MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 282 Hundreds of millions of miles to kill

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  Chapter 282 Chasing after hundreds of millions of miles

   "So, he really dug up advanced civilization technology in this super continuous ruins?"

  Li Qing couldn't help rubbing his chin, quite surprised.

   Already dug up the mother chip of the **** ship, and continue to dig

   "Doesn't that mean that there are very likely other advanced civilization technologies in the ruins under the previous super anomaly?"

   "No, this relic must be taken over."

  Li Qing rubbed his chin and had an idea in his mind.

   But before that, it is better to complete the plan and capture this alien star sea lord alive.

Without any warning, he just walked out like this, and was immediately spotted by the enemy scout fleet everywhere. Camro found Li Qing immediately. He suffered a loss once and did not dare to be careless this time. He was not alone because of him. But underestimated, immediately ordered the fleet to prepare for combat.

  No nonsense, Li Qing stretched out his hands to grasp falsely, the door of the black hole emerged again, and a huge fleet swarmed out of it.

  At a certain moment, Li Qing suddenly raised his head, and saw energy gathering in a huge muzzle in the center of the huge battle star in the distant direction, and countless bright lights slowly formed a vortex around the huge muzzle.

   At a glance, it is clear that the star blaster of the battle star main gun is charging. It is estimated that he is releasing the ship and wants to take the opportunity to aim at the current black hole door.

  Li Qing remained motionless and allowed it to recharge, but focused on the recharging of the Starburst.

  At a certain moment, the star blaster was fully charged, and an unimaginable burst of energy turned into a beam of ultra-bright light hundreds of kilometers in diameter and blasted towards the door of the black hole.

  Concentrated, Li Qing immediately closed the black hole door with his hands together, and then quickly reopened a black hole door in front of the fleet.

The light of broken stars released by the star blaster is terrifying, but its speed is as infinitely close to that of a laser beam. At this time, the distance between them is more than 10 million kilometers, and the speed of light takes nearly forty or fifty seconds to pass through, which is enough for him to close The door to the black hole reopens a door to the black hole.

   Half a minute later, the unimaginable light of broken stars blasted across the starry sky and ruthlessly blasted into the gate of the black hole.

   I don’t know how many people held their breath, staring at the terrifying light of broken stars blasting into the gate of the black hole.

   Then, in the anticipation of countless people, the light of the broken star fell into the sea like a mud cow, without any response.

"How is this possible?"

   At this moment, Kamro regretted for no reason.

   After a few seconds of silence, he stood up and ordered in a deep voice:

   "The main force is preparing to retreat!"

  Many subordinates looked at each other, puzzled for a while.

The subordinates who had seen Li Qing's strength before were basically dead, but now this group is the officers of the other two joint legions, who have not seen Li Qing's methods, so in their eyes, they clearly have an absolute advantage, but the lord The order was issued, which really made them a little puzzled.

  Although the method of taking the Star Broken Strike just now was amazing, it wasn’t impossible. They didn’t think it would change anything.

   An admiral stood up and asked in a deep voice:

   "Your Majesty, we have the upper hand at this time, why should we retreat?"

  Camro also knew that his subordinates did not know, and explained seriously:

   "This opponent has a very powerful super treasure. A round of attack can easily cover a range of millions of kilometers. No one in the fleet is spared except the flagship. The Third United Army was wiped out because of this."

  Everyone was surprised:

   "Is there such a powerful super treasure?"

  Camro didn't have much interest in explaining, and ordered loudly:

   "Follow my instructions and retreat immediately."

   After ten seconds of silence, someone asked:

   "Where are you going? The Hull galaxy, or the Zenock Fortress galaxy, or???"

   "Retreat to the Zenok Fortress galaxy first!"

  Camro thinks it’s better to be on the safe side.

  Since he was promoted to Star Sea Lord for thousands of years, he rarely felt such a strong threat, and it was the first time he felt fear and shame.

  The majestic Xinghai lord was forced to flee everywhere by a small military leader. If he said it, he would be laughed at by his fellow clan for ten thousand years.

  But at this time, he is outside the territory of civilization, and his many powerful means and main fleet are not there, so he really has no way to resist for a while.

  He plans to retreat to the westernmost important fulcrum of the civilization, the Zenok Fortress galaxy, escape the pursuit with the help of the fortress system, and then return to the territory to prepare for a comeback.

  He had the right idea, and his reaction was not unpleasant, but his fleet was not so fast.

  Before Li Qing made his move, the battle zone of the Divine Sword had already started to recharge. When he started, it had already been recharged in sevens and eighty-eight, and the fastest batch was close to being recharged.

  When Kamro decisively ordered the retreat and persuaded the senior officers to start the evacuation, the first batch of Divine Lights had already completed charging.

  Li Qing pointed decisively, and a seemingly inconspicuous light flew out from the opened door of the black hole.

   "How could it be so fast!"

  Camro showed despair.

  Having seen the power of the divine light in the last round, he clearly knew how outrageous its power was. He once suspected that it was some kind of special ultimate weapon.

A small ray of light attracted the attention of most senior officers. Under their gaze, the light shot into the fleet over a distance of more than 10 million kilometers. After a while, a ball of dazzling light exploded and quickly submerged Everything within a diameter of 10,000 kilometers.

   Then, nearly 400 rays of light flew out one after another and scattered towards the fleet. Nearly 400 light spheres with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers exploded.

Even though Kamro had been prepared for a long time, the distance of the newly assembled fleet was not as close as before, but the range is really too large, and at this time, the fleet is being assembled, not in combat state, and the fleet is not too far apart. .

  A wave of earth-shattering light of divine judgment swept across the battlefield, directly stunned everyone, and disabled the fleet. At least 40% of the fleet melted into this wave of divine light.

  If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Mental preparation can't change your destiny. If you are unprepared, you will face the sweeping light of God's Judgment again, and the ending will be the same as before.

Camro's heart was bleeding at this time. Even though he was a rich and powerful star sea lord who had lived for nearly ten thousand years, the fleet didn't mean how many there were. Two rounds of sweeping wiped out the fleet of more than one hundred divisions. The accumulation of nearly a thousand years is lost.

   "This is a huge threat!"

  He instantly realized how threatening Li Qing's move was on a large-scale battlefield. If the Zenoer star cluster and the United Empire of Man were in a full-scale war in the future, this move would have the ability to affect the battle situation.

   After all, no matter how large the fleet is, it can’t handle this kind of ultra-large-scale AOE cleaning over and over again.

   "Leave a part of the fleet behind, and the main force jumps away!"

  He didn't take advantage of the gap to counterattack because the Light of Divine Judgment had already been launched, but decisively took the opportunity to retreat.

A large number of fish that slipped through the net in the area bombarded by the divine light just now began to gather, and another part of the unaffected fleet began to gather towards the mobile battle star, and the ripples generated by a circle of transition centered on the battle star, and the group transition was about to begin .

  Li Qing was a little surprised by the opponent's decisiveness, but he was also a little surprised. He didn't panic at all in his heart. He just ordered the fleet to stop advancing and stand by.

  No interception, because there is no way to intercept.

  Mobile Battlestar's built-in transition system is not much worse than him, and Battlestar's transition engine is very powerful, it can force a transition against an attack, and it will not be unable to transition once attacked like a conventional battleship.

  Twelve minutes later, the huge fleet disappeared right under his nose, leaving only scattered fleets on the tens of millions of kilometers across the battlefield.

  Li Qing ignored the cannon fodder, but ordered the fleet to retreat.

  There is no need to kill them all here, it doesn't make much sense, it is still important to catch big fish.

   Half an hour later, the fleet jumped again and directly located Camro's position, appearing in a galaxy four hundred light-years away.

  But just as he jumped over, he found that Kamro had already jumped away.

  I didn't wait too long this time, and the second jump started after only ten minutes.

  The location of this transition is very far away from Camro. When the fleet emerges from the transition, you can even immediately see the huge fleet in the distant starry sky.

  Of course, this time he was not hidden within the star ring, and the huge fleet was not hidden, and he was also immediately discovered by Camro.

   "Am I flagged?"

   Camro stood up abruptly, his body erupted with psionic energy, and soon found a mark in his body that was normally undetectable.

   With a thought, the powerful spiritual energy washed back and forth to wear away the mark. Kamro sat down again, pondered a little, waved to a subordinate next to him, and said:

   "I have a message here, you use the psionic leap to quickly rush back to the Imperial Zenok Fortress, immediately visit the commanders and give them my token, and they will know what to do."

  The subordinates took the token, bowed their heads and saluted, turned around and dispersed into a stream of light.

   After finishing this, he continued to say to another subordinate:

   "You also go back to the empire and take my token to visit the other highnesses. They will know what to do when they see the token."

  The men took the token, turned and left without hesitation.

  After arranging these, Camro exhaled lightly, looked at Li Qing's direction again, and showed a cold expression on his face:

   "If you want to hunt me down, go ahead!"

   "The fleet continues to jump, aiming at Fort Zenock."

   "He found out, keep up."

  At the same time, Li Qing turned around and entered the universe in the palm, and began to charge the light of divine power.

  The third jump is over, and the location is not far from Camro's fleet.

  The mark on Camro's body is cleared, but other marks in his fleet have not been cleared, so they can still be located.

As soon as the jump came out, before they were ready to jump again, the God of Cybertron activated his unique ability, and the fleet that had been prepared for a long time appeared within a range of less than five million kilometers from Camro's fleet, and then the gate of the black hole opened, and a The light of Dao Divine Trial shot out.

   There was no warning, no precautions, and the light that filled the sky directly rode on the face, catching them by surprise.

In the transition state, the fleets are very close to each other, and the distance between them is not as far as before. The fleets of eighty or ninety divisions are parked within an area of ​​no more than one million kilometers. The light drowns.

  The crushing of technology and ability, caught off guard, when the light of the gods slowly dissipated, the entire battlefield was quiet.

The fleet of eighty or ninety divisions was annihilated under this wave of earth-shattering light of divine judgment, and even many flagships melted within the overlapping range of the light of divine judgment. Only the flagships remained in the huge fleet. With the super flagship, many mobile fortresses surrounded by mobile battle stars are in a state of confusion.

  Technological crushing beyond the scope of imagination, never seen such a lethal weapon, coupled with the talent of the general of Cybertron, who jumped face instantly without warning, so they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

  But there is no need to think about how to deal with it. This wave directly wiped out the fleet, leaving only some flagships.

  And this time Li Qing didn't give him another chance, he opened the door of the black hole again, and an inexplicable aura came out from it, and Camro jumped up together with all his subordinates in the mobile battle star.

   "The ultimate weapon!"

  Even if it was the first time they encountered it, they knew instantly that this was the ultimate weapon.

   "Evacuate immediately!"

   On the other side, Li Qing, who had already turned on the light of dimensional convergence, smiled, looked at the figures of more than thirty-five negative stars around him, and said lightly:

   "Get ready!"

  The golden light flashed, turning into streams of light and flying out of the black hole gate, and disappeared in a flash.

   In the next second, clusters of dazzling **** of light exploded in the icy starry sky, turning into figures surrounded by all kinds of splendor like stars.

  The negative stars are fully displaying their strength at this moment. The combination of powerful body, energy and spiritual power makes them like gods and demons, or like Leviathan.

  This is the real body of the negative star, and this is the complete state of the negative star.

  Powerful demon-like body, combined with super spiritual energy, plus the energy of a star, the combination of the three, each negative star is equivalent to a powerful Leviathan.

   It's just that the star negatives are not in a complete state at this time, and they don't dare to show their strongest strength to fight at ordinary times. Once injured in this incomplete state, it is difficult to recover.

  But at this time, it is necessary to hunt down a Star Sea Lord, and it has entered the final stage, and he cannot be allowed to keep his hand.

   Fortunately, they don't need to go all out, thirty-five star-destroyers who are as huge as stars unite and rush towards the mobile battle star.

  Camro immediately ordered the star blaster to start charging, and at the same time all the super psykers in the fleet faced it.


  Accompanied by the no-frills head-on collisions between the negative stars and less than ten super psychics, circles of berserk energy and psionic mixed shock waves exploded centered on the collision.

   One after another distorted halos collided with each other, and were suppressed back and forth by the negative stars, the halos began to collapse.

   Originally, the strength was not comparable, and the number was less than one-third of that of the Negative Stars. Three-on-one siege, just a few attacks, Kamro's few super psyker subordinates were besieged and fell into a disadvantage.

But they also bought enough time for the charging of the star blaster. After just five minutes of charging, the huge vortex in the center of the mobile battle star began to rotate violently, and a palpitating fluctuation came out from it. Li Clearing the gate of the black hole, it can be clearly sensed that the star blaster is aiming at the gate of the black hole.

  At this time, the light of dimensional convergence is just in the charging stage, and it is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from launch.

  (end of this chapter)

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