MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 37 0 group departure

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Chapter 037 Group departure

There are not many student holidays, only weekends can be traveled. After discussion, the whole group plans to go to a Jiangnan ancient town near the city.

The town is a well-known tourist attraction and the best place for college students to travel and take a short trip to young backpackers.

In order to better in-depth interview groups and experience the poor travel, the team members agreed in advance to limit the travel expenses of each person to 80 yuan per day, and back and forth one hundred and six, including all expenses such as tickets, accommodation and so on.

This money may only be enough for a child who grows up in a big city to go out to the next restaurant, especially like the "big master" who is a small jewel from Xiaojin. When he heard this condition, the whole person was paralyzed. : "One hundred six, is it enough to open a hotel at night?"

There is a girl named Yao Jing in the group: "Hey handsome guy, what do you want to say? We are experiencing 'poor travel', you still open a hotel, why don't you ask 'why not eat meat?'"

Everyone listened to the laughter. Zhang Wenzhao took out a few sheets of printing paper and appeased Feng Feng. "We have set aside the funds. The online information shows that the travel budget of the poor travellers is generally lower than that of ordinary tourists, nearly 50%. The average daily cost of backpackers is around 100 yuan...and I have investigated it. The ancient town is not too far away from our city. If you choose the cheapest transportation, plus subway and bus, the round-trip transportation fee will not exceed Fifty dollars, so two days and one hundred and six should be enough."

In the end is the class committee secretary, this string of data reported down, Yu Feng convinced.

However, it is said that the whole group of operations, but Yan Feng and Ling can find that the four girls have carried most of their plans and preparations, and the only thing they can do is that only after the other party has made the decision. Accept organizational arrangements obediently.

At the last group meeting, Ling couldn't help but say: "Is there any task we have to do?"

The four girls looked at each other and realized that both Feng Feng and Ling Kezhen had not done it.

Perhaps they were so excited after winning the handsome guy, they directly gave them a treasure, and even forgot, although both of them can rely on their faces, but they are also very talented, and one of them is still a freshman representative. The university tyrants... so empty, it is a waste of resources.

"There is no embarrassment for the time being..." It was the girl named Yao Jing who joked at them. "If you are not, you should be a vase."

The girls are laughing again, and Feng Feng and Ling can't help but want to pay.

"Don't, how can you make me and Ling?" Although it is really cool to do nothing, but as a part of the team, especially teammates are still a team of female compatriots, Yan Feng can not stand the attribute of "eat soft rice" .

Ling Ke thinks so too, taking the initiative to fight: "Since it is a collective operation, everyone should do something."

In the end, I still know the general Zhang Wenxuan: "I am sorry, we have a dormitory for four people, and we have forgotten it. We have done almost the same work in the previous work. Follow-up interviews, photography, observation, recording, etc. The original arrangements were Yao Jing, Dai Yiwei, I, and Yan. When it was not time, Yan Feng and Yao Jing were interviewed together. As for Ling Ke... I heard that you added the school network editorial department, maybe this aspect is better than us. More experienced, or will you be the editor of the final interview?"

Although there is not much contact in normal times, Zhang Wenzhao's recognition of the character and specialty of Yan Feng and Ling Ke is very accurate, and all of them are assigned to do things for two people.

Yan Feng and Ling Ke readily agreed, so they don't have to worry about this before they leave.

Compared to the relaxed two, the other group of 412 can be more tragic.

Gao Junfei is a man who loves to take the idea. It happens to meet the girl there is also a love-minded idea. Just the subject of the interview, it will take a week to come out.

As a result, Gao Junfei found that three of the six members were lazy. The two focused on the messy community activities. They didn’t have time to do professional work. The six people didn’t even have time to go out for interviews. So there was no delay. Conclusion.

Yan Feng and Ling Ke only listened to Gao Junfei from time to time in the dormitory complaining, and then think about their own treatment, suddenly feel that people are too happy.


The whole group chose to travel on a weekend in early December, going back and forth in two days.

Because it is close to the winter, there is no need to change clothes for one day. Several people only carry a schoolbag and bring some belongings.

In order to save money, they were forced to get up at 5 o'clock on Saturday morning to catch the hard-seat train at the K-head of the South Railway Station.

I spent an hour on the bus and then transferred to the station, and took the ticket without stopping. I couldn’t wait to buy something and ran into the platform a few hours earlier. After a raging fire, the group finally settled down on the train.

I saw the time, more than seven o'clock, and also arrived at the point of breakfast.

Everyone feels hungry when they are tossing.

The food on the train is very expensive, saying that it is necessary to "poor travel", and several people are certainly not willing to shop here.

I chatted a few times, and one of the sisters couldn’t help but open the bag zipper and pull out the snacks of a bag...

Yao Jing saw a big shock: "Wow, hey, how did you bring so much to eat!"

The girl named "彤彤" is called 岑彤, her body is slightly fat, her character is awkward. She is embarrassed to say: "I bought it... it is for everyone to eat together..."

Yao Jing pointed to Zhang’s schoolbag and reported to Zhang Wenzhao: "The leader, is this a foul? Isn’t it a good one for only one hundred and six? This is obviously bought in advance!"

Zhang Wenzhao did not answer. With the squatting in front, another girl named Dai Yiwei opened her own backpack and confessed to the organization: "I don't want you to say, I also... bring..."

Yao Jing said: "Wow, are you ashamed? You can't starve to death, but you still have compressed biscuits!"

But she couldn't get out soon, because she also saw a large bag of white rabbit toffee in Zhang Wenzhao's bag... No wonder she just said nothing.

Look at the side, I saw Ling can take out a loaf of bread, tear open the packaging, is preparing to eat.

I found Yao Jingwei himself, Ling Ke said: "I only bought this morning's breakfast, shouldn't it be too much?"

Yao Jing is depressed: "I dare to strictly follow the rules and do not buy anything."

Sitting on the edge of Ling Ke, Feng Feng is not snoring, it seems that she is only one.

But Feng Feng then whispered Ling Ke: "When did you buy the bread? Why don't I know?"

“I didn’t go to the convenience store together last night?” Lingke glanced at the backpack of Qifeng, knowing that he also loaded some things, but he bought it out last night, but he chose it. For a long time, he did not know what the other party bought.

Ling can wonder: "You didn't buy it?"

Yan Feng quietly opened a bag of seams to let Ling glance at it.

I saw three bottles of functional drinks and a bottle of mineral water lying quietly inside, but there was no other food or drink.

Ling can be speechless: "You stayed at the convenience store last night for so long, just bought two liters of water?"

Yan Feng is also very desperate. He pitifully stunned Ling Ke, although he said nothing, but the grievances revealed in his eyes are quite obvious.

Ling Ke had a black line, and he had no choice but to tear half a piece of bread to the "Young Master Maple" without any foresight.

Yan Feng took it with gratitude, but couldn't help but worry: "What do you do when you are eating, and you are hungry for a while?"

Ling can whisper: "Nothing, I bought a few dark chocolates."

Yan Feng bit his mouthful of bread and looked up at the roof of the car. The mood was complicated.

...... Say "I only bought it early"?

However, Yan Feng’s fears are completely redundant. Because I have a lot of food and shared my own snacks, they are not hungry. They also eat a lot of chocolate beans and strange things that they usually don’t buy. Flavored peanuts and the like.

There was a burst of laughter in the car. Although everyone got up early today, it was a young man. After they got together, they were still excited and unsettled.

And to be honest, this is the first time they have been out of the organization since the beginning of the school year. Although the main purpose is to do homework, it is similar to travel.

An hour's drive is coming soon.

Six people got out of the car and felt a burst of aroma.

There is a steamed buns near the station, and the signs of local specialties are used to make people locusts move.

It is true that snacks are eaten no matter how much you eat, and when you come out to play, everyone instinct wants to eat and eat. Even if they usually see no appetite, as long as they are placed in tourist attractions, it seems to be particularly delicious.

So everyone turned their eyes on the idea of ​​"saving money" and lined up to buy buns.

Coincidentally, the four people in the 207 dormitory were all after the military training, and they had enjoyed the treatment of the milk tea.

In the same scene, the heart-thinking girls once again let Yan Feng rank at the top of the team, and I look forward to seeing him pay the bills generously after the group finishes.

Unexpectedly, after the turn of Feng Feng, he only asked Ling Ke, who was behind him: "What do you want to eat?"

Ling can glance at the signboard at the top of his head: "Plums of dried meat."

Then, Feng Feng took out two dollars from the wallet and said to the boss: "A plum dried meat package."

After picking up a hot buns, Yan Feng pushed Ling to go to the side.

The four girls are stunned. If you buy two steamed buns, they won't be too strange. After all, they are looking forward to welcoming guests. They are just a little lucky. Even if you don't ask for it, there is nothing.

But why, I only bought one, and I only bought it for Ling? Ling Ke will not buy it himself?

... This difference in treatment makes the girls four people special!

Ling Ke also noticed the strange sight of the girls. When the two went a little further and waited for them, he whispered to Feng Feng: "Why don't you buy it?"

Yan Feng shook his head and said indifferently: "You eat, I am not hungry."

... Hey, only one hundred and six, it’s a little bit cheaper.

Ling can be the maple to pay for the half-baked bread in the car, but he did not pay attention to it, but he ate two and smiled: "I thought you would ask them to eat buns, they just seemed to be looking forward to..."

Yan Fengner said: "Why should I please?"

Ling Kedao: "When you went to the movies, did you still invite everyone to drink milk tea?"

Yan Feng: "Now is not the same as that time."

Ling ridiculed and teased him: "How is it different? Because of insufficient funds?"


Yan Feng stretched out his finger and stroked between Ling Ke and himself. "Now, you are my boyfriend."


[small episode]


Yan Feng stood in a convenience store and looked at the dazzling snacks. He was tempted to buy more, even if he didn't eat it, he could give it to Ling.

But he thought again, this is not because he and Ling can go to travel, but the group is doing the task. Since the funds are stipulated, it may not be good to buy too much, or buy some of the most important ones, in case there is no need. So, his brain made up a bunch of questions such as "What is the most needed for people in hunger" and "What is the source of life?" Finally, he went to the front of the beverage cabinet and solemnly took two bottles of pulsation and a bottle of water.

...... um, think about it, turn and give Ling Ke a bottle.

However, in order to prevent the other party from discovering, Feng Feng had hidden four bottles of water into his schoolbag.


Yan Feng shook his head: "You eat, I am not hungry."

(I still have my pulse, which gives me vitality...)


In order to facilitate the understanding of reading, here is a list of [207 members] that will appear in the last few chapters.

〖章文沁〗 (team leader): Department of Journalism (1) group secretary, have a big picture, good at coordinating and organizing work

Yao Jing: Two ponytail girls, lively and cheerful, working as an interviewer in group tasks

〖Dai Yiwei〗 (Wei Wei): short hair, introverted quiet, as a photographer in the group task

〖岑彤〗 (彤彤): The body is slightly fat, loves to eat snacks, is willing to share, and works as an observation record in group tasks.

Read The Duke's Passion