MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 44 disappointment

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After Xiao Xiao and Gu Chen finished talking, they said goodbye.

Gu Chen is very self-aware, unless he can put down everything in the base, he can go with Xiao Xiao to destroy these monsters.

With his current fourth-level strength, even if he can't help, he won't be a hindrance.

However, the Gu family still cannot do without him now. A soldier charging into battle is definitely not as good as a military advisor.

Gu Chen is that kind of military advisor, but his force is not bad. If he is regarded as a soldier, it would be too talented.

So after getting the information he wanted, he didn't do much to keep him or ask Xiao Xiao about his next itinerary.

Anyway, even if this happened, Gu Chen believed that the fate between him and Xiao Xiao would not be so shallow.

Xiao Xiao, on the other hand, had something in his heart and didn't notice Gu Chen's deepening eyes. After explaining the matter, he returned to Maotu to prepare for rescue.

She was really sad. It turned out that the line of defense was not as simple as she thought, but she had misunderstood the meaning of the system and was complacent there!

'so what? What's the point of me eradicating these second-orders now? ' Xiao Xiao is a little self-sacrificing to ask the system, she is very frustrated now.

'...So you are really stupid? I thought you came back to the defense line after you thought it through, but you only thought about half of it? ' The system did not expect that Xiao Xiao's thoughts were still so naive after so long after the end of the world.

This is also a side effect of the implanted memory. It is also false whether it is true or false. Xiao Xiao's vision is still not long-term enough. If the system gave her this golden finger, she would have died hundreds of times.

'It's all coming back, let's go and destroy it! Anyway, monsters with strange elements will also be attracted to you, but after a period of time, the corpse king will appear. You must eliminate the corpse king in the fastest way, and try not to devour each other. ’

There is no better way for the system. It is too late to rush to Z City to climb over the mountain. Before he has developed a certain strength, it is impossible for the zombie king to jump up in front of Xiao Xiao obediently and be slaughtered. The birth of Xiao Xiao can be easily solved while the other party is unprepared, and it is too late in the past.

You know, corpse kings are all wise, and they will not fight recklessly when they encounter an invincible existence, but will find a way to hide.

Going forward now, although Xiao Xiao can keep a small part, he can't change the general trend.

'It can only be like this...' Xiao Xiao was very depressed, she thought she had thought enough, who knew that she had been doing stupid things all the time!

‘Anyway, how much can save people, right? ’ After Xiao Xiao wanted to understand, he took the map obtained with Xiao Yan before and drove Maotu along the road.

As for the space thing, Xiao Xiao didn't plan to let Gu Chen know that she made it. Anyway, it would be good to use Xiao Yan's vest at that time. This matter is too important. people?

After all, if having one halo is an idol, two halo is a great man, and three halo, then it really can only be said to be a conspiracy!

How is it possible that all good things can be gathered on you? It's just three things, have you heard of it?

Anyway, she didn't plan to put powerful abilities, prophets, and space creators under the same name. Of course, Gu Chen and Chen Wei trust her very much, and they will definitely not without her consent. Say it.

Gu Chen originally wanted to come out to investigate the movement not far from the defense line, but he didn't expect to meet Xiao Xiao.

Gu Chen was very pleasantly surprised by this meeting. You must know that when the twelve modified cars were produced, they all had their positioning. Unfortunately, now the GPS is working and sometimes not working. At most, Gu Chen can only roughly know that Xiao Xiao is driving Where did it go, not to mention that Xiao Xiao sometimes takes the car into space!

However, as Xiao Xiao is the mysterious power user, it is unclear whether he is relieved or more nervous.

You know, the base was still a little worried about this mysterious power user, but now that he knows that it is Xiao Xiao, Gu Chen is no longer afraid. After all, Xiao Xiao has never endangered humans.

However, how to explain it to those at the top?

Gu Chen thought about it for a while, but let's pretend it's not the case. Xiao Xiao made it clear that he didn't want to reveal his identity, so let her continue to be a prophet.

However, you can tell the Gu family about the mutant creatures and why Xiao Xiao left K City, otherwise the Gu family will have some influence on Xiao Xiao's views.

When we were talking just now, Xiao Xiao also explained the appearance of the second-order zombies, and mentioned that due to the mutant beasts, he wanted the base to take back the suggestion of the disaster relief team, and he also had to arrange things.

Most of the places that can be rescued now have already arranged teams as much as possible, and they are out of reach in far places. Next, they will recover the teams and change the combat method to a team of corpse-killing troops, and slowly push them out to establish a safety line by the way.

Therefore, as soon as Gu Chen returned to the base, he immediately asked Wei Shao to communicate with the military and report these matters.

And what about Xiao Xiao?

Xiao Xiao knows that no matter what, all she can do now is to remove those dangerous factors and see if she can rescue those trapped teams.

Most of the disaster relief teams led by power users can survive for a period of time under the siege of second-order zombies. If they can find a place to hide, they can even last longer. This is why space power users are needed. Where you can defend, you can build a small fort to defend.

‘Let’s go to D1 now...hope to save someone. ' Xiao Xiao thought to himself.

Xiao Xiao is quite self-blame, even though people are not as good as God, but these people are more or less trapped because they believe her prophecy, and even killed, she has no shirk.

After Xiao Xiao drove Maotu to the rescue road, he started discussing with the system about the three-headed dog.

'What happened to that dog? This strength, it feels like there is a fifth order, right? ’ Xiao Xiao asked the system, she was surprised why the system didn’t prompt her just now.

'No, strictly speaking, it's still Tier 4. It's just promoted. If you look at the strange elements it collects, it has already hunted a lot of Tier 2 beings. It should have been promoted successfully yesterday. ’ The system finally responded to Xiao Xiao.

‘There will be more and more dangers in the future, unless you encounter unsolvable things, I will not give you any more tips. You have to learn how to distinguish the strength of the enemy, and even apply the moves you have remembered and trained to take advantage of when the enemy is not yet strong. ’

‘As for why the mutant beast reached the fifth rank? Let's put it this way, its three crystal nuclei have become a superposition, and even when they are released, they will absorb the extra overflowing energy from each other, so as to achieve an energy that doubles the strength of the attack. That's why it can be released for so long without drying up. ’

'So it's still only Tier 4? ’ Xiao Xiao was a little disappointed, but it took her a lot of work to solve it.

‘Yes, but your attack method is wrong, you should think more about how you usually train, instead of using this kind of brute force to crack. Now it's okay for the enemy to be low-level, but if you encounter an existence whose level is getting smaller and smaller, you will suffer a lot. ' System Road.

"I see..." Xiao Xiao also felt that she shouldn't work so hard. In terms of energy, she has far surpassed the other party, but she has been delayed for so long, and she should reflect on it.

The system is actually a little disappointed with Xiao Xiao, but it also knows that there is no rush. It was only after seeing Xiao Xiao's reckless behavior that it agreed that Xiao Xiao should come back to the defense line and fight slowly. Only then did it realize that Xiao Xiao is like a child now. Holding a cannon, it is very powerful but can't use it. It needs actual combat training, otherwise it will be very troublesome to directly face the existence of the corpse king.

'You must know that according to this training method, there is a limit to the energy that can be harvested. When it is nearly 5,000 degrees, you will have to use the Corpse King's crystal core subsidy to advance, so you must be familiar with how to fight as soon as possible. . ' The system seriously reminded Xiao Xiao to grow up as soon as possible while the zombies and mutant beasts are not of high rank.

'I see. ’ Xiao Xiao knew that she should be serious. She used to be arrogant and arrogant because she had a tenth-level mental ability, and she ignored all mutant beasts and zombies, thinking that it would not be too difficult for her to destroy them.

But in fact, she lacks actual combat experience, not to mention that the attack power of mental powers in real battles is not comparable to that of other types.

Xiao Xiao's next itinerary is very simple. In order to be in a hurry, she does not stop at every place she goes to, and directly uses the previous large-scale killing method to kill first-order zombies to open the way.

However, due to the length of time these rescue teams lost contact, in some places, Xiao Xiao could only see a piece of wreckage when he arrived, and even saw a lot of corpses that had been cut by themselves in order not to become zombies.

She feels very powerless about this, and hates herself very much. If it weren't for her misinformation, these people would have survived.

'It's not your fault,' the system comforted: 'You have done a good job. In this kind of natural disaster, only one person can be saved. If you count all the dead on your own head, you will collapse sooner or later. of. ’

The system detected that Xiao Xiao's mental state was getting more and more depressed, and it started to be like this after talking with Gu Chen. It knew that it was because she realized that she was too naive before, so she was hit too hard.

After all, she always thought that after she came back to help, she could recover a certain range in a short time and save more survivors, but in fact, it was not as easy as she imagined.

For Xiao Xiao, although she didn't realize it, she really put herself in the position of the savior.

Apart from seeing those situations in her memory, she had never encountered such a situation of facing a lot of self-destruction.

And down the road, this kind of collective self-cutting corpse has been seen three times. This situation means that they once also waited for rescue, but they had no choice but to make a choice for human beings after they couldn't wait.

The self-cutting corpse will not become a zombie, because it has lost its activity, but it will be bitten by a zombie, so the scene is very cruel.

The only thing she can do is to simply dig a hole, help them settle down, simply make a tomb, and then continue on the road.

Once, twice, Xiao Xiao's face became more and more expressionless as the positions on the list were crossed out one by one. If the performance of the car was not good, the twins in the back seat would have been injured by her long ago.

During this period, Xiao Xiao drove faster and faster each time he stopped and then started again.

And as she moved longer, more and more zombies were killed, and they fell in groups.

What Xiao Xiao didn't know was that when her negative emotions became greater, her attack method gradually became sharper. This was the so-called killing intent, because the faster she was in the same area, the shorter the time she needed to attack. The higher the accuracy.

Anyway, the efficiency is up. If you look at it from a distance, it is a car center. Like the situation of the ruined building in Z City, all the zombies in the area fell down like rice.

In this regard, the system can only help Xiao Xiao collect crystal nuclei as much as possible, and it is useless to convince him now, just wait for Xiao Xiao to figure it out by himself.

This situation continued for a day, and it didn't stop until she encountered a group of second-order zombies.

'How is this? ' Xiao Xiao used his mental power to sweep to a strange place before relaxing his tense mental state and asking the system a question.

‘Zombie siege? ’

Read The Duke's Passion