MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 1067 Little princess

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The baby seems to hear the demon king's voice, clear big eyes, a sly slap in the demon king, a small mouth with a saliva bubble, cute and cute.

"Dry daughter is watching me, she is watching me." The demon king was doing the first time, and the happiness was broken.

In order to let the dry daughter see his face, the demon king's hand waved on his face, and the metal mask disappeared, revealing a very handsome face.

This ruthless cool face, who looks at the baby at the moment, laughs like a fool.

"Hey, hey," the baby kicked a small tender leg with a bubble in his mouth.

She couldn't see the demon king holding her, what did she look like? She was born, and her current vision is also a fuzzy stage.

She can't even understand what the demon king is talking about?

The demon will think about the demon king getting the child, 10,000 kinds of possibilities, but only did not think that the demon king will see the child, it will become like this.

He wants to remind the demon king that this is a red evil, and he confessed to his devotion, in order to better control the power of the red evil. He did not really treat her as a daughter.

The demon will really worry about the demon king. He thinks that this state of the demon king is likely to be controlled by the evil spirit.

The demon will glance at the baby with a glance, and suddenly the two eyeballs will not turn, and they will stay in the same way. Gradually, his eyes will become gentle. How can there be such a lovely child in the world?

Moreover, look at the child's tender pink butt, surrounded by the light, although the "things" surrounded are still illusory, but the demon will be sure that it is the tail.

The tail that has not yet formed!


This child is really the child of his Mozu.

It is no wonder that the demon king will be so happy, and the demon will be captured by this lovely child.

Xiao Yu gave birth to a child, and her body collapsed. She looked up at the demon king holding her baby. She did not have any harm to the baby. She also took care of the baby. Xiao Yu did not let him put her baby next to her.

In any case, the child can be born safely, and the demon king has merit.

Xiao Yu’s eyes moved to the baby, and the newborn’s little face was crumpled. The child’s skin was not wrinkled at all, and the pink was like an egg that had just peeled off the shell.

The demon king holds the child. Xiao Yu can only see the child with a small face on one side, can't see the whole picture, but does not know that the child looks like a little more like Feng Ling? Still a little more like her.

The snow girl saw the demon king's love for Xiao Yu's children, and her eyes were very cloudy.

The demon king is really crazy.

I recognize Xiao Yu’s child as a daughter.

This is Xiao Yu and Feng Lingran, not the demon king's own kind, like the demon king who touched another woman once, would not want to touch the second time, how can he endure Xiao Xiao's dirty body?

And this child, shouldn't he kill her with her own hands?

Snow girl can't understand why the demon king is like this?

Or, is he just different from Xiao Yu?

Where does the snow girl know that the demon king's love for the child has nothing to do with Xiao Yu. His original purpose was to get the power of the red evil. Now the red evil is in the child's body.

He doesn't like children, does he like snow girls?

"Wang, the child is just born, so the light body is easy to catch cold, give the child to me, let me clean the body for the child, use the cloth as clothes, and wrap it for a while!" Snow girl hates Xiao Yu mother and daughter, but I have to hide my hatred deeply in my heart.

The demon king’s eyes fell on the snow woman, and it became gloomy in an instant: “The connection will not be born, what is the use of this seat?”

The snow girl trembled: "Wang, a woman who has a baby, this is not an easy task, and the slaves do their best to give birth to the child, and the slave does not ask for it, but I pray for mercy."

The snow female demon king looked cold and cold, and she went to Xiao Yu in front of her, grabbed Xiao Yu’s hand and cried: “Hey sister, do you remember? When you were in Nanling, you almost lost your soul and I saved. You, now my sister is in trouble, please ask my sister in front of the demon king, help my sister to ask for help!"

Xiao Yu was physically weak, and was pinched by the snow woman.

She frowned, but did not say anything.

Xiao Yu gave the Snow Girl a reassuring look and said to the demon king: "I don't know what method you used to force Snow Sister into what it is now? But as long as I am here, I will not let you move the Snow Sister half. Hairy."

The demon king frowned, he used the means to force the snow woman like this?

If it wasn't for Snow Maiden, how could she be confused by him?

All this is the result of the snow woman who has fallen from her own heart and can't be mad at the man who hurt her.

"Since you like this woman who is kneeling, this seat will reward her to you." The demon king looked at Xiao Yu coldly, she did not see the coffin without tears, then the snow woman is good to "serve" her!

As for his dry daughter, don't think he put her here, he will find a good woman to serve.

"Where are you looking for a midwife?" The demon king asked the demon in a cold voice, fearing to scare the baby in his arms, and his voice restrained a bit.

"Outside" the demon will tremble, and ran out to the outside, and smashed the five-flowered woman.

The woman is probably an old woman of forty or fifty years old, staring at her eyes and struggling with horror.

The demon king saw it and frowned: "I still haven't let people go."

The demon will put the person out, and the woman will scare the fart: "Help"

When the woman had just ran two steps, she was caught by the demon and fell to the ground: "If you dare to run, I will break your leg."

The demon king shook his sleeves, and all kinds of orbs fell from his sleeves, and the sly light flashed the eyes of the woman.

"You must be able to serve the dry daughter of this seat. These treasures are all yours."

The bead that can be collected by the demon king in the sleeve, that is just one, all worth the price.

In this life, the woman has never seen such a valuable pearl, so let alone all of it.

The woman looked excited at the demon king. Although he was wearing a weird, but very handsome: "Adult, what are you talking about?"

The demon will take a picture of the woman's head: "Let's go, dare to question the words of our king?"

The demon king swept his eyes and the demon would be shocked. He seemed to be doing something wrong again.

The demon king said to the woman: "As long as you have this ability, you can serve the dry daughter of this seat. If you don't serve well, you can't take it."

The woman was full of joy and nodded. "The service is good, the service is good. Wang Ma, when I was sixteen, gave the wealthy family a mother, and later brought the children to the rich, and mixed with the midwife. That is to find the right person."

Wang Ma is not afraid, so many valuable treasures, not to mention the demon world to serve a child, is to let her die here, as long as these treasures can give her, she is willing.

Brought to the coffin, she is asleep and happy!

The demon king gave the child to Wang Ma. Wang Ye cleaned the child very cleanly, cut two pieces of cloth and wrapped it on the baby's body, as if wearing a small white dress.

"The material of this cloth is very good. It is a good thing to make a child's clothes. But this is a small sum of money. I have to buy some bright colors to make a small coat and small pants." Wang Ma is a craft, with such a big point. The child, no effort, she naturally wants to show off her craft in front of the demon king, let the demon king think that she can bring this child very well.

"You go to buy some brightly colored cloth." The demon king waved his hand and pointed at the demon.

The demon will go quickly.

After a few days.

Small clothes of various colors, small pants, small skirts, and diapers were all exposed to the demon king's yard.

In order to bring the baby to live, the demon king even changed his room. The original dark place was replaced by a place with plenty of sunshine. From Xiao Yu’s residence, there was only one wall.

The demon will also be busy, and every day, I will go to the street to collect the little toys that the baby loves to play.

The demon people think that the demon king is thinking about the child, and the whole day is surrounded by the child. The place where the demon king lives is originally full of strong atmosphere, and now full of taste.

The demon people do not know that there are red evils in the baby's body. They all think that the baby is the daughter of the demon king. Because it is a human woman, the demon king is embarrassed to admit it. It is simply called a dry daughter.

The dry daughter is also a daughter, no difference, then look at the demon king now, to dry the daughter, better than others to the daughter.

Therefore, in the eyes of the demon, the baby became a veritable demon princess.

Xiao Yu has a lot of opinions on the demon king's practice. Her daughter, who was born, was taken away by the demon king.

Xiao Yu resisted no seizures. She is now in a weak time. She is in conflict with the demon king. It is not good for her and her daughter. It is better to wait until the body recovers, and she will take her daughter away.

The snow maiden came late, holding a bowl of medicine in her hand and sent it to Xiao Yu’s bed: "Hey sister, this is a medicated diet with brown sugar. It is helpful for you to recover your child. You are going to drink it!"

Xiao Yu supported the bed board, sat up, looked at the snow woman, and looked at her neck. There was a red strawberry: "Snow sister, what happened to your neck? Who bit it?"

Snow woman was shocked, pulled the collar, and said with a guilty conscience: "It is a mosquito bite, the mosquito here is poisonous, and the bite will be red and swollen."

Xiao Yu took out a small porcelain bottle and gave it to the snow woman: "This can help you stop itching and swelling."

The snow girl didn't want to accept it. She hated Xiao Xiao's anything, just like hating Xiao Yu.

"Thank you, my sister." Snow woman took the small porcelain bottle.

She gave the medicine to Xiao Yu and urged her to drink it quickly.

Xiao Yu did not reach out and the snow woman was a little uneasy. Was she discovered by her?

She was worried and asked: "Why don't you drink your sister? Is it a medicinal diet that abandons Xue's sister?"

Xiao Yu suddenly smiled: "How come? Snow sister forgot? I am an alchemy teacher. I have a medicine for conditioning my body. I have already eaten it when I wake up in the morning. Even if it is a tonic, I can't eat too much! Head, it will be counterproductive."

Snow woman frowned: "It turned out to be like this, my sister said yes, then I put the medicinal food out, this taste is not very good."

The snow woman broke the medicated meal, her eyes were cloudy, and she was busy with her for one night and one morning.

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