MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 20 0 new school grass

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Chapter 020 New School Grass

During the military training these days, everyone was exhausted during the day, and after disbanding, they returned to the dormitory. Almost everyone went to sleep after a shower.

Of course, some people sleep without washing - such as Xie Qibao.

Bathing in the dormitory should be lined up. Whoever takes the bathroom first will take a shower. If you can't wait, you can only go to the public bath at the end of the corridor to wash the group bath.

Ling Ke and Yan Feng are definitely not going to wash the group bath, so always go back to the dormitory for the first time, quickly wash it one after the other.

However, Xie Qibao is very procrastinating, often waiting for the first person to have finished washing, and then slowly come back. When I look at the line, I am too lazy to wash, and the clothes are not changed. I take off my shoes and pants and climb into the mother. He hangs in the bed, sleeps in seconds.

If Xie Qibao lives alone, then he does not take a bath for one year.

The dormitory is a public space. The four big boys have a sweat for a day. The smell of clothes is not heard. If you don’t take a shower, the air conditioner will turn off the air--it’s a sour!

Therefore, when Xie Qibao still planned to sleep without taking a bath on the third day, Gao Junfei couldn't bear it!

As a representative of the male class committee of the Department of Journalism (1), Gao Junfei also serves as the head of the 412 dormitory. He has the responsibility to maintain the environmental sanitation in the dormitory, and it is necessary to maintain the quality of his sleep - Xie Qibao does not take a bath again, and He will be smoked to death when he sleeps on his bed! ! !

So, when Xie Qibao came back this day, he was pulling his head and preparing to climb the bed. He was dragged into the bathroom by Gao Junfei's eagle and grabbed the chicken. He smashed his clothes and screamed: "Wash!"

In the next fifteen minutes, Ling Ke and Yan Feng, who were already lying in the upper bunk, only heard a scream of screaming in the bathroom, and Gao Junfei’s snarl and reprimand: "I am a North." Everyone takes a bath every day! You are a southerner who really does not want to wash! Do you know what taste is on your body now! The dishes in your pickle jar are more fragrant than you! Are you going to stink me to inherit my property? what?……"

Xie Qibao also stunned a few words at first, but neither the language nor the voice, there is no momentum of Gao Junfei.

Ling can hear Xie Qibao screaming "You control me so much", and Gao Junfei's more rude sentence "You **** has the ability to call your mother to complain" ah back to the cover.

Then, Xie Qibao cried, crying and groaning, and the Mandarin was mixed with words of hometown that no one could understand. It was both sad and unconvincing.

"Crying a fart and crying! Are you still a man?" Gao Junfei snorted, and then heard a heavy slap of "啪", with the unique reverberation in the bathroom, shocked by Feng Feng, Ling Ke at the same time Hit a spirit.

……hand? Unlike, the sound is a bit crisp.

A second later, Xie Qibao mourned with an incredible voice to tell them what the "啪" is: "You actually hit my ass! I - Mom - have not beaten my ass! Ah! Gao Junfei you a beast Ah...!呜..." Then I continued to cry with the sound of the past.

Ling Ke & Yu Feng: "..."

Gao Junfei was teased by his accusation of singing three sighs. The entire murderous expression completely collapsed. While continuing to spray water, he said: "If your mother told me to take care of you, you thought that Laozi would like to You, the chicken."

Speaking of the last two words, Gao Junfei's tone has brought some helplessness.

"You **** vegetables!" Xie Qibao retorted, but the cry was a little smaller.

"My chicken? Ha, you are thicker than our arms, and you have a skin, no muscles, who is the chicken? Ah, and the following is also so small..."

"Small your mother - ah!!!" This sentence Xie Qibao is almost smashing the scorpion, it seems that no matter which man is said that the place can not be fried.

Gao Junfei was so sad and sad, "haha" laughed.

The two of them were jealous, mixed with Xie Qibao’s sobs from time to time, and then in the bathroom, you talked about the day with me.

Xie Qibao: "You are neurotic, who wants you to take what my mother said!"

Gao Junfei opened his joke: "Your mother holds my hand and wants to entrust you to life. I can't live with my conscience."

Xie Qibao stunned and said: "That she told you to take care of me, but not to call me!"

Gao Junfei: "What is the difference?"

Xie Qibao: "You are so annoying, I will give you the remaining ten packs of mung bean cake. Can you leave me alone in the future!"

Gao Junfei: "You **** me ten boxes of mung bean cakes are useless, don't talk about it without bathing!"

Xie Qibao: "..."

After the two men came out of the bathroom, Yan Feng, who was kneeling on the bed, turned his head to Gao Jun: "Hey, don't bully people, he doesn't want to take a bath and go with him."

The words on the face looked like they were helping Xie Qibao to fight, but the tone of Yu Feng was with a gentle smile, and anyone who heard it was only a symbolic comfort and a round.

Besides, when things are over, he will only make a sound, and there is a suspicion of purely good-looking drama.

Only Xie Qibao did not hear this fool, but when Feng Feng was caring for himself, after experiencing Gao Junfei’s violent discipline, the other party’s sentence simply called him like a spring breeze, and he was so moved that he cried: “Hey brother...”

Gao Junfei listened to the voice of his crying, and he came to the air: "You call the starling is useless, and then take a bath and throw you out of the fourth floor and believe it or not!"

Xie Qibao: "..."

Yan Fengxiao laughed: "I have done it, don't make trouble, sleep, and continue military training tomorrow."

Ling could listen nervously for a long time, and felt that the atmosphere in the dormitory gradually calmed down from the sword and the arrogance. At the same time, he was relieved.

Uh... This is the right way to get along with straight men and straight men!

Recalling the crisp "啪", Ling Ke face a hot, I feel that this level, he may not be able to do this life.

After all, the tone expression can be controlled, but a certain part of the body can not be controlled by him.



After the boring stance in the early stage of military training, after a few days of military boxing and daggers, it seemed a little more interesting. The instructor also slowly took off the harsh mask and made a fight with everyone.

On the penultimate day, each class selected military training pacepsers, including Feng Feng and Gao Junfei. Ling Ke was still a little taller and was not selected.

A total of 100 pacesmen were selected in all departments of the school, 50 men and women, and two elite platoons to prepare for the final show.

On the same day, many schoolmates and seniors came to watch, especially when the elites took away the square and military gymnastics, because everyone knows that almost half of the selected pacesmen are handsome guys.

When it was the turn of the elite, the rest of the playground was turbulent and screaming.

The fourteen-day military training ended in a blink of an eye, and F’s new school grass was also selected in the gossip that had been raging in the past two months.

On the night of the end of the new military training, the "Flowers and Grasses" section announced the results of the selection of netizens -

[201X F University Grass]: Department of Journalism, Department of Journalism, 1X01 class, Qi Feng.

In addition to the photos taken by Yu Feng and Ling Ke in Wuhu, there are quite a few photos taken in these days, including the walk on the campus of Qifeng, the food in the dining hall, the military training in camouflage...

No one has any objection to this school grass selection.

Because the value of Yan Feng is too high, the reply below the selection post is almost all "ah ah ah ah ah", was a piece of Su.

Of course, in addition to school grass, netizens also selected the various departments of the grass, after all, each grass into each eye, only choose one, other handsome people and their fans will not be convinced.

When everyone saw the "News System Grass: Ling Ke" in the list of grass-roots, they also gave birth to a sense of comfort and pride.

This time, the two grass news departments and the 18 male dormitory buildings 412 bedrooms are famous.

Especially the latter, the school grass and the grass and the same class with the same dormitory, in F is still the first time in history.

The girls have discussed this legendary bedroom in the forum and envied the roommates who can share the dormitory with Yu Feng and Ling Ke.

At this time, a new post appeared in the “Flea Market” section of the school forum – “[Qibao Hot Sale – Lets you touch the original school grass & grass] I know the inside members of the 412 dormitory and can provide the sale school. Grass, grass, two grass mats, two military training suits, five coffee paper cups, sixty-eight water bottles for school grass drinking... price private chat, first come first served, sold out! Also available The school grass has not released photos, the grass has not released photos, the sisters have other needs despite looking for me! Taobao address: xxxxxx...... Contact QQ: xxxxxxx......"

This post instantly triggered a reply frenzy.

At the beginning, there was a comment like "666" and "main building fire". Later, some people began to jump out and questioned the practice of the post. They even suspected that it was not the school grass and the grass to sell the trumpet and sell various morals. attack.

Until someone clicked on the Taobao link, I found that the address was not true, searched QQ, and found no such person, only said in the following: "This is a prank post! The address can not be opened, Q can not be added!"

Then someone checked the ID of the post owner and found that the ID called “Tiangao Haikuo 927” was not a new person. The other party’s posting record in the school forum has been up to five years, and it has been active in the Department of Economics and Management. Academic section.

The keyboard man was just a slap in the face, and everyone reacted. It turned out that the senior or the school sister was doing mischief.

After several rounds of condemnation and gossip, this post was sent directly to the hot spot of the day!

At that time, Ling Ke and Yan Feng did not know that they were on the Internet again.

It was a rare weekend, the two slept, and went out to eat at noon. After returning, Feng Feng was full of water, climbed back to the upper bunk, and lay down on the air conditioner to play the mobile phone. It was called a satisfaction.

Ling Ke is picking up things in the leisurely, and the two of them are on the top of each other.

After fourteen days of military training, everyone was sunburned, but Yan Feng was not only tanned, but also sunburned. Just Ling could look at his arm and shoulders and feel a bit horrible. Then he asked him if he didn't need to go to the hospital.

Yan Feng: "It’s okay, I’ve been smashed before, and it’s good to grow new.”

Ling Ke: "Is it better to be whiter than the original?"

Yan Feng: "How do you know?"

Ling can be speechless, he actually made a joke, it turned out to be true, convinced.

After a pause, he tweeted: "I sometimes feel that you are very delicate, and sometimes I feel that you are strong."

Yan Feng poked his head out of bed and raised his eyebrows and asked: "Why do you and Gao Junfei say that I am squeamy? Where am I squeezing?"

Gao Junfei is facing the computer, I don’t know what to look at, shrugs and smiles, and when I hear this, I quickly declare: "No, no, no, I don’t think I am. I feel that you are rich enough."

Ling Kexin said, fine skin tender meat, this is not a delicate?

However, he was hiding in his heart and did not say it.

Yan Feng smiled and retracted her head. He said: "In fact, the military training in our school is very easy. I used to go to the United States to participate in the military camp with my brother. That was the bitterness, and it was like being stupid."

Gao Junfei asked: "Do you still have a brother?"

Ling Ke is also a bit curious. Yan Feng had a brother's business. He had heard from others before, but once he did not listen to Yan Feng himself, he followed up and asked: "Brother?"

[small episode]

F University Grass: Qi Feng

News Department Grass: Ling Ke

Law Department Grass: Liang Ruixi


Department of Finance and Finance Department: Gu Yao (← is not a surprise? Ah haha, pure soy sauce, no drama.)


[Note] Gao Junfei and Xie Qibao are not deputy CPs. Although the interaction is very cute, they are both straight men. Don’t think about it~

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