MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and sixty-two confluence

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After evacuating from the Zaft military base, Li Ping took a lap in the Mediterranean, and then took a detour from the Greek mountains to the Aegean Sea-Marmara Sea. After having breakfast in Istanbul, he received a communication from the Archangel. After agreeing on the meeting place and event, Li Ping and two little girls spent most of the day in Istanbul, then rented a yacht to set off from Istanbul and entered the Black Sea. After two days of sailing, they boarded secretly in Novorossiysk. Archangel.

"It's an accident, I didn't even hold on for half a year and ran away." Captain Ramias teased. "Besides, he even brought two little girls with him... They are all brave, and you are all waisted, right?"

"On the zaft side, it's just a limited vacation, and the effect is also the icing on the cake, and it has little impact on the plan." Li Ping spread his hands and smiled. "As for these two little girls..."

"It looks like you're not idle on the Minerva." Natal flashed behind Li Ping, put his chin on Li Ping's shoulder, and gently stroked Li Ping's waist with his right hand. Lightly (several tons of grip strength) twist. "Can't a single captain satisfy you?"

"...It hurts." Li Ping's expression instantly distorted.

"Assist him to leave, and follow him here, is our own consciousness." Lunamaria felt it necessary to explain.

"Ah, it's started."


"Did you know? He pursues several typical ways of women." Natal's mouth hung with a somewhat evil smile. Reflexively raised Lunamaria's chin.

And now Natal is shown in the image of a beautiful woman in a suit, so that Lunamaria blushed slightly in the face of the powerful attack.

"???" Natal was slightly taken aback, little girl, is there something wrong with you?

"Which type of wrists does he prefer?" Meiling's eyes wandered back and forth between these people.

"One, just show your abilities, show your thoughts and goals, and then do nothing." Natal said slowly.

"But this way..." Meiling always felt that something wasn't quite right.

"Representative, Lux Klein."


"Although he didn't do anything, for the more outstanding women, this is the more deadly poison. Because in the beginning, everyone just used each other, then you will find that you start to owe other people's favor, and The more you owe, the more you owe it, until it's completely unpaid, and this person doesn't even need you to pay it back." Natal continued. "Then, you will find that there is not much left for you."

"At this time, you will start to self-strategize, because until this time, whether it is others or yourself, he has been in a state of giving all year round, and only needs some small favors and even no return."

"At this time, if you don't have a conscience, it's fine. As long as you have a conscience, you will find that there is only one way left for yourself. Of course, if you have no conscience, you may have been hacked to death before this stage. That's it."

"Generally speaking, at this stage you will find that he is not the only one around him."

"In the end, it became a war between us women." Natal sighed. "Women's **** desire to win..."

"Ah, right, until this stage, he will still maintain that disgusting attitude of respecting your wishes and doing his best to realize your dreams. The decision to go or stay is in our own hands." Natal said here, her expression was a little distorted.

"Then, we found out that there is only one way left in front of us in the end." Natal showed a terrifying expression.

"But... what is he doing during this period?" Meiling was still a little curious.

"Respect your ideas, enhance your strength, help you deal with strong enemies, help you unite your friends, pull you out of a desperate situation, and then just watch your figure when you win and be sincerely happy for you."

"...Who can withstand this?" Lunamaria blurted out.

"Yeah, then you will find that you don't even have the qualifications to call him a scumbag, because he doesn't even slap you. And you will think that you will regret staying away from him for the rest of your life. In the end, everyone can only be so embarrassed. We've become such a big family." Natal spread his hands and smiled.

"..." Meiling thought for a while. "And what about the other wrists?"

"For a strong person, he may appear as a milk dog, grow and learn beside the target, and then at the right time, he will turn away from the weak attitude and go strong."

"... sneaking to the side of the real prey in the form of a prey, and hitting a fatal blow when it was fatal. Where did he come from as a hunter?" Lunamaria complained. "Any more?"

"Or take a tougher stance to break through the psychological defenses of powerful people."

"So, he will either satisfy your fantasies like Prince Charming, with the attitude of Jiang Taigong fishing willing to take the bait, or he will take the initiative to attack like hunting?" Meiling concluded.

"So if you fantasize about a little girl falling in love, you should run away as soon as possible." Natal felt that Meiling had summed it up correctly. "Fairy tales only exist before you fall."

"And after that?"

"...It will turn to the epic abruptly." Natal looked at the sky.


"Before you walk into his life completely, you will think that this is a fairy tale of a princess and a prince. When you walk into his life, you will find that this guy is actually the most famous king in human history." Tar spit.


"Hey, Natal." Li Ping wrapped Natal around Natal from behind, brought him close to her ear, and stroked his left index finger lightly across Natal's neck. "When you say that, are you helping me with the new imperial concubine, or are you pushing my imperial concubine away?"

"I just don't want to see the little girl being deceived by your disguise."

"Oh?" Li Ping grabbed Natal's right wrist with his right hand, and his breath touched the tip of Natal's ear. "I, have you lied?"

Natal tried to break free from Li Ping's restraint, but pushed himself further into Li Ping's arms.

"You said that I am a stupefied prince..." Li Ping teased Natal. "What is the premise that the king does not go to court early?"

The next second, Li Ping and Natal disappeared into the ship, not knowing where they went.

"...I knew it." Captain Ramias raised his forehead. "The two of you don't have to struggle. Since you are here, you should follow our arrangement first. Our connection with the side is still very good. When the time is right, you will have no problem going back to Zaft..."

"...Is this the use of a third party to tell us that this man is very capable and that he fully respects our wishes?" Meiling held back for a long time, only to feel that Captain Ramias's attitude was the same as that of the black-haired man before. Beauty in a suit says the same thing. "Could it be that you are...?"

"Unfortunately, I'm married, and it's not him." Captain Ramias crossed his arms and made a big ×. "It's confirmed here that she is now, Natal Bakilulu, Miss Lacus and your captain. There is a little girl from the Atlantic Federation who wants to chase him."

"Little girl?"

"It should be one year older than you, and the recent campaign is almost done. It is estimated that the next election will be held..."

"You mean Frey Arsta? The eldest lady of the Arsta family who once served on the Archangel, was his fiancée, and is about to run for president of the Atlantic Federation?!" Luna Maria exclaimed suddenly.

"...the fiancee is fictional but the rest is true."

"This is really..." Lunamaria sighed.

"How do you feel, she looks like a strong woman..." Meiling frowned.

"...This makes me not sure how to answer." Captain Ramias also frowned. "I feel like I will comfort you and say, "Everyone used to be ordinary people, and you don't have to feel inferior." "Everyone in front of him has to be ordinary people, so he doesn't care about identity at all", it feels like a world famous painting ."

"...Comrade Brexnev is in Poland?" Meiling instantly locked onto a political joke from a hundred years ago.

"You little comrade, you are very good at surfing the Internet." Captain Ramias said with his arms on his hips.

"Comrade Captain to each other." Meiling said seriously.


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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes