MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2109 It’s time to end the **** war!

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"Ya's Bed, what do you want to say?"

Will Yabe Bed attack Li Yalin? No, that is simply impossible. Li Yalin knows this well, so when the guardians of the class have come forward to guard, he is directly swinging his hand and stopping everyone's movements.

Looking at Ya'er Bed again, Li Yalin's mouth raised slightly, and he knew that his chances were coming.

"Yahlin adults..."

Ya'er Bede also returned to God at this time. It was indeed that she was overreacting. If she said strictly, even if she was killed on the spot, she should have no complaints.

At the moment, facing Li Yalin, the pretty face of Ya'er Bed is full of sad feelings. She has the heart to express all the feelings in her heart, but she is afraid that Li Yalin will be angry.

After all, Ya'er Bede is very clear that his evil temper is not very popular with Yalin adults. On the point of being favored, she does not have the slightest advantage.

How to explain?

What should I say?

Ya'er Bede is actually very upset, let her make an explanation at this moment, she does not know what to say.

Then Yaer Bede does not say, should Li Yalin say something to her?

Yes, he really deserves it.

"Do you want to go with me too?"

Just to hear Li Yalin’s words, Ya’er’s small head is just like a rattle in the next moment. She meant this, but she couldn’t say it anyway. Now she’s actually told by her Yalin adults. She was so moved by tears.

Yes, the tears of Ya'er Bede really flowed down. Although the devil's tears have always been worthless, the guardian of the great Nasarik graves like Jasper Bede will only shed the tears of the crocodile. But at this moment, Ya'er Bede can swear, her tears are completely from the heart, and moved by her supreme supreme understanding.

"Ya's Bede, you should know that in the world we are assisting, not only do I have a lot of my wife, but even my children, you are sure to continue to be a normal person after seeing my wife and daughter. Heart?"

Ya'er Bede was really touched, but who thought that Li Yalin's next question was to make her feel like a lightning strike, and she was directly stiff on the spot.

Yalin adults...the wife and daughter of Yalin adults?

Yes, Li Yalin has a wife, and even a lot of children, but the problem is that he never let his wife and daughter meet with these guardians of the Nasarik grave, especially Yaerbe De, that is absolutely impossible to see.

To ask why this is the first answer to this question is that Li Yalin really does not want to let these kind-hearted and simple girls come into contact with these extremely evil existences, like Sebas in the good camp and they are better by Li, but if it is ya The words of Bede and Shatiya, if anything happened, Paul Li Lin wanted to cry and tears.

What's more, he is also very aware of the passionate love that Yabe Bed has for himself. This love will not change, but it is difficult to digest. The most important thing is that no one knows this love. Will it evolve into an exclusive desire?

If Yale Bede sees Li Yalin’s wife, will her heart rise? Once she rises up, with her extremely bad character, will she retaliate against Li Yalin’s wife?

Although I don't know what the result is, Li Yalin feels that it is not a bad thing to plan ahead.

It is precisely because of this that there will be such a temptation.


I didn't expect Yale Bedd to have such a question. In a short time, she didn't know how to answer it, and she asked herself if she was not sure how she should answer.

She is in love with the supreme Nazarik tomb in front of her, but once the love is too strong, it is easy to burn people around, Yabe Bed is not an idiot, Li Yalin is also very easy to understand, she is of course very I can understand it soon.

"Let's let Yale Bede, I will give you some time to think about it. If you think it is acceptable, I will take you there, but if you can't accept it, stay in the big tomb of Nazarik. I don't want to see anything. Things that you are willing to see happen."

When I talked about it, it was basically the same. Yaer Bede understood that Li Yalin would not have to speak more. Next, it was the selection time of the Nasarik Big Grave Guardian.

Did you leave with the Nasiric Supreme, or stay in the big tomb?

Whether it is possible to hold the heart, this is the most important issue that Ya'er Bede needs to consider, and the result of this question is definitely that emotion is greater than reason.

Yes, from the intellectual point of view, Ya'er Bede felt that she should stay, but her feelings have already erupted. She feels that if she can't follow the story of Yalin, she will be killed, so in the end, She still made that choice.

In this regard, Li Yalin did not feel surprised, and he did not feel that this one will be able to restrain Yabe Bed.

Yes, Li Yalin has already prepared for it. He knows that this time he must take away Ya'er Bede. Otherwise, after the end of the war, he will take away the Rhine, and then leave Yaer Bede in hell, which will inevitably lead to The rebound of Ya'er Bede, even if she will never rebel against herself, will definitely cause friction and resentment between the two, it is not a good thing.

This time, the dialogue is just a good amount of advancement. After waiting for the world of the demon college, he will definitely have to make arrangements again. Don't let Yale Bede contact his own sisters as much as possible.

In fact, he did exactly that.

After the outbreak of the war, the guardians of the Nasarik graves, such as Ya'er Bede, did not really debut, and everyone was arranged at the rear to prepare for the unexpected.

Really on the battlefield, except for Li Yalin’s witches, the rest are the demon lords from hell.

Although the demon lords did lose a lot after the end of the war, this did not have anything to do with Li Yalin. Anyway, it was a cannon fodder. If it is consumed, it can be added as soon as it is added. It is a simple matter. .

What really needs attention is the safety of their own witch girls. As a perfectionist, Li Yalin can't help any of her sisters fall.

Fortunately, the witches of their own are very contentious, and at most they are injured, and no one has fallen.

Not only that, but they have personally seized the sin and sin, and handed it to Li Yalin to personally try the punishment, which is definitely a great achievement.

The problem is that even if their own witches are very powerful, the demon lords have made a lot of sacrifices. The world of devil colleges is still not a small loss. As for why it caused such losses, it must be said from the ally's allies. Start.

The magical weapon, without any genius, will only instinct obey orders, and will be made of magical weapons.

The destructive power of this thing is not small. If it is not properly prepared, the world is afraid of encountering a round of baptism.

So where did this magical weapon come from?

This has to say that Li Yalin's family, the sea goddess, the deep sea mother and the sea fog girl, if it is true, they can definitely be regarded as the same family, but there are subtle differences.

It is reasonable to say that the ship mother and the deep sea ghost Ji should be regarded as similar products. The sea fog warship is completely another product, and the three are even less likely to be associated with the magic weapon.

But in the fantasy plane, these populations will still be classified together, and should be regarded as a small classification under the big classification.

The race with the magical weapon was originally related to the sea fog fleet. Unfortunately, as the sea fog belonged to Li Yalin, the race with the magical weapon immediately became the enemy of Li Yalin.

In the original battle, there was no less war between the two sides.

However, because there are so many relations, the war between the two sides did not really kill the dead. According to Yamato, she hopes to let her old friends have a way of life. After all, the same race as the fantasy world, she does not want to be used by old friends. So killed by the family.

If this is not the case, it is absolutely impossible for the magical weapon to appear again in this world.

It is a pity that Yamato's kindness has not been able to exchange the results she wants. In fact, now her old friend has become her true enemy, and launching a full-scale war against Li Yalin is definitely an endless rhythm.

Look at the results of Li Yalin’s trial from sin than Mengmeng. The Knight of 100,000 Qing is marching toward Li Yalin’s ruled territory, learning to fight the urban world, with the intention of destroying the world and causing indelible pain to Li Yalin.

Although it is reasonable to say that even if there is no sinful confession, it is absolutely impossible to fall into the urban world of learning and fighting, but in fact, Li Yalin still feels a little scared.

If he had special abilities, the enemy’s conspiracy would be really awkward!

Damn... Since you are looking for death, then I will be all right!

From the sin than the Mongolian mouth to get bad news, Li Yalin's mood is very unpleasant, although he also knows that it is not good to show it in front of everyone, but in fact, he is still very unhappy.

What if I am not happy?

Very simple! It’s good to find someone to vent out!

First, the guardians of the Nasarik grave are sent back to hell, and then the witches are sent back to their original world. Then they will simply swear by their wives, and Li Yalin will leave the world of the demon college.

Anyway, the war in this world is over, and there will be no threat in the future. He hopes that when he returns, everything will be calm.

It’s time to end the **** war!

Everything should be broken!

It’s just that I’m sorry for Rhein. I’m good at it. After the war in the world of the devil’s college is over, I will take her and Su together to distract myself. Now I can only postpone this time.

Li Yalin believes that this time will never be too long!

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