MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 767 Authentic fairy and devil murals

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  Chapter 767 Authentic Mural Painting of Immortals and Demons

  At this moment, the chill was chilling, and the surrounding area was filled with ice and snow.

  Chen Fan walked in this passage, the ice shards on the ground creaked from being trampled on, which was especially loud in this quiet passage, which also shows how long no one has been to this place.

  He looked calm, walked forward step by step, his eyes fell on the stone walls on both sides.

  Originally, the tunnel was pitch black, even the sky eye couldn't penetrate it, but as he got deeper into it, it gradually regained a gleam of light. It wasn't because of his magic of the sky eye, but a ray of light appeared not far away.

  He knew that the end was coming, but something moved him on the stone wall. If someone with a small heart sees it, he will definitely be scared to death directly.

I saw countless pale and ferocious faces growing on the stone wall. They were human faces, but they were terribly distorted, as if they had endured great pain. What surprised Chen Fan was that these human faces were not paintings. Go up, but the real corpse.

  There is a thick layer of ice on the stone wall. These people are all frozen on the wall and crowded into a row, which makes one's scalp feel numb.

  Chen Fan's expression became slightly dignified. These people should also come here to subdue the cold fire, but no one has succeeded in such a long time. One can imagine how powerful the cold fire is.

   But it is impossible for Chen Fan to be intimidated by this. If Leng Huo can be subdued so easily, it would not be so precious.

   Soon, he came to the end of the passage, but his figure suddenly paused, and his face changed slightly. He actually found that this was another stone room, and he even had a familiar feeling, as if he had been here before.

   "This place..." Chen Fan frowned, and finally realized something was wrong, there was nothing in this stone room.

Frost has condensed in the passage and even inside and outside the ice tower, but in this empty stone room, there is not even a speck of ice, only the floor and walls paved with bluestone bricks, and there is a dark door to look into, and it is impossible to see clearly what is inside. have what.

   But such a simple stone room confuses Chen Fan. It feels inexplicably familiar, but he can't think of where he has seen it before.

  He walked towards the door, the surrounding chill was still there, but there was no frost at all, which was also unbelievable, if not for the Dao Yun in his body still guiding him forward, Chen Fan almost thought he was going in the wrong direction.

  The darkness behind the door was the same as before, and everything became clearly visible after walking in. It was still an empty stone room, but there was another door.

  The feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger, Chen Fan didn't stop, and continued to walk towards that door.

   Until he walked through the sixth door and saw the same empty stone room, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Chen Fan's mind, and he remembered.

  This familiar place has always felt like he has seen it somewhere before. After walking through the six gates, he finally remembered that he had seen it before, and it was almost exactly the same.

  Chen Fan's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly felt that the matter was not as simple as he imagined, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace, and immediately walked towards the next door.

  Go through the door, this time, the stone chamber is different from what you saw before.

   "Fairy and Demon Mural!" Chen Fan looked at the wall of the stone chamber, finally moved.

   On the huge wall, there is a majestic and powerful mural, which is extremely clear. Countless immortals and demons are fighting, and even everyone's expression is very clear.

This is a real mural of immortals and demons, and Chen Fan had seen this place when he accidentally entered the ruins of the Immortal Palace in the heavenly court of Xiaoxiu Immortal Realm, but the murals on that ruins have long been blurred, and he has never been there since he arrived in Daxiu Immortal Realm After looking for that site, he almost forgot it after so long, but he never expected to see real murals of immortals and demons in this place.

  This mural clearly depicts the scene of the battle between immortals and demons, and it is unknown who painted it.

But what surprised Chen Fan was that when this relic world was created, the war between immortals and demons had not yet started, that is to say, someone carved the mural later, and someone witnessed that scene with their own eyes, and the person who carved this painting, the strength Absolutely extraordinary.

   "Qi Tian." Chen Fan muttered to himself.

   On the mural, the majestic fighting **** Monkey Qitian is very conspicuous, holding the Dinghaishen needle in his hand, even if it is engraved into the painting, he still feels the infinite power from the golden rod.

   The one who fought against Qi Tian was a man wearing a white dragon robe, a crown on his head, and a long sword in his hand. He had an indescribable charm.

Behind the man in the white dragon robe, there is another man wearing silver battle armor, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, and a sky eye between his brows. There is no doubt that this person is the rumored Zhenjun Erlang Yang Jian, Yang Tianji and others. Yang Xiao's ancestor.

Chen Fan continued to walk, the murals were very long, and everyone's charm was portrayed very realistically. Among them was a fairy who was beautiful and moving, dressed in white, and belonged to the fairy camp, but she was decisive in the battle. There are dozens of monster corpses, all of which were killed by her alone.


  At this time, Chen Fan suddenly stopped, stared at the mural with wide eyes, and saw a very familiar face in the corner of the crowd, which was clearly a fat Taoist priest.

  He was wearing a black Taoist robe, expressionless, walking among many corpses, but his body was spotless.

   "He also participated in that battle? He survived." Chen Fan was slightly stunned, but soon realized that the fat Taoist priest was immortal because of the Burning Heaven Art.

Going on down, the appearance of many immortals and demons imprinted in Chen Fan's mind, many of them were dressed like the characters mentioned in the myth, a white-haired old man with a gold star between his eyebrows, a burly man with horns on his head The tauren... all made Chen Fan feel emotional.

  Finally, he came to the end of the mural, and his gaze rested on a man in black.

   "It's actually his scabbard." Chen Fan was stunned and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The man in black looked majestic and upright, with four scabbards on his back, one of which was exactly the one on Chen Fan, and those four swords were like Zhuxian Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Trapping Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword!

   Judging from various details, this man looks like a rumored big shot.

  Jiejiao leader, Dao name Tongtian!

  After a few breaths, Chen Fan had thoroughly watched the long mural, and almost all of it was deeply imprinted in his mind, and his heart became more and more dignified.

  The authenticity of this painting appeared in this place, and this painting also appeared in the ruins of the Immortal Palace. Obviously, besides him, someone from Daxiu Immortal Realm also came to this place.

Chen Fan couldn't help but recall that during the battle with Fu Hongchen that day, another man took out Jian Tianmo's Fang Tianhalberd. It seemed that Jian Tianmo had also appeared in this place. Copied here.

   "Perhaps I am far from the only one who owns the array disk." Chen Fan thought in his heart.

  He glanced at the mural again, shook his head immediately, and continued to walk in the direction guided by the rhyme of Lenghuo Daoyun. The purpose of entering this stone room was the coldness of the bones.

  (end of this chapter)

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