MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 95 End (on)

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"Housewife" was soon broadcast simultaneously on two popular TV stations. On the first day of the broadcast, both stations broke through. Online reviews of this TV series are good. Although Su Nuo has no memory in it, he is not inferior to the film emperor. He can also catch the old drama bones, and it does not make people play at all. . In particular, Su Nuo's darkening poisoner's drama later, stunned many people with his explosive acting skills, and immediately blow Su Nuo's rainbow fart online after the broadcast. Of course, she can not achieve this achievement without the guidance of Zhao Yunqing.

"Housewife" has often dominated the hot search since the start of the broadcast, starring a few people have gained a lot of fans, and even a lot of cp fans, the most popular is the pair of Su Nuo and Meng Yihuan, the combination of domineering royal sister and pure black lotus It's really impressive. In addition, the two were originally sisters and sisters from a school. They had previously cooperated in variety shows and circled a lot of fans.

So it was weird that Meng Yizheng's charm value skyrocketed because of her relationship with Su Nuo bundle cp. She pointed it out, and following this rhythm, she could complete the task and go home in another month.

The spring breeze was overwhelming on Meng Yizhang, and Su Nuo was not bad on the other.

The fire of "Housewives" pushed her directly into the front line. Big-name endorsements, advertisements, and countless film and television cooperation came one after another. After Zhao Yunqing picked it, he received two famous brand shows for Su Nuo, and The cooperation of a certain line of cosmetics has also picked a movie script from a famous director in the circle. Although there is only one supporting role, the characters are pleasing, and it is definitely not difficult to perform well.

Now Zhao Yunqing has become her personal assistant and part-time nanny. Even Wang Chengdu can't help but say, "Zhao Yingdi, can you please hurry up and run? Now you have been robbed of my work, what am I doing?"

Wang Cheng was crying in his heart. For several months since Su Nuo's accident, Zhao Yunqing has completely become a shopkeeper. He does n’t receive announcements and movies, and even fewer business parties. Not only him, fans. They were all anxious to ask when their male **** was open.

Zhao Yunqing laughed.

His filming was originally idle and boring. By the way, he wanted to have a close contact with Su Nuo. Now that the goal is achieved, naturally there is no need to mix in that circle. Zhao Yunqing already thought about it, then he slowly faded out of the audience ’s sight and finally announced Withdraw from the circle and feel at ease to be a full-time husband. Of course, my wife is willing to support him.

In the spring, the city ushered in the first spring rain.

On this day, Su Nuo and Zhao Yunqing had no work. They were watching a 3d animated movie replayed by the movie channel at home. After the memory loss, Su Nuo was very interested in cartoons, regardless of the type. Today is a story about love and hatred between vampires. There are several pictures that are not suitable for children. Every time I see the female kissing, Su Nuo will quickly change the channel, which makes Zhao Yunqing laugh.

Su Nuo's ears were hot and Yu Guang couldn't stop Yu Guang secretly clutching the man on the sofa.

He was wearing a thin grey v-neck shirt and comfortable and comfortable home pants. The man leaned on the sofa, his long legs crossed, and lazily laid his hands on the back. His gentle eyebrows were harmless, and the whole man was relaxed and handsome.

Su Nuo's heart beat up.

She licked her lips, slowly got up from the ground, and sat down to Zhao Yunqing's side.

The girl's cautious approach was depressing, and Zhao Yunqing glanced: "Sleepy?"

The hour hand is pointing at ten o'clock, and it is time for the child to sleep.

The rain outside was still lingering, Su Nuo's eyes rolled around and nodded.

"Let's go and go to sleep." Zhao Yunqing pulled Su Nuo to the bedroom.

He turned on a small orange warm light, made the bed, and watched Su Nuo lay down, turned off the light and turned away, but at this moment, a pair of soft little hands pulled his sleeves from the back.

Zhao Yunqing stepped forward and looked away.

She hid half of her face under the quilt, showing only a pair of eyes, moist and crystalline like a cat.

Su Nuo's voice in the quilt was vague: "Thunder, I'm afraid ..."

Zhao Yunqing froze and smiled quickly, then pulled a chair and sat down beside her. "Then I watch you sleep."

Why doesn't this person understand.

Su Nuo hooked her feet. From entering to now, Zhao Yunqing took good care of her, but she also kept a distance. She didn't act beyond the rules, and at most she kissed her while she was asleep. In the past, Su Nuo didn't like him and he was afraid of him. Of course, he didn't want to contact him, but now it's different. Now she has determined her mind. The two are serious and legitimate husband and wife relationship ...

"My ... the quilt is a bit cold."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yunqing had already understood what she was going to do, and her eyes were fleeting. Then she pretended to be puzzled: "Then I turn on the air conditioner for you, it won't be cold when I turn on the air conditioner."

Su Nuo: "..."

Su Nuo cheeky, "Aren't you sleeping?"

"I'll sleep for a while." Zhao Yunqing endured more than just a smile, "What happened to Nuo Nuo today?"


do my best.

Su Nuo took a deep breath: "I want to live with you as a husband and wife!"

After that, he shyly wrapped in the quilt and no longer looked at his face.

Finally, Zhao Yunqing laughed lowly.

After a long time, he still didn't move. Su Nuo only thought whether the person had left, and he was relieved when he saw his figure through a small gap. I couldn't help drumming and asked myself why Zhao Yunqing couldn't afford it? Could it be that he has a problem or ... he has an opinion on himself?

Thinking of this, Su Nuo's heart became uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to, just forget it." Su Nuo said muffledly, rolled over and closed his eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Yunqing's warm fingertips rubbed her ear tips, the same voice as in the past, but with a bit of confusion: "Nuonuo, this kind of thing can only be done by two people in love. Now if I am You did it, and what do you do when you find someone you like in the future? I can't afford it. "

The Su Nuo he touched felt itchy, Su Nuo closed his eyes and said, "I, I have found someone I like."


She turned around Zhao Yunqing's neck, her eyes were translucent, and she could not help avoiding them. "I only marry someone I like, I only give myself to someone I like. If you don't believe it, if you don't believe it ..."

Before the next words were finished, they were sealed with lips.

Su Nuo's eyes fell into darkness, and she was hazy, but something became clear.

She saw the man in black holding her crying in the ice and snow; she saw the skinny teenager die for her arrow; she saw him protect her through the mountains and rivers, and finally buried her in Sheng In the peach forest ...

Su Nuo never felt the hot emotions of men like this moment.

She should have liked him for a long time. Although many things are no longer remembered, she will never lie to her heart. The kind of throbbing is completely different from that when facing delirium. Every time I see Zhao Yunqing's eyes, Su Nuo is happy.

"Guy, I love you the most."

When she fell into a lethargy, she heard him say that.

Since that night, Su Nuo and Zhao Yunqing's relationship has heated up rapidly, whether they are at a party or an interview, both are inseparable, and some reporters also photographed Zhao Yunqing hugging her in a crowded commercial street.

That photo was immediately launched on the Internet, and many single dogs said that it was really a big plate of dog food. Even if Zhao Yunqing's girlfriend Fan had betrayed into Yun Nuo CP Fan, they said they would never believe in love if they divorced .

At the same time, a topic followed the hot search, but soon disappeared.

# 怀 星 工作室 ceo was temporarily absent from work due to illness. #

The next day after this hot search, Su Nuo received a call from deliberately. His voice in the microphone was mute and mute, with a bit of decadence, "Nuo Nuo, I'm sick, you can come and see Look at me? "

After receiving the call, Su Nuo was attending a private party with Zhao Yunqing. The laughter behind him contrasted with the silence on the phone.

Su Nuo glanced behind him, walked to a corner without looking, worried about asking, "Did you find a doctor?"

"The doctor can't cure me," he said.

This can scare Su Nuo: "What's wrong with you, brother? Don't scare me, then ... then did you call your parents?"

Delirious and silent, breathing long and short.

Su Nuo was so anxious that he couldn't even care about it for a while, and said, "Brother, give me an address. I'll take the doctor to see you now."

"I don't want a doctor," Shen said deliberately, "Nuo Nuo, I want to see you. Will you let me see you? Okay? On the one hand, I want to talk to you, and when I'm done, I won't disturb you again. "

Su Nuo opened her mouth and waited for a sound, and then heard a rapid coughing sound from the other side of the phone.

He sounded really sick.

After all, the two were brothers and sisters who grew up together. Even if there is no love, there is still a relationship. Especially when thinking about some pictures of protecting her when she was a child, Su Nuo was very moved. But she hadn't forgotten the madness in the car a few months ago.

She thought quietly for a while: "Brother, I can't get away now. Would you like to see me first? OK, I'll go to the hospital directly for you."

"Nuo Nuo, don't you trust me?" Shen laughed arrogantly, "OK ... OK ..."

After he talked two times, he hung up the phone, leaving Su Nuo staring at the dark screen.

At this point Zhao Yunqing came over and took her shoulder: "Who's calling?"

Su Nuo raised his head and glanced at him, then put away his mobile phone: "Yuan Che."

Zhao Yunqing nodded without doubt: "Let's go, everyone is waiting for us."

Su Nuo nodded and followed Zhao Yunqing to the guests.

Maybe it was the phone call. Su Nuo was not interested in everything that followed. The fragrance of perfume and champagne in the air made her dizzy. Su Nuo patted her chest and spoke with Zhao Yunqing, anxious Go to the bathroom.

The stomach turned over, and she wanted to vomit but could not vomit. After vomiting a few mouthfuls of sour water, Su Nuo staggered out of the bathroom.

She was dizzy, and sent a text message to Zhao Yunqing using WeChat. She went to the back garden to ventilate alone. Su Nuodu sat on a swing and flipped his mobile phone.

[Zhao Yunqing: How are you doing? ]

Su Nuo replied: [It's okay, just a little disgusting. ]

[Zhao Yunqing: Where are you now? I'll go to you and go home together. ]

Su Nuo: [The garden on the left side of the manor. ]

After sending the message to Zhao Yunqing, she was about to close her mobile phone. She couldn't help thinking of delirium again. She frowned, and decided to speak to her parents. But before the call was dialed out, a black shadow covered Su Nuo. He clasped Su Nuo's nose and nose from behind. The strange aroma from the handkerchief made Su Nuo completely unresponsive, and his limbs had not yet had time to struggle. , Then fell into a thick darkness.


The phone dropped on the floor and made a muffled sound. Later, the mother's voice came from the phone: "Wo Nuo?"

A black leather gloved hand picked up the cell phone, pressed it, and put it in his pocket.

The news that Su Nuo suddenly disappeared at the banquet instantly made headlines and set off a wave in just one night.

The media was shocked.

The fans were also shocked.

But those who were in a hurry were close to her.

First of all, this "kidnapping case" is really weird. The host of the banquet is a high-profile person with a face and face, not to mention his manor's layers of guarding and monitoring around, let alone a kidnapper, even a fly can't fly in. The strange thing is that the monitoring system of the manor had a runaway time for one second that day, and the monitoring of the back garden completely lost contact. After detection by professionals, their monitoring system was hacked.

This was a premeditated kidnapping, with meticulous means to cool the back.

[Brother Yunqing's cotton jacket: Who made it? It's too poisonous. ]

[I ca n’t think of a name: the family has n’t received a call yet, which means that the kidnappers are not profitable. ]

[Little Moon: First of all, the kidnapper has the ability to mix into the venue, indicating that he has a head and a face, and secondly, he can hack the monitor, indicating that there is technology, and Su Nuo is afraid of being fierce. ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh beg her not to hurt her. ]

[Su Nuo Fan Support Club: If the kidnapper goes online, I hope you can see it and don't hurt her. ]

[Zhao Yunqing's leg hair: I dare not think about our movie emperor's mood now, it is estimated that no one is more uncomfortable than the movie emperor. ]

When they saw the Weibo, everyone was silent.

Zhao Yunqing was calm-headed, and after a brief panic, his brain returned to clearness. As speculated on the Internet, the person who can enter the venue is not a small person, and he has the ability to hack the backstage, and only one person can do so-delusion.

Shen graduated from the computer department of a prestigious school, and won the National Computing Championship in his teenage years. He quickly established a game studio. In just one year, the studio gained fame and made a lot of profits. Plus his paranoia towards Su Nuo ...

Zhao Yunqing didn't reveal the news by making a fuss. After discussing with Yuan Ze, he secretly sent someone to follow the clue to find Su Nuo's information. He believed that after a while, the delusion would reveal clues.

When everyone was anxious, Su Nuo was unconscious in a house.

She was lethargic for a full day, and woke up when the sun was sinking the next day.

The medicine made her whole body weak, her brain groggy, and Su Nuo just woke up, her limbs seemed to be not her own, she could not move at all, she moved her stiff eyes and waited for a little strength before trying to turn Disclose to look around.

This is a room. The doors and windows on all sides are tightly closed. There is no trace of light entering, and the space appears gloomy and dark. Only a small sconce is turned on the wall, but the flickering light can't do anything.

Su Nuo moved his wrist and found that her limbs were **** with silk satin. Impossible.

She was flustered, but miraculously calmed down.

Su Nuo closed her eyes, feeling a sudden pain in the brain, innumerable messy picture fragments pouring in, tearing her temples and buzzing, and finally the pictures were pieced together to form a complete picture scroll of memory.


Su Nuo opened his eyes.

Her pupils were dark and deep, where there was the former clear and smart.

Su Nuo's ears moved slightly, and after hearing the footsteps not far away, he slowly closed his eyes.

The author has something to say: The end of the next chapter! 2k novel reading network