MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 21 021. Tears of tears

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Chapter 021 tears

Xiaofeng’s lowland “Hm” sounded, Gao Junfei said strangely: “Our small places are too old to live. In your big city, I remember all are only children. How can I have two?”

Yan Feng said with a smile: "My brother and I are twins."

"Twins!?" Ling was shocked, never expected that Feng Feng and his brother turned out to be twins!

"Ha?" Gao Junfei was also very surprised and asked, "Is it true? Is your brother as handsome as you?"

Yan Feng smiled and said: "I think I am handsomer than him."

Ling Ke: "..."

"You are really narcissistic," Gao Junfei snorted and asked, "Which university did you test?"

Yan Fengdao: "He is abroad, he will go out when he is very young."

Ling can think of the gossip that he heard before, and asks: "You are not going to school with your brother?"

Yan Feng: "Well, I have been studying in China all the time."

Gao Junfei also felt strange: "Why are you? Do you not grow up with twins? Are your parents willing to break up?"

Yu Feng was silent for two seconds. While watching the mobile phone, she whispered: "My parents are divorced. He is with my dad, I am with my mother."

Gao Junfei & Ling Ke: "..."

When I heard this, Ling Ke realized that no one knew what his brother looked like, and it was rare for his friends to talk about it.

And Feng Feng, who said this sentence, also feels a bit miserable. It seems that from a family's wealthy and carefree life winner to a poor boy who was physically and mentally injured because of his parents' divorce, Ling Kehe Gao Junfei asked here to stop this topic.

However, for Xiao Feng’s brother, Ling Ke still had a little curiosity. After a few minutes, he asked Qi Feng: “Is there a photo of your brother?”

Yan Feng smashed and said: "No."

The photo certainly won't be gone, but since Feng Feng clearly wants to mention his brother, Ling can no longer ask more questions.

And when he talked about what Feng Feng just said, his brother should not be very similar to Yan Feng, and he stayed abroad for many years, and there would be no intersection with their lives.

Thinking about this, Ling can be relieved a little.

But he himself could not tell why he heard that Feng Feng said that when he had a twin brother, his inner shock would be so big.

Perhaps it is because he is the powder of Yan Feng. When he thinks that there is another person in this world who looks exactly the same as Qi Feng, Ling Ke is all kinds of messy and even thinking about it. If he sees Xiao Feng’s brother, will it? Equally flustered, instinctive impulse...

In that case, what is the difference between yourself and livestock?

However, if you trace it back carefully, Yan Feng’s meaning to him is really more than “Yan”.

Although Ling Ke realized that he was **** in junior high school, he did not find out that he had a feeling for Yan Feng when he was in the election campaign. It was a historic turning point that caused him to open up in an instant and acknowledged the fact without any struggle.

After that, he was out of control and became a savage idiot.

Therefore, Yan Feng is different from others. He accompanied him through a long and dull period of puberty, inspiring himself to work hard and strive to comfort his soul.

Ling may have come to this day, with such a strong mind and excellent results, Yu Feng has contributed.

To this end, only Feng Feng has the ability to touch his heart and soul all the time.

Ling Ke analyzes his feelings for Feng Feng while arranging the garbage to be packed into plastic bags.

At this time, Gao Junfei suddenly interrupted his speech and interrupted his meditation: "Hey, are you going to lose this military training suit?"

"Don't lose?" Ling Ke reached out and took a look at the corner of his clothes. He dismissed, "What are you doing? Is it a souvenir?"

Before the military training, each person sent two sets of clothes for the change of washing. Ling Kean sweated for the first two days and insisted on changing one set a day. Later, he was so tired that he couldn’t wash it. Seeing Feng Feng and Gao Junfei, it was also a broken jar. The appearance of the break, so he followed.

In the next few days, almost all the clothes on the body were unwashed. Some people's collars were repeatedly sweat-absorbent and dried to form a layer of fine salt, and only those in that state could endure.

Looking at the military uniforms like plums in front of him, Ling did not want to stay in the dormitory for one day.

Gao Junfei laughed and said: "You don't want to give me a break!"

Yan Feng heard the words and looked out from the bed. It was incredible: "Hey? You still recycle military training clothes?"

Gao Junfei looked up and said: "Yeah, haha, and yours, haven't lost it? Give it to me!"

"The quality of this clothes is so bad. It will be scrapped after being worn for 14 days. Can you sell it again?" Yan Feng frowned. "I will not wash it again."

He apparently misunderstood Gao Junfei's thoughts and only listened to Gao Junfei: "Without washing, you don't need to wash, the original taste is the best."

Ling could be alert when he heard the "original taste" and asked, "What are you doing?"

Gao Junfei: "Sell it to your fans."

Both Feng Feng and Ling Ke are like being brushed up by three views, and they are distorted because they cannot accept Gao Junfei’s morbidity.

Gao Junfei instantly laughed: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

"I fuck..." Yan Feng buried her face in the pillow. She felt sick and was infected by the other party's smile. She also laughed. "Gao Junfei is a metamorphosis!"

Ling Ke quickly picked up the garbage bag and went straight downstairs to throw it away. For fear of slowing down, Gao Junfei would take it to destroy the festival.

After Ling Ke returned, Gao Junfei told them about the mischief in the forum. He said: "You see, it is very popular. There are really many people who want to buy it!"

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

Yan Feng saw one and incredulously raised his eyebrows: "How many of the mineral water bottles have you counted?"

Gao Junfei: "You really are sick when I am! I just wrote it."

Yan Feng: "I will say ... fourteen days, at least seven or eight bottles a day, certainly more than sixty-eight."

Gao Junfei: "..." What is the focus?

Ling Ke was reacting to what, suddenly looked around and asked: "What about the two rolls?"

Gao Junfei scratched his head, and he smiled guiltyly: "Hey, that forgot to tell you that it has been sold."

Ling can raise his eyebrows: "Who is it for?"

Gao Junfei: "Our class...two girls."

Yan Feng and Ling can never fall!

After Gao Junfei repeatedly promised that this was not the case, the two talents gave up the investigation.

Yan Feng returned to the forum and brushed it again. He found that the gossip related to himself had already emerged several signs.

He sighed for a moment and asked Ling Ke: "Hey, the school sister you mentioned last time said that I would introduce someone I know about the Internet department. Can you let her help me with the line now?"

"Well? Oh..." Ling Ke is reading a news online, absent-minded, and took the phone and pushed Qi Qiurui's business card to Qi Feng. "You add her directly, I will say hello to her."


On Sunday, several girls in the class once again organized a movie in the group. After @全成员, someone was alone @戚枫 and Ling Ke, said: "Two handsome guys come together!"

This time Ling and Yu Feng have no reason to refuse, the two are indeed idle in the dormitory.

Gao Junfei, the representative of this class did not know what to do again. Xie Qibaowo played games in the dormitory. He didn’t want to go out. He also asked the classmates in the dormitory. Some people said that they had pirated DVD downloads online for a month. Money went to the cinema to see, and some people were not interested in the films selected by the girls.

The last seven are all together, and the boys have only joined four people.

A group of people gathered at the school gate, and the girl was there to hula.

After half a month of military training, the students have become familiar with each other, but before they wore military training uniforms, they looked almost the same if they were not particularly tall.

Until today, everyone has the opportunity to wear clothes that show their own personality and characteristics, especially girls, all at the best age, how can not stand in front of the handsome guy in a sack, unkempt appearance.

There are a few girls who are not very eye-catching in military training. Now they wear skirts, small high-heeled shoes, and then make up some makeup, which is more eye-catching.

The other two boys who followed Sui Feng and Ling Ke felt a group of girls around, and they all fluttered.

I walked to the nearest theater in the school. The ticket was bought by a girl online. After the collection, I collected the money uniformly. During the period, I suggested that I wanted to drink, saying that it was a while.

There are tea shop on the side, but they come too many people, not all of them are coming over, they can only send a representative to buy, so the maple leaf that was just awarded the title of school grass was pushed out.

"Look at Feng Feng!"

"Right, school grass! Use your smile to kill milk tea!"

A boy glanced in the direction of the tea shop and said: "The tea shop is a little brother, for a maple to kill a man? Shouldn't you send a pretty girl to go?"

Everyone laughed in an instant, and someone said: "No need to use it, let's kill the class men and women!"

Yan Feng also picked a side of the eyebrows and made a joke: "Even if I am killing men and women, can the tea shop younger brother still give me a discount because I am handsome?"

A few girls have already laughed and can't stand up, and I don't know what they are all about.

When Feng Feng looked at it and dragged it down, the movie started almost quickly. "Well, I am going to buy it. What do you want to drink?"

"I want kumquat lemon tea! Go ice!" "I want pudding milk tea!" "Big cup of tea three brothers!" "鸳鸯茶茶!"...

"Wait, wait... so much I can't remember!" Yan Feng was one of the first two big, and turned his head to Ling Kedao. "You will help me remember, go with me for a while!"

Ling Ke looked at the face of "so simple things you still need to help", and finally sighed helplessly, took out the phone, opened the recording function, said to the girls: "One by one, think about it, say There is no chance of change, otherwise it will be chaotic, start."

Everyone: "..."

Yan Feng suddenly felt a little bit stunned by the school tyrants.

Ling Ke recorded the sound or helped the 戚 maple with the past, after all, more than ten cups of milk tea, many people can also take it together.

After buying it, the girls are going to give the money to Feng Feng, and Feng Feng is generous: "Forget it, just let me please." If everyone buys it, even if it is AA, but since he sent him to buy it, he spent it. The money, there is no reason to ask the girl to come back.

Everyone was both excited and embarrassed. Yan Feng was afraid that they would remember it in his heart. He blinked: "In exchange, I will not give you the money for the movie ticket."

A girl exaggeratedly recited her heart and said, "Look at you, you can do it, don't discharge it! Don't accept it!"

Yan Feng: "..."

It’s a painful and happy thing to be a classmate with school grass.


The girls chose a domestic ethics film with the theme of “abduction”. It may be because they have entered the journalism department. Although everyone has not learned any professional content, they all consciously want to see some controversial content or can trigger Thinking about the theme movie.

The film tells the contradiction between a group of families who have lost their children and the families that have raised children who have been abducted. During the period, many social problems have been interspersed, but more about the conflict between law and ethics, which is both realistic and desperate.

In the movie, the gold lineup, the first line of big coffee, and the whole line of acting are online, making people immersive.

Seeing the sadness, Ling found that several girls in the front row were secretly wiping tears.

He sat side by side with Yan Feng, and he felt that Feng Feng was also quite invested.

There is a plot in which a couple lost their children. This caused constant quarrels and blame for each other until the actress who played the wife at a mutual aid meeting, after an unspeakable silence, painfully collapsed and kneeled down to apologize. : "Sorry, I lost my child."

After this scene came out, Ling could notice that Yan Feng reached out and grabbed the tea cup on the side, but did not pick it up and drink it, so he held it tightly, but his eyes were still facing the screen.

At the end of the film, the moment the studio lights up, Ling was surprised to find that the eyelids of Yan Feng were also red.

Because many people are crying, so everyone has no idea how to manage others, just immersed in the feeling of loss, and walked slowly, while still discussing the movie story.

Only time to pay attention to Ling Feng's Ling Ke, I heard him whispered to say hello to himself: "I went to the bathroom."

There was more than one person going to the bathroom, but Yan Feng went not to the bathroom where the crowd was at the exit of the cinema, but turned and went downstairs.

This theater has a total of five halls, which are distributed in two floors. If the layout of each floor is the same, it is speculated that there is a toilet in the same position downstairs.

Ling Keton paused and followed.

Sui Feng went to the bathroom downstairs. Compared with the upstairs that had just been scattered, it was much deserted.

When the door was pushed in, there was a person inside, and the upper body was washed with cold water in front of the sink.

When I heard the movement, Yan Feng turned her eyes and turned her head: "..."

Ling Ke: "..."

Yan Feng quickly bowed his head while continuing to wash his face, while he calmed down: "How come you?"

Ling Ke: "There are too many people upstairs."

Yan Feng: "...oh."

Ling Ke pretended to have a toilet. He knew that most of the boys were ashamed to show their fragile side to others, but the maple that just hided from him just made him feel a little cute.

After the small solution turned around, Ling Ke saw Yan Feng holding the marble table with both hands, and staring at the mirror in his eyes, still staring at the red.

They have already been seen, and it doesn’t make much sense to hide. You can’t find a way to give yourself a step down to hide your embarrassment: “It’s very touching... this movie.”

But Ling can listen to his slightly tuned voice, just think that he wants to laugh.

He can understand those girls who have maternal love, and see such a maple, even he wants to go up and hug each other.

"... Are you not touched?" Yan Feng pressed his voice and asked to ease his sadness by communicating with Ling.

"I am moved." Ling can answer while washing his hands.

But moved to move, Ling Ke is still very calm, to be honest, he can not understand why some people have so low tears... Although this does not prevent him from admiring the rare fragile appearance of Feng Feng.

Yan Feng glanced at the expressionless Ling Ke, and said: "You don't seem to have anything at all."

Just after the spit, he had a paper towel in front of him.

Ling Ke was glad that the paper towel he bought could finally be used on the 戚 Feng, and he asked: "Is Lu Xiaojuan apologizing for losing the child? Did you touch you?"

Qi Feng took over the paper towel, and finally the emotion of pressing down because Ling Ke’s reminder came up again, the lingering feeling of the picture made him cry in tears.

Ling Ke: "..."

Is there such a move?

Yan Feng himself wants to say "fuck" for his fragility, and quickly squints his eyes with paper towels, so that tears will not break down and the face will be thrown away.

I didn't want to, just as he looked up, his body was tight...

Someone hugged him.

Only Ling Ke is here, so I can only hold him.

Responding to this point, Yan Feng’s tears were shocked back!

But he still hasn't experienced the sudden happiness, and he feels his hips are gently patted.


…………Ok? ? ?

Then, just listening to Ling can use a cold voice to say in his ear: "What is so good to cry, just a movie."

Yan Feng: "........................"


After watching the movie, the girls organized everyone to have dinner together.

No one knows how Feng Feng and Ling Ke returned to the big forces, including themselves.

Qi Feng was completely shocked by the hug. I thought that the straight man Ling of the iron skeleton is a very disgusting and homosexual skin blind person, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Also, he can feel Ling can slowly put down the shelf in the past few days, including the previous seemingly dislike to joke, but recently he will also talk about jokes.

He guessed that Ling Ke is not a cold, but a slower person, just fine.

But this still can't make Xiaofeng ignore the sensation that a certain part has been tapped and continues to the present...

Normal straight men comfort each other, pat the shoulders or pat the back at most?

...and the **** to comfort people this kind of operation?

When he was eating, he and Ling Ke did not sit next to each other. There was another boy in the middle. Yan Feng insisted on not looking at Ling Ke without a strange sight, but still could not control him with his light.

Ling Ke is still as expressionless as ever, calm and very calm.

Qi Feng’s land reminded me of the words that I joked about after I was able to step down on the new conference.

- "You can't see it anyway."

Anyway...and...can’t see it...

Oh, hehehe...

Yan Feng suddenly depressed

Yan Feng suddenly depressed and tried to grab Ling Ke’s shoulder and wobbled hard. Ask him what he meant by TMD!


[small episode]


Yan Feng: "I think I am handsomer than him."

Yu Yu: "I don't know if I have a MMP."



Ling Ke: "Is there a photo of your brother?"

Yan Feng: "" ←What if the cocoa likes my brother? Before catching cocoa, I don't want to find a competitor for myself. After all, someone has snatched someone who likes me, mom! (* ̄〈 ̄)



Yan Feng: "You don't seem to have anything."

Ling can hand the paper towel.

Yan Feng: "..." Mom! Ling Ke actually gave me a tissue! I want to cry! (Q_Q)


[Note] The movie mentioned in this chapter is "Dear."

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