's a coincidence, but... people like you are not common."

Sometimes it seems to be a life form other than human beings, and sometimes it seems to be deeply acquainted with human nature and looking down on all living beings, even he could not give Shen Ti a definition.

"Really?" Shen Ti smiled, "You're not common either. I'm not sure if I'm related to the altar. Like you, I've lost a lot of memory. I can remember. Basically told you."

To be honest, I would like to believe it.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that he was lost in thought, Shen Ti asked again, "What did you think of?"

An Wujiu was about to answer when suddenly, a thick fog appeared in front of him, and he couldn't see anything clearly for a while, the fog deepened and covered everything.

There are no gold coins piled high in the exchange area anymore, there is nothing.

"Shen Ti!"

An Wujiu shouted Shen Ti's name in the void, but there was no echo. There was a thick, wet smell from the thick white fog, and the surroundings were silent. Just when he was alert and confused, countless slippery and sticky tentacles suddenly appeared in the depths of the fog, all attacking him.

An Wujiu stretched out his hand to resist, those tentacles could wrap around his limbs without any mistake, the top of each tentacle suddenly cracked and turned into a **** mouth, with fangs on the fangs. Sticky viscous green liquid, spitting out like a snake-like letter.

Outside the illusion, Shen Ti found that An Wujiu suddenly stopped talking, he thought he was thinking, but after a while he realized that something was wrong with him.

His black eyes seemed to be staring at the exchange machine, but he seemed to have lost his focus, and a golden light reflected in his dilated pupils.

"An blameless." Shen Ti felt that something was wrong, so he reached out and grabbed his arm, "No blame?"

He stood between An Wujiu and the exchange machine, holding An Wujiu's face in both hands, "What's wrong with you?"

I thought that the golden light in An Wu Jiu's eyes was the reflection of gold coins, but looking at it this way, it was clearly the weird sun totem.

The sun again…

An Wujiu's face showed a strange look, which he had never seen before, Shen Ti only saw this on the face of a cultist he had met With the expression on his face, the man was deeply immersed in the belief of nothingness, almost lost his consciousness, dissolved himself, and only followed the Lord in his heart.


"Wake up, be safe."

An Wujiu still didn't respond, he was like a power-off machine, lost its mobility, only an empty shell remained.

Shen Ti had never seen An Wujiu like this, he was worried, he first probed his breath with his hand, and then extended it to the side carotid artery to check, his pulse and breathing were normal.

What happened?

Shen Ti stretched out his hand and was about to put it on An Wujiao's chest to check whether his heart beat normally, but the moment his fingers touched his chest, a severe pain hit Shen Ti's body Come on, this is the greatest pain he has ever felt in his life.

It's like a heart drill.

He could hardly bear it, but at the same time, An Wu Jiu woke up like a dream, he was breathing heavily, his body shaking slightly. Not caring about the pain in his heart, Shen Ti immediately stretched out his arms and caught the fallen An Wu Jiu.

An Wujiu suddenly woke up from the strange thick fog, as if there was a powerful force invisibly, dragging him out of those tentacles that entangled him, allowing him to breathe.

He left the fog that he couldn't get out of and fell into a warm embrace.

"No fault, are you all right..."

Indistinctly, An Wujiu heard Shen Ti's voice.

He woke up and met Shen Ti's eyes, which was different from before.

"I'm fine." An Wujiu stood still, his chest was up and down, his lungs seemed to have a **** hole, no matter how he breathed, the suffocation caused by the tentacles could not be easily recover.

"You just seem to be controlled by something, you can't hear me, you can't see me, but your body functions are working normally."

An Wujiu noticed that his voice was also a little weak, he would never speak like this, so he asked Shen Ti first, "What about you? Are you not feeling well?"

Shen Ti didn't expect that he would care about himself first, just shook his head, "I'm fine."

Fortunately, he woke up like this.

"You just said...I seem to be controlled by something."

An Wujiu thought that many of the dreams he had had before were very similar to the illusion he fell into just now.

Mist, slime, tentacles, inescapable fate.

He told Shen Ti all this, along with many previous nightmares.

"This should be related to your lost memory." Shen Ti guessed.

An Wujiu doesn't want to think about it anymore, when he thinks of this, his mental strength seems to be weakened, it is difficult to concentrate, and the nightmare situation will keep appearing in his mind.

But now he is facing a time-limited life-threatening game.

"Perhaps, anyway, I'm awake now." An Wujiu came out of Shen Ti's arms, calmed his breath, and walked to the front of the machine, "Let's go out and investigate further."

Shen Ti found that he switched states again, and now the state transitions of An Wugui are more frequent and natural, with almost no boundaries.

The abnormality in him is hard to say that it has nothing to do with his nightmare.

He suddenly thought of the name of this game.

Why have such a religious name?

An Wujiu didn't speak any more, just stretched out his hand and put his palm on the glass.

Suddenly, cheerful music came from the room, followed by a synthesized voice.

"Welcome to the exchange area, first of all to introduce the rules of chip exchange:

First, at least two players are required to exchange chips, one is the captain, and the other is the player who needs to exchange the victory chips. Players who have participated in the game come. "

Secondly, the player who needs to exchange press the red button on the right side of the machine, enter the value of the chips to be exchanged by hand, and then contact the captain to proceed, the exchange takes time to process, please wait for a while .

Thirdly, the points obtained will be given to you in the form of holy coins. The holy coins have no affiliation. Players can deposit them into their own game panels, or exchange them for players in a certain team of chips.

Fourth, during the processing of the exchange task, the player can choose to go back and give up the exchange chips, but it needs to be approved by the captain. Just like the exchange, the two can go back and go back. "

After listening to the reading of the rules, Shen Ti said: "Sure enough, you can buy chips after converting them into points, so that you can circulate the chips in the team."

"But it's very difficult to realize." An Wujiu thought for a while, "According to the set rules, every time there must be at least two people, one of them is the captain, and the two need to touch, The captain also has the right to repent, which may be to avoid the appearance of traitors, but in this way, it is easy to create another possibility."

"You mean the captain's monopoly of power." Shen Ti said.

An Wujiu nodded, "The captain has too much power, as long as he wants to go back, he can go back. Players can exchange chips for points, and the captain can also keep the points for himself. "

Especially a captain like Maguire, who abandons his team members and uses their lives to make money, is most likely to do such a thing.

"Everyone has come." Shen Ti turned to look at him, "Do you want to exchange?"

“Will it be too early to exchange for points now?” An Wujiu frowned slightly, thinking, “If it is to exchange for points, and then buy chips and transfer them to others, I’m afraid it will cause panic."

Shen Ti understood what he meant, "You said before that they can use your body as a bargaining chip at any time, and now if you add it to other people, it will indeed make people feel that you want them to Make chips."

“That’s right.” An Wujiu stared at the gold coins in front of him, “I don’t really care if they bet on me or not, even if it is, as long as we can hold on to the end and get the first place, even if I can be resurrected even if I die. I just give it to others without discussion. Wu You and the others shouldn't care, I'm afraid that teammates who have only met this round will misunderstand."

This is indeed a better way at the moment, Shen Ti selfishly does not want An Wugui to put chips on other people, it will cause trouble, and secondly, he can't control others No blame bet, once his chip value is reduced, the more dangerous the penalty after losing the bet.

He didn't want to see that.

The two learned about the rules and planned to leave for the time being and return to the casino lobby to tell their teammates the rules. An Wu Jiu has been restless all the time, when he stepped out of the door of the exchange area, he suddenly realized the problem.

"Why is this place empty?"

They have been here for at least fifteen minutes, and no one has come here.

While she was wondering, a familiar figure stepped down from the corner of the stairs, and the sound of high heels was particularly distinct in this silent space.

"Hi guys."

It's Amy.

She waved her hand and said hello to them, "I knew you would be here, and I thought about trying my luck, and I really did."

An Wujiu guessed that she would come to him, after all, at the gambling table, she took the initiative to exchange guard cards with herself.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

"Just tell me what you want."

An Wu Jiu's face was calm, his eyes were sincere and sincere.

"What are you talking about, and you say it so seriously." Amy came over and approached him, "I don't want anything."

She spoke in an ambiguous voice, Shen Ti couldn't see it, he stretched out his hand and dragged her away from An Wujiu.

“Why are you dragging me?”

"There was a bug under your foot just now." Shen Ti opened her eyes and said nonsense, Amy looked down and couldn't find the bug he was talking about. She also raised her foot to look at the high heel sole Also clean.

"Don't scare me." Amy said angrily.

The moment she lifted her foot, An Wujiu suddenly discovered a detail, it was very wrong.

"Your shoe size..." He pointed out, looked up at Amy again, frowned slightly, and tilted his head in confusion.

"Are you a man?"

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes