MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 1068 Enchanted revelation

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Last night, in order to get this medicated diet, she betrayed her body for one night, was killed by the demon, and dragged her aching body to medicate in the early morning, but did not expect that Xiao Yu was not a fool.

The snow woman slammed the medicinal sputum on the ground, and her heart was vomiting.

"Snow beauty, what's wrong? Such a big fire?" A demon came to the snow girl and took a hand on her hip.

The snow woman had a pain, her waist was leaning forward and her eyes were flashing with anger. In the face of the demon, her eyes glanced charmingly and shouted: "Not all because of you, the medicine given to me yesterday is useless. After the rats in my room ate, they just rolled a few laps on the ground and ran away.

The demon was fascinated by the charming appearance of the snow woman, and immediately rushed up, hugged her surname with a charming and tough little waist, and her body was almost closely attached to her.

"Is there such a thing? Is the mouse getting fine?"

The snow girl was disgusted and wanted to push him away. The demon is a demon, and there is no difference between it and the beast. Even in the day, he will not be scrupulous.

The snow girl was patient and shouted: "Who knows? But the mouse in the demon world is not impossible. It is not poisoned. I am afraid that I will retaliate with me in the future, in case I bite my face, or my body, See you still have a chance to get into my room at night?"

The face of the demon, suddenly a board: "Damn mouse, it dare to bite my snow beauty? I have more powerful poison, destroy it."

The demon took out a small packet of medicine powder from his arms and stuffed it into the hands of the snow woman. By the way, she touched her small hand. The sly smile said: "You put this in the corner to ensure that it will die immediately after eating."

The snowy woman's eyes were slightly moving, and she whispered her lips: "I am afraid that after the mouse has been used, I know that this is the poison that harms it, and I will not eat it again."

The demon shook his head and smiled: "This is called the scent of the scent, and its fragrance is no different from the scent of ordinary rice. As long as it is added to the rice a little bit, the mouse will not be tempted, it will not eat, this The second guarantee can poison it."

The demon came back and said: "Big beauty, I am still in your room tonight."

The snow female face changed, her fingers pressed the medicine bag, and her lips shook a little: "No, I was stunned by you for a night and I didn't sleep. Now I am very weak. How can you stand up tonight?"

Come to the demon again: "Then I will come tomorrow night."

The snow girl wanted to refuse. She was not too happy to see the demon. She was afraid that the demon would take the medicine bag back and had to promise: "Okay, then tomorrow night."

I was satisfied with this demon. When I left, I took a kiss on her face: "Snow Beauty, you should not let other demon climb your bed in the future. When I have made great achievements in front of the king, I will ask for the king." Give me your reward."

The snow woman glimpsed, her eyes flashed gloomy, and the words of the demon made her feel humiliated, and she was a plaything.

The demon looked at her with fascination and smiled and said: "I don't care about your past, but after I want you, I will only give me a male demon to sleep."

The baby is like a day. In just a few days, she will climb and stunned Wang Ma.

Wang Ma screamed at the little girl who woke up in bed and screamed. She was staggered when she was surprised: "The big man is the little master, she will climb, and she will speak and talk."

The demon king glanced at Wang Ma: "Is there any fuss? Is this a dry daughter, as stupid as you humans? It takes several months to climb? Will it be called?"

The demon king petted to see a little baby crawling to the bedside, chubby little hand, I don’t know how to touch it down dangerously. He reached out and took a little baby back, frowned, feeling that the bed was too small, let the demon Change to a big bed.

"Oh, oh," a little baby is not too happy to be hugged, waving a small fist in the demon king's arms, carrying a chubby leg.

The sturdy chest of the demon king has been smashed several times. If it is replaced by others, it will have been divided into five horses and there is no bone.

I saw his handsome face, not a little angry, but also very happy look: "Hahaha is so small, I want to learn martial arts to beat people? Well, playing well, the legs should be harder, the fists must be tight, facing the cognac Hit, dry and strong body to give you a wooden stake."

The demon will be outside the door, almost falling a dog to eat.

He really felt that the demon king had been conquered by the evil spirits.

This demon world will become the world of red evil in the future.

"Oh, oh yeah." A little baby is struggling in his arms, and the little kick is fierce and fierce. She wants to come down.

But the demon king does not understand the child's mind.

He smiled happily: "This kick is more powerful than the last one, then kick, cheer and kick."

The demon will be running away with tears.

Wang Ma looked at the demon king this silly, I feel that this demon king overlord, it seems that no one outside is so terrible, he is a daughter slave.

Wang Ma looked at the little doll in the demon king's arms. It was a bit unbearable. To the demon king: "Adult, the little master, this is to climb down, you put the little master down!"

The devil’s face’s smile is stiff, is that the case?

She does not want to practice martial arts? Want to climb down?

A little baby has been very impatient with the demon king, she "wow" and burst into tears.

The demon king frightened and carefully put her down, and sure enough, she was lying on the bed, crying was small, and like the previous one, crawling around the bed.

Xiaowa’s face still has tear bubbles on her face. The little mouth squats from time to time, as if I had been wronged by me, not to mention more and more people’s distress.

The demon king is distressed to die, and he stunned Wang Ma: "You know she wants to climb down, you don't tell this seat early? You want to die?"

Wang Ma was scared and very wronged. She was not very happy to see the demon king, afraid to disturb the devil's interest?

Moreover, the performance of the small master is very obvious, she thought that the demon king can see it, who knows that the demon king is actually a foolish egg that favors her daughter?

Wang Ma’s words are hidden in her heart, and she can’t say it in the face of the demon king.

The demon king turned his eyes to the little girl, and the light became gentle. Like a father, the eyes were full of love. When she saw the little girl climbed to the corner of the bed and fell off, he picked her up again.

The one that I don’t want to let go, the little girl is crying again.

The demon king scared and put down the little girl, and saw her happy to play alone. He touched his nose and walked out loudly. He said to the big-eyed demon outside: "I didn't see enough bed in this seat." Little princess crawling?"

The demon will be scared. The demon king is cold-blooded by the little princess. He ran to him and sprinkled the air on his head.

"I will go buy a big bed and come back to the little princess."

The demon king came to the demon high priest palace.

"See the demon king." The high priest respectfully said.

"The demon **** can have a revelation?"

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Read The First Vampire