MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 97 Extraordinary

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Meng Yizhen disappeared into this world, silent, ignorant, unaware, the light she had, the achievements were returned to another person-Su Nuo.

No one remembers Meng Yizheng anymore. In addition to delirium, Su Nuo also has Zhao Yunqing.

Time passed and Su Nuo became a mother. After marriage, Su Nuo rarely received any announcements. What she did every day was to be with her family. Occasionally she would show several variety shows with Zhao Yunqing. Life is nourished and happy.

The deliberate studio has become very large. When Su Nuo's eldest son reached the age of three, he released the world's first holographic online game. The technology and lines of the holographic surround were smooth and the meticulous game warehouse shocked China In addition, shortly after, he developed a holographic dress-up adventure game specifically for female players; another year later, he deliberately put holographic technology into various industries, and the world entered a real era of science and technology.

Huaixing Studio has become a giant in the technology circle.

The name delusion has become a legend.

The ladies wanted to marry him, and the little flowers wanted to be close to him. For a while, everyone wanted to be the "Mrs. Shen" who had a halo behind him. Unfortunately, when she was 40, she was also alone, no marry.

He bought a mountain in the upper city, built a house in front of the lake behind the mountain, and came to see the scenery in his spare time, fishing and fishing.

When he was young, he didn't understand the meaning of Su Nuo's words. When he reached middle age, he suddenly realized.

Su Nuo is right, he only loves himself.

He was afraid that without Su Nuo, he would grow old alone, afraid to see the end of the dream come true, he did not want to look at the happiness of others, but he was helpless and covered with dust. He was selfish, so he wanted to drag Su Nuo with him.

The sunlight was not hot, and when I knew it was crying overhead, the fish was not hooked for a long time.

Drowsy was lethargic and eventually gave up.

When he got up, he was concerned about the scar left on his abdomen, and it was a little painful, and it must have changed. Deliriously covering his abdomen, he walked slowly towards the house.

Spring went to autumn, and the parents of the Shen family finally left him on a winter night. At the funeral, they saw Su Nuo deliberately. This was their first meeting in more than two decades.

She was in black and had pity on her over the years. She did not leave a trace on her face. Her hair was black, her face was as white as that of adolescence, her lips were red, her eyes were black, she stood quietly, her straight spine was like a tree .

"Mom, hungry peach ..."

He bowed his head deliberately, and then saw that she was also followed by a little girl, not too big, and looked about three years old.

Staring at that face, delirium suddenly froze.

The little girl's face ... was exactly the same as Su Nuo was born.

Seems to feel deliberate sight, the little girl looked round.

When he was over forty years of age, the deliriousness of his youth was sharpened, his elegant temperament and calm eyebrows were harmless. Tao blinked and pulled his hand involuntarily.

As she approached, Su Nuo suddenly picked her up: "Mom took peach to find her brother."

Taozi's elder brother is twenty years older than Taozi. At this moment, he is chatting with his sisters. When he sees Taozi coming, his elder brother crows his face, calls "piggy", and then naturally takes over his sister's fat body.

The whole family was happy, watching silently, the whole body was grayed out.

After the death of his parents, delirium completely became an orphan. When he was 50, he found a competent successor and gradually retreated behind the scenes. Fifteen years have passed, and the bodies of friends around me have been visited less and less every day. The next year, colleagues who worked hard left together.

On the day that Gao Shou was 80 years old, the news of Su Nuo's death came online, and the fans were sad.

He was still alive, lying lazily on a rocking chair, presbyopia staring at the photos in his youth.

That photo was kept intact by him, as if it were brand new.

In the photo, the teenager was frowning. The girl standing in front of him was clean and white, and he had a necklace.

The necklace swayed and shook under broken light, and the hands holding the necklace trembled suddenly and violently. The grief erupting in his heart made him unable to stop himself, and finally closed his eyes and fainted on the rocking chair.

"Old Shen!"

"Call the doctor soon!"

The carer's voice faded away, away, and finally completely dissipated at the end of the light source.

The deluded heard the sound of birds, and the sound of footsteps, and then a cry of grievance was heard from the girl with a crying voice: "Bad brother ..."

The delirious eyelid trembled and opened his eyes. When he saw the scenery in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes widened. He couldn't help reaching out and touched his face. The collagen was not his pale face at all.

"Nuo Nuo?" Dumbfoundedly called the name that had only been called in a dream.

The little girl, only six or seven years old, cried out of breath: "Little ... Brother Xiaowang bullied me, he, he bullied me." The little girl coughed and coughed, aggrieved severely.

Wipe cleansing the tears on her face deliberately: "Don't cry, arrogant brother will take you to beat her."

Speaking, delusion held Xiao Nuonu's hand.

This is simply a dream.

Is this a dream?

Delusion froze on his face, it hurts, not a dream.

In the scorching sun, he smiled deliberately.

If this is a rebirth, he will never give up his happiness again.

Shen's mother noticed that her elder eldest son had changed, became obedient and unreasonable, and took good care of her sister. The two children grew up slowly, and they gradually got their own business. On Su Nuo's adulthood, parents did not refuse to ask for marriage rashly.

The wedding is naturally a big one, and the deliberate choice of the wedding location on the island is decorated in a dreamlike fairy tale style.

He stood in front of the priest, watching the girl with a good-looking face in a white wedding dress approaching him step by step.

"Nuo Nuo ..."

Delirious reached out to her.

Su Nuo paused, as he was about to reach out, a huge suction suddenly surged into the delirium, and everything around him disappeared, turning back into rich darkness ...

"Woke up."

"Great, wake up."

"Old Shen, how are you doing?"

The deliberate eyes moved and saw the caregiver's face.

He looked as if he had passed away and opened his eyes without saying a word.

The serious illness paralyzed him, leaving only one mouth to move. He was in a wheelchair all day, watching the rising sun and sunset, watching the alternation of spring and autumn.

He is still alive.

Nostalgic people are in the dirt.

He is alive.

Delirious still dreams of being young, but this time he became a spectator, watching him grow up with Su Nuo Qing Zhu Zhu Ma over and over again, watching him and Su Nuo enter into marriage, over and over again ...

In the last dream, he saw a young man breaking into the theater, and that was his youth.

The panicked youth stared at the screen full of shock.

Deliriously turned back and said to him, "Are you envious? These should belong to you."


"You can only see it in your dreams."

Life is like a drama, but a big dream.

Wake up dreaming, wake up dreaming ...

He closed his eyes.

Outside the window, buds bloomed in early spring.

Delusion, the founder of Huai Xing, was born in 1995 and died in 2095.


No child.

The author has something to say: It's over! !! !! !!

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