MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 36 036. Code of Conduct

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Chapter 036 Code of Conduct

Ling Ke looked at Yan Feng with a look of inquiry. Can this kind of thing be serious? They are "straight men"! What if you can't make it to each other?

... Although he is quite fond of this ending, but the surface has to look a dignified drip!

Looking at Ling Ke's expression, Yan Feng wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh, so he also got serious.

Ling can bow his head and write the first article below the title - [playing the other's boyfriend when one needs it, including but not limited to holding hands, hugging...]

After writing "Hug", Ling immediately drew a semicolon and switched to the next line.

Yan Feng thought about what it means to "including but not limited to"...

It seems to be said, including but not just these, so in addition to holding hands and hugging, Ling can agree to do more?

Ling can look up and see Feng Feng. He didn't see any dissatisfaction and dissent from the other party. He continued to the next question: "I haven't talked about love, I don't know what couples have interactions. What are your suggestions?"

Yan Feng took a slap in the mouth and was forced to answer in the same serious tone: "I haven't talked about it, but I think it can be done from the simplest, such as mutual morning and evening... As for dating, this is a good opportunity. Let's go."

"Oh." Lingke bowed his head and wrote the second article, and asked, "Can this thing let Gao Junfei and Xie Qibao know?"

Yan Feng unnaturally swallowed his mouth and said: "Don't go, people are complicated. If you decide to play, you will play really. If it is not a last resort, only we know it. Otherwise, which one accidentally secretly It’s leaked, and our efforts are all in vain.”

"Okay..." Ling nodded. "But I don't think it needs to be too obvious in public."

"Yes, don't show love," said Feng Feng, after he said this, suddenly thought of something, "Yes, there is a little... that..."

"...?" Ling could look at him in confusion.

"Since it is a couple, let's be a certain degree, gay, that is a joke between ordinary straight men, have to converge..."

Yan Feng described it as extremely laborious, but Ling was still able to get his point, that is, no more rogue to other boys.

To be honest, this requirement is quite a sigh of relief. If he wants to continue to treat all straight men in the same way, it is a test.

And then again, he was originally gay, really want to be a couple, the true color will be on the line, it is really ridiculous to engage in such a code of conduct, but the problem lies in the fact that he wants to pretend to be **** on the basis of posing as a straight man. Adding drama to the play, this is the real challenge.

But he can't do it, he's dying, and he's going to play.

Ling Ke hardly wrote the fifth article, and listened to Feng Feng again: "If you really want to do something about self-sacrifice, I will compensate you extra."

"Self-sacrifice... What does it mean?" Ling asked.

"For example, mentioned before, kissing and the like..."

"..." Ling can frown and write, thinking, what is this sacrifice, he can accept more... Hehe.

He immediately converges on his unrestrained brain activity and raises a question from the perspective of a straight man: "If I meet someone I like one day and don't want to continue acting with you, what should I do?"

Yan Feng heard a word, his eyes flickered, and said: "I will help you to clarify our pretending to be a couple with someone you like."

Ling Kedao: "Well, I am the same." Maybe this one, Feng Feng never needs to do it.

The two thus completed a "code of conduct" that was both an agreement and a request, with a look at academic research.

1. Play a boyfriend's boyfriend when there is a need, including but not limited to holding hands and hugging;

Second, appropriate interaction between couples to foster a sense of tacit understanding;

Third, do not deliberately show love in front of the public;

4. To ensure the authenticity, the third party shall not be confessed to the truth if it is not necessary;

5. After the beginning of the posing of the couple, the two parties formally observe the morality of the true couple and do not commit any defamation against other straight men;

6. Each time the official performance is performed, the beneficiary is obliged to make a mental or material compensation to the sacrificial party, including but not limited to eating and giving gifts;

7. When one party decides to develop its own relationship, the other party must come forward to clarify the act of pretending to be a couple, and the code of conduct will automatically expire;

8. The first time the principal promises to owe the trustee a favor, which can realize the wish of the client and be valid for life;

Nine, to be added.

Initial client: Qi Feng

Fulfiller: Yan Feng, Ling Ke

After signing the name, Ling Ke was relieved as if he had completed a major task.

Yan Feng also relaxed the tight spirit. Through these two months of getting along, he found that Ling was a serious and rigorous person, but until today, he thoroughly felt how terrible the rigor of Ling Ke.

But because of this, Yan Feng is extremely reassured to the other side - as long as it is decided to do something, it will be implemented meticulously, without a perfunctory or joke.

He seems to have finally caught his beloved toy in his hands, full of expectations for the next days.


Since there is no need to be too exaggerated on weekdays, the two days are no different from the past. However, the couple’s so-called “seeing the opportunity to act” couples interacted with each other and began to infiltrate each other’s lives.

For example, Yan Feng insisted on buying Ling Ke early, claiming to be the minimum compensation and thanks to Ling Ke promise to play the couple, and the two also occasionally went out to go shopping and eat...

After a period of time, the careful masses began to slowly discover these details, and they posted posts on campus forums.

"Who found that the school grass gave him the classmate who called Ling Ke to buy breakfast every day? 》

The text content is like the title, and the picture is a photo of two maple cakes bought by Qifeng.

1L reply: "It turned out that I have seen this scene alone..."

2L reply: "Hey, aren't they the same-sex couples that are now recognized by our school? What is wrong with buying a boyfriend earlier? [Funny]"

3L reply: "It's not easy to say, after all, I haven't publicly acknowledged it..."

4L replies: "Don't be old ‘that’ ‘that’, Ling is the grass of our journalism school! It’s also a good campus!”

5L replies: "Yes, I have seen them several times in school recently. I didn't feel much about Ling at first. The more I saw it, the more I felt that he was very good. I have already switched from pink to maple."

6L reply: "Pink can be +1, I like this kind of high cold abstinence boy! [Cry]"

7L replies: "My girlfriend and I saw them walking around the Wild Duck Lake last night, holding hands...ˊ_>ˋ"

8L reply: "Look upstairs for photos, ah, ah! No picture, no truth!"

9L reply: "I am 7L, it was too dark at the time, it was not clear at all, the flash would be found... sorry face, sorry."

10L reply: "7L, you are not alone! Last weekend, I went to the movies with my boyfriend. I saw the legendary school grasshoppers and Lingke at the entrance of the cinema! They were buying the kebabs at the barbecue booth at the entrance of the theater. Yan Feng personally took a skewer and fed Ling, but unfortunately my boyfriend and my boyfriend’s film was about to start. I was taken away by my boyfriend in a hurry! [Cry] I didn’t know the movie for the first 20 minutes. What put it, the whole brain is the scene of the two of them feeding the skewers, they want to rush out and take a look, I am really not a rot woman..."

11L reply: "10L I feel your excitement, calm...-_-#"


For this type of post, CP squirted and sneaked into the wind, and I couldn't afford the big winds and waves. I didn't take it seriously, so even if someone found something wrong, everything seemed to be calm.

As for Sun Man, who has been obsessed with Yan Feng for many years, it seems that he really believed in the "candid words" of the secret object, and never appeared in front of them.


In the blink of an eye, the semester has passed most of the end of November.

The news interview class arranged a practical assignment, asking students to team up for a collective interview and writing an interview as a final assignment.

Taking advantage of the early time, the active students began to form teams to do the task.

The so-called "male and female collocation, work is not tired", the number of women in the class is more than men, the four-person group of boys who have a good relationship is separated by two or three, joining the large group of girls, even the 412 dormitories are not Can be spared.

In this case, Yan Feng and Ling Ke are naturally hot.

In order to evenly allocate “resources”, some girls even proposed in the group to let Yan Feng and Ling can go to different groups.

In this regard, Yan Feng firmly vetoed: "No, I and Ling can have a group."

Some girls asked: "What are you?"

Gao Junfei: "Because Feng Feng is still not weaned."

After a burst of laughter in the group, Ling Ke later discovered the ridicule of the students, and issued a string of ellipsis to indicate speechlessness, but did not refute the insistence of Yan Feng.

The girls can only use the lottery to determine who is the lucky four-person group. Finally, the two handsome guys will be earned by the 207 dormitory where the group secretary Zhang Wenzhao is located.

For this rare opportunity to win, the girls are excited, and they have made plans and want to create more time to spend time with the handsome guy.

This does not blame them. In addition to the professional classes in the university, everyone is different, so even though they are the same class, they have not had much time to get along with Yan Feng and Ling Ke, let alone these two. In order to avoid the pursuer, people almost all ran after class, and Shenlong saw no end.

After discussion, a group of girls decided to interview the theme of “the poor travel youth psychology”. They not only need to find time to go out and experience a poor tour, but also have to stay overnight for at least one night.

The minority is obedient to the majority, and the singularity of Yan Feng and Ling Ke can only make a nod to the girls’ decisions.


[small episode]

One day, Feng Feng and Ling Ke walked around the Wild Duck Lake.

Qi Feng was stunned by the high winds of the moon and the quiet of the night. He quietly held Ling Ke’s hand and praised him: “Practice.”

Ling Ke: "..."

Yan Feng’s hand is warm, the palm is a little bigger than his, so Ling Ke is immersed in this romantic atmosphere, and his heart beats faster...

But... the handshake is no problem, can you hold me with the fingers? So close contact with his mother's shame! (/////)

Read The Duke's Passion