MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ The Collapse of the Seven Lands

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"Who the **** is sitting on that white Union Army MS?" Aslan watched in shock at the CCTV on the wall in a single officer's bedroom.

I, the adjuster, or the one my dad spent a lot of money on doing a lot of optimizations, can be called a hero adjuster among adjusters. Even if the MS of the Combined Army is much stronger than the MS of the ZAFT Army... No, it is insane and illogical that the MS of the Combined Army is stronger than the MS of the ZAFT Army.

Right now, the battle of the red machine outside is quite normal. It is a battle between the elite recruits of natural people and the elite recruits of ZAFT. I and others are just students who have received MS training and have just graduated from the military academy. Although the fact that a natural person can open MS is quite shocking, but there is nothing wrong with a freak in such a large population base of the Earth Army.

Although the performance of the body is excellent, the pilot's strength is limited and nothing can be seen.

But what is that white machine, and now that machine is like... how should I put it, in general, it is like Japan and the United States have fought. The Zero World War 21 beat the American F2A fighters like grandchildren, and the Americans have come to a painful conclusion. , It took more than half a year to think about the M4 Sherman with a jet engine...

And from a technical point of view, the driver of this cargo seems to be Erich Hartmann who has not yet grown up...

Not only is the body thief hard to beat, but the firepower is so strong that it will kill the opposite side. Although the technology is immature, the proficiency is rising faster than...

Michelle Aiman, if it wasn't for the failure of the graduation exam, a proper red-clothed elite, who participated in the war for only half a year, has hundreds of shot downs, has a unique color scheme, an official nickname and a special costume of Jean Top notch ace.

Just being abused like this.

"biu~" Kira bypassed a bit and fired a fourth shot, blowing up Gene's propelling backpack.

"This bastard... is he looking down on me!" Michelle angrily smashed the screen on the side of the cockpit.

"Michelle, what's the matter with you?" The Gene pilot who was besieging the Archangel was distracted when he heard the warning of the crash of the friendly aircraft, and was caught by Captain Flagg, who was operating the Archangel's main gun, Gottfield. Taking the opportunity, he bombed the Gene with the main gun.

"Damn it!" Captain Flagg's eyes narrowed. The large anti-fortification missile carried by Gene, who was shot down by the main gun, was not detonated. Instead, it was launched for unknown reasons, hitting the colonies one after another. axis. The central shaft has been partially broken, and arcs are constantly flashing, and individual cabins have also exploded due to the twisting of the central shaft.

"Why are you here to demolish the colony?" Li Ping didn't care about saving energy, and reflexively used the beam rifle on the attack shield to shoot one after another. "Are you also considered space colonists like this!"

Yitzhak was silent, listening to Li Ping's roar on the public channel, but silently avoiding the Holy Shield's shooting. There is no way I can refute this, okay? The Earth Warship is still the same as new. Instead, the colony of Orb has been bombed by itself.

In addition, three new aircrafts of Gene and three Earth Army, six MSs are driven by one ace, two elite soldiers and three elite recruits, and it is impossible to deal with two MSs driven by rookies and new battleships where all senior officers are killed in action. It's too embarrassing to say it.

"Take me this trick!" Storm Gundam connected the beam rifle to the rear of the shotgun, and the shotgun muzzle was aimed at the Archangel.

"Left rudder 75 degrees, inclination 35 degrees, full speed!" Captain Ramias, who had been watching the last Storm Gundam entangled in the Archangel, saw that Storm Gundam was going to use high-power shooting, and immediately ordered it.

The future God Helmsman Neumann executed the order without hesitation, and the Archangel narrowly avoided the shelling.

However, the colony was not so lucky. A huge cable connecting the central axis and the surface was directly hit, blowing a big hole.

Then, the remaining part of the cable could not bear the huge pulling force and was torn off by the ground.

Captain Ramias wanted to shout at the cic people, "No more harm to the colony!", but he really didn't take the initiative to cause any harm to the colony.

It was all caused by the bombardment of missiles by the ZAFT army.

"Azimuth X14, Y22, Z-7, there is a dynamic response, it is suspected to be Thunder Gundam!"

"Bottom CIWS, shooting starts! Force Thunder out!" The four 75mm CIWS at the bottom of the Archangel fired at the estimated direction, Thunder Gundam exited stealth, activated PS armor, and jumped away quickly.

"As expected of his own, his weaknesses are clear." Nigall dodged the 75mm shells and looked up at the Archangel. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a disturbing picture.

The central axis has been twisted by the surface of the colony because several steel cables were broken and the force was unbalanced.

"Itzhak! Diaka! The colony can't hold it anymore!"

The distortion of the central axis became more and more serious. When the entire central axis began to shine with arcs and explosions, the six mobile suits and one battleship in the colony stopped their fighting tacitly.

"The colony structure can no longer be maintained, the forced disintegration order is executed, and the shelter is fired." The central axis distortion reached a certain limit, triggering the disintegration order of Helipolis. Decent disintegration, the debris slowly flew out, and then the large colony debris was program-controlledly decelerated by the attitude control engines on the hull, allowing the large debris to stay in orbit in Hailipolis.

It's better than the whole colony flying out because the body's center of gravity has changed... After the big pieces are welded together, the colony can still be used. What if this thing throws itself to Sydney? Not to mention that the colony is no longer available, and Sydney is no longer available.

"Cut..." Transformed the Holy Shield into the MA form, urging the maximum thrust to resist the violent airflow caused by the disintegration of the colony, but within a few seconds the Holy Shield was hit by a large piece of overpass, UU reading It flew out of the colony with the wreckage. On the other hand, Kira subconsciously wanted to return to the Archangel. The attitude control nozzle of the battleship must have stabilized the battleship, right?

Then the strong attack was blown away by the main wings of the Archangel waving up and down. It turned out that... the attitude control nozzle of the Archangel could not resist such a strong airflow.

Michelle, who was sitting in the Gene Stick, who lost her backpack and limbs and had no spout in her torso, didn't even say her MMP, and fell into a coma because the body kept playing snooker in the wreckage of the extracted colony. After hitting an escape pod and crashing its thrusters, a MS stick and an escape pod just floated there... desperately broadcasting a distress signal.

I don't know how long later, Li Ping woke up from the coma, the helmet mask was smashed, and there were blood droplets floating in the cockpit. Recalling the method of dealing with this kind of weightlessness taught in the school, Li Ping carefully avoided the glass fragments, and found a small oxygen cylinder and diving goggles for underwater escape from the emergency survival supplies under the seat. After wearing it, quickly bandage the wound at the corner of the eye. With the helmet, the flotsam in the cockpit is slowly collected, which is troublesome whether it is sucked into the air pipe or seeped into the dashboard.

"...X303 Sacred Shield, X105 Strike, please reply, X303..." The electromagnetic interference in the wreckage area gradually weakened, and the radio can already receive the signal.

"This is the Holy Shield, and now return to sail." Li Ping connected the communication of the Archangel.

"It's great that you're all right, please look for the assault by the way. There are too many wrecks around, and the Archangel cannot locate the location of the assault." Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu on the other end of the communicator breathed a sigh of relief.


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