MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-Chapter 6 3 Guns Shooting the Case Surprise

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Hearing Amuro's famous words coming out of Kira Dahe's mouth, Li Ping had mixed feelings.

Especially the intense pain in the egg.

It turned out that there was only a holy shield for paddling water. Now why are all the others except the holy shield coming...

Where did Saint Shield go?

Oh, the Holy Shield is in his hands.

"The whole ship is ready for battle, the isolation gate is blocked, the CIWS is activated, the automatic strafing mode, the stern missile launch tube, the full tube "Corinth" is loaded, and the laser is induced to synchronize. The "Hell Dart" missile is ready to launch, waiting for the command to launch."

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, physical bullets are ineffective against PS armor, the main gun laser is linked, and the focus spreads." Captain Ramias turned back and shouted to Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu in the CIC.

After hearing this, everyone's back teeth were sore.

Live ammunition is ineffective, are you going to bombard the colony with a main beam of light? !

After taking a look at the description of the main beam gun of the Archangel, the effective range of the main gun of this ship can even be only 400 meters...

The power of a high-energy particle beam five hundred meters away is not even greater than that of a high-power microwave oven.

But there is an advantage...

The excessively diffused main gun beam will be particularly thick.

At least, the matter of using the main cannon to hit the MS has changed from hitting mosquitoes with a cannon to a shotgun hitting mosquitoes.

"Boom!" Two large-scale attack missiles hit the transparent part of the outer wall of the colony, blasting two large holes nearly 100 meters long.

"emmmmm...Chairman Neumann, can the Archangel fly out of that big hole?" Captain Ramias looked thoughtfully at the two big holes that were blown open and gradually connected to the city.

"Almost, it will take another half an hour by visual inspection." Neumann also saw the big hole that was gradually expanding. After all, it is a transparent frame structure made of high-strength composite glass for daylighting. After being damaged by external force, without damage control, the hole will only get bigger and bigger.

"Has the video evidence just now been recorded?"

"It has been recorded."

"Very good. There are 5 planes on the surface, maybe there is another plane in the dark? It's not easy to deal with... But Captain Flagg, why are you in the CIC? Shouldn't you be the pilot?" Captain Ramias stared at the gradual Approaching enemy MS group.

"Me? I'm just an MA pilot... Well, I can't use the OS they both use."

"Eh? You can't use Lieutenant Li's? Isn't he also a natural person?"

"It's not that it can't be used in this sense, but the OS of that Aegis has been modified for Lieutenant Li, not a general OS. These small adjustments in this kind of battle are enough to kill me."

"I see."

"However, Lieutenant Li said that after he went out, let that kid make me an OS that I can use. He is more interested in MA... Strange people."


"Enemy aircraft, invaded the colony."

"The attack begins, Goldfield, fire!" The two 225cm high-energy beam cannons on the Archangel fired first.

Well, you read that right, this thing is 225 centimeters, more than two meters in diameter.

"Boom!" After a Gene's lower body disappeared on the spot, the fuel in the out-of-control Gene was detonated. What is puzzling is that the 4 large, 4 small and eight missiles in the composite missile launcher in his hand were instantly launched, and after crossing a large circle, they hit the central axis of the colony one after another.

"Hey... Are they ZAFT here to demolish the colony or to attack us?" Li Ping took a measurement. The diameter of the central axis is more than 100 meters, and the diameter of the entire colony's interior space is about ten kilometers. At that distance, you have to aim at the central axis. Aim for a while? Or do you keep hanging on the lock on the bottom bracket?

"I can't do any more damage to the colony," Kira said, while operating the strike to increase the thrust, rushing towards ZAFT's MS group.

ZAFT's MS group is divided into two teams, one with a beam cannon and a duel to face the two attacking machines.


"Although I know it's too much, Gene cuts it casually, and G tries to catch it alive."

"Why?" The four MSs staggered past, and then they all turned around quickly.

"I checked the information, and the ZAFT red shirt at the same time as Aslan, and the same team as Aslan, there are a total of 5 people, 4 of which are the second generation of ZAFT officials. And they are the kind of people who can control ZAFT and United The second generation of the kind of bosses that the war is heading for."

"Huh?" Kira blocked a beam of Jean's beam, her face messy.

"Aslan Sara, the son of the National Defense Commissioner, whose mother was confirmed dead on Bloody Valentine's Day." Li Ping dodged the duel beam, returned the two beams with his backhand, and then lit the beam saber in his arm with his left hand. Enter combat. "Itzhak Juer, son of Senator Azaria Juer, suspected of Oedipus, Senator Azaria Juer is the main battle faction, the director of the munitions factory."

"Aslan is the son of the National Defense Commissioner? What does that Oedipus mean?"

"It's still the daughter of the current Speaker, Lux Klein's fiancé. I don't know what happened to the suspected Oedipus. Will the joint intelligence officer be too boring?" The lightsaber blocked the lightsaber of the Holy Shield. "Nicole Amalfi, male looks female, suspected of admiring Aslan, his father Amalfi Senator is a big tech tyrant, a moderate, but he made things like neutron jammers and MS ."

"Huh?" Kira was distracted and knocked off Gene's arm with a rifle. UU Reading originally aimed at the chest. "What is that admiration? Isn't it a gender man?"

"But he's beautiful." Divine Shield used the original shield in his left hand to hold the duel's lightsaber, and the Thunderbolt shield in his right hand aimed at the duel's legs and shot. Three bursts, but will destroy the soles of the duel. "Cut, you hide so fast."

"Is it okay to look good?" The strike dragged a long trajectory, dodging more than a dozen Zeon's beam cannons. Genn's beam cannon blew up the colony's ground and destroyed two huge cables connecting the ground to the central axis.

"Running around!" Michelle, who was driving Gene with a broken hand, was furious. He was regarded as one of the few green-clothed people who could own a special machine, as well as the magic bullet of dusk. The title is because of the super high shooting accuracy in the battle. The slow muzzle velocity of the 76mm assault gun can hit a close to 30% hit rate against the MA of the United Army. Not in! This time, I took the beam cannon on purpose.

"Didn't you say that as long as you look good, there's no problem?" The Holy Shield made a sudden stop and rose rapidly, dodging the duel's shot.

"This kind of thing..." Kira threw the rifle in a mess, took out the beam boomerang from his left shoulder with his right hand, and threw it out. He accelerated and retrieved the rifle.

Gene dodged the boomerang and locked the Assault when he picked up the gun. "Successful!"

"Ding!" The boomerang that flew back cut off Gene's right leg, and Michelle was shocked. "what?!"

The moment the boomerang hit Gene's thigh, the impact made Gene lean back. Kira took the gun and aimed it at Gene's chest. Kira frowned and turned to lock on Gene's four (three) limbs.

The beam rifle fired three shots in a row, and after three shots, a Gene stick floated in the air.

Read The Duke's Passion