MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 96 End (below)

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The door opened.

Su Nuo felt that the figure was approaching, and a clear smell came from his nose. Then, a pair of cold hands covered Su Nuo's eyebrows. His phalanges slipped down, as if he was exploring a beautiful artwork.

Su Nuo kept her eyes closed.

He rested his fingertips on Su Nuo's lips, finally clinging to his forehead.

At the same time, Su Nuo opened her eyes, with the ignorant who just woke up in her eyes. She blinked and stared at the delirious for a few seconds, then she was surprised and said, "Bad brother?"

"... Nuo Nuo."

After a long time of delusion, Qing Qing's face climbed onto the blue husk, her eyes narrowed, and her beautiful eyes were reflected in her pupils.

Su Nuo started, and the upper part of her eyes was covered with clear and shallow water mist, choked and said, "What are you doing, glutinous glutinous glutinous? What a pain, you quickly release me, oh ..." She bit her lip, tears fell.

Delusion could not bear to make her tears anymore, and she was in a state of anxiety, and wiped the tears that slipped from the corner of her eyes. Finally, he leaned forward and licked the wet and salty tears. "Nuo Nuo don't cry." He comforted softly. "As long as you obey, I won't hurt you."

Not crazy, not live.

In this world, Su Nuo belongs to him, so he should belong to him alone, no one except him.

Su Nuo sniffed: "I'm hungry ..."

"I'll get you some food." Deliriously he got up and left again, and when he returned, he had an extra piece of food on his hand.

The bed can be raised and lowered. He raised the bed with a remote control to make Su Nuo. He sat down beside her bed and fed her with a small spoon, a spoon, a spoon, and said, "Do you remember? When you were sick, you could n’t eat yourself, so I fed you myself. Later, you tasted the sweetness, and started pretending to be sick every 30 minutes, but I ... ”Suddenly,“ I will let you do whatever you want, Okay? "

Suddenly he had taken care of Su Nuo, but gradually he was only impatient. Nowadays, he remembers it. He hopes to return to the past. When they are still young, he will give everything to him. , As seen in a dream, he will be a qualified and competent brother, and he will be a lover who loves her and protects her.

Su Nuo drank a bowl of porridge and lay down again.

After a while, she looked back at her delirium: "I want to go to the toilet."

Delusion fished out a urinal from the bed.

Su Nuo: "..."

Su Nuo: "..." I don't want to go.

Delusion is not forced.

He lay on his side to Su Nuo, and carried her to sleep all night without doing anything.

The sky soon became bright. Su Nuo slumbered for only two or three hours. After deliberately leaving again, she re-examined the room carefully. There was only one bed in this room. There was a coffee table in front of the bed. Only one vase was placed. The flowers inside were fresh lilies, which was Su Nuo's favorite flower.

She turned her head to look at her wrist. The long-term binding made the limbs' blood not circulate, her fingers became swollen, and her fingertips became bruised. She moved her fingers and tried to pull her hands out.

--- useless.

At the same time, acid water appeared in the stomach.

Su Nuo retched twice, thinking quietly with his eyes closed.

She never imagined that delusion would lead to kidnapping and imprisonment, not to mention how he suddenly became like this. Does he love her? Su Nuo couldn't feel it. Is that a man's possessiveness? otherwise.

In summary, delirium is crazy.

Not long after, delirium returned to the room and brought the cut fruit, raised the seat, and gave it to her with a bamboo stick.

Su Nuo felt sick after taking two sips. She twisted her eyebrows, drew a light under her eyes, and leaned on his lips to kiss. The deluded hand shook and held it.

Su Nuojiao said softly: "Brother, Nuo Nu kiss you, will you let me loose?"

The corners of her eyes were reddish, charming, and her voice was bewildering. Deluding his eyes blindly, pressing Su Nuo's head back and pressing his lips over, Su Nuo was kissed by him, and his open eyes were gloomy and calm.

After kissing, delirium began to pull on her clothes.

Excessive movement made Su Nuo snorted: "Brook, hand hurts ..."

Deliberately stopped breathing, raised his head, glanced, and saw her hands swollen can not see the original look. He froze for a moment, his lips clenched involuntarily, and finally saw Su Nuo's face pale and his limbs weak, not as if he could break him free.

He reassured and loosened all the ropes wrapped around her shou's wrist: "I let you go, you obey."

"Well." Su Nuo obeyed.

Then he lowered his head to untie the rope on Su Nuo's feet.

Su Nuo twisted her stiff wrist and tightened her ten fingers. After the strength returned, a flash of fierceness came under her eyes, she reached for the glass bowl on the table next to her, and smashed it into her deluded head.

This smashing made the delirious eyes black, and he did not calm down for a long time.

Su Nuo kicked off the rope and kicked the ground.

She got up too eagerly, and the discomfort from her body made her fall to the ground. At this point the delusion had reacted, and he wiped his head, the scarlet of his fingertips made him sting, and finally looked deep, turned and pulled Su Nuo to imprison her on the cold floor.

"Su Nuo, you can't go."

"Su Nuo you don't understand at all, you belong to me, you belong to me, you are me alone!"

"I saw it all ..." He gasped, his eyes red, "I saw it in my dreams. We should be together. You are mine, and I am yours. We are a natural pair. Do not understand?"

Sudden words made Su Nuo's eyes grow stunned, and suddenly he understood the meaning in his words, and suddenly became unbelievable.

Can't do it ...

Delusion also saw that book?

If that's the case, everything makes sense.

After only a brief shock, Su Nuo struggled to attack his weakness, but no matter how Su Nu kicked or howled, he refused to let go of his hand. The excessive impact of the two hit the vase on the table, and the transparent vase fell to pieces.

"I wasn't good. I was wrong. Nuo Nuo, you forgive me, shall we start again?"

"We will be happy, and I will be nice to you."

He kept mumbling, Su Nuo groped his hands on the ground, and soon felt the cold touch of the glass. She put her palms in her palms, and darted into the deluded stomach. First the first knife, then pulled out and pierced the second knife, and finally the hand bone was forced to insert the whole glass into his abdomen.

The deliberate pupils are tightened, the lips are slightly open, and the eyes are unbelievable.

He didn't believe Su Nuo would hurt her, and he didn't believe she would be so cruel.

Su Nuo drove him up, stood up, looked down at the delirium curled up on the ground, her eyes cold.

Her eyes looked as if she was deliberately in the hospital.

Indifferent, disdainful, and even with contempt.

"Thinking, are you worth it?"

Su Nuo laughed and her voice was cold.

Delirious opened his mouth and spit out blood.

She looked at the blood on her palm, wiped cleanly on her sleeves, turned her head away, and in the light and shadow, her figure was devoured, and finally disappeared in sight.

"Don't leave ..." Delirious lips trembled, "Nuo Nuo, don't leave ..."

He doesn't want to be alone, he doesn't want to be alone.

Nuo Nuo ...

Su Nuo.

Delirious dragging his injured body to crawl outside, he saw that Su Nuo was about to disappear in front of the gate, delusional wanted to call her but couldn't make a sound, and finally she stopped abruptly, his eyes widened as if before death Seeing the solitary beast of the sun, she was filled with joy waiting for her to come again.

But all he heard was a sentence--

"You only love yourself in this world." She turned back, smiling scornfully, "I wish you the best of your life and yourself."


She opened the door.

The walls of the delirious heart collapsed.

He was suddenly sober, Su Nuo no longer loved him.

She is thoroughly ...

Gave up on him.

Now it ’s daytime, and the sun ’s glare in the sky makes Su Nuo, who has been in the dark for a long time, fall into a deep discomfort. She shakes away and finds the shadow of a car in the distance. She ran, Su Nuo reached out to cover the sun, and when she saw the familiar eyebrows in front of her, somehow she was relieved, and finally closed her eyes, and fell softly into the embrace of the subtle fragrance and reassurance.

Su Nuo woke up again to the hospital. He still surrounded a lot of people by the bedside. When she saw her open, a group of people stared at her full of words.

Su Nuo looked around and called Yuan Ze first: "Brother."

Harawa's eyes widened, and tears of surprise all came out: "Little Cotton, do you remember?"

Just now, the twins gathered around, "What about us?"

Looking at the brothers looking anxiously looking forward, Su Nuo stretched out his hands and stunned them: "Little rabbits."

Yes, memory is restored.

Both were a little disappointed, and I'm afraid no one will play with them in the future.

When she was sad, she heard her say, "Go back and watch live sports with you, but first watch my cartoon."

The two looked at each other, and finally nodded with a smile.

"Dad, Mother Zhao ..." Su Nuo called each one over, but she didn't see the faces of Shen's parents. She smiled a lot and didn't speak again.

Zhao Yunqing saw that her look was wrong, and stroked her cheeks: "Depression is still in first aid." He paused, "They said they would not blame you, you are their daughter anyway, but ... It's just that they want you to let go of delusion and not hold him accountable. "

As soon as Yuan Ze and Zhao Yunqing rescued Su Nuo, they posted a notice online. The notice did not mention who the prisoner was, of course, this was what the Shen family meant.

Zhao Yunqing naturally did not want to let go of delusion, but also respected Su Nuo's personal wishes, so he passed on the words of the parents of the Shen family.

After thinking about it, Su Nuo said, "I don't pursue it." He paused. "I only have one request. Don't let delusion step into this city for a half step, let alone approach me."

Zhao Yunqing squeezed Su Nuo's hand tightly, nodding was considered the default.

A few seconds after the ward was quiet, Zhao Yunqing leaned close to her ear and said gently, "Su Nuo, you are pregnant."

The sun was shining outside the window, and he held her hand, his expression softer than the spring breeze.

When Su Nuo was released from the hospital, she exposed her fans to peace, and then announced the good news that she would be a mother. The sudden joy dilutes the previous gloom. Fans who were still pursuing prisoner status also joined the blessing army. After a while, the news reports that the person in charge of Huai Xing returned to the workplace deliberately, and moved the studio to Shangcheng. The city is known as a bustling capital, and the technology is particularly excellent. For Huaxing, it is a good main studio. Location, outsiders naturally have no doubt.

After spending a month in peace, a big news suddenly appeared on the Internet. When receiving a call from an assistant, Su Nuo was at home to raise her baby.

"Nuo Nuo, Nuo Nuo, something is wrong !!!" Wang Wenwen said in an excited voice, "You can watch it online!"

With confusion, Su Nuo used a notebook to log in to Weibo for a long time, but saw the headline dazzling characters.

# 孟 亦 苒 上位 记 #

# 孟 亦 苒 chatting record #

# 孟 亦 苒 柳 北 #

Su Nuo clicked into one of them.

There are several personal chat records. They are the exchanges between Meng Yizheng and different men on the Internet. Meng Yizheng has superb skills and coaxed people to give her resources and rights. The most attractive one is Liu Bei. of. If Su Nuo's memory is not wrong, Liu Bei is a cannon fodder in the novel. He is known as a talented singer. He fell in love with Meng Yizhang at first sight. As a result, Meng Yizhang only regarded him as a target for increasing his charm. End your life.

That plot was just mentioned casually in the novel. I never expected it would be exposed today.

Liu Bei had a good reputation in the circle. Both fans and friends loved him deeply. The cold and ruthless words of Meng Yizhan in the chat records thoroughly angered everyone, and they asked Meng Yichen to apologize and get out of the entertainment circle.

[Meng Yizhen Fan Support Association: I have always been a fan of my brother, and I also like Ms. Meng. I did not expect that you were the murderer who caused her to die. It is too disappointing. ]

[Little Moon: You do n’t need to love, please do n’t hurt. ]

[Xiao Xingxing: Meng Yizhang got out of the entertainment circle! ]

[Large Code Jun: Three male celebrities in one day, Niubi Niubi, you can. ]


Wang Wenwen on the other side of the phone said, "Nuo Nuo, do you want to make a phone call with Meng Yizhen?"

This Su Nuo touched the slightly swollen abdomen: "No." She is neither Meng Yizhen's friend nor Meng Yizhen's relative. Why care? Just thinking of Meng Yizheng's care for her when she had amnesia, she still felt in her heart. If it was not for those things she did, maybe they would really become the best-known girlfriends.

This incident was fermented to the point of being overwhelming on the Internet. Meng Yizheng has been canceled all notifications and temporarily hiding in an apartment.

In my mind, the sound of the system kept ringing.

[Charm is reduced by 5000. ]

[Charm value decreased by 10000 ...]

[Charm is reduced by 6000 ...]

She sat in front of the balcony, exhaled, and thought calmly.

After smoking a cigarette, she called a phone: "Satisfied?"

The person on the phone was a little silent and smiled: "I will not let you affect her future life."

"Yeah." Meng Yi pouted. "You don't seem to be taking the script of the affectionate male second?"

She was not angry at all about the deliberate disclosure of those information, and was very calm, surprised to herself.

Meng Yizhen thinks that she is not a good person. She never stops for her purpose. She wants to go home, want to regain her beauty, and change back to the image admired by the people. Therefore, she must collect charm values, she must want to climb, she must Let the eyes of good men be on her.

[Charm value-return to zero. ]

[Sorry host, your mission failed. The system will erase your existence in five seconds. ]



[3. ]



After the countdown, a white light flashed in front of me.

Once the picture turned, she reappeared in the sanitarium where the previous life was. She was sitting in a wheelchair staring at the leg burned by the fire. Meng Yichen looked around and saw the sight cast by others with sympathy.

"That's the shadow of Meng Yizheng who was in a car accident a while ago ..."

"Poor, that pretty face is ruined."

"Yeah, pitiful."

Meng Yizhan touched his wrinkled face, turned the wheelchair and walked back. When passing the bench, he saw a book lying on it.

"She's wearing filigree flowers"

The pink book cover was not very eye-catching, and the ghost was terrible. Meng Yizheng picked up the book and only looked at two pages, then she opened her eyes.

Under the swaying willow, the woman holding the book and looking at it cried and laughed like a fool.

"Z16, it's time to treat."

The nurse pushed her inward, and the book re-falling on the chair was blown up by several pages, and finally stopped at the end.

[Since then, the filigree flower named Su Nuo found the man who really held her in the palm of his hand, and lived a happy life. ]


The author has something to say: It's over! !! !! !!

Love you guys.

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Little Aunt

Lingcheng Boys School is holding a group of wealthy second generations who are difficult to discipline, and it is playing the "Blood War" drama every day.

East Campus Han Li is ruthless and fierce.

Xingming Lu of the West Campus is ugly and fierce, and is a cruel man.

Until Lingcheng changed to a mixed school, Han Li brought the first girl since the school opened.

The young girl had dark hair and white skin, was tender and well-behaved, and chased Han Li to arrange his appearance for him.

On the rooftop, fox friends and dog friends laughed and joked: "I didn't see Li Li is still a wife and slave."

Han shook off the soot and looked impatient: "Don't talk nonsense, that's Aunt Lao."

the next day.

Han Li suddenly received Lu Xingming's summation book, with scribbled words on it.

—— [Be close, I'll be your uncle. ]

Han Li: "..."

The third day.

Han Li saw that her aunt's eyes were red and bullied by Lu Xingming's arms.

Han Li: "..." I hit your uncle's Lu Xingming!

Little aunt from the monk temple x irritable little brother.

Open on the 14th.

Love you guys. 2k novel reading network

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