MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 283 Successfully captured a Star Sea Lord alive

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  Chapter 283 Successfully Captured a Star Sea Lord Alive

   "Let me give you a shot?"

  Li Qing decisively stopped the energy storage of the Light of Dimensional Convergence.

  If he didn’t stop, the star-shattering spear would definitely hit the ultimate weapon dimension converging light behind the black hole gate head-on. He didn’t dare to bet on whether this super weapon could withstand a star-shattering spear.

   With a thought, the door of the black hole is closed without locking the target, and the light of dimensional convergence automatically stops charging.

  But Kamro's Star Broken Light Spear also lost its target at the same time, and could only follow the original trajectory to lock on to a nearby mobile fortress.

Less than a minute later, the star blaster was fully charged, and a palpitating and terrifying beam of light was ejected from the vortex in the star blaster, and a mobile fortress was blasted across the void with a beam of light. It was opened less than a kilometer away. The gate of the black hole disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.


   Camro slammed his fist **** the armrest, full of unwillingness.

   "Accelerate closer!"

   Unwilling to return, the battle is still going on, and Kamro chooses the remaining fleet to advance in an all-round way.

  He could see very clearly that although the almost endless divine light just now had a large range, its damage only posed a huge threat to warships below the flagship, not to those above the flagship or even mobile fortresses.

   At this time, he still has one mobile battle star, one war moon, eight high-level mobile fortresses and twenty-two regular mobile fortresses, and thousands of Titan super flags or flagships.

   Even if there is no conventional fleet, even if the star blasters are not available, the conventional force of these flagships plus these fortresses and battle stars is enough to crush Li Qing's dozen divisions head-on.

  His choice is not incorrect. Even without a conventional fleet, these flagships and fortresses alone can easily compete head-on with Li Qing's conventional fleet.

  However, Li Qing's ultimate weapon Dimensional Converging Light is different from other ultimate weapons in that it has no cooldown time.

  After carrying a wave of star-shattering light spears, Li Qing decisively opened the door of the black hole, and the second dimensional converging light began to recharge.

  Camro, who was planning how to fight later, was stunned, and pressed his palm on the table, his eyes flickering, showing the strong entanglement and unwillingness in his heart.

   After hesitating for a while, Kamro clenched his fists and hammered down, shouting viciously to his subordinates:

"move on!"

   "I have a battle star, but I don't believe that you can smash my battle star with one blow!"

  Even if it is the ultimate weapon that is a hundred times more powerful than the star blaster, it cannot crush the mobile battle star with one blow.

   This ultimate war weapon is basically a symbol of invincibility. Even if it is a super battle involving tens of thousands of divisions in a civilized total war, as long as it does not win, the Iron Battle Star will not fall.

   A majestic star sea lord was forced to such a degree by a small military lord, Kamro endured it again and again, and finally couldn't help it.

  He didn't believe that he could do nothing to himself while staying in the Battle Star.

  As for the palpitating feeling of terrifying threat, he summed it up in his heart as the innate fear of unknown ultimate weapons, and the strong sense of threat to life from the ultimate weapons themselves.

  When the ultimate weapon is ready to fire, even if it is not the target that is aimed at, it will also feel intense fear.

   This is the instinctive fear of life for this ultimate threat. Even if it is not aimed at, it will still feel fear when seeing this ultimate weapon fire, but the fear is different.

   Sitting inside the mobile battle star, Camro didn't want to run away anymore, he wanted to deal with it head-on.

   But although he didn't want to escape, he didn't really fight to the death. He was ready for the spiritual leap. Once the battle star showed signs of being unable to bear it, he would use his hole card to force the mobile battle star to leap away.

  In Kamro’s view, with the strength of the mobile battle star’s energy shield, even an ultimate weapon that is a hundred times more powerful than the star blaster can withstand it, which is enough time for him to escape with the mobile battle star.

  So, when Li Qing turned on the light of dimensional convergence again and went to observe his opponent, he was surprised to find that the mobile battle star did not escape, but charged towards the door of the black hole instead.

   "Oh, so kind?"

  Li Qing was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he guessed exactly what his opponent was thinking.

  Indeed, with Battle Star in charge, anyone would have enough confidence to confront head-on.

  Although the Light of Divine Judgment is powerful, if you want to destroy a battle star, you may have to blast tens of thousands of rounds without moving to destroy a mobile battle star.

   One round per hour, and the day lily will be cold after 10,000 rounds. After such a long time, there is enough time to retreat calmly.

  However, this refers to the normal situation. Normally, even advanced civilizations cannot destroy a mobile battle star in a short time.

   But Li Qing is not normal. Who would have thought that he would have a final fortress from a super god-level civilization. The ultimate weapon from a super god-level civilization is unimaginable for normal civilizations.

  Camro's idea is exactly in Li Qing's arms. It is best not to run, and there is no need to try to control the opponent's movement.

As time goes by, the locking range of the Converging Light of Dimension is gradually expanding, and Camro's side already has an absolute advantage on the battlefield. One mobile battle star plus one war moon and eight high-level mobile fortresses, twenty-two In conventional mobile fortresses, thousands of flagships or super-flagships form a heavy artillery array, pouring out firepower crazily.

The axis-based orbital main guns of the fortress railguns and battle stars have super long range and power. In each round of bombardment, the warships of more than two divisions are reduced to dust. Cannon fire.

  In less than an hour, the fleets of four divisions of Li Qing were smashed to pieces by the terrifying firepower.

  The second round of fire started an hour later, and the vortex of the star blaster reappeared. It is estimated that the bombardment of the black hole gate was invalid. This time, the target was a high-level mobile fortress.

  Li Qing knew the enemy's target at the first time, gritted his teeth half-rejoiced, and ordered to abandon this advanced mobile fortress.


A continuous beam of light flew out of the vortex and penetrated the void of millions of kilometers. One end hit the high-level mobile fortress. The thick shield on the surface suddenly sank and exploded. The aftermath hit the surface of the mobile fortress. The terrifying light energy spread along the curved surface, submerging the entire mobile fortress.

  Ten seconds later, the Broken Star Spear slowly dissipated, revealing the mobile fortress whose surface armor was completely melted.

Then, the second wave of the fortress axis-based orbital main guns that had been prepared for a long time, together with the fortress orbital main guns, Titan light spears, and beams of light that filled the sky penetrated the void and fell into the fortress. The energy shocks and tears fly.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, a high-level mobile fortress turned into a cloud of fireworks and exploded. Tens of millions of clone crew members and a large number of crew members in the fortress were all buried in the sea of ​​flames. Psionic jump to escape.

  This is the cruelty of war, hundreds of millions of lives are often lost in an instant.

  Although a high-level mobile fortress was lost in this wave, Li Qing was relieved.

   To annex a battle star, it takes two hours to recharge. The star blaster that threatens him is fired every hour. Now an hour has passed, and it will be too late for him to react.

   No, precisely this moment is enough.

  At this time, the power of the dimensional converging light is enough to cause devastating damage to the mobile battle star, and the next step is to continue to expand the scope to ensure a more sure kill.

At this time, Camro didn't realize this. Although the threat he sensed from the black hole gate was getting bigger and bigger, he also considered whether to continue to shoot the Star Splinter Spear, but in the end his firm will convinced him In order to save himself, he still relied on the battle star to bear the enemy's round of attacks as originally planned.

  So in the first hour, they did not attack the light of converging dimension, but destroyed a high-level mobile fortress.

   Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he ordered the fleet to attack in an all-round way, suppressing Li Qing's fleet in an all-round way.

Without the assistance of the Divine Light, plus the intention to avoid the loss of the Fearless Division and move it to the rear, let other fleets move forward, even with Chuyuan's super talent and the blessing of the Void Blessing BUFF bonus, it is impossible to be a Mobile Battlestar opponents.

  With the fall of a high-level mobile fortress, the battle situation further collapsed, and the human fleet that was already at a disadvantage was completely suppressed.

  Then the human fleet did not take any other actions, that is, it did not escape, nor did it show any other cards. It even moved the two fearless battle divisions further back, as if it was about to retreat if the situation was not good.

   Seeing this, Camro was inexplicably relieved:

   "Junior, it is undeniable that your strength is good, but if you want to challenge a Star Sea Lord with a single hole card, you can only say that you have made a wrong idea."

  He stared coldly at the battlefield where his side was fully superior in combat, and ordered the fleet to continue to maintain pressure. At the same time, he gathered all the flagships to target one of the regular mobile fortresses of the human fleet and began to focus their fire.

   And mobilize two advanced mobile fortresses and four conventional mobile fortresses, and the fleet of two divisions circled from one side, preparing to encircle them on both sides.

  A battle star has a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, equipped with countless main guns, and the T-slot Doomsday Light is more than 100,000.

When the battle star entered the range and began to focus fire, one round of attack blasted away the thick shield of the conventional mobile fortress, the armor was torn apart, and the thick hull was continuously bombarded by the subsequent adjustment of the angle of the battle star. Tearing, and finally at a certain moment, it couldn't hold on any longer and turned into a huge fireball.

  Completing the strategic goal, Battlestar moved forward again, and Kamro set his target on another conventional mobile fortress on the human side, sneering:

   "Only mobile battle stars can resist. Today, I will give you a free lesson, so that you can know"

"not good!"

   As soon as the words fell, Kamro's body swelled with psychic power and his figure suddenly became blurred, but the blur was frozen in the void in the next second and remained motionless.

  From the outside, the starry sky where the mobile fortress was located suddenly stopped, and then the space where it was located fell off from the starry sky of the universe like a painting, and quickly shrank and flew into the black hole.


  The entire battlefield was silent for a moment, and no one knew what happened, only that the mobile battle star and the headquarters were gone.

  I only saw that it was fine, but the mobile battle star suddenly disappeared as if it had been torn off.

  The entire battlefield suddenly became awkward, and the battle stopped strangely, and both sides were at a loss.

  A minute later, Li Qing walked out of the black hole gate. The moment he stepped out, his figure swelled rapidly, and the dazzling golden energy shot up into the sky and spread rapidly around him, layer upon layer like golden lotus leaves expanding outward.

  In less than ten seconds, the golden lotus leaf has expanded to a million kilometers away, and a golden light man standing tens of thousands of kilometers in the middle stands.

  The golden light man is surrounded by golden runes all over his body, his pupils spit out flames like a demon god, and he utters words:

   "Camro has been captured alive by me, give up the fortress, I allow you to leave alive."

  Zenor’s star group fleet was in chaos, and everyone couldn’t believe it, but they all believed what he said was true intellectually.

  Everyone looked at several of Camro's deputies, who were discussing nervously what to do next.

   "I propose to pay a certain price to redeem His Highness!"

  One of the commanders said in a deep voice:

   "If His Highness is not redeemed, the territory will definitely be annexed by other lords, and we will not end well as His Highness' most core veterans."

  The other commanders were silent for a while, and nodded in approval of his thoughts.

   Soon Li Qing received a redemption application and an armistice treaty from one of Camro's subordinates. After reading it carefully, he smiled.

The redemption application is quite sincere. They are willing to hand over all the remaining fortresses and the mobile battle star to him, and pay a full 100 billion cubic meters of refined steel as compensation for the defeat of the war, and if he has any additional needs. can mention.

  To be honest, if the Star Sea Lord of a certain indigenous civilization, such as Kelzaka Star Sea Empire, or even the Star Sea Lord of the human feud Bruvan United proposed this condition, he would agree.

  Revenge of feuds, such a good condition is worth much more than a mere native star sea lord.

  However, Kamro is a star sea lord of player civilization. If the player lord sacrifices, he will get destiny points. Does the native star sea lord sacrifice?

  And the role of fate point.

  Although he also lacked fortresses and warships, Li Qing even lacked Mandate Points.

  Sacrificing a star sea lord can get at least ten destiny points and a lot of civilization points.

  Let’s not talk about being civilized. It is uncertain how much you can get. It mainly depends on how much Kamro still has.

  The Destiny Point must be at least ten points. This thing is of great use to him. He plans to use it to strengthen the mother chips of **** ships and dreadnought battleships, increase the number of copies of blueprints, and increase production.

This thing has been proven through actual combat drills to prove its strong combat effectiveness. A warship with a level 6 technology configuration can defeat more than a dozen divisions at a time. A battleship with a level 5 technology may be able to defeat a hundred divisions at a time. Such a strong warship only has one division a year. The output of the regiment is too little.

  However, it must be strengthened several times, with an annual output of more than five divisions, and fifty or sixty fearless divisions in more than ten years, which is enough to catch up with the general Star Sea Lord in terms of conventional fleets.

  So, Li Qing responded very simply:

   "Winner and loser, his fate will be sacrificed and become the nourishment for me to be promoted to Lord of the Star Sea. If you leave the fleet and surrender, I swear with the will of civilization to let you leave safely."

  (end of this chapter)

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