MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 68 Fanwai 2-01 (additional)

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Chapter 68 Fanwai 2-01 (Additional)

In the summer of the freshman year, Ling Ke’s high school opened a class meeting, and the old squad leader called him to participate.

Everyone gathered in a restaurant near the school. The squad leader booked a big box with two tables. Please come to more than twenty people to get close to half a class.

Ling Ke is handsome and has good grades. Although his temperament is cold, he is still very popular. When he arrives at the place, he is pulled to the table where there are more girls. The key high school spirit is rigorous. At the beginning, everyone focused on learning, and rarely talked about men and women. Now they are in college and they are all open.

A few people can talk about the interesting things in their respective universities, especially those who ran to the field, sharing the different customs and living habits of each place, talking and talking, and starting the high school of gossip. Who is off the class, who broke up.

A girl sees Ling Ke bowed his head and said nothing, "Let's, how are you at F?"

Ling Ke: "It's very good."

Seeing that some people turned their attention to Ling Ke, the students turned their heads and turned to gossip: "Isn't looking for a girlfriend?"

Ling Ke: ""

Someone said: "Before I saw three classmates who were admitted to F, they said that Ling Ke is still a big one!"

Another person echoed: "I am not surprised at all. In my university, I have not seen anyone who is more handsome than Lingke. If he goes to our university, it will definitely be a campus!"

Ling Ke thought in his heart, waiting for these people to see Yan Feng, only to know that the real "grass" is long and handsome, and his own calculations are at best a grassroots.

"I heard that the food in the F canteen is very delicious. There was a rumor before that we had a bachelor's degree in the middle school affiliated to the National Taiwan Normal University. In the same year, we got the qualification to send Tsinghua. The result was that the previous seniors took F to eat. I decided to test F is big!"

"Haha, I have heard this joke, Ling can tell us quickly, is F's canteen really so good?"

Ling Ke did not eat in other schools, and there is no way to compare, but the food in the F canteen is really rich, and the small restaurants outside the school south gate, he and Yu Feng have not eaten until now. However, Ling Kedong wants to think about it, but there is only one sentence for the exit: "I think it is okay."

The eager girls are like a punch on the cotton, and they don’t know how to chat with Ling.

One can't help but ridicule: "Ling Ke, how are you so cold!"

Ling Ke: "..."

I was chatting, and suddenly a girl came in the box. The crowd burst into cheers and called her name: "Jiang Yishan is here!"

Jiang Yishan was originally a secretary of the Youth League branch of Ling Ke High School. He also mixed with the high school student union. He is a communicative flower type character. He is very popular and will come. She had a good college entrance examination and went to another famous university in the local area. It was the best in their class except Ling.

Jiang Yishan directly asked the waiter to add a position on the Lingke table. The first sentence after the seat was the first to say to Ling Ke: "Long time no see, Ling Ke!"

When everyone saw it, Jiang Yishan smirked.

Yes, Jiang Yishan also paid a lot of courtesy with Ling Ke during the high school period, but Ling was not at all human. After a long time, Jiang Yishan gave up. The other party is careful about this, of course, he knows that he can't respond, so he is more deliberately keeping distance from the other side.

After a year, Jiang Yishan first greeted himself, Ling Ke was also a little nervous, he nodded to the other side with a blank expression, politely said: "Long time no see."

Jiang Yishan said with great enthusiasm that she would punish a glass of wine for her late arrival. After the drink, she asked: "What are you talking about, how do I hear that you are talking about Ling Ke?"

A girl laughed and said, "We said Ling Ke is now a school in F!"

Ling immediately declared: "I am not."

The girl said, "Ah?"

Ling Kezheng was thinking about whether or not to move out of Feng Feng. Jiang Yishan took the lead and said: "Oh, I know the school grass of F, is it called Feng Feng?"

Many people have never heard of this name. They are strange: "Who is Feng Feng? How do you know Jiang Yishan?"

Jiang Yishan: "The video of the top ten singer contests of F was transmitted to our school forum. I also watched it." She also opened the phone directly to find out the photos of Yan Feng for everyone to see.

"Wow, it’s really handsome! Let’s compare it to us! If he’s a F school grass, I’m convinced...”

"Ah, I know this person. Did he ever go to high school in Deyin International? I also showed him a photo of a junior high school student!"

"Oh my God, so handsome, I don't know if he has a girlfriend!"

Someone joked and asked: "Can you know? Tell me about it!"

Ling Ke a black line, how could he not know: Yan Feng is not only his classmates, the same dormitory, or his boyfriend, they slept together last night, two hours ago someone still like leather candy Sticking like him, he doesn't want to be separated from him.

I know that Feng Feng is a "well-known person". Now that the network is so developed, Yan Feng likes to send friends. It is normal to have a photo spread out, but Ling can watch a group of girls who have nothing to do with Qi Feng. I couldn't help but have some jealousy.

Seeing Ling can be slightly brows, Jiang Yishan smiled and said to the kidding girl: "Haha, can this kind of great guy look at you?" She put away her cell phone and said mysteriously, "I am not pouring you cold water, I heard that the maple is like a gay!"

Ling Ke: "..."

The girls were shocked: "Really??"

Jiang Yishan raised an eyebrow: "Yeah, I heard that he even has a boyfriend."

Ling Ke’s forehead suddenly came up with a layer of cold sweat. Could it be that Jiang Yishan and Yan Feng knew what they were doing with them?

Jiang Yishan’s gossip attracted the girls from the next table. Everyone, you put together a sentence to provide the gossip that you heard.

A few minutes ago, they still didn't know about this person. They are now screaming and dancing, what are the men and women, all the men and women, the N boat, the four or five ladies, a few fresh meat friends, waiting for the words. The fiancee... Ling can be shocked.

He couldn't help but think of the same experience in high school. That time he took the initiative to bait the fish, and he believed in those gossips.

Hey, listening to the rumors is really wrong. Poor 戚 maple, this innocent boy, is estimated to have no idea what kind of animals have been passed down outside.

Ling Ke is silently giving a candle to Xiao Feng in his heart, and the phone suddenly vibrates.

He opened it and it turned out to be "Hey? Sticky Man? Maple" sent a message: "Coco, I am coming."

Ling Ke: "What are you doing?"

Yan Feng: "I am coming to pick you up. I am not saying that I will go to see my friends in the afternoon. They are all in good music and have opened a big bag. Just wait for us."

Ling Ke: "I will eat myself and I will pass. Don't come."

Yan Feng: "But I have come to the door of the hotel that I told you before."

Ling Ke: "..."

Yan Feng: "I am parking. You tell me the table number. I will come up later and see your classmates by the way."

Ling Ke: "Don't! I will come down immediately, you will wait for me downstairs!"

Yan Feng saw Ling Ke’s news, his brow wrinkled, and some were unhappy.

- Is it that you see no one or what? Why is Ling Ke so nervous? It’s hard to be a strange thing happening on the dinner table, like Ling’s confession...

Yan Feng touched his chin and felt that it was not impossible. Ling Ke was so handsome and so good that it was difficult to protect his high school from having a crush on his girl!

This brain supplement, Qi Feng possessive desire suddenly burst: relying on, he must go up to reveal a face, let them know who Ling is, who.

In fact, Ling Ke has already eaten almost the same, but everyone still talks, it seems that they will not be able to dissipate for a while.

He intends to propose to go first, but Jiang Yishan has looked at him again: "Ling Ke, I seem to hear that Feng Feng is like you in the F news department. You don't know him?"

Ling Ke’s forehead dropped another drop of cold sweat.

A girl interjected: "Oh, Ling can be so cold, even if you know, you will not be familiar with anyone?"

Ling Keben opened his mouth and heard this, and closed his mouth directly - very good, it seems that someone knows him better than himself, saving him from explaining.

However, after being beaten like this, Ling Ke lost the opportunity to leave. He thought about whether to send a message to Qi Feng and let him wait for another quarter of an hour. At this moment, a waitress pushed the box door open: "There is a The handsome guy said to find someone."

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