MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 69 Fanwai 2-02 (additional)

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Chapter 69 Fanwai 2-02 (Additional)

Ling Ke turned his head and saw Zhang Feng standing in the door of the box and rubbing them at the door of the box. It was like an imposing big cat ready to prey.

A handsome man who looked at the door and looked at the flashy eyes was a little stupid.

They have never seen Yan Feng, just took a look at the other party's photo on Jiang Yishan's mobile phone, and did not dare to link this person to the hero of the gossip.

Yan Feng showed a bright smile and greeted everyone: "Hey~!" Then he squinted on Ling Ke and said with a declarative sovereignty: "I am looking for Ling Ke."

Ling could stand up in disbelief: "How come you came up?"

戚 面 面 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不If you drink too much, just come and see."

Ling can listen to him a nonsense, a corner of his mouth, no words to say ... what a little and a half, what news does not return, nothing at all!

Jiang Yishan said with enthusiasm: "Who is Ling Ke, who is your friend?"

Ling Ke mouth is a pumping, do you know that Feng Feng is like?

He was trying to introduce that this is his own university classmate, and he listened to Yan Feng’s initiative: "I am Ling Ke’s boyfriend, Feng Feng, I am sorry to bother you."

For a moment, the whole audience... ! !

Ling Ke’s forehead was full of black lines. What did this madman want? ? ?

A boy reacted and stiffened: "That, do you want the waiter to add a position and sit down and eat?"

Ling immediately said: "No, we have something to do in the afternoon, we will take a step first... I am embarrassed, I will gather again next time." Then he made a gesture with everyone, and pulled the maple and turned away.

The box was immersed in a strange silence until a girl whispered weakly: "This 戚 maple... is the 戚 maple we just talked about?"

"Oh, it seems to be awkward..."

"God, the real person is much more handsome than the photo!"

"What did he just say, he is Ling... Boyfriend? Am I not mistaken?"

"You didn't get it wrong..."

The girls continued to scream and screamed, and they couldn’t believe it.

"When it's over, we are chewing on the back of the tongue. How can we treat us in the future!"

"Ling can not explain it myself..."

"How can you say this when you encounter this kind of thing? You are being interviewed by a man and his boyfriend on a few boats?"

"What I care about is that Ling Ke is actually gay?"

"Lingke really doesn't touch the girls..."


Of course, Ling Ling’s escape is not a chance to see the students’ reactions.

When he was on the bus with Yan Feng, Ling Ke’s entire face was still burning and hot: "You are really not too big!"

The corner of the mouth of Feng Feng evokes a sly smirk, pushes the gear lever in one hand and starts the car on the road.

Ling Kezhen calmed for a while and couldn't help but laugh. He knew that Feng Feng was deliberately saying it, but from another perspective, Yan Feng dared to show their relationship on this occasion, and also proved that Feng Feng was against him. Feelings are frank.

Yan Feng glanced at him and smiled and asked, "Don't be angry with me?"

Ling Ke did not answer and ask: "Do you know what my classmates are talking about before you come?"

Yan Feng: "How can I know this?"

Ling can tell them about their gossip.

Yan Feng can't laugh and cry: "Hey, this group of people is so bad, even if they think that I am too handsome to match me, I can't ruin me so much. My first kiss and the first night are all given to you alone!"

While vomiting, I still don’t forget narcissism, Ling is also serving.

Yan Feng asked Ling Ke again: "What will you do after that classmates? Will you marry?"

Ling Ke reluctantly said: "I was so upset by you, I don't expect to attend any class reunion."

Yan Feng said this apology: "I'm sorry."

Ling can comfort him: "Nothing, there are not many good students in high school. I feel that the classmates will be blowing each other. In fact, it doesn't mean anything. If you don't go."

Yan Feng listened to this and spit him: "It's really cool."

Ling can shrug his shoulders and pose a gesture of "I am a little ignorant."

Yan Feng’s mouth is a love and hate for his character.

When I arrived at KTV, Yan Feng stopped the car in the underground garage and took Ling to go upstairs. This is the first time Ling Ke has seen the friends and friends of Feng Feng. It is inevitable that there are some cramps: "How many people?"

"Five or six, it's all my dying party in Deyin," Yan Feng patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Shen Yuezhe, Li Zhaoxing, and Zhao Si, you all know each other and played games together."

When I found the box number, when the two talents entered the door, they almost turned over and screamed.

Yan Feng was afraid that Ling could be nervous and took his hand. This move made the group of people who watched the show cheer and scream, and Feng Feng took control of the scene: "Hey, you are enough, noisy me." Can take someone away!"

Zhao Si called: "Don't, I have a one-night field, come sit and sit!" Say the position in the middle to Yan Feng and Ling Ke.

After Feng Feng sat down, they saw that they were all staring at Ling. I was embarrassed: "You all know that you are..."

Li Zhaoxing smiled and said: "Are you stupid, what is the character of the county lord? Do you still expect her to keep your mouth shut? Your relationship with Lingke has long been a secret in our overseas German alumni circle!"

Yan Feng smiled and shook his head, and did not hide it. He grabbed Lingke’s shoulder and said: "That’s it, let’s officially introduce it. This is my boyfriend, Ling Ke. Anyway, how do you treat me, and later How to treat him is to give me the biggest face."

Hearing the name "boyfriend", there was a strange laugh in the crowd, and Ling Ling wanted to dig a hole to drill down.

On the edge of Shen Yuezhe, a serious saying: "How do you treat him when you treat him? Are you serious? I am hooking your shoulders with you, are you allowed me to slap back with Ling Ke? I also caught chickens with you when I was young. You must let me and your boyfriend also interact with each other..."

Qi Feng said: "Roll!"

A group of people laughed, and Zhao Si joked: "To tell the truth, I am not surprised when you come out. I am surprised that the object you came out of is not Shen Yuezhe!"

Shen Yuezhe’s pretense is sad: “Ah, there are new people who forget the old people!”

Everyone: "Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Yan Feng tightened Ling Ke, took a microphone and handed it to him, and shifted the topic: "Don't ignore them, do you want to sing?"

Ling can wave his hand: "I can't." He usually doesn't bother to say a few words, let alone sing, decisively refuse to offer ugliness.

Yan Feng pointed to the pointing machine and said: "What song do you want to listen to, I sing it to you."

Everyone was smashed by the two words of 戚枫, and they went straight to the goosebumps, and they touched their arms one by one.

Immersed in the love of "戚? silly white sweet? Maple" did not care about them, ordered a few love songs, holding a microphone to sing affectionately, but also from time to time and Ling can look at each other, everyone eyes are so hot that they want to cry... Can not stand, and turned over to chat with friends of Feng Feng.

How can a few of the damaging friends of Zhai Feng let go of this good opportunity, catching Ling Ke and talking about the black history and rotten peaches of the year.

Li Zhaoxing said: "I see that the county lord is completely dead, just don't know how the princess is."

Ling Kewen: "Who is the princess?"

Zhao Si smiled: "Chu doubles, do you know? It is also one of the secret lovers of Yu Feng!"

Yan Feng sang a song and quickly came over and explained: "Ling has been seen." It also made a simple mention of the New Year's Day four people going out to play together.

Li Zhaoxing is incredible: "There are two people who have not torn you?"

Yan Feng: "No, people are very interesting. How can you say so bad?"

Shen Yuezhe: "Hey, you idiots think they are pure, tell you that none of our girls like you are vegetarian!"

Ling couldn't help but think of the girl who wanted to buy the 戚 maple personal belongings before, and couldn't help but nod.

Yan Feng said: "You don't have to pick up some of them. I am out of the cabinet now. How can they take me?"

"It is also said that Xu Junxi is so proud and arrogant. If you do this, she will definitely retreat. The princess is also an open-minded sister. You can rest assured." Shen Yuezhe finally said a fair word.

Ling Ke curious: "Why is it called Chu Shuangshuang 'Princess'?"

Speaking of this, everyone is a bit of a sigh of relief. One person took the initiative to explain: "There is a year of the Desheng Culture Festival. Our class has an English version of the 'Snow White'. The two pairs play the princess. Later, the nickname It has been used."

"Oh..." Ling can look at Feng Feng, "What do you play? Dwarf?"

Yan Feng just took a sip of plum juice drink. When he heard this, he spurted it out: "You are so degrading your boyfriend? How can I play the dwarf? They are the dwarfs," he said, pointing at the audience. "Of course I am a prince!"

A group of people gnash their teeth, and the group of fighters attacked: "Yes, yeah, Yan Feng played the prince, and also played a kiss with the princess!"

Yan Fengji said: "There is no real dear, just borrowing! Borrow!"

Everyone pointed to Yan Feng and righteously said: "Fart! Really pro!"

Yan Feng was so embarrassed that it was hard to argue: "I am not, I am not!"

Ling can take a look at this, look at that, and finally meaningfully to Feng Fengdao: "Oh..."

Yan Feng: "Cocoa!" QAQ

Ling Ke Niu laughed and endured the internal injuries. It seems that Yan Feng’s group of friends is also fed up with his narcissism, but dare to make such a joke, showing that their relationship with Yu Feng is real iron.

This is not enough. They continue to dig the pits of Qifeng: "Are you solved the problem with Yan Feng and Yang Xueyu?"

Ling Ke said: "Who is Yang Xueyan?"

The group of people gloated: "Yu Feng's fiancee!"

Ling Ke’s eye knife slammed into Feng Feng and said: “Do you really have a fiancee?”

Yan Feng: "No, cocoa, you listen to me, she likes my brother, not me. She went to the United States after graduating from elementary school. We haven't contacted us for so many years!"

Ling Ke will be suspicious: "Oh..."

Shen Yuezhe added oil and vinegar: "Ah, did you still say that you want to marry her?"

Yan Feng: "But she can't love her, love my brother!"

Ling Ke: "..."

After Feng Feng said that he immediately grabbed Ling Ke’s hand, he said pitifully: "You must believe me!"

A group of people laughed awkwardly, and no one thought that after Feng Feng’s fall in love, he turned out to be a "female strict". He was bullied on his face for so long, and they finally got a bad breath today.

At night, Feng Feng invited guests to dinner, and a group of people went to the middle of the night to disperse.

Before leaving, Ling Ke exchanged the WeChat contact information with several other friends who met for the first time.

That night, he received a message from Shen Yuezhe: "That, Ling Ge, during the day we said that the things of Qi Feng in KTV are jokes, don't take it seriously, this person is actually very simple."

Ling Ke: "Well, I know. [smile]"

He put away his mobile phone and looked at the maple leaf that had just come out of the bathroom after showering. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Come, let me explain my fiancée."

Yan Feng: "..."

戚 怂怂 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 凑 ?

Ling can raise an eyebrow: "Do you still want to marry her?"

Yan Feng raised his hands and said: "I swear to God, I was really just joking at the time."

Ling Ke: "Jokes?"

Sui Feng suddenly sat on the bed, both wronged and helpless: "You will forgive me for being young and ignorant."

Ling did not say anything, and leaned back on the pillow behind him. Yan Feng saw a verbal explanation that had no effect. He slowly gathered it, and the hot and cold lips overlapped, gently kissing him while reaching out to caress his ear roots and Neck...

Ling did not hide, obediently let him touch, let him kiss.

Yan Feng murmured: "Not angry?"

Ling can adjust his posture and squint: "Look at your performance tonight."

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