MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 45 rescue

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What appeared in Xiao Xiao's mental vision was a strange sight.

This is located near the D1 area. Looking at the landform, it is probably a rural area before the end of the world, because there are many abandoned farmlands next to it.

In the middle is a common third-floor house before the end of the world, probably where the local landlord lived.

However, next to the building, there is a layer of earth wall with pieces of blades attached to it. It is not difficult to judge that it is a defensive measure made by the earth element combined with the gold element ability.

In the outer circle, there are more than twenty second-order zombies and hundreds of first-order zombies.

The scene can be described as very spectacular, but it is not very good for the group of people who are surrounded.

"Well now, what do you say? I told you not to go to that hospital. You have to act on your own. If the captain insisted on saving you, we would have evacuated safely!" This is one of the black The girl with short hair said that she was about twenty-five years old and was a member of the disaster relief team.

"I... I just think that there are so many of us, and that hospital is the only large hospital near this town, and the medicines in the base are getting more and more scarce. How many people can be saved if these medicines are brought back, so I Just..." Judging from her immature face, she was probably just an eighteen-year-old high school student before the end of the world, with a very innocent personality.

"So? Doesn't the captain know that there are a lot of medicines there? We have a lot of people, but don't think about how many zombies will be born in the hospital at the beginning of the end of the world? It is difficult for ordinary people to escape. People will definitely be infected by the corpse! I want to know how dangerous it is!" Zheng Ya, the girl who had just asked her aloud, took her words.

"Captain is in a coma because of his injuries. We've been trapped here for three days! The group of zombies is still surrounded. Can you think about it before you do anything? If you have a plan, go get it. Medicine, we are back at the base long ago!"

You can't blame Zheng Ya for her heavy-handed condemnation. She was always troubled, of course she would take medicine if she had it, but that would only be done before evacuation. Their main purpose was to see if there were any survivors nearby!

Now in this situation, they can only rely on the defense composed of supernatural abilities to hold on, and they will be finished when the food runs out.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoya, don't say a few words, Wanling didn't mean it, she also wanted to help..." A young man in his twenties next to him said for help. He was fine if he didn't speak. It's fueling the fire.

"Cober! Don't think that I don't know that you are a squeamish little girl like Wanling! You don't let her understand how stupid her actions are. Even if we escape this time, it won't end well next time! "Zheng Ya went back even more angrily.

"Right... I'm sorry, I... I really didn't mean it... I didn't expect..." Huang Wanling was also about to cry. She was only a high school girl, and she was still preparing for the college entrance examination. Who knew that the end of the world would come so suddenly, Fortunately, her home is a small town within the defense line, and she has also awakened the space ability. This is her first mission, and she did not expect that what she thought was a good thing would harm everyone.

"Okay, don't say a word, save your energy! If there is really no food, we must rush out, at least let Wanling leave safely!" This is the team's deputy captain, a man in his thirties. A good-natured man, he is slick in his work, and he has already done a mission before, so he was assigned to this team to assist.

"Xiao Ke! Xiao Zheng! I know you are all good, but Wan Ling's idea is right. We are going to take the medicine. Don't blame her! She is just inexperienced." Xu Yan said, "Wan Ling Ling, if there is a chance, we will try our best to let you leave, if that happens, you must bring the medicine back to the base as much as possible, there are a lot of special medicines in it, and the base is still in short supply!"

Knowing that no one can escape if they get to that point, but Xu Yan still has to maintain good morale. At least according to the current situation, they can hold on for a few more days. Maybe they will encounter other rescue teams?

Xu Yan was also very worried. He didn't know why the group of zombies kept surrounding him. He knew that they had already isolated the smell as much as possible! This situation is abnormal!

‘Anyway, the zombies outside can’t attack now. ' That's all he could console himself.

This is their pre-designed shelter, and there are enough resources to use.

The base has certain rules for disaster relief teams. For example, all disaster relief teams must use their abilities to create a safe place before performing their tasks. At least if there is an accident during the evacuation, they can hide in the shelter first. Avoid direct encounter with extinction.

This shelter also has another function, which is to accommodate the survivors. After all, they can’t carry these burdens with them to rescue them when they arrive at their destination, so the design of defense is OK.

There are about 20 people in this group. The people who are discussing are obviously the power user team here. Next to them is a man in his twenties and thirties lying on the bed with a lot of bandages on his body. It should be the so-called Captain.

The other dozen or twenty survivors they found do not live on the same floor as them. This is mainly for management convenience and safety. The first floor is where the survivors are not allowed to approach when they are not eating.

But unlike their tense atmosphere, the survivors are very relaxed now. When they see the defense and enough supplies here, they know that the so-called rescue team really exists, and they are all relieved.

Anyway, the survivors who have been starved and frozen for many days, came to this shelter and rested very relaxedly. In their thinking, the group of zombies outside will be solved by the rescue team sooner or later, so there is no need to worry too much. .

When Xiao Xiao arrived, this was the situation inside.

She didn't know how many tombs she had made this day, and this was the first time she had encountered a living team.

She looked at the situation at the scene, a group of people, eight healthy Tier 2 abilities, a seriously injured Tier 3, and twenty ordinary survivors, which is quite a lot.

It seems that they should be waiting for rescue in the shelter. Because of the information given by Xiao Xiao, the reason why the mutant beasts are about to reach the peak of the camp, so in two days, the rescue team sent by the base will gradually arrive at these places, but in the end It's hard to say how many people can be saved.

Anyway, when Xiao Xiao saw the living person, his mood finally eased.

'It should be that there is a mutant snake under this building that is still transforming, so there are zombies around. ' After the system swept the ground under which Xiao Xiao was still unable to penetrate, it gave Xiao Xiao a conclusion.

'what? Fifth grade? Xiao Xiao, you'd better hurry up, it's about to wake up, and it will be a disaster to eat these zombies outside. ’ The system reminded Xiao Xiaodao again.

That's right, this group of people is not the target of the zombies, but just after the group of corpses chased them to the shelter, they sensed that the mutant snake below was in a weak state, and they were reluctant to let go of this delicious meal, but they couldn't get in through the door. I had to stay around all the time, otherwise they would have dispersed in twos and threes long ago.

This snake should have been down there before the search and rescue team set up a shelter. It can only be said that they are too good at choosing places.

Xiao Xiao didn't plan to deal with them, she planned to save people and continue to the next place! You must know that when you finally meet a living person, it is not necessary to give Xiao Xiao a shot of cardiotonic, and there are still people waiting for rescue in those places.

But how to save now is the question.

Xiao Xiao thought about it, the number is not too many...but not too many, they need a car!

There are three or four cars that have been scrapped outside the defense measures, it seems that they should have been scrapped as firewalls when they escaped to the shelter.

Xiao Xiao first got a bus out of the space, which was collected last time, and then prepared the supplies, water and gasoline as in Z City. After pointing the direction on the map on the bus, put it in the first place. aside.

Then, I directly gave all the zombies a ruthless plan. After the accuracy was greatly improved, I saw hundreds of them, whether first-order or second-order, all fell down, and the system also dutifully brought all the crystal cores directly. Walk.

Of course, the people in these situations don't know it, and they are still troubled.

"Huh? Do you feel that it seems to be quiet outside?"

In the silent atmosphere, suddenly, a power user spoke up.

"Yeah? Could it be that the zombies are finally gone?" Ke Bai took over and said.

"Wait, I'll go out and see, you guys don't move." Xu Yan also felt strange, anyway, he is a wind-type ability user, and the speed is fast, it doesn't take much time to come and go.

After he finished speaking, he motioned for the others to continue to rest first, and then walked to the door, standing inside the defensive measures and looking out.

Suddenly, he seems to see a person?

Xiao Xiao found out that the vice-captain finally came out, and immediately gave him a hint, and even directly used the new skills of spiritual power to fabricate dreams.

This is like the system implanting memory into Xiao Xiao, but Xiao Xiao can only have a short hallucination now, and cannot reach the long-term memory of the system.

Anyway, Xu Yan was suddenly confused for a while, and then walked into the room in a daze, and said to all the powers: "Xiao Zheng, Xiao Ke, you go upstairs to wake everyone up, we are going now. Others, carry the captain on their shoulders, and rescue is here."

"Rescue?" Huang Wanling wanted to ask something else: "But..." She didn't see any other movement!

Before finishing the question, Coppa suddenly pulled her, shook his head, motioned her not to ask, and agreed, "Okay, we'll go up right now."

Now everyone knows that something has happened, whether it's good or bad is hard to say, but it's right to listen to Xu Yan's arrangements first.

Anyway, after five minutes, everyone, including the injured captain, was carried, so he walked out of the defense and saw a bus parked there.

The current situation is very strange. The zombies surrounded by the outside have all fallen to the ground, leaving only a bus that suddenly appeared in a place where it should not be, and even the appearance is very clean.

You know, it is very unscientific to see an uncontaminated car appearing outside the defense line in this situation.

Although everyone felt a little weird, they didn't say anything. After all, they believed that Xu Yan was a person and would not do meaningless things.

"Get in the car, don't ask, Wanling remembers to hand in the medicine when she goes back, we are saved."

Xu Yan didn't say much, just let everyone get in the car, and then drove the car in the direction of the base.

Nothing happened until the car started, and although they still didn't understand what was going on, everyone was relieved.

'So simple? What are you making up? ' Seeing that Xu Yan came out so soon, the system asked Xiao Xiao curiously.

'I...I didn't make up anything. ' Xiao Xiao smiled mysteriously without explaining to the system.

What did she make up?

She just pulled Xu Yan into a dream when he opened the door.

Then she told Xu Yan that he was in a dream now, and the next moment he cut off his hands directly to Qigan, but he did not feel pain. Anyway, Xu Yan could not feel the existence of his hands, as if he had never It has never been the same.

Then tell him, give him five minutes and bring everyone out, because there are monsters under this shelter, if you don't want to die, come out immediately!

Of course, in the meantime, he'll get a bus in exchange, enough to get them back to base safely.

Without waiting for Xu Yan to react, he let him re-see the situation of all the zombies lying on the ground outside, and even his hands returned to normal, as if that moment was just an illusion.

In this case, what can Xu Yan do? The other party is obviously much more powerful than them, and this method is only used for lazy communication, but he can still understand the good intentions.

So he did as the other party asked, no matter how bad it was, it wouldn't be too bad.

Xiao Xiao feels that this mysterious method may be the fastest solution to this situation. A stick with sweet dates is simple, clear, and neat!

You know, Xiao Xiao didn't lie, but she told the truth!

Dreamland? Yes, it's a dream, yes! Look, you wake up with your hands all right!

Are there monsters below? Indeed there is! Who knows what the **** will come out of the fifth-order mutation?

bus? Right here! There is still water and supplies, and a map is included, as long as you go back along the road Xiao Xiaoqing passed to ensure safety!

It's just that this method is a bit unflattering.

'...Well, very good, it seems that you are good at applying what you have learned. If you work hard in the future, I believe that you will be able to remember it for decades like me in the near future. ' The system taunted Xiao Xiao.

The system knows that Xiao Xiao has just learned this new move, and it is impossible to use something complicated, but Xiao Xiao actually wants to hide it? Are the wings hard?

Oh, sample! Want to run before learning to walk? Let's see if it will secretly add food to training later! Just wait and see!

Read The Duke's Passion