MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 768 cold face

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  Chapter 768 Cold Fire True Face

The previous words of the six-eared macaque made Chen Fan think that he was about to figure out the situation of the heavens and understand that everything was operated by the emperor behind the scenes, but the authentic mural of the fairy and demon directly made him feel that there was another veil in front of him , suddenly couldn't see anything clearly.

Not to mention who painted the murals of immortals and demons, the imitation paintings in the ruins of the fairy palace in Xiuxian Realm alone are not simple. As powerful as Chen Fan now has the murals completely in his mind, it is impossible to repaint the murals come out.

Just to draw one of the characters, you need a huge amount of spiritual power, and you even need to be very familiar with the Taoist rhyme of the person in the painting, and even stronger than the person in the painting, to be able to draw it, otherwise you will not be able to draw it before half of the painting. Suffer backlash and die.

  In a mess of thoughts, Chen Fan walked through several doors again and passed through several empty stone rooms.

  Until reaching the end, in front of the last stone chamber, he suddenly stopped.

  In front of me is a stone room completely sealed by ice and snow, and even the door is covered with dense icicles. If you don't break the icicles, it is difficult to walk into it.

  He stretched out his hand to touch the icicle, and his fingers seemed to touch a sharp knife, a wound burst open, and blood suddenly flowed out and dripped down.

   "What a strong breath." Chen Fan couldn't help but exclaimed, his physical body was strong enough, and ordinary magic weapons couldn't hurt him, but the light touch of this icicle made him bleed directly.

   And the icicles were sharp, but the cold was so strong that it cracked his fingers after frostbite.

  Chen Fan luckily used the cold fire dao rhyme in his dantian to quickly stop the wound on his finger, and then the burning wood chapter turned and quickly repaired the wound.

He didn't go in rashly again, this place is completely weird, he can be sure that the coldness of bones is in this last stone room, but only this stone room is frozen, and the passageway when he came is so frozen. There must be a reason for the many corpses.

"It's good to understand the Taoist rhyme here, but it's not as straightforward as subduing the cold fire." Chen Fan pondered slightly. If you stay in the same place and meditate thoroughly, there will be absolutely no progress without a period of ten or half years.

  At this moment, he has no time to spend in this place, so he can only find a way to get close to the cold entity.

  The Dark Bone Cold Fire has existed for so many years, but no one has been able to subdue it. Apart from its own strength, there must be other reasons, but no one has been able to find this reason for so many years, and countless people have lost their lives.

But today Chen Fan came, carrying the Dao Yun of the dark bone cold fire, and came to this stone room safe and sound. He didn't know that he was the first person who was closest to the cold fire in so many years. Dao Yun had a good impression.

   It’s just that this favorability is always limited, before coming to the stone room, the bottom line is already reached, and the icicle outside the door, which is enough to hurt people, is a kind of warning to Chen Fan, so that he can’t cross the line again.

"Could it be that spiritual consciousness has already been derived?" Chen Fan couldn't help frowning. If the cold fire inside really derived spiritual wisdom, then it would be really difficult for him to subdue it. Even if he subdued it, the effect of enlightenment would be far worse than before, because Mixed with other thoughts, it becomes no longer pure.

Chen Fan opened the Taiji diagram in his dantian. The cold fire daoyun was hit hard by the monkey before. At this moment, all his soul power was exhausted. In the end, he could only condense a faint white flame again. This was the last trace of Chen Fan's coldness. Fire rhymes.

  His consciousness pulled Leng Huo, and slowly swept towards the icicle. Since the body couldn't get close, let Leng Huo try.

  After a few breaths, the cold fire floated in front of the icicle. Chen Fan only felt a chill hit his body, but there was no danger. He took a deep breath and pushed the cold fire directly into the stone chamber.

The weak white flame penetrated the icicle, without any damage, but brought a chill from the icicle, strengthened his body, and Chen Fan's Dao Yun also received a little nourishment in an instant, which eased the previous trauma .

   It was a complete surprise that the icicle had such a magical effect on Dao Yun.

  Chen Fan immediately stopped the white flame from moving forward, let it retreat again, and directly swept into the icicle.


Suddenly, gusts of cold wind rose up, as if blowing back and forth in Chen Fan's ears, but he didn't see anything unusual with his naked eyes. He only felt that after the white flames entered the icicle, his Dao rhyme grew wildly. The wounds of World War I are also rapidly repairing.

  After a few breaths, there was only a crisp sound of "click", a crack appeared on the icicle, and Dao Yun in Chen Fan's body had returned to its peak state, with no injuries.

  The white flame grew slightly larger, but it still stayed in the center of the icicle, continuing to absorb the cold fire within.

One is the fire of Dao Yun on Chen Fan's body, and the other is the chill from the real fire. The two are not the same thing, but they are absorbed by the fire of Dao Yun at this moment. It can be seen that Dao Yun is the stronger one. Before the group of real fire developed spiritual wisdom, Chen Fan's Dao Yun might really be enough to subdue it.

  Soon, half an hour passed, the icicle cracked, covered with countless cracks, and even gradually became smaller in front of Chen Fan's eyes, and melted but no water mist was seen, because they were all absorbed by Dao Yun's cold fire and introduced into Chen Fan's body.

  The cold fire dao rhyme in his body is constantly rising, this level is far beyond Chen Fan's imagination.

   "How could it be so fast?" Chen Fan was stunned.

  His Dao Yun cold fire also gradually grew in the icicle, and after a few breaths, the entire icicle disappeared, leaving only the white flame floating in the air, Chen Fan's heart moved, and he walked towards the stone room.

Without the huge icicle blocking the way, everything in the stone room was completely displayed in front of him, but unlike what Chen Fan thought, there was no flame inside, only countless huge icicles. Like seeing an ice valley.

  Chen Fan couldn't help frowning. He scanned the entire stone room with his spiritual consciousness, but he really didn't find the existence of the dark bone and cold fire, and there was no other exit from the stone room.

  However, his Dao Yun of cold fire was very restless, guiding him to continue into the stone room, as if telling him that the real cold fire was inside.

   "Could it be..." Chen Fan's heart trembled suddenly, and he stared at the countless icicles with wide eyes, as if he had guessed something.

  Without hesitation, he immediately took control of the white flame, swept directly to the nearest icicle, and began to crazily absorb the icy breath in it.

He has never seen the real side of the dark bone cold fire, even this dao rhyme is only presented in the form of white flames, but the dao rhyme is different from the real fire after all, because the real dark bone cold fire is actually this stone chamber Innumerable icicles.

  This is why a mere icicle is enough to freeze his fingers to pieces, because the chill emanating from the icicle is the coldest flame.

  【Well, I know there are three more chapters, I must catch up. But what about the monthly pass for fellow Daoists? Hurry up and offer commoner clothes to help me break through the bottleneck. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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