MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 83 push-pull tactics

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When An Wujiu said this, Shen Ti suddenly laughed.

"No, you just found out?"

An Wujiu turned his face to look at him in confusion, "Did you know this long ago?"

He thinks it is impossible, Amy is so like a woman!

The tie covers the Adam's apple and looks suspicious."

Amy nodded approvingly, "Good eyesight."

After finishing speaking, Amy threw a charming smile to An Wujiu, "Actually, you can treat me as a man or a woman, it doesn't matter, because I'm a fluid person , My gender is not limited by physiology, it is fluid. I occasionally dress up as a man, and occasionally, as I am now, as a woman."

"It turns out, I understand."

Shen Ti was curious, "Since you were born with a male sex, is Amy the name you gave yourself?"

"Yeah." Amy nodded and introduced them, "My name used to be Elliot Stearns, I didn't like to be called that when women were dressing up, so I changed it to already."


The surname An Wu Jiao felt a little familiar, but I couldn't remember it all of a sudden.

Shen Ti then asked, "Then do you like men or women?"

Amy smiled, "Why are you so curious?"

She deliberately made a seductive gesture and gave him a wink, "What? Interested in me?"

Shen Ti raised his arm and made a gesture of rejection, "Not at all."

"Yes, after all, you two are already in that kind of relationship." Amy teased deliberately, "But I'm not interested in you, don't worry."

Seeing Amy being so frank, An Wu Jiao also asked him quite frankly, "There is one thing I am very grateful for, but I am also very puzzled, we don't know each other, why are you willing to take the initiative to help us?"

Amy seemed to have expected that he would ask, so she only raised her eyebrows with a smile on her face.

"I want to help you, the first is because I saw my cards, it's not easy to play as a guard, at that time I was not sure who the emperor was and whether the cards were good or not. I'm giving you the card, at that moment I'm not really trying to help you, I can only say that I'm throwing this hot potato card into your hand."

"Second?" An Wujiu didn't think she didn't help, after all, she also concealed his identity as a bodyguard.


Amy hugged her arms with both hands, the fur slipped slightly, her clean shoulders were exposed, she shrugged slightly and gave An Wujiu a beautiful smile, "Except for these reasons , and the most important one."

"We don't know each other completely. You don't know me, but I know you."

An Wujiu was puzzled, is Amy the person he met before he lost his memory? Or that she and she once participated in a certain game together.

“But it’s not the kind of acquaintance we met.” Amy broke An Wujiu’s conjecture, she smiled and took a step towards An Wujiu, her big brown eyes stared at him for a moment Afterwards, Amy raised her hand on her head and took off her wig with a little effort.

The makeup makes An Wujiu think of a person all of a sudden.

"I'm in a relationship with the same player from your last round," Amy said.

An Wujiu asked, "Is it Josh?"

Amy nodded with a smile, "Yes, I'm Josh's sister, or brother, whatever you want to call me, just like you can call me Elliot, or you can call me Ai Meter"

That makes sense.

If you are just an irrelevant person, you will not risk changing cards in the game.

She smiled and said, "Thank you for taking care of him, so that he can end the game of recovering the player and get out of the NPC's bitter sea, he told me all about it, and also said that he was temporarily He had a bad idea and almost hurt you, and he regrets it very much."

"It's nothing." Knowing what happened, An Wujiu was also relieved, "That's all normal thinking, who doesn't want to protect themselves in the altar?"

"I'll repay the kindness of saving my brother," Amy stretched out a hand to him and raised her eyebrows, "Everyone, everyone, next time there is a situation, I won't necessarily That will help you."

An Wujiu nodded slightly and took her hand, "Of course, thank you."

Amy shook it, then released it quickly, "You're welcome."

She glanced at Shen Ti and found that Shen Ti's eyes were always staring at An Wu Jiao.

She bumped against Shen Ti's shoulder, "Hey, hurry up, don't let your wife run away with others."


The two spoke in unison, but the emphasis was completely different.

An Wujiu was a little embarrassed for a while, the first reaction was to explain their relationship to Amy, but Shen Ti took the lead.

"Where did he come from? There is no one else in his eyes."

Amy smiled, "That's not necessarily true. If one day a tall, handsome, personable and considerate person comes out, who knows if he will be tempted?"

Shen Ti was annoyed when he heard these words, he stretched out his hand and pushed Amy into the exchange area, "Go, go, don't dangle in front of me."

"What are you doing."

"I'm allergic to brown hair."

Shen Ti's reasons for being unreasonable are always piles after piles, Amy still left quite wisely, and before entering the exchange area, she said to An Wujiu: "I know a lot of good men Oh, if you really want to get rid of him someday, come to me and promise to find you a better one."

Why can't you create a silent item card? Hurry up and get out, Shen Ti promises to spend money to buy it.

As soon as Amy left, the atmosphere of the two of them being alone became a little subtle.

An Wu Jiu was inexplicably nervous, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"She seems to have misunderstood."


"I'm just..." An Wujiu was at a loss for words, he wanted to say that he was just acting at the gambling table and setting up a game, and all the words he said were made up.

But he seemed to feel that he didn't want to say these things, so he just kept silent.

Shen Ti took him up the stairs, saw that he didn't speak, and asked again, "Just what?"

The man with all his limbs on the stairs disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood that proved his existence on the stairs, seeing this, An Wujiu's mood suddenly fell, feeling His embarrassment and embarrassment were so out of place in such a place, and there were more and more important things waiting for him to do.

"I just want to save myself, I have to say that, don't take it seriously."

An Wujiu took a few steps before realizing it, so he stood on the steps and turned his head, the open door of the hall let out a ray of light for this dark and claustrophobic staircase.

And all this light fell on Shen Ti's handsome face.

"What if I took it seriously?"

An Wu Jiu was stunned.


Shen Ti hooked his lips and moved up step by step, shortening the distance between the two, "My brain is not very good, I can't tell the truth from false, every word you say at the gambling table , I take it to be true."

While speaking, he has come to An Wujiu's eyes, only one step away, that is, this is the first step, making the two of them look at each other at close range for the first time.

These green pupils are extremely transparent, revealing a hint of weakness and grievance, "You can't speak, right?"

An Wu Jiu was almost deceived by this look.

Just a little bit, he fell into the soft trap set by Shen Ti and said "no" to him.

"I'm really bullshitting, we can't be that..."

Shen Ti cut off his unfinished words, "It's impossible now, not necessarily in the future." He smiled and threw a new burden on An Wujiu, "Still say , you really don't like me like Amy said, waiting to find a better man."

“How could it be?” An Wujiu blurted out this time, and the words were almost without thought.

Calm down, he doesn't feel right.

There is something wrong with myself.

Heart beating again and again, beating desperately against the chest.

"What is it?" Shen Ti's expression was relaxed, but he repeatedly asked with a smile, "Why do you like others, or how can there be a better man than me?"

The two questions are more difficult than the other.

An Wujiu didn't know what was wrong with him, he subconsciously wanted to step back, but he forgot that he was standing on the stairs.

Just when he almost tripped over the steps, an arm stretched out nimbly, wrapped around his waist, and held him firmly in his arms.

"A person who can hit like you can also accidentally stumble?"

Shen Ti's voice was very light and deep, like a swaying feather falling into the pinna of innocent, the numbness spread to the whole body like ripples.

An Wujiu came back to his senses, came out of his arms, turned around and went directly to the door leading to the hall.

Shen Ti was chasing after him slowly, without showing mercy, "Oh, I didn't even say thank you, it seems that I really despise me."

When he walked up lazily and reached the gate, only to find that An Wujiu was waiting for him by the door.

“Thank you.” An Wujiu said to him, but did not look up into his eyes.

Shen Ti was not in a hurry, he placed his hand on his head in a measured and intimate way and touched it.

"You're welcome."

An Wujiu raised his mouth, looked up and saw Nanshan, Wu You and Tengtangying, so they walked towards them.

Nan Shan seemed to sense them from afar, she folded her hand out to say hello, An Wujiu nodded, unexpectedly the first sentence she heard after passing by was, "Look at the chip value of little sister Noah."

An Wujiu listened and looked up at the big screen.

She jumped from the bottom to the tenth place.

However, An Wujiao was not very surprised, just asked, "How did you do it?"

Nan Shan looked at him and suddenly found that An Wujiu's right hand was covered with blue light, he wondered if someone else used him as a bargaining chip, but An Wujiu didn't care, so he just pointed Pointing to Noah, who was still sitting on the table, "We just discussed it, and she seems to be counting cards."

Tengtang Sakura also said: "After you left, Noah ran to the blackjack table to watch a game, and after watching it, he played, and then won three games in a row. I saw a lot of gambling games when I was a part-time croupier before. Those who won a lot would count cards, so later people were not allowed to deal cards, and AI was used to shuffle cards. Looking at Noah’s state, it looks like he is counting cards. Yes, and the calculation is very fast. It should be a set of numbers for the cards that are favorable or unfavorable to you on the table in a short period of time, simplify the calculation of odds, and see how likely it is to blow the dealer."

Listening to Tengtang Sakura's words, An Wujiu looked at her, Noah's expression became calm, except for a tender little face, the aura emanating from the whole body is not something a child can have at all .

Shen Ti also looked over and looked at it for a while, "Sure enough, it's not an ordinary child, how did you do it? Could it be a little robot?"

"I'm really not sure, anyway, this mind doesn't match her age." Nan Shan said, "I've been watching here for a while, and I feel that the reason why Noah can win is because Because card counting is very accurate."

An Wujiu stared at Noah not far away, lost in thought. Indeed, blackjack is a gambling game that can get a more accurate winning rate through card counting. It relies on information games. If Noah really wins three games in a row, he is definitely not an ordinary child.

But he can't quite define her as a "gifted child".

"Can only humans participate in the altar game?"

An Wujiu's sudden question made the others a little confused.

"It seems so." Wu You said, "It's written on the game server."

If she is really a talented girl, it can also explain why she can survive at the altar alone.

But An Wujiu always felt that this little girl was not so simple.

Not long after staying here, Noah won another game.

The chip value on her head is updated again, and it has reached 3800.

A male player on the table waved his hand and pushed all the cards on the table to the ground, but before the poker cards landed, they had already become nothing. He widened his eyes, slapped his hands on the table fiercely, and scolded Noah.

"Cheat, you **** must be cheating! You disqualify her!"

Noah didn't say a word, not even his expression.

An Wujiu was about to speak, but Shen Ti spoke for him first.

"This man is terrible, yelling at a little girl so loudly."

Wu You was once again smoked by Shen Ti's tea smell.

"Can you not talk like this?" He asked Shen Ti.

Shen Ti was still stubborn, and said pitifully, "Don't you like me so much?"

The man was stabbed by Shen Ti's words, but only for a moment, but in a moment he stood up from the table and walked aggressively in Noah's direction.

"Will you try to touch her?"

An Wu Jiu had a cold face, although his voice was not loud, it was inexplicably frightening.

The man looked back at him, saw his appearance and the value of the chips above his head, he retreated a little, but he did not intend to stop there, but turned his anger into provocation and ridicule.

"I think your group is all cheating, so you have such a high stake! This little girl is lying, you are not a good thing!"

The smile on Shen Ti's face disappeared immediately, and the motivation to gag just now disappeared.

"I'm the most annoying when someone speaks out loud."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the man, mercilessly, and punched him to the ground.

"You say it again," Shen Ti's eyes were gloomy and his voice was gloomy, "Who is not a good thing?"

The man was completely shrouded in the shadow of Shen Ti, and he even wanted to get up and shouted "help" in a hurry, but the onlookers just stood by, and no one wanted to help this guy .

Shen Ti smiled, sighed with a fake emotion, and took a step closer to him, "I'm really sorry, there is no rule here that you can't beat people."

He was about to lift his foot to kick the loser away when he suddenly heard Wu You's voice behind him.

"Shen Ti!"

He rarely calls himself that.

Shen Ti felt that something was wrong, so he turned around quickly, and saw An Wujiu not far away with a pale face, half bowed his head and covered his bleeding shoulder.

Blood spilled from between his fingers and landed on the floor, staining the snow-white hand blood red.

His right arm disappeared.

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