MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2232 Qihua arrived

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! New universe, heaven.

Compared with the former heavens, today's heavens, the change is called ups and downs.

The most obvious thing is that the former chaos has disappeared and the ranks have disappeared. Each ethnic group basically has a fixed territory and position.

Although the actual leader of the heavens is still the "chaotic" side.

However, the pattern of the Wan people has changed dramatically.


A later rise of the ethnic group, shocked the Wan people.

It is the "celestial family"!

Thousands of years ago, the Tianzu was born. Under the leadership of the "God of Heaven", the Tianzu commanded the "Tianlong Ba Bu" a total of eight tribes, and jointly swept the heavens, the Wan people could not stop.

The Tianlong Ba Bu is the eight tribes headed by the Tianzu and the Dragon.


Tianzu, Dragon, a large number, strong.

The Ashura, the Yaksha, and the Kalouro have a strong fighting power.

The Nairos, etc., also have their own strengths.

The eight major tribes learn from each other's strengths and join hands. Other races are not rivals at all.

Even the powerful demons of the Devils were at the peak of the showdown and were defeated by the Tianzu.


The eight tribes, such as the Tianzu and the Dragon, are scattered around the world.

The core of the Tianzu, the "God", resides in the "Tian Ting", and the Heavenly Court has become the world's most supreme place after the "Chaotic Mountain".

This day.

The **** "Emperor" stands at the heavenly gate of the heavenly court and overlooks the foot.

In the past thousands of years, he led the eight tribes, and occupied the territory. The Tianzu rose with it and officially defeated the demons one hundred years ago, becoming the first big family in the heavens.

The "Emperor" has become one of the top powerhouses in the world.

"I am now achieving the goal of the past? Although there are some strong players in this world, there are still some... but there is no stronger race than the Celestial. In the future, the Tianzu is in the heavens. Status will only be higher!"

At the foot of the emperor, there is boundless continent and ocean.

The Celestials have conquered the heavens.

For a time.

The emperor went to the world and satisfactorily examined the current situation of the Tianzu.


A wave of volatility came to the emperor.

The emperor felt that he was lifted up.

"What happened?" The emperor was shocked and wanted to resist, but found himself unable to move.

In the other gods in the heavens, and in the eyes of the living beings below, there is a golden dragon, flying with the gods, and rushing to the end of the sky!


After coming out of heaven, calling for the emperor.

However, the emperor has no way to respond.

this day.

It is a very important day in the history of the Tianzu.

Later generations recorded in the history books: "The gods (the emperor) take the golden dragon to the heavens, the fairy music is played, the beasts worship, the purple gas rises, and the gods (the emperor) will not return."


"this is?"

Too one eye, a staring at the name, and panting, almost to the young people on the ground.

"He is the candidate who can play the 'Hedgehog Nest'."

Qi Ying smiled lightly.


Through the mind of God, Qi Ying introduced a large amount of information into the mind of the emperor.

The Emperor felt that his head had to be split. When he felt the suppression of unprecedented pressure, he was like a person who was caught in the throat and could not breathe. He could only rely on the hidden will in the body, little by little. Persevere, absorb the influx of information, and persist in the pressure of terror around you.


After a long time.

The emperor spit out a sigh of relief.

He first looked up and saw Qi Ying, his eyes, and a trace of complexity.

The memory that the emperor got, tells him that the person in front of him is actually his "father", the heavenly realm he is in, the real master.

"Heaven, it’s so small, wow..."

The emperor is very emotional.


The emperor quickly accepted the reality.

He came to the world known as the "plane of God", where is the real top presence and where it is.

With his power, in the plane of God, it is the weakest existence. Now I am afraid that even if I stand up, I will have certain difficulty. If I can not be crushed, my strength will reach the strongest level in the heavens. .

If you change to a **** with a weaker heaven, I am afraid that it will be directly pressed into a meatloaf by the pressure of the plane of God.

"Qihua, your "Book of Changes", born out of my "Lianshan Yi". I hope that you can use "Book of Changes" to promote the place where the hedgehog nest is located."

Qi Ying opened the way.

When I heard the strange and familiar name of "Qihua", the emperor's look was obviously a glimpse.

But he accepted it very quickly.

Yourself, this is "Qihua"! Although the so-called "father" did not always support himself, in the end, he was born because of him, and because of him, he can have the power of today.

What the "father" needs to help himself may also have a bearing on the survival of the heavens.

Helping "father" means helping yourself.

and so.

Qihua nodded and said, "I will try it, but there is no absolute certainty!"

Taiyi, as well as the gods who witnessed the emergence of the gods, will be suspicious.

Finally, the devil "Gende" disdain and snorted. "Although I don't know, how did you come up with such a guy, but with the strength of this weakest level of demigod, who would believe that he had detected the hedgehog? The special ability of the nest?"

Most people, with grace, hold the same idea.

after all.

Qihua, the strength shown, is too weak.

I am afraid that even the hedgehog, born soon, is stronger than Qihua!

Such a weak demigod, they are the first time to see.

"You question him, just question me!" Qi Ying was dissatisfied.

Those gods who are skeptical are immediately full of faces - they are unwilling to have a bad relationship with Qi Ying! To know that they have not got enough Hongmeng Lingbao, for the rest of those Hongmeng Lingbao, how can they have to take Qi Ying for the time being.

Taiyi slowly said. "Qi Ying, is he really capable?"

Qi Yingyi arched his hand.. "I don't dare to bully a predecessor. I don't have a deep understanding of my ability to align. But I think that with the ability to be homogeneous, we can certainly grasp some of the information we have never mastered."

Taiyi looks at Qihua again.. "Really?"

Qihua nodded, said: "My "Book of Changes" has already deduced sixty-four 卦. One life two, two three, and three things! All the rules of operation are included in the "Book of Changes", Although it is not completely perfect, it is absolutely no problem to use to deduct some existing things."

"Good!" Too bright eyes, "That will let you try. God's plane, and the hopes of the heavens, this time can be placed on you. As long as you can find the hedgehog's lair, it means that we Can eliminate the crisis before the expansion!"

Read The Duke's Passion